184 research outputs found

    Making sense of a strategy that never was: Lessons from an OSF program

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    The Economic Justice Program (EJP) of the Open Society Foundations ran from 2018 until the end of December 2021. During this time EJP developed the Foundations' first-ever strategy dedicated to fighting economic injustice and advanced approaches to good grantmaking for social change. Due to organizational changes, the strategy was never implemented as designed. But it was successful by many other measures; in the words of one staff member: "Despite numerous moments when many of us (definitely me) wondered if it might not actually be possible, we truly became a team, with a strategy and a culture we all believed in."  This brief summarizes the lessons learnt along the way, offering both insights from experience and practical tools for strategy design. Our aim in sharing these lessons is to equip funders and civil society organizations to embrace complexity and to inspire deeper engagement with culture, communications, and other key elements that are critical to bringing any strategy to lif

    La divine comédie dans les Andes ou les tribulations du mort dans son voyage vers l’au-delà

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    La divine comédie dans les Andes ou les tribulations du mort dans son voyage vers l’au-delà. Le présent article examine des récits eschatologiques individuels recueillis dans deux communautés paysannes quechuaphones de la région andine de Cuzco (Pérou). À partir des représentations de la géographie de l’au-delà, il questionne les interprétations qui évoquent des « survivances préhispaniques », avant de s’intéresser aux formes de récupération et de recomposition de l’imaginaire de la mort par les missionnaires à l’époque coloniale. Cette étape historique fournit une clé pour mieux appréhender la nature particulière du rapport qui unit aujourd’hui les hommes à leurs morts, ainsi qu’il se donne à voir notamment à la Toussaint. Ce rituel ouvre un cycle d’échange entre les vivants et leurs morts, possible après le périple purgatoire de l’âme et l’obtention finale de son salut. Ainsi, le caractère pathogène attribué aux défunts durant les funérailles doit être mis en rapport avec les péchés qu’ils portent au moment du décès.The Andean divine comedy or the tribulations of the soul in its voyage to the hereafter. This article analyzes individual eschatological narrations registered in two peasant quechuaspeaking communities of the Cuzco region (Peru). Taking as a starting point the representations of the geography of the hereafter, it retakes the interpretations that categorize them as pre-hispanic survival. Further on, it shows how the imagination about death was transformed by the missionaries in colonial times. This historical moment is important in order to understand the current relationship between live and dead human beings, as it can be seen in All Saint’s Day. This ritual opens a cycle of exchange between the living and the dead it is only possible when the latter have already concluded their purgatory voyage and have reached their final salvation. In the same way the pathogenic character of the defunct during the funerals must be related to the sins they are charged with in the moment of decease.La divina comedia en los Andes o las tribulaciones del alma en su viaje hacia el más-allá. Este artículo examina unos relatos escatológicos individuales recopilados en dos comunidades campesinas quechuahablantes de la región del Cuzco (Perú). Partiendo de una reflexión sobre las representaciones de la geografía del más allá, revisa las interpretaciones que las califican de « supervivencias prehispánicas » para luego interesarse en la manera en que ha sido recuperado y recompuesto el imaginario de la muerte por los misioneros de la época colonial. En este periodo histórico encontramos una clave para entender la forma particular de la relación que vincula, hoy en día, a los hombres con sus difuntos, tal como se puede apreciar en Todos Los Santos. Este ritual abre un ciclo de intercambio entre los vivos y los muertos, posible luego del periplo purgatorio del alma y su salvación final. Asimismo, el carácter patógeno imputado a los difuntos durante los ritos funerarios se debe relacionar en los pecados que cargan en el momento de fallecer

    D’os, d’habits et de cendres

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    Depuis une vingtaine d’années, les campagnes d’exhumations de charniers des épisodes de violence de masse se sont déployées à l’échelle internationale. C’est notamment le cas du Pérou où l’on décompte environ quinze mille personnes disparues et plus de six mille fosses communes relatives au conflit armé de la fin du xxe siècle. L’apparition extraordinaire de ces morts déterrés engage, pour les familles concernées, une gestion complexe de ces retrouvailles inespérées, tant sur le plan matériel que symbolique. On verra que les exhumations induisent une reconfiguration des modes d’action rituels et cultuels et des réponses socioculturelles inédites en termes d’élaboration collective du deuil. C’est à la circulation de ces restes humains, aux dispositifs funéraires qui les encadrent et à la destinée post-mortem des morts retrouvés, ou de leurs substituts, que cet article propose d’apporter un éclairage à partir de l’exemple péruvien.For about twenty years, mass grave exhumation campaigns of mass violence episodes have been deployed internationally. This is particularly the case in Peru where we count about fifteen thousand missing persons and more than six thousand mass graves related to the late twentieth century armed conflict. For the families concerned, the extraordinary reappearance of these unearthed dead requires a complex management, both materially and symbolically, of these unforeseen reunions. I will see that the exhumations induce a reconfiguration of cultural and ritual modes of action and novel socio-cultural responses in terms of the collective elaboration of mourning. Drawing upon the Peruvian example, this paper proposes to shed light on the meanings of these human remains, the funerary devices surrounding them, and the post-mortem destiny of the found dead or their substitutes

    Le viol de la femme du préfet ou le récit subversif d’une inversion des rapports de domination dans les Andes

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    Le viol de la femme du préfet  Prefectopa señoranpa viulayusqanmantaIl y avait la femme d’un préfet. Son époux était parti au loin, au village d’Esquina. Alors des jeunes hommes dirent :  Kasqa prefectopa señoran. Hinaspas karuta wiraquchanqa rin Iskinachatas riki. Hinaspas chhayna maqt’akunas.— Je te parie que je peux me la faire, cette dame.  — Akismá chay señorata nuqa usaruyman –nispa nisqa.— Mais comment tu pourrais te la faire cette dame, toi qui n’es qu’un Indien ?  Hinaspas: — Imaynat..


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    "Entrevista realizada por Simone Rodrigues e Valerie Robin à coordenadora do programa COFUNERAIRE, Gaëlle Clavandier, e a dois membros da equipe de pesquisa, Philippe Charrier e Guillaume Rousset. Entretien avec la coordinatrice du programme COFUNERAIRE, Gaëlle Clavantier, et deux membres de l'équipe de recherche, Philippe Charrier et Guillaume Rousset. L'objectif du programme Cofuneraire (https://cofuneraire.hypotheses.org) est de documenter le plus rapidement possible les dispositions proposées par les professionnels du monde funéraire au moment de la crise dans le respect des contraintes liées à la gestion des pandémie dans trois pays différents : la France, la Suisse et l'Italie. Il s'agit également d'évaluer l'impact (matériel et psychologique) de ces nouvelles procédures sur les personnes endeuillées et d'analyser au mieux l'inventivité dont elles font preuve face à cette situation singulière. Ce programme propose donc de suivre non seulement la crise elle-même, mais aussi sa sortie et les mois suivants, afin de rendre compte des pratiques, des arbitrages, des ajustements, des innovations et des conflits éventuels découlant de ces situations. Une démarche qualitative est mise en œuvre, respectant les principes éthiques en vigueur ; il s'appuie sur une ethnographie - observations, entretiens formels et informels - des pratiques des pompes funèbres, des chambres funéraires, des crématoires et des cimetières en temps de crise ; des entretiens avec des membres de la famille touchés par la réorganisation des funérailles sont également prévus. Le programme de recherche part de l'hypothèse qu'en raison de l'ampleur et de la durée de cette crise sanitaire, les conséquences en termes d'obsèques vont - et nécessitent déjà - une réponse collective co-construite prenant en compte les pratiques de reconnaissance et d'assurance professionnelle, la gestion des corps selon les recommandations sanitaires et sociales, les rituels funéraires au moment du décès et la protection juridique des personnes concernées

    Artificial intelligence for diagnostic and prognostic neuroimaging in dementia: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Artificial intelligence (AI) and neuroimaging offer new opportunities for diagnosis and prognosis of dementia. Methods: We systematically reviewed studies reporting AI for neuroimaging in diagnosis and/or prognosis of cognitive neurodegenerative diseases. Results: A total of 255 studies were identified. Most studies relied on the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative dataset. Algorithmic classifiers were the most commonly used AI method (48%) and discriminative models performed best for differentiating Alzheimer's disease from controls. The accuracy of algorithms varied with the patient cohort, imaging modalities, and stratifiers used. Few studies performed validation in an independent cohort. Discussion: The literature has several methodological limitations including lack of sufficient algorithm development descriptions and standard definitions. We make recommendations to improve model validation including addressing key clinical questions, providing sufficient description of AI methods and validating findings in independent datasets. Collaborative approaches between experts in AI and medicine will help achieve the promising potential of AI tools in practice. Highlights: There has been a rapid expansion in the use of machine learning for diagnosis and prognosis in neurodegenerative disease Most studies (71%) relied on the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset with no other individual dataset used more than five times There has been a recent rise in the use of more complex discriminative models (e.g., neural networks) that performed better than other classifiers for classification of AD vs healthy controls We make recommendations to address methodological considerations, addressing key clinical questions, and validation We also make recommendations for the field more broadly to standardize outcome measures, address gaps in the literature, and monitor sources of bias

    Stochastic upscaling of hydrodynamic dispersion and retardation factor in a physically and chemically heterogeneous tropical soil

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    [EN] Stochastic upscaling of flow and reactive solute transport in a tropical soil is performed using real data collected in the laboratory. Upscaling of hydraulic conductivity, longitudinal hydrodynamic dispersion, and retardation factor were done using three different approaches of varying complexity. How uncertainty propagates after upscaling was also studied. The results show that upscaling must be taken into account if a good reproduction of the flow and transport behavior of a given soil is to be attained when modeled at larger than laboratory scales. The results also show that arrival time uncertainty was well reproduced after solute transport upscaling. This work represents a first demonstration of flow and reactive transport upscaling in a soil based on laboratory data. It also shows how simple upscaling methods can be incorporated into daily modeling practice using commercial flow and transport codes.The authors thank the financial support by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) (Project 401441/2014-8). The doctoral fellowship award to the first author by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) is acknowledged. The first author also thanks the international mobility grant awarded by CNPq, through the Sciences Without Borders program (Grant Number: 200597/2015-9). The international mobility grant awarded by Santander Mobility in cooperation with the University of Sao Paulo is also acknowledged. DHI-WASI is gratefully thanked for providing a FEFLOW license.Almeida De-Godoy, V.; Zuquette, L.; Gómez-Hernández, JJ. (2019). Stochastic upscaling of hydrodynamic dispersion and retardation factor in a physically and chemically heterogeneous tropical soil. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 33(1):201-216. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-018-1624-zS201216331Ahuja LR, Naney JW, Green RE, Nielsen DR (1984) Macroporosity to characterize spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity and effects of land management. Soil Sci Soc Am J 48:699. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj1984.03615995004800040001xBellin A, Lawrence AE, Rubin Y (2004) Models of sub-grid variability in numerical simulations of solute transport in heterogeneous porous formations: three-dimensional flow and effect of pore-scale dispersion. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess 18:31–38. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-003-0164-2Brent RP (1973) Algorithms for minimization without derivatives. Prentice Hall, Englewood CliffsBrusseau ML (1998) Non-ideal transport of reactive solutes in heterogeneous porous media: 3. model testing and data analysis using calibration versus prediction. 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    A Full Suite of Histone and Histone Modifying Genes Are Transcribed in the Dinoflagellate Lingulodinium

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    BACKGROUND: Dinoflagellates typically lack histones and nucleosomes are not observed in DNA spreads. However, recent studies have shown the presence of core histone mRNA sequences scattered among different dinoflagellate species. To date, the presence of all components required for manufacturing and modifying nucleosomes in a single dinoflagellate species has not been confirmed. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS: Analysis of a Lingulodinium transcriptome obtained by Illumina sequencing of mRNA shows several different copies of each of the four core histones as well as a suite of histone modifying enzymes and histone chaperone proteins. Phylogenetic analysis shows one of each Lingulodinium histone copies belongs to the dinoflagellate clade while the second is more divergent and does not share a common ancestor. All histone mRNAs are in low abundance (roughly 25 times lower than higher plants) and transcript levels do not vary over the cell cycle. We also tested Lingulodinium extracts for histone proteins using immunoblotting and LC-MS/MS, but were unable to confirm histone expression at the protein level. CONCLUSION: We show that all core histone sequences are present in the Lingulodinium transcriptome. The conservation of these sequences, even though histone protein accumulation remains below currently detectable levels, strongly suggests dinoflagellates possess histones
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