169 research outputs found

    Dynamic Supply Chains: Models, Organizational Issues and Supporting Technologies

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    In recent decades, with globalization, the financial crisis and the entry of new players in the global markets, the industrial enterprises in order to survive are forced to update its supply chain strategy in line with the new and challenging circumstances. Thus, company managers have put a growing interest in developing strategies designed to provide companies with the resources, capabilities and ICT technologies in order to compete successfully in the market. Supply chain managers increasingly understand that it is the time to fundamentally rethink how to design and operate the supply chains that link with their own company, namely suppliers and customers. For too long, there has been a major concern with infrastructures, resource utilization and cut costing in the operation activities, ultimately in efficiency. However, even recognizing that maintaining lower levels of operating costs are important, achieving and maintaining future competitiveness demands more sophistication.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    RESUMO: O presente trabalho busca apontar alternativas para aprimorar a uniformização jurisprudencial nos tribunais superiores, visando a promover a consolidação do instituto dos precedentes. Para isso, inicialmente, buscou-se realizar uma contextualização histórica, especialmente quanto ao sistema civilista e positivista adotado no Brasil.Partiu-se de uma análise dos conceitos formulados por Hans Kelsen, aguerrido positivista, até Josef Esser, que entendia que a interpretação da norma não prescindia da compreensão do intérprete a depender do ambiente social em que está inserido.Em seguida, são apresentados, para os principais tribunais superiores, o histórico desde a criação até os dias de hoje, os principais institutos internalizados para filtragem dos processos e a maneira como cada tribunal apresenta suas decisões sedimentadas.Na sequência, são expostas as características das decisões minimalistas, indicando seus aspectos positivos e negativos. Aponta a inaplicabilidade das decisões minimalistas e suas consequências, aventando a necessidade da completude da decisão para o adequado atendimento jurisdicional.Por fim, sugere-se uma coordenação entre os tribunais superiores, capitaneada pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, onde, através de esforços conjuntos, buscar-se-á a uniformização de decisões que intersecionam dois ou mais tribunais superiores, com a criação de um banco de precedentes, que irá atrair um melhor atendimento estatal e promover maior segurança jurídica. Palavras chave: positivismo. tribunais superiores. minimalismo decisório. cooperação judiciária. Conselho Nacional de Justiça. uniformização de precedentes. segurança jurídica

    Sustainability Assessment Framework for Dynamic Supply Chains

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    The recent past has shown that many companies stressed from the competition, have reduced manufacturing costs as well implemented sustainable practices as much as possible. And yet this effort has proved to be insufficient. This reality is forcing the companies and managers to address the problem of competitiveness and sustainability in a holistic way, by considering the entire supply chain. Due to this pressure from supply chain stakeholders to a comprehensive sustainability assessment of the entire network, extended “performance metrics” are required not only on the economic value of a business, but also in its environmental and social impacts. Increasing numbers of organizations report a massive volume of data, with low consistency and high variability in data quality, and a dispersion of indicators, making it necessary to develop and implement new approaches for Supply Cain Management (SCM) sustainable performance assessment. This paper focuses on this topic, presenting a new approach for performance and risk assessment within dynamic supply chain networks, supported in a new and comprehensive Sustainability Assessment Framework (SAF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gestão dinâmica de capacidade produtiva para garantia de prazos de encomenda

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    Na última decada, os sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) têmincorporado os conceitos de ATP (Available to Promise) e CTP (Capable toPromise) nas funcionalidades associadas à gestão de encomendas, como forma deresposta à crescente imprevisibilidade da procura dos mercados. Desta forma, oprocesso de negociação de novas encomendas foi bastante melhorado (face àinclusão das restrições da capacidade produtiva no processo de decisão),permitindo ao gestor uma análise mais realista e sustentada dos prazos de entrega.Apesar da melhoria significativa das funcionalidades ao nível da gestão deencomendas, identificam-se ainda diversas dificuldades ao nível operacional,nomeadamente: como controlar os diferentes prazos de entrega associados àsdiversas ordens de fabrico de forma a respeitar as datas de entrega definidas aonível das encomendas. Ou seja, existe a necessidade de assegurar que oplaneamento de produção é convenientemente ajustado de forma a garantir o prazoassumido. Para ultrapassar tal limitação, tornar-se-ia necessário que os sistemasestivessem dotados de um motor dinâmico da capacidade produtiva quepermitisse, ao gestor, avaliar a evolução do seu planeamento de produção e garantira fiabilidade do prazo de entrega estabelecido anteriormente.Com o objectivo de estudar uma solução que pudesse fornecer uma respostaadequada a estas necessidades, definiu-se uma arquitectura de um sistema, a seracoplado a um sistema ERP, e igualmente identificaram-se alguns indicadores base(através de inquéritos on-line a empresas industriais) que influenciam oplaneamento de produção e que os gestores certamente gostariam de ter disponíveispara apoio à decisão e para avaliação de cenários what-if. Estes indicadoresforam classificados como requisitos fundamentais no desenho lógico de um novosistema de gestão dinâmica de capacidade produtiva

    África entre (consenso) Washington e (consenso) Pequim

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    Mestrado Bolonha em Desenvolvimento e Cooperação InternacionalDesde a independência do continente, África tem recebido especial atenção para o seu desenvolvimento e crescimento. A primeira tentativa, através do denominado “Consenso de Washington”, foi trazida pelos países do Ocidente e focada em ideais de liberalização, desregulação e privatização. Estas ideias aplicadas em democracias tão recentes e Estados ainda frágeis demonstraram-se ineficazes. Este falhanço rompeu a já pouca confiança que o continente tinha para com os governos ocidentais e permitiu que novos atores no campo do desenvolvimento pudessem emergir, especialmente numa Cooperação Sul-Sul. A partir do novo século, a China começou a aprofundar as suas relações com o continente africano, apresentando-se como uma alternativa ao já fatigado modelo de desenvolvimento tradicional. A não-condicionalidade, o respeito e a história mútua anti-colonialista tornavam o gigante asiático um parceiro cativante para África. A China era assim colocada sobre escrutínio pelos tradicionais doadores quanto à forma como atuava no espaço africano. O Consenso de Pequim, assim denominado para contrastar o Consenso de Washington, viria a contestar a influência ocidental em África e contribuir para a bipolarização entre as duas principais potências.Since the continent’s independence, Africa has received special attention regarding its development and growth. The first attempt, through the so-called “Washington Consensus”, was brought on by Western countries and focused on the ideals of liberalisation, deregulation and privatisation. These ideals, applied to such young democracies and fragile States, proved ineffective. This failure ruptured the little trust the continent already had on western governments and allowed for new actors in the field of development to emerge, especially in the South-South cooperation. Starting in the new century, China began to deepen its relations with the African continent, presenting itself as an alternative to the bygone traditional development model. Non-conditionality, respect and a history of mutual anti-colonialism made the Asian giant an attractive partner to Africa. China was thus put into scrutiny by traditional donors for the way it operated in Africa. “The Beijing Consensus”, named to emphasise a contrast to its counterpart the Washington Consensus, would challenge Western influence in Africa and contribute to the bipolarization between two main powers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capacity management requirements for virtual enterprises

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    Transformations in the marketplace have led manufacturing companies to focus ontheir core competences and compete through new forms of enterprise partnerships. A newconcept of enterprise partnership is that of Virtual Enterprise wherein autonomous or independentcompanies come together to temporally address a specific market demand, by collaboratingclosely and presenting to the market as a single enterprise. A number of traditional operationsmanagement models or techniques need to be redesigned in order to cope with the demandsbrought by the implementation of the Virtual Enterprise concept.This paper attempts to ascertain the understanding that exist about the concept of VirtualEnterprise as well as its associated managerial challenges. Then, focusing on the issues ofmanufacturing capacity management, the requirements for an effective deployment of thisfunction in a Virtual enterprise environment are described

    Order planning decision support system for customer driven manufacturing

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    An important goal in schedule production orders through a manufacturing facility is to assure that thework is completed as close as possible to its due date. Work that is late creates downstream delays,while early completion can be detrimental if storage space is limited. Production planning andcontrol manufacturing is becoming more difficult as family products increase and quantity decreases.This paper presents an ongoing information system development that aims the production planningof special test tables equipment for automobile components manufacturers. The simulated basedinformation system will be used to support planning and schedule activities; to compare and analyzethe impact of planning rescheduling; to forecast the production completion date; to detect bottlenecksand to evaluate machines performance

    The needed adaptability for ERP systems

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    The new market trends are forcing companies for constantly business processreorganizations in order to react quickly to the new economical challenges. Not always,enterprise information systems provide an appropriate response to these situations by severalreasons, like technology failure, lack of adaptable configuration tools or even by the financialinvestment required, making it unaffordable to companies. This article presents a functionalmodel for ERP systems (called FME) that would guarantee a baseline structure to buildsolutions which would provide a complete configuration, and therefore, a timely reaction formarket fluctuations. This model has been developed also resuming some of the most usedfunctionalities of the ERP systems available

    Intervenção política, imprensa e democracia: os tijolaços de Leonel Brizola

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    Leonel Brizola, in the 1980's and 1990's, using the prestige of his name along with fellow party members, raised funds to systematically publish articles in the Brazilian press, which came to be known as tijolaços or tijolões. For about fifteen years, Brizola used the tijolaços to fight his political enemies, were they right or left, to show his administration as governor of Rio de Janeiro, or to spread the nationalist ideas of "New Labour ". On various occasions, the texts signed by Brizola came into collision with the newspapers editorial that published his tijolaços. In this article, along with presenting a research guide in order to analyze this important set of documents, we address some specific issues that relate to Brizola relations with the media, and the manner in which his statements were the basis for the construction of his own speech within the Brazilian democratization process.Leonel Brizola, nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, valendo-se do prestígio do seu nome junto a correligionários trabalhistas, levantou recursos para publicar sistematicamente artigos na grande imprensa brasileira, os quais passaram a ser conhecidos como tijolaços ou tijolões. Durante cerca de quinze anos, Brizola usou e abusou daqueles espaços, seja combatendo seus inimigos políticos, estivessem eles à direita ou à esquerda, seja prestando contas de sua administração como governador do Rio de Janeiro, ou ainda divulgando o ideário nacionalista do “novo trabalhismo”. Por variadas vezes, os textos assinados por Brizola entraram em rota de colisão direta com a linha editorial dos jornais que publicavam seus tijolaços. Neste artigo, ao lado de apresentarmos um roteiro de investigação com vistas a um melhor tratamento analítico desse importante conjunto documental, abordamos algumas questões específicas que dizem respeito às relações de Brizola com a mídia, e à maneira pela qual suas intervenções serviram de base para a construção de um discurso próprio no processo de democratização brasileiro

    Collaborative planning in non-hierarchical networks - an intelligent negotiation-based framework

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    In today’s competing business market, companies are constantly challenged to dynamically adapt to customer expectations by diminishing the time response that goes from the beginning of the business opportunity to the satisfaction of the customer need. Simultaneously, there is increased recognition of the advantages that companies obtain in focusing on their core business and seeking other competencies through partnerships with other partners by forming collaborative networks. These new collaborative organizational structures require a new set of methods and tools to support the management of manufacturing processes across the entire supply chain. The present paper addresses the collaborative production planning problem in networks of non-hierarchical, decentralized, and independent companies. By proposing a collaborative planning intelligent framework composed of a web-based set of methods, tools, and technologies, the present study intends to provide network stakeholders with the necessary means to responsively and efficiently address each one of the market business opportunities. Through this new holistic framework, the managers of the networked companies can address the challenges posed during collaborative network formation and supply chain production planning.The research leading to these results received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 260169. This work was also financed by national funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project LA/P/0063/2020