46 research outputs found

    Portraying women’s agential practices of ideological muslimah community: a passionate approach to islamist politics

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    The issue of women and Islamism has been an increasing area of study to explore considering the number of women subscribing to the ideology continues to rise. Plenty of research has been conducted on this subject, but those available suggest that women were fragile victims of the ideology and were portrayed as passive actors who enact no agency. As we shall see, this research finds the opposite. Exploring the motivation and activism of the Ideological Muslimah community in Yogyakarta through a passionate politics approach, it discovers the agential practices of women in Islamist movement. Their motivation and engagement in Islamist politics demonstrate pluralities of women’s experiences and affirm the strong nexus of agency, emotion, and identity. By focusing on the agency and the play of emotion, this article aims to provide an alternate perspective to the burgeoning study of feminism and social movement, which has thus far been dominated by rational calculation of the action


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    Purpose of the study: This paper analyses the use of internet by salafi women especially in an online group named Telaga Sunnah Muslimah (The Sunnah Lake of Muslimah-TSM). Methodology: Applying content analysis by analyzing the messages shared within TSM WhatsApp Groups discussion, this paper analyses the agency which salafi women play through their internet usage, especially in online media they use. Main Findings: Viewed as passive, voiceless and subordinated group, they use internet as media for reproducing knowledge, expressing their voice and negotiating their identity. While salafi manhaj requires them to strictly limit their appearance in public space, the online space has facilitated them to have more spaces to exist beyond their offline world Applications of this study: The study gives an understanding on how a closed women group plays their agency to negotiate their boundary within modern world. Novelty/Originality of this study: While salafi women are commonly viewed as having no agency, this paper found their agency through their online media usage

    Perempuan dan Peran Regenerasi dalam Lingkaran Ekstremisme Kekerasan: Narasi dari Indonesia Timur

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    This article argues the important roles played by women either in the act of violent extremism or in its countering by focusing particularly on the issue of regeneration. Through their traditional roles as a mother and wife, women can affect, manage, or even to a certain extent shape the choice of a family either to keep or to discharge violent extremism ideology in the family circle. The study was carried out in Poso, a small town in Central Sulawesi, Eastern Indonesia, which has experienced communal conflict between Muslim and Christian communities that eventually been transformed into violent extremism acts by jihadi-terrorist actors. Through conducting fieldwork in 2019 and continuing with an ‘in-distance study’ using communication technology in 2020, the study employed a qualitative method by interviewing 30 women in Poso. Following Vigh (2006) and Sjoberg & Gentry (2011), it contends that woman as agency carries out social navigation in dealing with uncertainties and socio-political crises as the consequence of protracted violent conflict in the area. This study concludes that despite being situated in the circles of jihadism which are more dominated by masculine character, women’s agency emerges in two forms: first, in nurturing and maintaining the ideology of violent extremism through inheriting revenge narratives, choosing a school, and involving children in extremism activities. Second, some women opt to leave violent circles off in their families by disclosing the spaces for dialogue and opening reflective personal communication with their children to provide broader viewpoints and non-violence values. The article closes with a reflection on the dynamic relations between mother and children as a pivotal factor in the regeneration process of violent extremist groups based on biographic narratives of mother and children in jihadi-terrorist family.

    A Tale of Two Royal Cities: The Narratives of Islamists' Intolerance in Yogyakarta and Solo

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    The article discusses the narratives of “Islamist” intolerance in two cities of Yogyakarta and Solo in the post-Suharto era. It aims to elucidate the multiplicity of intolerance acts and the complexity of underpinning factors to intolerance. It argues that Islamist intolerance has manifested in various forms, ranging from the ideological, instrumental, and symbolic form. However, these categorizations of ideological, instrumental, and symbolic are not clear-cut and permanent one, but there is always some possible overlap between them. There is also the possibility that the form of intolerance can change in different times and occasions. This study is based on fieldwork research taken during 2014-2016 in both cities. Methodologically, this research-based article used Extended Cased Method (ECM). The data was collected by employing indepth interview and participant observation with secondary sources such as local media and government documents.[Tulisan ini membahas narasi Islam intoleran di dua kota, Solo dan Yogyakarta, pasca rezim Soeharto. Selain itu juga menjelaskan sejumlah aksi intoleran dan kompleksitas faktor-faktor yang berkelindan dalam peristiwa tersebut. Tulisan ini mengajukan argumen bahwa Islam intoleran mempunyairagam bentuk, mulai dari ideologis, instrumentalis hingga simbolis. Meskipun demikian, kategori tersebut tidak bersifat kaku dan permanen, tetapi terkadang bersifat saling overlap satu sama lainnya. Ada kemungkinan juga bentuk intoleran berubah seiring dengan perubahan waktu dan kondisi. Kajian ini berdasarkan pada studi lapangan di dua kota pada rentang waktu 2014-2016. Secara metodologi kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan Extended Cased Method (ECM). Data dikumpulkan melalui serangkaian wawancara mendalam dan observasi partisipatif dengan didukung data sekunder dari arsip daerah dan sejumlah media surat kabar lokal.

    Aplicación móvil para el proceso de distribución en la empresa Corporación Goyita S.A.C.

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    El presente proyecto denominado “APLICACIÓN MÓVIL PARA EL PROCESO DE DISTRIBUCIÓN EN LA EMPRESA CORPORACIÓN GOYITA S.A.C.”, tiene como fundamental propósito poder optimizar el proceso en estudio. La situación actual en el área de almacén de distribución de la empresa GOYITA S.A.C. presenta unos problemas, el cual está relacionado con el proceso de distribución, lo cual se controla mediante un mecanismo ineficaz, que carece de automatización que consiste en ingresar manualmente los datos de las distribuciones realizadas en un archivo de Excel. El objetivo del estudio es determinar la influencia de una aplicación móvil para el proceso de distribución en la empresa Goyita S.A.C., teniendo en cuenta los objetivos específicos los cuales son determinar en qué medida mejoró el Nivel de cumplimiento en despachos y Tasa de abastecimiento de materiales. Se empleó la investigación aplicada, como diseño de investigación se escogió el pre-experimental y el enfoque es cuantitativo. Se determinó una población de 3360 pedidos estratificados en 28 días. El tamaño de la muestra estuvo conformado por 345 pedidos estratificados en 28 días. Por lo tanto, la muestra quedó conformada en 28 fichas de registros de pedidos para ambos indicadores. La técnica de recolección de datos fue el fichaje y el instrumento fue la ficha de registro, los cuales fueron validados por expertos. Para llevar a cabo la implementación de la aplicación móvil se empleó la metodología RUP, que es una metodología estructurada y fue aprobada por expertos en la materia para esta investigación. En el proceso de desarrollo se utilizó la plataforma móvil Android Studio, el lenguaje de programación Java, PHP y el motor de base de datos MYSQL. La implementación de la Aplicación móvil permitió incrementar la Tasa de abastecimiento en un 17.12%; así mismo, se incrementó el Nivel de cumplimiento de despachos en un 26.10%. Los resultados mencionados anteriormente, permitieron llegar a la conclusión que la Aplicación móvil mejora el proceso de distribución en la empresa Corporación Goyita S.A.C

    Rekonfigurasi Dinamis Jaring Distribusi Radial 20 kV Teluk Betung untuk Meningkatkan Profil Tegangan dengan Mempertimbangkan Gangguan Saluran dan Injeksi Renewable Energy

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    Sistem distribusi tenaga listrik semakin berkembang yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya permintaan energi listrik. Terlebih lagi, keberadaan pembangkit listrik dengan sumber terbarukan semakin berkembang dan meluas. Pada kenyataannya, nilai beban dan pembangkitan sumber energi terbarukan selalu berubah. Semakin meningkatnya permintaan energi listrik serta nilai beban yang selalu berubah menyebabkan permasalahan seperti kerugian daya dan penurunan tegangan. Permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan dengan melakukan rekonfigurasi dinamis yang memperhatikan energi terbarukan dan dinamika perubahan beban. Rekonfigurasi dinamis dilakukan pada jaringan distribusi radial 20 kV ULP Teluk Betung kota Bandar Lampung dengan metode Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) untuk mengurangi kerugian daya dan meningkatkan nilai tegangan pada jaringan distribusi. Metode Newton-Raphson digunakan sebagai metode aliran daya pada studi rekonfigurasi dinamis ini. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi dan analisis pada sistem distribusi yang terjadi gangguan pemutusan saluran dan terpasang sistem PV, setelah dilakukan rekonfigurasi dinamis pada sistem distribusi didapatkan bahwa dalam waktu 24 jam terjadi pengurangan kerugian daya aktif adalah sebesar 47,001% dan pengurangan kerugian daya reaktif adalah sebesar 46,866%. Nilai tegangan rata-rata pada sistem distribusi dalam 24 jam adalah sebesar 0, 98947 p.u dan dengan nilai tegangan minimum adalah sebesar 0,95444 p.u. Dari hasil simulasi dan analisis, rekonfigurasi dinamis dengan metode BPSO mampu meningkatkan nilai tegangan dan menurunkan kerugian daya pada sistem distribusi yang terjadi gangguan saluran dan terpasang sistem PV

    Young Salafi-niqabi and hijrah:agency and identity negotiation

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    This article analyzes the life of young millennial Salafi-niqabi in Surakarta and their strategies in dealing with power relations in their everyday lives. Studies on Salafi in Indonesia have focused more on global Salafimovements, power politics, links with fundamentalist-radical movements, state security and criticism of Salafi religious doctrine. Although there are several studies that try to portray the daily life of this religious group, the majority of previous studies focused on formal institutions and male Salafi. Very few studies have addressed the lives of Salafi women. This is likely due to the difficulty of approaching this group because of their exclusivity, and their restrictions on interacting with the outside world. Using Macleod’s theory of ‘accommodating protest’ within th


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    Illegal fishing, known as IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fisheries has long been happening throughout the territorial waters of the Republic of Indonesia. Talaud waters as border regions of Indonesia-Philippines also have the same problem. This study uses a network analysis approach with intensive field research for three years from 2014 to 2016, this research aims to determine the range of networks developed by actors involved in illegal fishing. The research found that illegal fishing activities in the area occurred at three levels, namely illegal fishing in communal networks, illegal fishing in associational networks and illegal fishing in industrial networks. The pattern of illegal fishing that occurs in communal networks is done by small fishermen (peasant fisher) with the characteristics of the use of traditional fishing gear, small scale, limited area and relatively subsistence. In an associational network the pattern of illegal fishing takes place on a wider scale, carried out by a post-peasant fisher with a more modern fishing gear, and involving local apparatus and officials. Meanwhile, illegal fishing in industrial networks is conducted by corporations involving high-ranking officials of policy-making countries at the central level, as well as by industry-scale entrepreneurs and fishermen. The strength of the illegal fishing network in the Indonesia-Philippines border region cannot be separated from the role of brokers or intermediaries that exist in every network. Brokers have an important role to connect actors involved in illegal fishing. One of the interesting findings of this research is that the role of brokers can also be carried out by state apparatus or parties related to the state apparatus.   Keywords: illegal fishing, social network, broker, border area.     Abstrak   Illegal fishing  atau yang dikenal dengan praktik perikanan IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) sudah lama terjadi di seluruh wilayah perairan Republik Indonesia. Perairan Talaud sebagai wilayah perbatasan Indonesia-Filipina juga memiliki persoalan yang sama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis jaringan dengan riset lapangan secara intensif selama tiga tahun sejak 2014 hingga 2016, riset ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ragam jejaring yang dikembangkan oleh aktor yang terlibat dalam illegal fishing. Riset ini menemukan, kegiatan illegal fishing yang terjadi di wilayah tersebut terjadi pada tiga level yaitu illegal fishing dalam jejaring komunal, illegal fishing dalam jejaring asosiasional dan illegal fishing dalam jejaring industrial. Pola illegal fishing  yang terjadi dalam jejaring komunal dilakukan oleh nelayan kecil (peasant fisher) dengan ciri penggunaan alat tangkap tradisional, berskala kecil, area terbatas dan relatif bersifat subsisten. Dalam jejaring asosiasional pola illegal fishing  terjadi dalam skala yang lebih luas, dilakukan oleh nelayan skala menengah (post-peasant fisher) dengan alat tangkap yang lebih modern, serta melibatkan aparat dan pejabat lokal. Sedangkan illegal fishing dalam jejaring industrial dilakukan oleh korporasi dengan melibatkan oknum pejabat tinggi negara pembuat kebijakan di tingkat pusat, serta dilakukan oleh pengusaha dan nelayan skala industri. Kuatnya jejaring illegal fishing di wilayah perbatasan Indonesia-Filipina ini tidak dapat dilepaskan dari peranan broker atau perantara yang ada di dalam setiap ragam jejaring. Broker memiliki peran penting menyambungkan aktor-aktor yang terlibat dalam illegal fishing. Salah satu temuan menarik riset ini adalah peranan broker dapat juga dilakukan oleh aparat negara atau pihak yang terkait dengan aparat negara.   Kata kunci: illegal fishing, jaringan sosial, broker, wilayah perbatasan.    &nbsp


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    llegal fishing, known as IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fisheries has long been happening throughout the territorial waters of the Republic of Indonesia. Talaud waters as border regions of Indonesia-Philippines also have the same problem. This study uses a network analysis approach with intensive field research for three years from 2014 to 2016, this research aims to determine the range of networks developed by actors involved in illegal fishing.The research found that illegal fishing activities in the area occurred at three levels, namely illegal fishing in communal networks, illegal fishing in associational networks and illegal fishing in industrial networks. The pattern of illegal fishing that occurs in communal networks is done by small fishermen (peasant fisher) with the characteristics of the use of traditional fishing gear, small scale, limited area and relatively subsistence. In an associational network the pattern of illegal fishing takes place on a wider scale, carried out by a post-peasant fisher with a more modern fishing gear, and involving local apparatus and officials. Meanwhile, illegal fishing in industrial networks is conducted bycorporations involving high-ranking officials of policy-making countries at the central level, as well as by industry-scale entrepreneurs and fishermen.The strength of the illegal fishing network in the Indonesia-Philippines border region cannotbe separated from the role of brokers or intermediaries that exist in every network. Brokers have an important role to connect actors involved in illegal fishing. One of the interesting findings of this research is that the role of brokers can also be carried out by state apparatus or parties related to the state apparatus

    Implantación de un modulo integral con tecnología GPS para mejorar el control de monitoreo de la flota vehicular de la empresa Virgen de la Puerta

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    La presente investigación titulada “Implantación de un Módulo integral con tecnología GPS para mejorar el control de monitoreo de la flota vehicular de la empresa Virgen de la Puerta” tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia de la implantación de un módulo integral con tecnología GPS en la mejora del control de monitoreo de la flota vehicular de la citada empresa. El estudio sigue un diseño metodológico experimental con enfoque cuantitativo y tipo aplicada. La muestra de estudio corresponde a 60 unidades vehiculares de la empresa Virgen de la Puerta, de quienes se recopiló sus características antes y después de la implantación del módulo. Los instrumentos de recojo de información son fichas de observación para el recojo de las características asociadas a los indicadores del control de monitoreo. El procesamiento estadístico de los datos consistió en analizar la normalidad de los indicadores y posteriormente aplicar una prueba de comparación entre grupos relacionados, siendo esta la T – Student. Los resultados evidencian una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los indicadores recopilados antes y después de la implantación del módulo con tecnología GPS; por lo que, se concluye que mejora el control del monitoreo de la flota vehicular de la empresa