309 research outputs found

    A comparative study of artisanal food producers’ motivations in Western Australia and Thailand

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    The research objective of this study was to discover motivations of artisanal food producers in Australia and Thailand. This was mainly to inform farmers’ market managers of the motivations of artisanal food producers, their clients, to better provide retail space to food producers. However, the same principle also applies to many other service providers, for instance banks, insurance companies and other financial services in developing products for this very specific group of small-scale business enterprises. Governmental advice and support services for these businesses will also benefit. Finally, out of a Royal Commission Report, chain supermarkets in Australia must source more from small-scale suppliers, yet they appear uninformed about who they are dealing with, their motivations and  limitations, for instance not being able to supply large volumes.  There has been virtually no research on artisanal food producers. Retailers have no research to inform them.  Here was another gap to fill. Methodology for this study was interview-based qualitative, with data analysed through thematic content analysis. The paper’s originality lies in two ways, meaning that it fills research gaps but also because its results are perhaps surprising. Artisanal food makers are primarily self-concerned, not community-concerned as the previous study would indicate.&nbsp

    Experimental investigation of a cook-off temperature in a hot barrel

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    AbstractThe experimental investigations of the effect of contact time/temperature on initiating the cook-off using 7.62 mm calibre cartridge cases (CC) were conducted previously. These cartridges were filled with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) double based (DB) propellant (Bulls Eye) and were loaded in a hot chamber. The thermal explosion temperature is of great significance to both weapon designers and safety inspectors as it provides the operational limit and safe operating temperature. For CC under test, it was found that the cook-off temperatures of this propellant were encountered with the heat transfer profile of the simulated gun barrel between 151.4 °C and 153.4 °C, with a reaction occurring in less than 300 s after the round was chambered. Usefully, each experiment was found to be consistent and repeatable

    Antimicrobial Susceptibility Breakpoints and First-Step parC Mutations in Streptococcus pneumoniae: Redefining Fluoroquinolone Resistance

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    Clinical antimicrobial susceptibility breakpoints are used to predict the clinical outcome of antimicrobial treatment. In contrast, microbiologic breakpoints are used to identify isolates that may be categorized as susceptible when applying clinical breakpoints but harbor resistance mechanisms that result in their reduced susceptibility to the agent being tested. Currently, the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) guidelines utilize clinical breakpoints to characterize the activity of the fluoroquinolones against Streptococcus pneumoniae. To determine whether levofloxacin breakpoints can identify isolates that harbor recognized resistance mechanisms, we examined 115 S. pneumoniae isolates with a levofloxacin MIC of >2 μg/mL for first-step parC mutations. A total of 48 (59%) of 82 isolates with a levofloxacin MIC of 2 μg/mL, a level considered susceptible by NCCLS criteria, had a first-step mutation in parC. Whether surveillance programs that use levofloxacin data can effectively detect emerging resistance and whether fluoroquinolones can effectively treat infections caused by such isolates should be evaluated


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    . Com alegria e entusiasmo registramos a efetiva consolidação da Revista AMAzônica, celebrando uma década publicando trabalhos cientificamente sistematizados, impulcionados do interior da Amazônia Brasileira (2008-2017). Nesta primeira década do periódioco AMAzônica, centenas de trabalhos foram publicados fortalecendo o acervo de conhecimentos cientificamente sistematizados produzidos em diferentes contextos acadêmicos, histórico e geográficos da Amazônia, do Brasil e de outros países em particular, Portugal e Espanha; neste exemplar aportamos um trabalho inédito da Colômbia (Universidade Nacional da Colômbia, sede Amazônia, Letícia)

    Tumor de células da granulosa em uma cadela

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    Estuda-se um caso de tumor de células da granulosa em cadela de 12 anos, apresentando a forma mista e sinais histológicos de malignidade. O animal não mostrou, aparentemente, sinais hormonais, mas, a histologia os revelou, interpretando-se como manifestação hiperhormonal. Depois do estudo desse grupo de tumores, passa-se à apresentação do caso, encarando dua feição clínica e anatômica.This is a report of a case of Granulosa-cell tumor (mixed type) in a bitch twelve years old. In spite of the benign clinical course, the tumor shows histological signs of malignancy. There was no clinical evidences of hormonal action, but the endometrium shows glandular hyperplasia with cystic dilatation of the endometrial glands. The animal had a corneal exulceration that has healed after the tumor removal. The clinical and anatomical pattern of the tumor were stidied after a general review of the veterinary literature about this subject

    Growth and collapse of a deeply eroded orogen : insights from structural, geophysical, and geochronological constraints on the Pan-African evolution of NE Mozambique

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    This paper presents results of a large multidiciplinary geological mapping project in NE Mozambique, with a focus on the structural evolution of this part of the East African Orogen (EAO). It integrates field structural studies with geophysical interpretations and presents new geochronological data. The tectonic architecture of NE Mozambique can be subdivided into five megatectonic units on the basis of lithology, structure and geochronology: unit 1, Paleoproterozoic Ponta Messuli Complex in the extreme NW corner of NE Mozambique, which represents the local NW foreland to the EAO; unit 2, a collage of Mesoproterozoic metamorphic complexes, which forms the basement to unit 3, a stack of Neoproterozoic, NW directed imbricate thrust nappes named here the ‘‘Cabo Delgado Nappe Complex’’ (CDNC); unit 4, restricted Neoproterozoic metasedimentary basins; and unit 5, two exotic Neoproterozoic granulite me´ lange complexes. The units were assembled during a long and complex history of NWdirected shortening, which commenced with nappe stacking and emplacement of the CDNC over the Mesoproterozoic basement terranes toward the NW foreland. It is proposed that the CDNC and the Eastern Granulites farther north in Tanzania are remnants of Neoproterozoic volcanic arcs and microcontinents formed ‘‘outboard’’ of the Mesoproterozoic continent after 596 ± 11 Ma. Field and potential field geophysical data show that the nappes were folded by regional-scale NE–SW trending folds that formed in response to a later stage of the same shortening episode and this episode gave rise to the Lurio Belt, a prominent structural feature of northern Mozambique and a key element (often as suture zone) in many Gondwana reconstructions. The Lurio Belt is here interpreted as a structure generated during folding of the CDNC during later stages of the progressive shortening event. It is, however, a repeatedly reactivated shear zone, probably at the site of an older (Mesoproterozoic?) discontinuity, with an intense pure shear deformation history. It is cored by strongly attenuated lenses of a granulitic tectonic me´lange, the Ocua Complex (megatectonic unit 5) and is intruded by Late Pan-African granitoids of the Malema Suite. The compressional phase of the orogen was postdated by NW–SE directed extension. New U-Pb zircon and monazite dates show that extension was initiated at circa 540 Ma in the eastern Lurio Belt. It is argued that extension was the result of a major episode of orogenic collapse of the EAO, initiated by gravitational instabilities resulting from crustal thickening during the shortening phase


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    O estudo tem como objetivo analisar o cenário acadêmico contábil brasileiro no que se refere às práticas de publicação e avaliação por pares, refletindo especificamente sobre como os eventos podem contribuir efetivamente para a eficiência do processo de qualificação da produção científica da área de Contabilidade, por meio da elaboração de uma proposta para a comunidade acadêmica. Esta pesquisa possui abordagem quantitativa e emerge a partir de três construtos: a conversão das publicações, a saturação dos avaliadores e a má conduta ética no processo de pesquisa. O percurso metodológico foi composto por uma análise documental dos artigos de periódicos dos Programas de Pós-graduação de Contabilidade brasileiros de 2009 e 2010, e análise de conteúdo dos currículos lattes dos autores dos artigos publicados nos periódicos neste período, além de uma análise de dados com base em um questionário encaminhado aos professores dos Programas de Pós-graduação. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar que 56% dos artigos apresentados em eventos foram convertidos em publicação definitiva, apesar da maioria dos respondentes do questionário encaminhado alegarem ser motivados a enviar artigos para eventos com o intuito de melhorar o trabalhoem desenvolvimento. Em relação ao processo de avaliação dos artigos, verificou-se que existe certa consonância dos critérios observados pelos avaliadores em congressos e periódicos, porém averiguou-se maior exigência quanto aos artigos publicados em periódicos. Aspectos relacionados com a má conduta no processo da pesquisa foram constatados, tais como as práticas de plágio e autoplágio (autocitação), alteração dos autores entre congressos e periódicos. Constata-se a necessidade de mudança no processo de avaliação e publicação no Brasil, e esta investigação ousa apresentar uma proposta para os eventos científicos na área de Contabilidade.The study aims to analyze the academic scene in Brazilian accounting practices with regard to publication and peer review, reflecting specifically on how events can effectively contribute to the efficiency of the qualification process of scientific production in the Accounting field, through the elaboration of a proposal to the academic community. This research has quantitative approach and emerges from three constructs: the conversion of the publications, the saturation of the evaluators and ethical misconduct in the research process. The methodological approach consisted of a desk review of journal articles of Brazilian Pos-graduate Programs of Accounting in 2009 and 2010, and content analysis of curricula lattes of the authors of articles published in journals during this period, and data analysis based on a questionnaire sent to teachers of Pos-graduate Programs. The results showed that 56% of the papers presented at events were converted to final publication, although most respondents to the questionnaire argue to be motivated to submit articles to events in order to improve the work in progress. Regarding the evaluation process of the articles, it was found that there is a certain line of the criteria observed by the evaluators in conferences and journals, but it was found greater demand for articles published in journals. Aspects related to misconduct in the research process were identified, such as the practice of plagiarism and self-plagiarism (self-citation), the authors change between conferences and journals, among others. Notes the need for change in the process of review and publication inBrazil, and this research dares to present a proposal for scientific events in the area of Accounting.El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el escenario académico en las prácticas contables adoptadas en Brasil con respecto a la publicación y revisión por pares, lo que refleja específicamente en cómo los acontecimientos pueden contribuir eficazmente a la eficiencia del proceso de evaluación de producción científica en el campo de la contabilidad, a través de la elaboración de una propuesta para la comunidad académica. Esta investigación tiene enfoque cuantitativo surge de tres construcciones: la conversión de las publicaciones, la saturación de los evaluadores y faltas de conducta ética en el proceso de investigación. El enfoque metodológico consistió en un estudio teórico de artículos de revistas de los Programas brasileños de Postgrado de contabilidad de 2009 y 2010, y el análisis de contenido de los planes de estudio lattes autores de los artículos publicados en las revistas de este período, además de un análisis de datos sobre la base de un cuestionario enviado a los profesores de los Programas de Postgrado. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que 56% de los trabajos presentados en eventos fueron convertidos a la publicación final, aunque la mayoría de los que respondieron el cuestionario enviado han mencionado ser motivados a enviar artículos a los eventos con el fin de mejorar el trabajo en curso. En cuanto al proceso de evaluación de los artículos, se encontró que existe una línea de criterios observados por los evaluadores en conferencias y revistas, pero nos enteramos de un mayor requerimiento en relación con los artículos publicados en las revistas. Los aspectos relacionados con la mala conducta en el proceso de investigación fueron identificados, tales como la práctica de plagio y autoplágio, los autores cambiaran entre las conferencias y revistas. Toma nota de la necesidad de un cambio en el proceso de evaluación y publicación, en el Brasil, y esta investigación se atreve a presentar una propuesta para eventos científicos en el campo de la contabilidad

    Different effects of tibolone and continuous combined estrogen plus progestogen hormone therapy on sex hormone binding globulin and free testosterone levels -an association with mammographic density

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    Abstract Objective To compare the effects of tibolone and continuous combined hormone therapy on circulating sex steroids and their binding proteins and their relationship to mammographic density. Study design A prospective, double-blind placebo-controlled study. A total of 166 postmenopausal women were equally randomized to receive tibolone 2.5 mg, estradiol 2 mg/norethisterone acetate 1 mg (E2/NETA) or placebo. Serum analyses of sex steroids, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and binding proteins and assessment of mammographic breast density were performed at baseline and after 6 months of treatment. Results Estrogens were markedly increased and androgens decreased by E2/NETA. In contrast, tibolone had only a minor influence on circulating estrogens. Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels were reduced by 50%, while levels of androgens increased. Baseline values of estrone sulfate (E1S), around 1.0-1.1 nmol/l, were increased to 44.7 nmol/l by E2/ NETA and to only 1.7 nmol/l by tibolone (p 5 0.001). Mammographic breast density displayed a negative correlation with age and body mass index and a positive association with SHBG. After 6 months there was also a negative correlation with levels of free testosterone. Conclusion We found that tibolone and E2/NETA caused distinct differences in estrogen/androgen status and blood levels of possible breast mitogens. The negative association between free testosterone and mammographic density could be a possible explanation for tibolone having less influence on the breast