39 research outputs found

    Особенности трансформации свойств почв пахотных земель Беларуси

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    Based on the scientific systematic multi-temporal data and the large-scale soil mapping studies, for the first time we developed a methodological approach to estimating the transformation of the composition and properties of the arable land of the Republic for a 40-year period since the publication of the scientific work “The Soil of the Byelorussian SSR” (1974). At the present stage of the soil development, the transformation of the soil properties of the arable land, involved in the agricultural usage over the 40-year period, is influenced by the cultural process of soil formation and is characterized by the “strong” transformation of the properties in relation to their natural potential: in soils on loamy soil-forming rocks, the CTS value is varied in the range of 20–28 units, on sandy loam soil-forming rocks, СTS is 18–27, and on connected sandy loam soil-forming rocks it is 18–28. According to the research results on the soils of the arable land formed on light soil-forming rocks (sandy, loose-sandy), in contrast to loamy and heavier soil-forming rocks, the transformation degree of the properties is determined as “strong” and “very strong”. The results of the studies point to a clear dependence of the transformation degree of the properties of the gum-accumulative horizons of the studied soil varieties of the granulometric composition, which reflects the specific features of the soil cover of the Republic.На основе систематизированных разновременных данных научных и крупномасштабных почвенно-картографических исследований, разработанного методического подхода впервые проведена оценка трансформации состава и свойств почв пахотных земель республики за 40-летний период со времени опубликования научного труда «Почвы Белорусской ССР» (1974). На современном этапе развития почв пахотных земель, вовлеченных в сельскохозяйственный оборот на протяжении 40-летнего периода, трансформация свойств происходит под влиянием культурного процесса почвообразования и характеризуется чаще всего категорией «сильная» по отношению к их естественному потенциалу: в почвах на суглинистых породах варьирование величины коэффициента трансформации почв (КТП) находится в пределах 20–28 единиц, на супесчаных отложениях КТП составляет 18–27, а на связнопесчаных – 18–28. Согласно результатам исследований в почвах пахотных земель, сформировавшихся на легких почвообразующих породах (песчаных, рыхлосупесчаных) в отличие от суглинистых и более тяжелых пород, степень трансформации свойств определяется градациями «сильная» и рангом выше – «очень сильная». Результаты исследований указывают на четкую зависимость степени трансформации свойств гумусово-аккумулятивных горизонтов изученных почвенных разновидностей от их гранулометрического состава, что отражает специфику преобразований в почвенном покрове республики

    Shock Induced Detonations in Composite Heterogeneous Energetic Materials

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    The paper demonstrates the results of systematization and generalization of the materials appropriate to the completion of soil-cartographic works on the drained and adjacent lands of agricultural organizations of the republic. Presented is the new information about the existence of peat and degropeat soils ranged at the species level of classification as a part of agricultural lands, and conducted is the analysis of spatial-time transformation of the component composition of drained organic soils between two rounds of the soil survey (1986–1998 and 2005–2015).Приведены результаты систематизации и обобщения материалов подходящих к завершению корректировочных почвенно-картографических работ на осушенных и прилегающих к ним землях сельскохозяйственных организаций страны. Представлена новая современная информация о реальном наличии торфяных и дегроторфяных почв, ранжированных на видовом уровне классификации, в составе сельскохозяйственных земель и проведен анализ пространственно-временной трансформации компонентного состава осушенных органогенных почв между двумя турами почвенного обследования (1986–1998 и 2005–2015 гг.)

    High Resolution Sharp Computational Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Problems in Complex Geometries

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    Methodological bases for fixing the goal-setting of criminal procedural activity in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation

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    The article provides a philosophical and legal analysis of the categories “goal” and “tasks”, which together form the goal-setting of the activity. The need to set a goal arises when the subject enters into any activity and therefore needs its optimal organization. After setting the goal, the further ordering of complexly organized types of practice causes the need for its fragmentation into parts, concretization in relation to individual stages of work, i.e. setting a number of tasks for the performer. They reflect not only the purpose of the activity, but also the specifics of its implementation in relation to specific conditions. Various options for fixing goal-setting in the current legislation are being considered. It is noted that the legislator does not have a unified approach to resolving this issue, which negatively affects both the quality of the adopted laws and law enforcement practice. As a result, the methodological foundations for determining the goal-setting of criminal proceedings in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation are formulated and proposed


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    Space equations of ideal magnetic hydrodynamics, numerical methods for their solution in pre-sound and supersound fields of a flow are investigated in the paper aiming at the development of effective numerical methods for the calculation of magnetohydrodynamic space steady-state flows for the process modelling of the flow of the Earth's magnetopause by sunny wind. As a result the methodology of the Cauchy problem calculation for model linear and non-linear equations of transfer with discontinuous initial data by the method of pseudocharacteristics has been developed. A system of MHD equations for the analysis of the Cauchy problem solvability on characteristic surfaces has been investigated. The numerical method of pseudocharacteristics for the calculation of a supersound space MHD-flow in an external problem of the flow with a removed shock wave has been developed. The effective method for the calculation of a space model of the interaction of sunny wind with the magnetic field of the Earch has been created. Calculations of the interaction of sunny plasma with magnetopause have been heldAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio