59 research outputs found

    Klasifikasi Tingkat Kekeringan Pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Limboto (Classification of Drought Level in Limboto Watershed)

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    – Perubahan penggunaan lahan merupakan kekuatan sosial ekonomi yang paling mendorong Perubahan dan degradasi ekosistem. Terganggunya siklus hidrologi telah menimbulkan “3 T” masalah klasik air “too much (yang menimbulkan banjir), “too little (yang menimbulkan kekeringan) dan “too dirty (yang menimbulkan pencemaran air). Berdasarkan data BNPB tahun 1979-2009 terdapat 8 kejadian kekeringan di Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Limboto dengan luas DAS 86412,6 ha. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) dengan menggunakan software ArcSwat yang terintegrasi SIG. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penellitian non-eksperimen yakni dengan menggunakan pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Input data SWAT antara lain lereng, jenis tutupan lahan, iklim, dan jenis tanah. Analisis yang digunakan dalam menentukan kerentanan DAS terhadap kekeringan adalah dengan menggunakan Soil Moisture Deficit Index (SMDI) melalui parameter Soil Water (SW). Pada penelitian ini penggunaan output model SWAT melalui ArcSwat, telah mampu menggambarkan kondisi pasokan air pada DAS Limboto, yang secara keseluruhan telah termasuk dalam kategori “Rentan”. Dengan membandingkan luas area yang mengalami kekeringan pada sebelum dan setelah dilakukan simulasi/running arahan penggunaan lahan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa selisih luas area DAS yang mengalami kekeringan dengan klasifikasi “Rentan” diperoleh 37.513,1 ha atau secara persentasi mengalami penurunan sebesar 43,4 % dari luas DAS. Kata Kunci: Kekeringan, Arahan Penggunaan Lahan, Daerah Aliran Sungai Limboto, Simulasi Araha

    Nutritional status assessment among infants under six months exclusively breastfed and non-exclusively breastfed in Jos North LGA, Plateau State, Nigeria

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    Objective: To determine breastfeeding practices and the nutritional status of infants under six months in Jos north LGA, Plateau state, Nigeria Design: A cross-sectional study design was employed. 310 mother-infant pairs were selected as study sample from three primary health care centers in the study location. Data collection consisted of the administration of a validated questionnaire and anthropometric measurements were taken. Results: 39.7 % were seen to practice exclusive breastfeeding while 60.3 practiced non-exclusive breastfeeding. 33 % of infants had already been introduced to complementary foods even before theage of 6 months. In terms of prevalence of malnutrition among males, 13.2 % were severely stunted, 1.6 % were severely underweight and 6.5 % were wasted. Among females, 8.4 % were severely stunted, 0.6 % were severely underweight and 6.6% were severely wasted. There was a significant difference in nutritional indices and breastfeeding patterns (p<0.05). Conclusion: For a decline in malnutrition prevalence, the early introduction of complementary foods by mothers and care givers must be strongly discouraged. Counselling should be targeted at mothers to encourage exclusively breastfeed for 6 months after which appropriate and adequate complementary foods should be introduced

    Empirical modelling of geotechnical strength based on index properties: a case of patti formation, southern bida basin, nigeria

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    The strength properties of geo-materials are paramount to the stability or otherwise of civil engineering structures. However, the determination of some of these properties such as California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) is costly and time-consuming. This necessitates the generation of models that can quickly predict the strength properties from cost-effective and less time-consuming index properties of the same geo-materials. In this study, an attempt has been made to predict the CBR and UCS values from Atterberg limit tests for sediments derived from Patti Formation, Southern Bida Basin, Nigeria. The tests were performed following appropriate codes of the British Standard Method for testing materials. Both linear and polynomial fitting models were employed for regression analysis between the index and strength parameters. The results showed that Liquid Limit (LL), Plastic Limit (PL), and Shrinkage Limit (SL) are strongly correlated with UCS and CBR, having R2 ranging from 0.8-0.91. The equations can be used to quickly predict UCS and CBR in areas with similar geology. Similar studies are recommended in other parts of the country to aid the regional evolution of models for rapid strength characterization of geo-materials. &nbsp

    Akuntabilitas Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD) Di desa luhu kecamatan telaga kabupaten gorontalo

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    This study intends to identify the Village Fund Allocation Management in Luhu Village, Telaga District, Gorontalo District. This research was conducted at the Luhu Village Office. The research method used is a descriptive study technique with a qualitative approach in which descriptive research describes the conditions and atmosphere of incidents in the field in a systematic and careful way. The research results prove that the results obtained are tied to the management of village fund allocations in Luhu Village, Telaga District, namely programming Village Fund Allocations, implementation of Village Fund Allocations, and accountability information in accordance with applicable determinations and listed villages that are fast both in administration or stipulations and speed on document collection

    Failure Mode and Effect Analysis a Tool for Reliability Evaluation: Review

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    The purpose of safety designing is generally not on cost, but rather on saving life and nature, and consequently bargains just with specific risky system failure modes. High reliability levels are the consequence of good designing, scrupulousness and dependably never the aftereffect of re-dynamic failure management. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a helpful technique analyzing engineering system reliability. The study focused on the use of FMEA technique to analyze the reliability of engineering equipment or components in selected areas such as: Wind Turbine component, Manufacturing Industries, Medical field and in evaluating the performances of Robots in different fields. The study showed the importance of FMEA as used widely in analyzing engineering equipment with regards to reliability

    New Insights Into the Anticonvulsant Effects of Essential Oil From Melissa officinalis L. (Lemon Balm)

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    Melissa officinalis L. is used in traditional European and Iranian folk medicines to treat a plethora of neurological diseases including epilepsy. We utilized the in vitro and in vivo models of epilepsy to probe the anticonvulsant potentials of essential oil from M. officinalis (MO) to gain insight into the scientific basis for its applications in traditional medicine for the management of convulsive disorders. MO was evaluated for effects on maximal electroshock (MES) and pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) -induced seizures in mice, on 4–aminopyridine (4-AP)-brain slice model of epilepsy and sustained repetitive firing of current clamped neurons; and its ameliorative effects were examined on seizure severity, anxiety, depression, cognitive dysfunction, oxidative stress and neuronal cell loss in PTZ-kindled rats. MO reversibly blocked spontaneous ictal-like discharges in the 4-AP-brain slice model of epilepsy and secondary spikes from sustained repetitive firing, suggesting anticonvulsant effects and voltage-gated sodium channel blockade. MO protected mice from PTZ– and MES–induced seizures and mortality, and ameliorated seizure severity, fear-avoidance, depressive-like behavior, cognitive deficits, oxidative stress and neuronal cell loss in PTZ–kindled rats. The findings warrant further study for the potential use of MO and/or its constituent(s) as adjunctive therapy for epileptic patients


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    The role of reliability management tools and document cannot be over emphasized due to its role in ensuring better product all through it life cycle. It also helps the reliability Engineer to distinguish and oversee resource dependability hazards that could unfavorably influence plant or business tasks. This paper tried to look at the reliability management tools and document, and review the works of other researchers on the area of configuration management, value engineering, critical path and reliability manual. From their discussion it was admitted that reliability management tools play a key role in engineering industries hence its application in the different sector of life


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    A system`s reliability during the early stage of design is an important issue for consideration. For any engineering system to be of standard it must meet certain reliability goals. These reliability goals can be achieved by assigning reliability requirements of individuals’subsystem to obtain complete system reliability. These reliability allocation to be considered based on engineering factors appear more practical functional and crucial at the early stage of design and development of items.In this paper we shall be considering the factors of influence approach under the hybrid method. These factors of influence affecting system reliability are complexity/time, the environment, cost, state-of-the-art and criticality of failure. This method aims at exposing each factor of influence and how each affects the reliability of overall system if not properly taken into consideration at various industries

    Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding continuity among mothers of infants under six months in Plateau State, Nigeria

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    Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding practice is of public health significance as it improves child health and growth. This study was aimed at determining factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding practices among mothers of infants under six months. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. 310 mother-infant pairs were selected from three primary health care facilities in Jos North LGA. A validated questionnaire was administered to mothers. Main outcome measures were factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding practice. Results: 39.7 % practiced exclusive breastfeeding. Determinants of exclusive breastfeeding identified included mother’s ethnicity, level of education, marital status, and religion. Others included the time at which breastfeeding was initiated after birth, colostrum feeding and time at which counselling was received by mothers. Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding rates are still low and so interventional studies and programs are necessary and should be targeted at mothers of infants under six to increase exclusive breastfeeding prevalence

    Insecticidal Activity of Crude Extracts of Hyptis suaveolens (Bush Mint) on Anopheles Mosquitoes Collected from Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

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    Anopheles gambiae is a vector that is responsible for the transmission of malaria parasites which causes high morbidity and mortality in Nigeria and the world at large. Human-vector contact can be reduced by the use of conventional repellents being sold in the market, though some of these repellent are not environmentally friendly and An. gambiae have developed resistance to some of these repellents. To this end, the phytochemical constituents and insecticidal activity of crude extracts of Hyptis suaveolens (bush mint) was determined on adult An. gambiae mosquitoes collected from Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria to evaluate its effect in controlling them. Here, 70% ethanolic and diethyl ether fat crude extracts were made from H. suaveolens dried leaves and used to carry out the experiment. The phytochemical screening of the ethanol extract revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoid, saponins, tannins, steroids and reducing sugar. Glycoside was not detected in the ethanol extract. Only steroids was detected in diethyl ether extract the rest of the phytochemical tested were absent. An. gambiae larvae were collected from the field and were raised to F1 progeny adults that were used for the study. WHO protocol for carrying out human bait repellency cage test was used. Human hand treated with the extracts was exposed to a cage containing 30 female mosquitoes for each of the extracts respectively. The ethanolic crude extract treatment proved to be more effective in repelling mosquitoes with 0% (0/30) mosquito landing than diethyl ether extract which had 40% (12/30) mosquitoes landing and the control hand (untreated left hand) had the highest landing rate 63.3% (19/30) which showed very high significant difference (χ2 = 27.2619, df = 2, P <0.00001) in relation to the treatments. After 24 hours holding period, the mortality rate of exposed mosquitoes was observed to be highest in the ethanolic treatment 73.3% (22/30). In conclusion, H. suaveolens extracts have repellency potential in controlling adult An. gambiae