555 research outputs found

    Evaluation of toxicity effect of Datura innoxia root extract to Clarias gariepinus fingerlings

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    Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were exposed 96 hours under laboratory conditions using static bioassays with continuous aeration to determine acute toxicity of Datura innoxia root extract. The LC sub(50) of the exposed fingerlings was 128.83 mg/L. The fish exhibited loss of balance, respiratory distress and swam erratically just prior to deat

    Effects of extracts of dried seeds of Toloache, Datura innoxia as anaesthesia on the African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerlings

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    The effects of crude extract, pure extract, aqueous, fraction of pure and lipid fraction of pure extract of dried seeds of toloache. Datura innoxia as anaesthesia on the African catfish. Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were studied. The fish were exposed to various doses of the extract in aquaria tanks and the time taken for each fish to reach anaesthesia was recorded. The fish were anaesthetized up to 3.00g/l fingerlings reached anaesthesia is significantly (P0.05) better anaesthetic on the fish. The control produced no observable anaesthetic effect on the fish within three hours. This suggests that the anaesthetizing active ingredent resided in the lipid fraction. All fish recovered from anaesthesia, swam and fed actively and no mortality was observed throughout the exposure period and thereafter. It is therefore recommended for use on C. gariepinus fingerling

    The Effect of Internal Displacement and Variation in Crop Production in Barkin Ladi Local Government Area of Plateau State

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    The study examined internal displacement and variation in crop production in Barkin Ladi Local Government Area of Plateau State. The method of random sampling technique was used to select two wards from each of the five districts in the area and a purposive sampling was used to select 160 representative farmers in the sampled area which were administered questionnaires. Data were collected and analyzed descriptively using tables, charts and Chi-square test. The study revealed that there is a significant difference in the quantity of crop production before and after displacement. Result indicated a level of decrease in quantity of crop production, which as a result of the number of hour’s farmers now spent on their farms, and also inadequate labour supply that is less than what was before the displacement. It shows that there’s a significant difference in the type of crops produce before and after displacement and the reason is mainly for security. The study concluded by highlighting the urgency of the need for the various stakeholders to act in curbing the menace if the goals of food security were to be achieved. Recommendations were made on the responsibility of government at the federal, state and local levels as well as private and traditional institutions which is to establish all-inclusive processes of dialoging with worrying parties. Keywords: internal, displacement, crop, productio

    Acute toxicities of Basudine and Gammalin 20 to Aphyosemin gairdneri

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    Effects of Basudine and Gammalin 20 on the fingerlings of Aphyosemin gairdneri were investigated using static bioassays and continuous aeration over a period of 48 hours. The 48 hours LC sub(50) of the exposed fish to Basudine and Gammalin 20 were determined to be 194.99 mu g dm super(3) and 95.50 mu g dm super(3) respectively. Gammalin 20 was more toxic than Basudine. The behavioural responses observed include agitation, erratic swimming, loss of equilibrium, period of quiescence and death. It is concluded that repeated applications of these herbicides should be avoided before stocking ponds with fis

    Pengembangan Tes Kompetensi Gramatikal Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Web untuk Mahasiswa Semester IV Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan Tes Kompetensi Gramatikal Bahasa Inggris berbasis web yang berkualitas untuk mata kuliah Structure 4 Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Tahapan penelitian ini terdiri atas (1) analisis kebutuhan, (2) perencanaan pengembangan tes, (3) perancangan produk/sistem, dan (4) evaluasi produk/sistem. Proses evaluasi dilakukan oleh 1 orang ahli media dan 1 orang ahli materi. Subjek coba berjumlah 34 mahasiswa terdiri dari: 6 mahasiswa uji coba satu-satu, 12 mahasiswa uji coba kelompok kecil, dan 34 mahasiswa uji coba lapangan (termasuk subjek coba pada uji coba satu-satu dan uji coba kelompok kecil). Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar evaluasi untuk ahli materi, ahli media, dan angket untuk mahasiswa yang mencakup aspek tampilan web dan aspek sistem. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kriteria tes yang berkualitas ditinjaudari skor Alpha 0.823 (Reliabel), Item –Tot. 0.299 (diterima), dan Mean Biserial 0.402 (diterima). (2) Tes kompetensi gramatikal bahasa Inggris ditinjau dari aspek materi dinilai “sangat baik” oleh ahli materi dengan skor 4,23. (3) Tes kompetensi gramatikal bahasa Inggris ditinjau dari aspek tampilan web dinilai “baik” oleh media (web) dengan skor 4,07. (4) Tes kompetensi gramatikal bahasa Inggris ditinjau dari aspek sistem dinilai “baik” oleh media (web) dengan skor 4,10. Hasil uji coba secara keseluruhan, baik uji coba satu-satu, uji coba kelompok kecil, dan uji coba lapangan ditinjau dari aspek tampilan web dan aspek sistem rata-rata dinilai “sangat baik” oleh mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi dari ahli materi, ahli media (web) dan hasil uji coba, tes kompetensi gramatikal bahasa Inggris berbasis web untuk semester IV Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo layak digunakan sebagai alat tes secara online. Produk akhir tes komptensi gramatikal bahasa Inggris berbasis web ini adalah sebuah sistem ujian online dengan alamat domain www.pbi-examweb.com

    Youth unemployment and armed insurrection in post-military Nigeria: the contending issues

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    This article provides an overview of the internal conflicts within Nigeria, doing so primarily through explaining the role of Nigeria’s youth in either igniting or sustaining the types of insurgency that have plagued the country in the post-military era. In pursuing this, the paper focuses on the activities of the Niger Delta militants, which dominated the start of the current democratic dispensation, and those of the Boko Haram insurgents in the north. The paper suggests socio-economic empowerment of the youths as an antidote to youth unemployment, and, by extension, as a way to avert future armed insurrection and other forms of violent conflicts that have become synonymous with Nigerian youths

    Factors promoting the adoption of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) : The perception of management in Nigeria

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    This study investigates the factors that promote the adoption of IFRS, via the perception of management among the listed companies in Nigeria. A research model was developed to indicate the relationship among government policy, company size, educational level, capital market, that were argued to have significant positive relationship on the adoption of international financial reporting standards. This study is based on survey design, and the hypotheses have been tested using multiple regression analyses. Results indicated that, government policy, educational level and capital market have a positive significant relationship with the adoption of international financial reporting standards, while company size was found to be insignificant with the adoption of international financial reporting standards. The study recommends that, company size should be properly taken into consideration either in terms of small, medium, and large size in order to ensure smooth transition from Nigerian GAAP to full adoption of IFRS in the countr

    Pemerolehan Fonologi dan Sintaksis (sebuah Studi Kasus pada Anak Usia 2 Tahun)

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    This research aims to describe the phonological and syntaxtical acquistion of two years old child. The type of this research is a case study research. The research data is spoken record obtained from the subject conversation in a video form. The recording process consists of two phases. The first phase, the subject is let to speak naturaly which is intended to know phonological and syntaxtical of the subject. The second phase, the subject is stimulated to speak in order to know the difference between phonological and syntaxtical of the subject. The result of the research are: a) the phonological and syntaxtical acquisition of the subjectare revolving on the unmeaningfull words. The words occured in this phase are pronoun. b) after being simulated, the phonological and syntaxtical acquisition of the subjectare revolving on meaningfull words which encompass nouns, one word-utterance, two words-utterance, and diftongs.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pemerolehan fonologi dan sintaksis dari seorang anak berumur dua tahun. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian studi kasus. Data penelitian berupa rekaman pembicaraan yang didapatkan dari percakapan subyek penelitian dalam sebuah video. Pengambilan rekaman terdiri dari dua fae. Fase yang pertama, subyek pada penelitian ini dibiarkan secara natural dan direkam Fonologi dan Sintaksis yang dia hasilkan. Fase kedua adalah dengan merangsang subyek pada penelitian ini untuk berbicar

    Terrorism: A New Challenge to Nigeria`S Stability in the 21st Century

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    This paper examined the threat and vulnerability to terrorism in Nigeria. This implies the country will react differently, based on its unique perception of the threat. It furthermore implies that the Nigerian interpretation of the reason, threat and impact of terrorism will differ from that of other parts of the world. On the other hand, Nigeria cannot isolate itself from developments relating to the threat of terrorism in other parts of the world because factors such as globalisation, post 9/11, radicalization of religious doctrine, social media networking and the impact of United States, China and Russia`s foreign policies in developing countries directly influence perception, formation and radicalisation that extend beyond national, or even continental borders. Nigeria is a far most populous country in Africa being Africa’s largest oil producer. The religious and political tensions between the main religious populations and ethnic nationalities, inequality and social justice are persistent and often breed political violence. Evidence of successful propagandizing by either side is an explosive source of such violence. The aim of the paper is to find out how Nigeria can tackle the menace of inequality and security challenges that breed terrorism. Keywords: Religious Radicalization, Political Violence, Inequality, Resource Control Terrorism and Security Challenge

    Oil Exploration and Spillage in the Niger Delta of Nigeria

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    Colonel Drake drilled a 70 feet well in Titusville, Pennsylvania and discovered oil. In 1956, Shell British Petroleum discovered crude oil in the Niger Delta within Nigeria and since then oil exploration and exploitation have been ongoing for several decades. The Niger Delta consists of highly diverse ecosystems supportive of numerous species of terrestrial and aquatic fauna and flora and is the largest wetland in Africa. The oil spillages ongoing for several decades have characterized the area by contaminated rivers, stream and forest, which constitutes the major income source for the majority of the local population inhabiting the region, which are mainly dependent on ecosystem services. Approximately 1.5 million tons of oil has been spilled within the Niger Delta region over the span of several decades, most of which was partially cleaned or not cleaned totally, making some areas wastelands. Statistical analysis carried out for oil spillage quantities and incidence between 1976-2000, showed decrease in oil spillage quantity and increase in oil spillage incidence. These results were based on figures the oil companies submit to the government and one would not expect them to represent the actual figures. Reliable data could not be obtained for the most recent spills, more extensive evaluation is required. Keywords: Oil, Spillage, Niger Delta, Nigeri