90 research outputs found


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    Developing evaluation tools for student learning outcomes is a task that must be developed by the teacher. The aim is to find out the success of achieving the learning objectives that have been formulated. In the 2013 curriculum, evaluation tools or questions that are arranged must be able to stimulate students' thinking abilities. Therefore, the development criteria for HOTS or high-level thinking skills are applied. In compiling the HOTS problem the teacher can use a cognitive Operational Verb (KKO) in Bloom's Taxonomy. The cognitive domain consists of the simplest to the most complicated. The cognitive level is divided into two, namely LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skills) and HOTS. The LOTS category is at the remembering level (C1), understands (C2), and applies (C3). While the HOTS category is at the level of analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6). The research conducted is, of course, to find out how many items are included in the LOTS and HOTS criteria of the X-class AN-NAHL Vocational School Exam questions. In the research qualitative methods are used where the results of the research will be described. From the results of the analysis, there were 22.2% of LOTS questions consisting of 0% level (C1), 8.9% understanding level (C2), and 13.3% with applying level (C3). Then for the HOTS category, there were 77.8% consisting of 66.7% analyzing level (C4), 6.7% evaluating level (C5) and 4.4% creating level (C6)

    Pengaruh Pembebanan Terhadap Tegangan dan Frekuensi Pada Generator 3 Fasa

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    Generator adalah alat yang mengubah energi mekanik (gerak) menjadi energi listrik. Padapenelitian ini, dilakukan pengukuran terhadap motor generator 3 fasa yang dimaksudkan untukmengetahui pengaruh pembebanan terhadap keluaran generator yang dibatasi hanya sebagai simulasisaja, dimana komponen beban dengan nilai yang bervariatif dapat menimbulkan ketidaksetimbanganterhadap nilai yang dihasilkan oleh generator. Adapun hasil pengukurannya dianalisa denganbeberapa metode penelitian, diantaranya dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data regresi linearsederhana dan analisis variance. Data hasil pengukuran dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwaperhitungan akhir dengan beban 3.3kOhm jumlah tegangan yang dihasilkan dari 12 kali percobaandengan nilai tegangan sumber yang berbeda-beda adalah 14.48 lebih besar daripada ketika diberibeban 330kOhm jumlah tegangan keluarannya adalah 13.55, sebaliknya untuk bagian frekuensimenunjukkan bahwa dengan beban yang diberikan sebesar 3.3kOhm jumlah frekuensi yangdihasilkan adalah 377.73 lebih kecil daripada ketika diberi beban 330kOhm jumlah frekuensi yangdihasilkan adalah 384.87, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar beban yang diberikan makategangan yang dihasilkan oleh generator akan semakin kecil, berbanding terbalik dengan pengaruhpembebanan terhadap frekuensi keluaran dimana semakin besar beban yang diberikan maka frekuensiyang dihasilkan akan besar

    Analisis faktor penghambat penyerapan anggaran belanja modal di Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Indramayu tahun 2017-2018

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh Fenomena yang terjadi yaitu terdapat penyerapan anggaran yang belum sepenuhnya dapat direalisasikan, dikarenakan; pertama bisa menunjukan adanya efisiensi anggaran. Kedua, jika terjadi selisih kurang maka mungkin terjadinya kelemahan dalam perencanaan anggaran belanja yang kurang tepat, atau tidak terserapnya anggaran tersebut dikarenakan adanya program dan kegiatan yang tidak dilaksanakan secara efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat penyerapan anggaran belanja modal di Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Indramayu tahun 2017-2018. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif yang teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. serta menggunakan teknis analisis data model menurut Miles dan Huberman. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada teori penyerapan anggaran yang dikemukakan oleh Abdul Halim, teori yang diteliti berjumlah empat dimensi yaitu lemahnya perencanaan anggaran, lamanya proses pembahasan anggaran, lambannya proses tender dan ketakutan menggunakan anggaran. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor penghambat penyerapan anggaran belanja modal di Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Indramayu, disebabkan karena lemahnya perencanaan anggaran, masih adanya revisi ditengah tahun anggaran disebabkan karena proses pembuatan perencanaan anggaran dilakukan diawal tahun anggaran, untuk lima tahun kedepan dan biasanya ada kenaikan harga

    Hubungan Pola Makan dengan Indeks Massa Tubuh pada Santri/Santriwati

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    Background: Nutrition problem is a global health problem that requires special attention. In Indonesia, the problem of nutrition has not been completely resolved. Nutritional problems are related to a person's diet. This study aims to determine the relationship between diet and body mass index of students at the At-Taufiqurrahman Islamic Boarding School. Methods: This type of research is quantitative analytic with a cross sectional research design. The population is 61 people, the sample of this study is 61 people. The sampling technique is total sampling. Instruments in this study are questionnaires or questionnaires, weight scales and microtoise. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis and Spearmen Test. Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between diet (amount of energy (p = 0.001), amount (protein p = 0.001), type of food (p = 0.015) and the body mass index of students at Pondok Pesantren At Taufuqurrahman. Conclusion: There is a relationship between diet and body mass index of students at the At-Taufiqurrahman Islamic Boarding School. It is hoped that the pesantren will pay more attention to the food menu consumed by students


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to describe the forms of resistance of female characters in the drama script Senandung Dayang Derma by Rina Nazaruddin. The script tells the struggle of Dayang Derma's character to get freedom of speech over the slander that befell her lover Awang Mahmuda. Awang Mahmuda has been slandered to steal his stepfather's money so that his name is bad, and finally left the house. The slander was carried out by Awang Mahbungsu to get Dayang Derma as a prospective wife. Finally, the truth was revealed and Dayang Derma kept promising to hum the truth. Qualitative descriptive literature is the research method used, while literature study and content analysis are data analysis techniques. Borrowing the existentialist feminism theory of Simone de Beauvoir, the resistance of female characters is examined. Existentialist feminism is a study that reveals the efforts and efforts of women's movements in demanding gender equality with men. This movement removes the negative stigma of women who are weak, fragile, and only focus on household matters. The findings show that there are forms of resistance, such as freedom of ideology, courage to demand rights, and fighting negative stigma


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to describe the forms of resistance of female characters in the drama script Senandung Dayang Derma by Rina Nazaruddin. The script tells the struggle of Dayang Derma's character to get freedom of speech over the slander that befell her lover Awang Mahmuda. Awang Mahmuda has been slandered to steal his stepfather's money so that his name is bad, and finally left the house. The slander was carried out by Awang Mahbungsu to get Dayang Derma as a prospective wife. Finally, the truth was revealed and Dayang Derma kept promising to hum the truth. Qualitative descriptive literature is the research method used, while literature study and content analysis are data analysis techniques. Borrowing the existentialist feminism theory of Simone de Beauvoir, the resistance of female characters is examined. Existentialist feminism is a study that reveals the efforts and efforts of women's movements in demanding gender equality with men. This movement removes the negative stigma of women who are weak, fragile, and only focus on household matters. The findings show that there are forms of resistance, such as freedom of ideology, courage to demand rights, and fighting negative stigma


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    ABSTRAK Lingkungan alam merupakan tempat tinggal manusia, binatang, dan tumbuhan. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan lingkungan alam masyarakat Desa Kon dalam novel Haniyah dan Ala di Rumah Teteruga karya Erni Aladjai. Hal ini dikarenakan novel tersebut lekat dengan kehidupan lingkungan masyarakat petani mengolah alam sebagai sumber kehidupan utama. Bercocok tanam cengkih merupakan bentuk pemanfaatan lingkungan alam tropis di wilayah Indonesia bagian Timur. Karena itu, peneliti menggunakan teori ekologi sastra yang membahas tentang lingkungan dalam karya sastra. Metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif pustaka dengan teknik analisis isi. Hasil temuan berupa adanya aktivitas masyarakat berkutat dengan lingkungan alam di hutan dan lautan. Masyarakat menanam sayuran, pohon cengkih, cokelat, rempah-rempah, dan tumbuhan bunga. Selain itu, masyarakat juga memelihara binatang ternak. Di lingkungan laut, masyarakat mencari ikan untuk kebutuhan hidup. Kedekatan manusia dengan alam ditandai dengan membaurnya kegiatan sosial di lingkungan alamnya.Kata Kunci: Lingkungan Alam; Ekologi Sastra; Erni Aladjai

    Image Classification of Room Tidiness Using VGGNet with Data Augmentation

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    Tidiness becomes an essential aspect that everyone should maintain. Tidiness encompasses various elements, and one of the aspects closely related to it is the tidiness of a room. The tidiness of a room creates a comfortable and clean environment. The tidiness of a room is particularly crucial for individuals involved in businesses such as the hospitality industry. Therefore, a solution is needed to address this issue, and one of the approaches is to utilize Deep Learning for automatic room tidiness classification. One popular deep learning method for implementing image classification of room tidiness is the convolutional neural network (CNN), which creates a well-performing model for image classification with data augmentation. This research aims to develop an image classification model using CNN with the VGGNet architecture and data augmentation. This study is a reference for further development, with potential applications in the hospitality industry. The research results in a model that achieves an accuracy of 98.44% with a data proportion of 90% for training and validation, while the remaining 10% is used for testing purposes. The conclusion drawn from this study is that the CNN method, combined with data augmentation, can be utilized for image classification of room tidiness
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