30 research outputs found

    Pengaruh likuiditas, efektivitas, dan pembiayaan bagi hasil terhadap profitabilitas perbankan syariah di Indonesia periode 2016-2020

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    INDONESIA: Pada zaman sekarang masyarakat semakin mengerti, paham, dan teliti dalam menginvestasikan dana ataupun dalam upaya melakukan pembiayaan usahanya. Pada faktanya, hasil dari sebuah usaha tidaklah sama antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Dengan demikian, masyarakat lebih memilih menggunakan bank syariah dalam hal pendanaan. Hal ini dikarenakan bank syariah tidak menggunakan sistem bunga sebagai upah, akan tetapi menggunakan sistem bagi hasil atas pembiayaan yang dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis dan menguji pengaruh Likuiditas, Efektivitas, dan Pembiayaan Bagi Hasil terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia, baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi data panel, dimana data diperoleh dari laporan keuangan tahunan yang terdapat pada laporan tahunan masing-masing bank umum syariah periode desember 2016 sampai dengan desember 2020 yang diaudit dan diterbitkan oleh empat belas BUS yang ada di Indonesia selama tahun 2016-2020 yang terdaftar di OJK. Instrumen data yang digunakan berasal dari laporan tahunan BUS. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel current ratio tidak berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas bank umum syariah di Indonesia, sedangkan variabel non performing financing dan variabel pembiayaan bagi hasil berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas bank umum syariah di Indonesia. Hasil uji simultan menunjukkan bahwa variabel current ratio, non performing financing, dan pembiayaan bagi hasil secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas bank umum syariah di Indonesia. Uji koefisien determinasi diketahui nilai R2 sebesar 0,66 atau senilai dengan 66%. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa profitabilitas bisa dijelaskan oleh variabel Current Ratio, Non Performing Financing, dan Pembiayaan Bagi Hasil sebesar 66% sedangkan 34% lainnya dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak disebutkan dalam penelitian ini. ENGLISH: Nowadays, people increasingly understand and are thorough in investing funds or financing their business. The results of an effort are not the same as one another. Thus, people prefer to use Islamic banks in terms of funding. Islamic banks do not use the interest system as wages, but they use a profit-sharing system for the financing carried out. This research aims to analyze and test the influence of Liquidity, Effectiveness, and Profit-Sharing Financing on the Profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia, either partially or simultaneously. This research used an analysis method of panel data regression. The data was obtained from the annual financial statements contained in the annual reports of each Islamic Commercial Banks for the period December 2016 to December 2020. They were audited and published by fourteen BUS (Islamic Commercial Banks ) in Indonesia from 2016- to 2020 and registered with OJK. The data instrument used was derived from the BUS annual report. This research shows that the current ratio variable does not affect the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia, while the non-performing financing variable and the profit-sharing financing variable affect the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia. The simultaneous test result shows that the variables of current ratio, non-performing financing, and profit-sharing financing jointly affect the profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia. The coefficient of determination test is known to have an R2 value of 0.66 or equal to 66%. It means that profitability can be explained by the variables of Current Ratio, Non-Performing Financing, and Profit-Sharing Financing of 66%. The other 34% is explained by other variables not mentioned in this research. ARABIC: في هذا العصر الحالي، يعرف الناس بشكل متزايد ويفهم ويحرص على استثمار الأموال أو في محاولة تمويل أعمالهم. في الواقع، نتائج الأعمال تختلف بعضها البعض. وبالتالي، يفضل الناس استخدام البنوك الإسلامية من حيث التمويل. لأن البنوك الإسلامية لا تستخدم نظام الفائدة كأجور، ولكنها تستخدم نظام المرابحة للتمويل الذي يتم تنفيذه. الهدف من هذا البحث هو تحليل واختبار تأثير السيولة والفعالية وتمويل المرابحة على ربحية البنوك التجارية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا جزئيا ومتزامنا. استخدم هذا البحث طريقة تحليل انحدار بيانات اللوحة، حيث تم الحصول على البيانات من البيانات المالية السنوية الواردة في التقارير السنوية لكل بنك تجاري إسلامي للفترة من ديسمبر ٢٠١٦ إلى ديسمبر ٢٠٢٠ والتي تم تدقيقها ونشرها من قبل أربعة عشر بنك تجاري إسلامي في إندونيسيا خلال الفترة ٢٠١٦-٢٠٢٠ مسجلة لدى هيئة الخدمات المالية. أدوات البيانات المستخدمة مستمدة من التقرير السنوي للبنك التجاري الإسلامي. وأظهرت نتائج البحث أن متغير النسبة الحالية لا يؤثر على ربحية البنوك التجارية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا، في حين متغير التمويل المتعثرة ومتغير تمويل المرابحة يؤثران على ربحية البنوك التجارية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا. أشارت نتائج الاختبار المتزامن إلى أن متغير النسبة الحالية والتمويل المتعثر وتمويل المرابحة يؤثر معا على ربحية البنوك التجارية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا. من المعروف أن قيمة R2 من خلال اختبار معامل التحديد هي ٠.٦٦ أو تساوي ٦٦%. ويعني بذلك، يمكن تفسير الربحية بمتغير النسبة الحالية، والتمويل المتعثر، وتمويل المرابحة بنسبة ٦٦%، في حين ٣٤% الأخرى تم تفسيرها بمتغير أخر لا يذكر في هذا البحث

    Optimasi Konsentrasi Substrat Dan Enzim Dalam Pembuatan Gula Cair Berbahan Dasar Tepung Ketan Putih Dengan Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

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    The increasing growth of the food and beverage industry in Indonesia has resulted in an increasing demand for liquid sugar. The development of liquid sugar based on white glutinous rice flour is an alternative solution to the problem of meeting the demand for liquid sugar in Indonesia. The high starch content in glutinous rice flour can be converted into liquid sugar by liquification and saccharification processes with the help of enzymes. The concentration of white glutinous rice flour and enzymes in the process of making liquid sugar greatly affects the quality and quantity of sugar produced. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimal substrate and enzyme concentrations in the manufacture of liquid sugar made from white glutinous rice flour using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Parameters that were optimized were substrate concentration (30 – 50%) and alpha-amylase and glucoamylase enzyme volume (0.3 -0.5 mL). Optimization results were successfully achieved with the Central Composite Design (CCD) statistical experimental design, namely the white glutinous rice flour substrate concentration of 42.29% and the volume of alpha-amylase and glucoamylase enzymes of 0.46 mL with a reducing sugar content of 35.5%, the value is close to the predicted value and can verify the suitability of the model.Meningkatnya pertumbuhan industri makanan dan minuman di Indonesia mengakibatkan permintaan terhadap gula cair semakin meningkat. Pengembangan gula cair berbahan dasar tepung ketan putih merupakan salah satu alternatif pemecahan masalah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gula cair di Indonesia. Kandungan pati yang tinggi pada tepung ketan dapat diubah menjadi gula cair dengan proses liquifikasi dan sakarifikasi dengan bantuan enzim. Konsentrasi substrat tepung ketan putih dan enzim dalam proses pembuatan gula cair sangat mempengaruhi kualitas dan kuantitas gula yang dihasilkan.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan konsentrasi substrat dan enzim yang optimal dalam pembuatan gula cair berbahan baku tepung ketan putih menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Parameter yang dioptimasi adalah konsentrasi substrat (30 – 50%) dan volume enzim alfa-amilase dan glukoamilase (0,3 -0,5 mL). Hasil optimasi yang berhasil dicapai dengan desain eksperimen statistik Central Composit Design (CCD) yaitu konsentrasi substrat tepung ketan putih 42,29% dan volume enzim alfa-amilase dan glukoamilase sebesar 0,46 mL dengan kadar gula pereduksi yang dihasilkan sebesar 35,5%, nilai tersebut mendekati nilai prediksi dan dapat memverifikasi kesesuaian model

    Legal Policy Establishment of Article 107 Numbers 2 Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation Reviewed From Transfer Of Technology Regulation in Article 7 Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the Legal Policy Establishment of Article 107 Numbers 2 Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation Reviewed From Transfer of Technology Regulation in Article 7 TRIPs. This research is normative legal research by prioritizing statutory approaches and historical approach. The results of the study show that Article 107 Numbers 2 Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation is not by the mandate of Article 7 TRIPs, and implicated for the absence of government interference in technology transfer especially in the field of patents. The legal policy of establishing Article 107 Numbers 2 Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation is influenced by the intervention of other countries and more inclined towards adjusting international trade politics than defending national interests. The most ideal arrangement regarding technology transfer is by the formulation of Article 20 Paragraph (2) Law Number 13 of 2016 concerning Patents, which in essence patents must support technology transfer. Suggestions in this study for the lawmaker should emphasize the necessity for technology transfer in the field of patents through licenses in Indonesian laws and regulations


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    THE EFFECT OF ANTIOXIDANT COMPOUNDS IN SWEET POTATO KLEPON PRODUCTAntioxidants have recently become a widely promoted compound. Free radicals are molecules produced when the body gets damaged food or exposure to unhealthy environments such as tobacco smoke and radiation. Light-skinned fruits and vegetables with distinctive colors such as purple sweet potato, yellow sweet potato, red tomatoes, purple blueberries, yellow corn and orange carrots, are rich in antioxidants. Sweet potatoes are known to have high antioxidants. In addition, sweet potatoes are divided into three types based on differences in color, namely white sweet potato, yellow sweet potato, and purple sweet potato. In the research carried out the addition of three types of sweet potatoes in making klepon. The addition of sweet potato affects the color of the klepon product. Antioxidant compounds contained in sweet potatoes, become inactive again when processed into klepon products. This can be seen from the percentage inhibition value which is smaller than the value of control inhibition (ascorbic acid). So that antioxidant compounds only give color to the klepon product, while the antioxidant benefits have been reduced because of the processing in processing of the product. Keywords:   potato, compounds, antioxidant Antioksidan belakangan ini menjadi senyawa yang mulai banyak dipromosikan. Radikal bebas adalah molekul yang diproduksi ketika tubuh mendapatkan makanan yang rusak atau paparan lingkungan yang tidak sehat seperti asap tembakau dan radiasi. Buah dan sayuran yang berkulit terang dengan warna khas seperti ubi jalar ungu, ubi jalar kuning, tomat merah, blueberry ungu, jagung kuning dan wortel orange, kaya akan akan kandungan antioksidan. Ubi jalar diketahui memiliki  antioksidan yang tinggi. Selain itu, ubi jalar terbagi menjadi tiga jenis berdasarkan perbedaan warnanya, yaitu ubi jalar putih, ubi jalar kuning, dan ubi jalar ungu. Pada penelitian dilakukan penambahan tiga jenis ubi jalar pada pembuatan klepon. Penambahan ubi jalar ini mempengaruhi warna pada produk klepon. Senyawa antioksidan yang terkandung dalam ubi jalar, menjadi tidak aktif kembali ketika diolah menjadi produk klepon. Hal ini terlihat dari nilai persen penghambatan yang lebih kecil dari nilai penghambatan kontrol (asam askorbat). Sehingga senyawa antioksidan hanya memberikan warna terhadap produk klepon, sedangkan manfaat antioksidannya sudah berkurang karena proses pengolahan dalam pembuatan produk. Kata Kunci:    Kentang, senyawa, antioksida


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini berangkat dari latar belakang pemikiran mengenai perlunya meningkatkan kreativitas siswa. Proses pembelajaran yang hanya terpaku pada buku pelajaran, menyelesaikan soal-soal sesuai dengan rumus yang terdapat dalam buku tersebut akan menyebabkan kreativitas siswa tidak dapat berkembang secara maksimal. Perbedaan kemampuan matematika siswa dapat menyebabkan perbedaan tingkat kreativitas siswa. Dari latar belakang tersebut, maka diambil judul penelitian Kreativitas Siswa Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika Berdasarkan Tingkat Kemampuan Matematis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kulaitatif jenis deskriptif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kreativitas siswa berdasarkan tingkat kemampuan matematika siswa kelas X TKR 1 SMK Veteran Tulungagung. Dari hasil penelitian,dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan matematika siswa mempengaruhi tingkat kreativitas siswa. Semakin tinggi kemampuan matematika siswa, maka makin tinggi pula kreativitasnya.Kata Kunci: kreativitas siswa, kemampuan matematika, soal matematika  AbstractThis research departs from the background of thinking about the need to improve student creativity. The process of learning is only fixated on the textbook, solving the problems in accordance with the formulas contained in the book will cause students' creativity can not develop optimally. Differences in students' math skills can lead to different levels of student creativity. From the background, then taken the title of research Student Creativity in Solving Mathematics Problem Based on Mathematical Ability Level. This research is a descriptive type categorative research. This study aims to determine the creativity of students based on the level of mathematics ability of students of class X TKR 1 SMK Veteran Tulungagung. From the research result, it can be concluded that students' mathematical ability influence student's creativity level. The higher the students' math skills, the higher their creativity.Keyword: student creativity, mathematical ability, math problem

    The Bay Leaves Active Compounds and Its Lipid Oxidative Inhibition Activity in Bulk Cooking Oil

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    Cooking oil is one of the basic human needs. Improving the quality of bulk cooking oil is necessary because it is related to economic reason. The bulk cooking oil have a lower price than brand package oil, of course. Based on these reasons, research is needed on the use of antioxidants to improve the quality of bulk cooking oil. This study aims to identify the phytochemicals of bay leaves extract through TOF profiling, analysis of iodine number and acid number of bay leaves extract against bulk cooking oil. TOF profiling was carried out to see whether bay leaves had chemical compounds that supported antioxidant activity which had an impact on the inhibition of fat oxidation. The research consisted of 4 stages: 1) extraction and fractionation of bay leaves, 2) TOF profiling of bay leaves extract, 3) application of bay leaves extract to bulk cooking oil, 4) analysis of iodine and acid numbers. Profiling TOF of the bay leaves extract showed 3 peaks : C6H13NO5 (cyclohexanol, galactose, and fructose derivatives), C11H14O5 (pyran and furan), andC11H19NO3 (morpholine derivate). According to SNI, the acid value maximum 0.6 mg KOH/g. Iodine value minimum is 45 g I2/ 100 mL (SNI 3741 : 2013). Based of this data standart, this study recommended use bay leaves extract in concentration 0.80%. The addition of bay leaves extract as much as 0.80% showed an iodine number of 48.2 g I2/100 mL and an acid number of 0.34 mg KOH/g where the positive control TBHQ showed an iodine number of 48.7 g I2/100 mL and an acid number of 0.19 mg KOH/g

    Substitusi Minyak Sawit Merah (MSM) dan Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari Pada Pembuatan Mayonnaise Kaya Betakaroten

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    Red Palm Oil (RPO) is palm oil that is obtained without going through the bleaching process to maintain the carotenoid content. Red palm oil can be used as a source of natural vitamin A because red palm oil contains provitamin A (from β-carotene) 15-30 times higher than carrots and tomatoes. Vitamin A is important for eye health and prevents blindness, and more importantly, vitamin A can increase endurance. This study aims to obtain the best formulations of red palm oil and sunflower seed oil on chemical, organoleptic properties, as well as the emulsion power and stability of mayonnaise. The study design used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications. This research was based on a comparison between red palm oil (MSM) and sunflower seed oil. The research was conducted with 2 factors, namely: The first factor was the comparison of MSM concentration and sunflower seed oil, which was 0%: 100%; 1%: 99%; 2%: 98%; 3%: 97%; 4%: 96%; 5%: 95%; 6%: 94%, while the second factor is egg yolk concentration, which is 10%. Based on the results of organoleptic testing the best sample was obtained by adding 5% red palm oil and 95% sunflower seed oil. With a protein content of 36%. Fat content is 39.13%, water content is 19.83%, the viscosity of the mayonnaise produced is around 185 cP, while for microbiological testing, salmonella and E Coli, get a negative result. Keywords: Mayonnaise, Red Palm Oil (RPO

    Pemanfaatan Senyawa Antioksidan Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea Batatas) Pada Pewarnaan Produk Klepon

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    Antioxidants have recently become a compound that has been widely promoted. Antioxidants are substances that can protect cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules produced when the body gets damaged food or exposure to unhealthy environments such as tobacco smoke and radiation. Fruits and vegetables that are light-skinned with typical colours such as purple sweet potatoes, yellow sweet potatoes, red tomatoes, purple blueberries, yellow corn, and orange carrots, are rich in antioxidants. Sweet potatoes are known to have high carbohydrate and antioxidant content. Also, sweet potatoes are divided into three types based on the different colours, namely white sweet potato, yellow sweet potato, and purple sweet potato. The advantages of sweet potatoes can be used as natural dyes in the manufacture of klepon products. In the study conducted the addition of three types of sweet potatoes in the making klepon. The addition of sweet potatoes affects the value of carbohydrates and water content in klepon products. Also, white sweet potatoes, yellow sweet potatoes, and purple sweet potatoes have carbohydrate content of 44%, 55%, and 42%. Mineral content In addition to white sweet potatoes, yellow sweet potatoes, and purple sweet potatoes are 0.13%, 0.35%, and 0.27%, while the addition of white sweet potatoes, yellow sweet potatoes, and purple sweet potatoes has a moisture content. 52%, 40%, and 56%. Where on klepon without the addition of sweet potatoes has 48% carbohydrate content, mineral content 0.23%, and 47% water content? Based on the results of the analysis, klepon with the addition of yellow sweet potato is the best of nutritional value and storage capacity, because it has the highest levels of carbohydrate and minerals, and low moisture content. Keywords: Antioxidants, Telephone, Sweet Potatoe

    Analisis limbah pertanian kelapa sebagai adsorben dalam penurunan total padatan pada geywater

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    Agiculture waste is an unused by-product from the remnants of agicultural activities. The Impact of agiculture waste is becoming a substance contaminant that can disturb life biotic as well as become a source of disease. Agiculture waste is divided into three goups: waste agiculture pre-harvest, waste agiculture at the moment harvest, and waste agiculture post-harvest. Handling agiculture waste could be conducted by manipulating waste that becomes a product-appropriate use. Agiculture waste that can be utilized is shell coconut waste. Shell coconut waste could be made adsorbent in reducing solids pollutants in geywater. This study used a continuous adsorption column method with adsorbent media engineered from shell coconut waste. So that it can be known the potential of shell coconut waste as an adsorbent in reducing total solids in geywater. Based on analysis using an adsorption test with an isotherm model, the adsorbent product from engineering waste shell coconut can remove 64% of solids suspended in geywater. The adsorption process of the solid suspended follows the Langmuir isotherm model, with capacity adsorption from an adsorbent of 0.0412 mg g-1. Adsorbent waste agicultural products can reduce total solids dissolved in geywater by 3.7%. Therefore, adsorbent products from agiculture waste could become alternative adsorption media in reducing solids pollutants in geywater

    Studi Karakteristik Komposisi Produk Katalitik Pirolisis TKKS dengan katalis Al White

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    Bio-oil can be produced from biomass which has the potential to become an environmentally friendly renewable energy source. Most of the biomass is found as organic waste or used as mulch. Therefore, this renewable energy source needs to be developed so that its utilization can be maximized as a promising energy source with a catalytic pyrolysis process. The raw material used in this research is empty palm fruit bunches (EFB). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of catalytic pyrolysis temperature on pyrolysis products in the form of char, bio-oil and gas. The experiment was carried out at various temperatures of 300°C, 350°C and 400°C using Al white catalyst. The ratio of Al white catalyst with EFB is 1:2 mixed with the catalyst in the pyrolysis reactor. The desired temperature for the pyrolysis process can be set on the reactor temperature controller. The results showed that the optimum bio-oil production rate of 55.81% was obtained from samples at 350 °C. Bio-oil in this study was divided into BO (bio-oil in the oil phase) and BA (bio-oil in the liquid phase). In this study the bio-oil obtained at process temperatures of 300°C, 350°C and 400°C were 45.28%, 55.81% and 47.40%, with a heating rate of 5.93°C/minute , 6.11 °C/minute, and 6.68 °C/minute and the density of bio-oil ranges from 1.114–1.264 g/ml. BO products are thicker than BA products. BO viscosity is higher at high pyrolysis temperature as well. The most char products at 300oC and the most gas products at 400oC. The higher the pyrolysis temperature, the more gas will be produced. By improving the pyrolysis process, promising bio-oil can be produced with temperature, catalyst treatment, and heating rate playing an important role in i