177 research outputs found


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    PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN EKSTERNAL, ORIENTASI STRATEGI DAN SISTEM KONTROL AKUNTANSI TERHADAP KINERJA PERUSAHAAN PADA PG. WATOETOELIS, SIDOARJO Ayu Kusuma Dewi ABSTRAK Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini perkembangan dunia usaha di Indonesia sedang mengalami masa sulit. Pada umumnya, perusahaan didirikan dengan berbagai tujuan misalnya untuk memperoleh laba, meningkatkan nilai kesejahteraan karyawan dan sebagainya. Strategi merupakan alat untuk melakukan adaptasi dan merupakan faktor penentu utama kinerja perusahaan. Disamping itu kondisi lingkungan eksternal perusahaan dapat digambarkan dalam sebuah kontinum, dari kondisi yang menguntungkan sampai kondisi tidak ramah. Semakin baik hubungan sistem kontrol dengan faktor kontekstual semakin tinggi kinerja perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan eksternal, orientasi strategi dan sistem kontrol akuntansi terhadap kinerja perusahaan pada Pabrik Gula Watoetoelis. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 30 responden yang terdiri dari 4 Kepala Bagian (KaBag) dan 26 Kepala Seksi (KaSie) PG. Watoetoelis Sidoarjo, sedangkan smuber data yang digunakan ini beraasal dari jawaban kuesioner yang disebar pada 30 Responden tersebut ,dan kuesioner terdiri dari 27 pertanyaan yang dibagi menjadi 4 bagian. Data yang diperoleh tersebut dianalisis dengan menggunakan Uji Regresi Linier Berganda dengan alat bantu komputer yang menggunakan program SPSS. 16.0 For windows. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan lingkungan eksternal, orientasi strategi dan sistem kontrol akuntansi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja perusahaan pada Pabrik Gula Watoetoelis. Kata Kunci: lingkungan eksternal, orientasi strategi, sistem kontrol akuntansi dan kinerja perusahaa

    Media Pembelajaran Lagu-Lagu Daerah dan Budaya Berbasis Android

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    Indonesia mempunyai banyak sekali budaya dan kesenian daerah, misalnya lagu daerah yang lambat laun sudah mulai ditinggalkan bahkan mayoritas kalangan anak-anak, remaja dan dewasa jarang mengenal kebudayaan lagu daerah tradisional dan ada yang tidak mengenal sama sekali tentang kebudayaan tradisional tersebut. Sehingga rasa nasionalisme yang menyebabkan pada Desember 2008 Malaysia mengklaim lagu Rasa Sayang Sayange adalah milik mereka, bukan hanya lagu daerah namun beberapa kesenian dan budaya seperti Reog Ponorogo dan Angklung juga di klaim adalah milik mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan pengumpulan data secara observasi dan interview untuk membangun media pembelajaran berbasis android. Sedangkan metode penelitian digunakan metode prototype, dalam metode ini terdapat beberapa tahap, diantaranya: 1. tahap pertama, mendengarkan pelanggan, 2. tahap kedua, membangun/memperbaiki prototype dan 3. tahap ketiga, pelanggan menguji coba prototype. Media pembelajaran ini merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang menjadikan pengenalan lagu-lagu daerah sebagai media belajar yang dilengkapi dengan lirik lagu dan memberikan informasi tentang semua provinsi diseluruh Indonesia selain itu terdapat permainan tentang lagu daerah dan informasi tentang provinsi di seluruh Indonesia


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    In the fast-developing 21st century, various innovative media have been introduced in learning English speaking; one of the popular products of technology created to support learning English speaking is Podcast. Currently, Podcast has a variety of content that can assist and support secondary-level students in learning English speaking. Some previous studies found that Podcasts can improve students' speaking skills, but they still did not show how students make the most of Podcasts for learning to speak English. Therefore, this study aimed to find out students' experiences using Podcasts and how students make the most of Podcasts for learning English speaking. This study was a survey study. This research was carried out by surveying 15 eleventh graders in the Sidoarjo and Surabaya area, specifically, students who have experience using Podcasts to learn English speaking more than once. To collect the data, the researcher used open-ended questionnaires distributed to participants in Google Forms that spread through the Social Media. The results showed that podcasts can make it easier for students to access authentic material from native speakers since it provides kinds of Podcasts with various popular Podcast theme content. Podcasts can assist students in focusing on their aspects of speaking, such as grammar, fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc. Students used the Podcast in the common ways they did while learning, such as searching the Podcast on an online platform, listening and watching, taking notes, realizing, practicing. It can be concluded that Podcast was a beneficial learning media resource for learn English speaking

    Desain Komunikasi Visual Sebagai Sarana Promosi Green School Di Desa Sibang Kaja, Badung

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    Abstract In the middle of education concerns in this country, a new innovation in the field of education is present in Bali Indonesia, the heart of our domestic tourism as a Green School. Green School have a friendly school environment because the whole building is made from bamboo. Due to lack of communication media owned by the Green School, this school is in desperate need of a media campaign to promote the school to the community, especially school students who want a different education models. Data analysis used in this assignment is an analysis descriptive qualitative comparative method. Because in reviewing a group of people, an object, a condition, a system of thought or one class of events in the present is according to an analysis of causality. Concepts used in this visual communication design media is a Fun Educative because in this project, author want to create a design that is easily understood and capable to provide an adequate information in accordance with the aim of the projects. Media thats will be designed such as a Leaflets, Stickers, X-Banners, Folders, Bags, Tabloid Advertising, T-Shirt, Umbrella, Transit Advertising and Final Exam Catalog. With those designed media, it is expected that can provide more attractiveness and more adequate information about the Green School. Key words: Green School, Design Concepts, Visual Communication Medi


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    The purpose of this study is to describe a condition that is the effectiveness using Problem Based Learning method in teaching vocabulary in grade 8 students SMP N 2 GAMPING, as well as, differences in vocabulary mastery of students taught by using Problem Based Learning method, and student vocabulary mastery achievement taught using the Problem Based Learniing method. In addition, the purpose of this study is to obtain information about the effectiveness using Problem Based Learning method in teaching vocabulary, it is done to get to the effectiveness of techniques in teaching vocabulary in grade 8 of SMP N 2 GAMPING. Students included in this study amounted to 32 people. This research includes experimental research in the form of quantitative by collecting data from observation and test. The data collected in this study were analyzed using T-test. In posttest experimental group get higher value from control group, based on statistical result, have got value (To) that is equal to 4,098 and value from (Tt) 2,000 from df 62 at 5% significant level that is equal to 0.000. Comparison with values at such a significant level, the authors found 4,098> 2,000. Thus, it is clear that the value (Tt) is higher than (To). Furthermore, it can be concluded that the null hypothesis (Ho), no significant influence from the use of Problem Based Leaning method in teaching vocabulary rejected. While the alternative hypothesis (Ha), there is a significant influence from the use of methods of Problem Based Leaning method in teaching vocabulary accepted

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Pada Sentra Industri Mete di Wonogiri

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    The aims of this research to determine characteristics labor in cashew industry in Wonogiri, and determine the factors that affect labor productivity in cashew industry in Wonogiri. The basic method used in this research is descriptive method. Determining the location of the research conducted on purpose, which in District Jatisrono, Wonogiri. Respondents were taken in this study were 40 cashew industrial units in the district Jatisrono. Retrieval number of samples using proportional random sampling method. The analysis used in this study was the OLS (Ordinary Least Square) method in the form of multiple linear regression, the variables used were age, number of family dependents, work experience, working time allocation and employment status. Based on the analysis of data obtained by the equation : Y = - 5,731 - 0,157 X1 + 0,600 X2 + 0,481 X3 + 1,546 X4 - 0,821 X5 The model has a R2 value of 80,1%, which means that their contributions of the variables studied labor productivity in cashew industry center in Wonogiri at 80,1%. While the remaining 19,9% is explained by other variables outside the model. In the F test at the 95% confidence level values obtained Fhitung > Ftabel (39,244 > 27,329) which means jointly independent variables significantly affect labor productivity in the cashew industrial centers in Wonogiri. While the t-test results showed that the age variable, number of dependents variable, work experience variable, individual working time allocation variable affect on labor productivity in the industrial centers of cashew in Wonogiri at the 95% confidence level. Based on the regression coefficients standard values, the working time allocation variable has the biggest value to the direction of the positive relationship. This indicates that the increasing of the working time allocation then their productivity was also increase. And from the results of the study suggest that workers who have long working experience and who have high productivity in order to be maintained and for cashew employers should be selecting a laboron the cashew industry that has high productivity


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    This study was developmental study to develop interesting vocabulary material using CALL for the fifth grade students. The developmental design is adopted from Asmara’s (2011) Model which could be easily to be understood. The purpose of the study was the researcher made a vocabulary material because the students were bored with the LKS so the researcher made a new media for teaching and learning which help both the students and the teacher in teaching english. The product or the media which is created consists of vocabulary, collocation words, reading text, and exercise. This research showed that the material was developed properly to be used according to the result of expert validation. The expert validation checked the following components ; attractiveness, Requirements, Mechanics, Contents, and Originality. For the result of try out material the score of the students increased, the media was properly to be used in SDN Randuagung 2 Gresik, because the students could understand easily with vocabulary material. The students be motivated to learn this media because this media used colorfull picture. In conclusion the students were interested in the media which is full of picture, sound and play with colorfull display. The students enjoyed and were more enthusiastic in learning English than before using the new media. They could operate the media properly, learn the material well. Based on the teacher information, the students score significantly increased after using the media. Based on the conclusion, two suggestions were provided to give contribution on the teaching and learning using CALL. It is better if the next researchers implement it to improve other skills. The next researcher also can use CALL to improve students ability by using other media


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    Abstrak Peningkatan angka perceraian yang semakin tinggi berdampak tidak hanya kepada hubungan suami istri, tetapi juga hubungan antara orang tua dengan anak. Situasi tersebut membuat terpengaruhnya tingkat kebahagiaan, kebingungan dalam pengambilan keputusan, stabilitas emosi, tuntutan untuk mampu menyesuaikan diri pada perbedaan pola asuh yang diterima, serta kurangnya pendampingan orang tua untuk  anak terutama pada saat masa  transisi  perkembangan  yang berdampak pada kesuksesan tugas perkembangan.  Dampak  perceraian  dapat  diminimalisir  dengan  peningkatan  subjective  well-being individu. Peningkatan subjective well-being salah satunya dapat berhubungan dengan nilai attachment. Peneliti mencoba menguji apakah terdapat hubungan antara attachment dengan subjective well-being pada remaja akhir broken home. Responden penelitian berjumlah 162 dengan kriteria yaitu rentang usia 18-21 tahun dan orang tua bercerai secara hukum. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data menggunakan non-probability sampling method yaitu incidental sampling. Analisis hubungan dilakukan menggunakan pearson product moment dengan bantuan SPSS 23. Data menghasilkan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar -0.557, artinya terdapat hubungan negatif antara attachment dengan subjective well-being pada remaja akhir berlatar belakang broken home. Kata Kunci: attachment, subjective well-being, remaja akhir.   Abstract The increasing divorce rate has an impact not only on the husband and wife relationship but also relationship between parents and children. This situation affects the level of happiness, confusion in decision making, emotional stability, demands to be able to adjust to the differences in parenting received before and after the divorce process as well as the lack of parental assistance for children during the developmental transition. The impact can be minimized by the subjective well-being of individuals. One of the things that can contribute to subjective well-being is attachment. Thus, this study tries to test whether there is a relationship between attachment and subjective well-being in late adolescence from a broken home. The research respondents were 162 and had meet the criteria for 18-21 years of age whose parents were legally divorced.  The research  was conducted using  quantitative methods with  data collection techniques using non-probability sampling method, namely incidental sampling. Relationship analysis using pearson product moment with the help of SPSS 23. Data analysis resulted in a correlation coefficient value of -0.557, meaning that there is a negative relationship between attachment and subjective well- being in late adolescence with broken home background. Keywords: attachment, subjective well-being, late adolescence
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