90 research outputs found

    Surface differentiation and localization by parametric modeling of infrared intensity scans

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    In this study, surfaces with different properties are differentiated with simple low-cost infrared (IR) emitters and detectors in a location-invariant manner. The intensity readings obtained from such sensors are highly dependent on the location and properties of the surface, which complicates the differentiation and localization process. Our approach, which models IR intensity scans parametrically, can distinguish different surfaces independent of their positions. The method is verified experimentally with wood, Styrofoam packaging material, white painted wall, white and black cloth, and white, brown, and violet paper. A correct differentiation rate of 100% is achieved for six surfaces and the surfaces are localized within absolute range and azimuth errors of 0.2 cm and 1.1°, respectively. The differentiation rate decreases to 86% for seven surfaces and to 73% for eight surfaces. The method demonstrated shows that simple IR sensors, when coupled with appropriate processing, can be used to differentiate different types of surfaces in a location-invariant manner. © 2005 IEEE

    Position-invariant surface recognition and localization using infrared sensors

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    Low-cost infrared emitters and detectors are used for the recognition of surfaces with different properties in a location-invariant manner. The intensity readings obtained with such devices are highly dependent on the location and properties of the surface in a way that cannot be represented in a simple manner, complicating the recognition and localization process. We propose the use of angular intensity scans and present an algorithm to process them. This approach can distinguish different surfaces independently of their positions. Once the surface is identified, its position can also be estimated. The method is verified experimentally with the surfaces aluminum, white painted wall, brown kraft paper, and polystyrene foam packaging material. A correct differentiation rate of 87% is achieved, and the surfaces are localized within absolute range and azimuth errors of 1.2 cm and 1.0 deg, respectively. The method demonstrated shows that simple infrared sensors, when coupled with appropriate processing, can be used to extract a significantly greater amount of information than they are commonly employed for. © 2003 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

    Target classification with simple infrared sensors using artificial neural networks

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    This study investigates the use of low-cost infrared (IR) sensors for the determination of geometry and surface properties of commonly encountered features or targets in indoor environments, such as planes, corners, edges, and cylinders using artificial neural networks (ANNs). The intensity measurements obtained from such sensors are highly dependent on the location, geometry, and surface properties of the reflecting target in a way which cannot be represented by a simple analytical relationship, therefore complicating the localization and classification process. We propose the use of angular intensity scans and feature vectors obtained by modeling of angular intensity scans and present two different neural network based approaches in order to classify the geometry and/or the surface type of the targets. In the first case, where planes, 90° corners, and 90° edges covered with aluminum, white cloth, and Styrofoam packaging material are differentiated, an average correct classification rate of 78% of both geometry and surface over all target types is achieved. In the second case, where planes, 90° edges, and cylinders covered with different surface materials are differentiated, an average correct classification rate of 99.5% is achieved. The method demonstrated shows that ANNs can be used to extract substantially more information than IR sensors are commonly employed for. © 2008 IEEE

    Differentiation and localization of target primitives using infrared sensors

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    This study investigates the use of low-cost infrared sensors in the differentiation and localization of commonly encountered target primitives in indoor environments, such as planes, corners, edges, and cylinders. The intensity readings from such sensors are highly dependent on target location and properties in a way which cannot be represented in a simple manner, making the differentiation and localization process difficult. In this paper, we propose the use of angular intensity scans and present an algorithm to process them. This approach can determine the target type independent of its position. Once the target type is identified, its position can also be estimated. The method is verified experimentally. An average correct classification rate of 97% over all target types is achieved and targets are localized within absolute range and azimuth errors of 0.8 cm and 1.6°, respectively. The proposed method should facilitate the use of infrared sensors in mobile robot applications for differentiation and localization beyond their common usage as simple proximity sensors for object detection and collision avoidance

    Simultaneous extraction of geometry and surface properties of targets using simple infrared sensors

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    We investigate the use of low-cost infrared (IR) sensors for the simultaneous extraction of geometry and surface properties of commonly encountered features or targets in indoor environments, such as planes, corners, and edges. The intensity measurements obtained from such sensors are highly dependent on the location, geometry, and surface properties of the reflecting target in a way that cannot be represented by a simple analytical relationship, therefore complicating the localization and recognition process. We propose the use of angular intensity scans and present an algorithm to process them to determine the geometry and the surface type of the target and estimate its position. The method is verified experimentally with planes, 90-deg corners, and 90-deg edges covered with aluminum, white cloth, and Styrofoam packaging material. An average correct classification rate of 80% of both geometry and surface over all target types is achieved and targets are localized within absolute range and azimuth errors of 1.5 cm and 1.1 deg, respectively. Taken separately, the geometry and surface type of targets can be correctly classified with rates of 99 and 81%, respectively, which shows that the geometrical properties of the targets are more distinctive than their surface properties, and surface determination is the limiting factor. The method demonstrated shows that simple IR sensors, when coupled with appropriate processing, can be used to extract substantially more information than that for which such devices are commonly employed. © 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

    Microwave-assisted synthesis, characterizations, antimicrobial activities, and DFT studies on some pyridine derived Schiff base

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    This study reports a joint experimental, theoretical and microbiological investigation on the (E)-N,N-dimethyl-4-((pyridine-2-ylmethylene)amino)aniline (5), (E)-N,N-dimethyl-4-((pyridine-4-ylmethylene)amino)aniline (6) and (E)-N,N-dimethyl-4-((pyridine-3-ylmethylene)amino)aniline (7). These compounds were synthesized with microwave method and their structures characterized by FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and elemental analysis tecniques. In the theoretical studies, torsional barriers analysis, ground state structure, Fourier Transform Infrared spectra (FT-IR), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra (NMR) of 5, 6, and, 7 were calculated by Density Functional Theory (DFT) computations. The conformers obtained from the torsional barrier scanning were optimized by B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level. The harmonic vibrational frequencies, potential energy distribution (PED), infrared intensities, and NMR chemical shifts of the most stable conformers were determined using the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p). Theoretically, predicted spectral data were compared with experimental results. Antimicrobial studies of the synthesized compounds were performed against various microbial strains. Antimicrobial activities of 5, 6, and, 7 were tested against selected bacteria and yeast through minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and diffusion method. Compound 7 was found to be the most active against bacteria and yeast, while compound 5 was found to be moderately active. Compounds 6 (against S. aureus and C. albicans) and, 7 were found to have a very high minimum inhibitory concentration, ranging between 1.95 and 7.81 g/mL (against P. aeruginosa and E. coli). Compounds (6 and 7) showed zone of inhibition values in the range of 10–20 mm against other bacteria except L. monocytogenes and S. thyphimurium. © 2022 Elsevier B.V

    Health Tourısm In Turkey And Practıcal Example Of Its Economıc Dımensıons,

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    Turkey has made significant progress in health tourism within the last 20 years and began to compete with the most successful countries in health tourism. Also, the income obtained from health tourism has an important impact on the income obtained in health sector in Turkey and makes great contribution to the economy. This study aims to investigate the place of health tourism in health sector and its impacts on it. Within this context, various statistical data regarding the spending on health and health tourism between 2004-2013 was used. The data obtain from TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) was analysed via PASW Statistics 18 (SPSS-Statistical Package for Social Sciences) package program. Within the scope of the analysis, frequency tables and regression tests were used. The research findings illustrated that private hospitals were preferred more in health tourism, Germany, Bulgaria and Iraq are among the countries that send most health tourists, service is obtained more in other branches and eye and oncology fields and health tourism income is affected by the number of the tourists. The results of the study indicated that foreigners make up 70% of total health tourists in 2013, the rate of health spending in health tourism is 2.3% and health tourism income increased total heath income significantly

    Kamu Ve Özel Sağlık Kurumlarında Çalışan Personelin Ücret Beklenti Düzeylerinin Uygulamalı Örneği,

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    Günümüzde daha kaliteli, etkin, verimli ve sürekli bir sağlık hizmeti sunumunda sağlık kurumu çalışanlarının kurum amaçları doğrultusunda etkin ve verimli bir biçimde organize edilmeleri gerekmektedir. İyi bir personel yönetimine sahip kurumlar çalışanlarının özelliklerini ve beklentilerini değerlendirerek bu yönde tedbirler almalı ve iyileştirmelerde bulunmalıdırlar. Sağlık kurumlarında hem iş doyumu hem de örgütsel bağlılığın artmasında çalışanların beklentilerinin karşılanması ve uygun çalışma koşulları göz ardı edilmemesi gereken bir konudur. Özellikle İş doyumunu etkileyen çevresel ve örgütsel faktörlerden biride ücret-maaş faktörüdür. Çalışanların ücret yönünden tatmin edilmelerinin iş doyumunu artıracağı söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada katılımcı görüşleri doğrultusunda başta ücrete yönelik olmak üzere çalışma koşullarının kalite ve yeterliliği, iş değişikliği ve ücretle ilişkili olarak sosyal hayattaki olumsuzluk konularına dair genel bir durum değerlendirmesi yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmaya rast gele yöntemle seçilmiş toplam 1350 özel ve kamu sağlık kurumlarında çalışan sağlık personeli katılım sağlamıştır. Araştırma Türkiye evreni içerisinde İstanbul, İzmir, Bursa, Ankara, Diyarbakır, Trabzon, Tekirdağ, Adana, Edirne ve Çorum illeri örneklemi çerçevesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada 5’li likert ölçekten oluşan 30 soruluk bir anket kullanılmıştır. Kullanılan anketin Cronbach’s Alpha değeri 0.872 bulunmuştur. Analize tabi tutulan veriler SPSS 18 İstatistik programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz kapsamında, güvenilirlik analizi, frekans tabloları, betimleyici istatistikler, faktör analizi ve Kruskal Wallis analizlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, katılımcıların cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim, iş tecrübesi ve kurumdaki konum değişkenlerine göre çalışma koşulları, iş değişimi, ücret ve gelir düzeyinin sosyal hayattaki olumsuz etkileri boyutlarında etkili olduğu, kurum tipi değişkeninin ise sadece çalışma koşuları boyutunda etkili olduğu saptanmıştır