14 research outputs found


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    Severity of food insecurity among Australian University students, professional and academic staff

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    Assessments of the severity of food insecurity within Australian university students are lacking, and the experience of food insecurity in Australian university staff is unknown. A cross-sectional online survey in March 2022 aimed to characterize the severity of food insecurity in students, professional and academic staff at the University of Tasmania (UTAS). The Household Food Security Survey Module six-item short form assessed food security status in addition to seven demographic and education characteristics for students and six demographic and employment characteristics for staff. Participants were categorized as having high, marginal, low, or very low food security. Multivariate binary logistic regression identified students and staff at higher risk of food insecurity. Among student respondents (n = 1257), the prevalence of food insecurity was 41.9% comprising 8.2% marginal, 16.5% low, and 17.3% very low food security. Younger, non-binary, first-year enrolled, on campus, and international students were at significantly higher risk of food insecurity. Among staff (n = 560), 16.3% were food insecure comprising 3.8% marginal, 5.5% low, and 7.0% very low food security. Professional staff, staff on casual contracts, and staff recently employed, were at significantly higher risk of food insecurity. Our findings suggest a high occurrence of food insecurity in UTAS students and staff, with a large proportion of food insecure staff and students experiencing very low food security. Our findings have implications for efforts towards reducing food insecurity at university campuses through a holistic and integrated approach, advocating for food systems that support healthy, sustainable, and equitable food procurement and provision for both university students and staff

    Cirsium species show disparity in patterns of genetic variation at their range-edge, despite similar patterns of reproduction and isolation

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    Genetic variation was assessed across the UK geographical range of Cirsium acaule and Cirsium heterophyllum. A decline in genetic diversity and increase in population divergence approaching the range edge of these species was predicted based on parallel declines in population density and seed production reported seperately. Patterns were compared with UK populations of the widespread Cirsium arvense.Populations were sampled along a latitudinal transect in the UK and genetic variation assessed using microsatellite markers. Cirsium acaule shows strong isolation by distance, a significant decline in diversity and an increase in divergence among range-edge populations. Geographical structure is also evident in C. arvense, whereas no such patterns are seen in C.heterophyllum. There is a major disparity between patterns of genetic variation in C. acaule and C. heterophyllum despite very similar patterns in seed production and population isolation in these species. This suggests it may be misleading to make assumptions about the geographical structure of genetic variation within species based solely on the present-day reproduction and distribution of populations

    Attention and fluctuating attention in dementia with Lewy bodies and Alzheimer's disease

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    Background Attentional deficits are described in the consensus clinical criteria for the operationalized diagnosis of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) as characteristic of the condition. In addition, preliminary studies have indicated that both attentional impairments and fluctuation of attentional impairments are more marked in patients with DLB than in patients with Alzheimer disease (AD), although neuropsychological function has not previously been examined in a large prospective cohort with confirmed diagnostic accuracy against postmortem diagnosis.Methods A detailed evaluation of attention and fluctuating attention was undertaken in 155 patients with dementia (85 with DLB and 80 with AD) from a representative hospital dementia case register and 35 elderly controls using the Cognitive Drug Research Computerized Assessment System for Dementia Patients computerized neuropsychological battery. Operationalized clinical diagnosis was made using the consensus criteria for DLB and the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke–Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association criteria for AD. High levels of sensitivity and specificity have been achieved for the first 50 cases undergoing postmortem examination.Results The groups were well matched for severity of cognitive impairments, but the AD patients were older (mean age, 80 vs 78 years) and more likely to be female (55% vs 40%). Patients with DLB were significantly more impaired than patients with AD on all measures of attention and fluctuating attention (for all comparisons, t 2.5, P<.001), and patients from both dementia groups were significantly more impaired than elderly controls for all comparisons other than cognitive reaction time, which was significantly more impaired in DLB patients than controls but was comparable in controls and AD patients. There were, however, significant associations between the severity of cognitive impairment and the severity of both attentional deficits and fluctuations in attention.Conclusions This large prospective study confirms that slowing of cognitive processing, attention, and fluctuations of attention are significantly more pronounced in DLB and AD patients, although fluctuating attention is common in patients with moderate-to-severe AD. Deficits of cognitive reaction time appear to be specific to DLB, except in severe dementia. A detailed evaluation of attentional performance could make an important contribution to differential diagnosis, although the results need to be interpreted within the context of the overall severity of cognitive deficits

    Proteome profiling of extracellular vesicles captured with the affinity peptide Vn96: comparison of Laemmli and TRIzol© protein-extraction methods

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    Sample amount is often a limiting factor for multi-parametric analyses that encompass at least three areas of ‘-omics’ research: genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics. Limited sample amounts are also an important consideration when these multi-parametric analyses are performed on extracellular vesicles (EVs), as the amount of EVs (and EV cargo) that can be isolated is often very low. It is well understood that a monophasic solution of phenol and guanidine isothiocyanate (i.e. TRIzol©) can simultaneously isolate DNA, RNA and proteins from biological samples; however, it is most commonly used for the extraction of RNA. Validation of this reagent for the isolation of multiple classes of biological molecules from EVs would provide a widely applicable method for performing multi-parametric analyses of EV material. In this report, we describe a comparison of proteins identified from EVs processed with either TRIzol© or the conventional Laemmli buffer protein-extraction reagents. EVs were isolated from 3 mL of cell-culture supernatant derived from MCF-10A, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells using the Vn96 EV capture technology. For the TRIzol© extraction protocol, proteins were precipitated with acetone from the organic phase and then re-solubilized in a mixture of 8M urea, 0.2% SDS and 1 M Tris-HCl pH 6.8, followed by dilution in 5× loading buffer prior to fractionation with 1D SDS-PAGE. NanoLC-MS/MS of the trypsin-digested proteins was used to generate proteomic profiles from EV protein samples extracted with each method. Of the identified proteins, 57.7%, 69.2% and 57.0% were common to both extraction methods for EVs from MCF-10A, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231, respectively. Our results suggest that TRIzol© extraction of proteins from EVs has significant equivalence to the traditional Laemmli method. The advantage of using TRIzol© reagent is the ability to accumulate multi-parametric data (e.g., RNA and protein profiles) on the same limited EV sample while minimizing sample preparation and processing time

    The Contract as Social Artifact

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    This article outlines a distinctive, albeit not entirely unprecedented, research agenda for the sociolegal study of contracts. In the past, law and society scholars have tended to examine contracts either through the intellectual history of contract doctrine ‘‘on the books’’ or through the empirical study of how real-world exchange relations are governed ‘‘in action.’’ Although both of these traditions have contributed greatly to our understanding of contract law, neither has devoted much attention to the most distinctive concrete product of contractual transactionsFcontract documents themselves. Without denying the value of studying either contract doctrine or relational governance, this article argues that contract documents are independently interesting social artifacts and that they should be studied as such. As social artifacts, contracts possess both technical and symbolic properties, and the sociolegal study of contract-as-artifact can profitably apply prevailing social scientific theories of technology and symbolism to understand both: (1) the microdynamics of why and how transacting parties craft individual contract devices, and (2) the macrodynamics of why and how larger social systems generate and sustain distinctive contract regimes. Seen in this light, the microdynamics of contract implicate ‘‘technical’’ theories of transaction cost engineering and private lawmaking, and ‘‘symbolic’’ theories of ceremony and gesture. In a parallel fashion, the macrodynamics of contract implicate ‘‘technical’’ theories of innovation diffusion, path dependence, and technology cycles, and ‘‘symbolic’’ theories of ideology, legitimacy, and communication. Together, these micro and macro explorations suggest that contract artifacts may best be understood as scripts and signalsFcollections of symbols designed to field technically efficacious practical action when interpreted by culture-bearing social actors within the context of preexisting vocabularies and conventions