59 research outputs found


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    This study was conducted to determine ichthyofauna of the Büyük Karaçay stream of the River Orontes drainage in Turkey (eastern Mediterranaen basin). As the result of examination of the 911 individuals collected between June 2012 and May 2013, eight fish species belonging to five families have been recorded. Of these, African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), yellow barbel Carasobarbus luteus (Heckel, 1843) and two spot loach Oxynoemacheilus argyrogramma (Heckel, 1847) are new species reported for the ichthyofauna of the Büyük Karaçay stream. Red garra Garra rufa is found to be the predominant species of the stream. Endemic fish species of the stream are Tigris barb Capoeta barroisi, yellow barbel C. luteus, red garra G. rufa and two spot loach O. argyrogramma. Three fish species, i.e. European eel Anguilla anguilla, Mesopotamian barb Capoeta damascina, African catfish C. gariepinus are native. Besides native and endemic species, there is an alien fish species, namely eastern mosquitofish Gambusia affinis, occupying the habitat. Main threats for the fishes of the stream are mostly habitat loss, pollution, water abstraction and alien species.Ovo istraživanje provedeno je kako bi se utvrdio sastav ihtiofaune u pritoku Büyük Karaçay rijeke Orontes u Turskoj (istočni Mediteran). Kao rezultat ispitivanja prikupljeno je 8 različitih vrsta (ukupno 911 individua) iz pet porodica u razdoblju od lipnja 2012. do svibnja 2013. Među njima, afrički som, Clarius gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), žuta mrena, Carasobarbus luteus (Heckel, 1843.) i vijun, Oxynoemacheilus argyrogramma (Heckel 1847) su nove vrste zabilježene u ihtiofauni pritoka Büyük Karaçay. Utvrđeno je da je crvena gara, Garra rufa, prevladavajuća vrsta ove tekućice. Endemske vrste riba u potoku su mrena, Capoeta barroisi, žuta mrena, C. luteus, crvena gara, G. rufa i vijun, O. argyrogramma. Tri vrste riba, kao što su jegulja, Anguilla Anguilla, Mezopotamijska mrena, Capoeta damascina i afrički som, C gariepinus, su autohtone vrste. Osim autohtonih i endemskih vrsta, zabilježene su i strane vrste riba, pa tako gambuzija, Gambusia affinis, dijeli stanište. Glavna prijetnja za ribe u potoku su gubitak staništa, zagađenje, iskorištavanje vode i strane vrste

    Effects of land-use regime on soil erodibility indices and soil properties in Unye, Turkey

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    We evaluated the effects of land-use regime on soil erodibility indices and several soil properties in forested, deforested, and cultivated areas in the village of Unye, Turkey. Twelve sample plots (spaced 150 m apart) with northern aspects were established in each land-use regime, and samples were taken at soil depths of 0–20, 20–50, and 50– 80 cm. Soil organic matter (SOM), soil reaction (pH), total lime (CaCO3), texture (sand, silt, and clay), dispersion ratio (DR), erosion ratio (ER), colloid-moisture equivalent ratio (C-MER), structural stability index (SSI), field capacity (FC), wilting point (WP), and available water capacity (AWC) were analyzed. The average (of the three soil depths) AWC, FC, and WP values were not affected by the site, although site, soil depth, or both significantly affected other analyzed soil variables. Deforestation and subsequent tillage practices resulted in an almost 20% decrease in clay content, a 33% decrease in SOM, a 15% decrease in AWC, a 51% decrease in total CaCO3, a 24% decrease in SSI, a 60% increase in DR, and a 98% increase in ER relative to undisturbed forest soil. At cultivated and forested sites, the ER and DR increased with increasing soil depth. At deforested sites, ER and DR were lowest at 50–80 cm. SOM was the highest at 0–20 cm in the forested sites. Decreasing SOM, clay content, and SSI, as well as increasing DR and ER were outcomes of deforestation. These results indicate that the conversion of forest into cropland deteriorates some soil properties, especially SOM and SSI, and alters the stability of soil aggregates, thus increasing the susceptibility of deforested sites to erosion

    Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors and H2 Receptor Antagonists on the Ileum Motility

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    Objectives. To investigate the effects of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 receptor antagonists on ileum motility in rats with peritonitis and compare changes with control group rats. Methods. Peritonitis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture in 8 rats. Another of 8 rats underwent a sham operation and were accepted as controls. Twenty-four hours later after the operation, the rats were killed, and their ileum smooth muscle was excised and placed in circular muscle direction in a 10 mL organ bath. Changes in amplitude and frequency of contractions were analyzed before and after PPIs and H2 receptor blockers. Results. PPI agents decreased the motility in a dose-dependent manner in ileum in both control and intraabdominal sepsis groups. While famotidine had no significant effect on ileum motility, ranitidine and nizatidine enhanced motility in ileum in both control and intraabdominal sepsis groups. This excitatory effect of H2 receptor antagonists and inhibitor effects of PPIs were significantly high in control group when compared to the peritonitis group. The inhibitor effect of pantoprazole on ileum motility was significantly higher than the other two PPI agents. Conclusions. It was concluded that H2 receptor antagonists may be more effective than PPIs for recovering the bowel motility in the intraabdominal sepsis situation


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    Ulovljena su tri primjerka (1 mužjak i 2 ženke) barjaktarke, Aulopus filamentosus (Bloch, 1792), na dubini od 184 m u gradu Erdemli, u zaljevu Mersin (sjeveroistočni Mediteran, Turska) u lipnju 2015. godine. U ovom je radu prikazano prvo pojavljivanje te je potvrda barjaktarke, A. filamentosus, iz sjeveroistočnog Sredozemnog mora u Turskoj. S obzirom da je zabilježena samo jednom u posljednjih šezdeset godina, ova vrsta smatra se iznimno rijetkom u najistočnijem dijelu Sredozemnog mora (Turska).Three specimens (1 male and 2 females) of royal flagfin Aulopus filamentosus (Bloch, 1792) were caught at a depth of 184 m off Erdemli, Mersin Bay (northeastern Mediterranean, Turkey) in June 2015. The present paper reports the first occurrence and is the confirmation of royal flagfin A. filamentosus from the northeastern Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. Since it has been recorded only once in the last sixty years, this species could be considered as exceptionally rare in the easternmost area of the Mediterranean Sea, Turkey

    Türkiye’nin Batı Akdeniz Sahillerinden Kızıldeniz Barbunu Parupeneus forsskali (Fourmanoir & Guézé, 1976)’nin Bulunuşu

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    Three specimens of the Red Sea goatfish Parupeneus forsskali were recorded from two locations at a depth of 12-18 m. One was observed during the SCUBA diving in Fethiye Bay on 15 June 2016 and the other two were collected via trawling during a bentic survey in Aydıncık coast on 24 December 2016. P. forsskali was first recorded in the Mediterranean coast of Turkey twelve years ago. This lessepsian species appears to be continually spreading and easily establishing new populations in the Mediterranean Sea coast of Turkey. Our study indicated the westward expansion of P. forsskali along to Mediterranean coasts. The present study also investigated the way of introduction and possible depths of its spread in the Mediterranean Sea.Parupeneus forsskali’nin üç bireyi 12-18 m derinliklerden iki bölgeden kaydedilmiştir. Birinci birey 15 Haziran 2016 tarihinde SCUBA dalışı sırasında Fethiye Körfezi’nden gözlenmiş, diğer iki birey 24 Aralık 2016'da Aydıncık sahilinde yapılan bentik bir tarama sırasında trol ile örneklenmiştir. P. forsskali ilk olarak on iki yıl önce Türkiye'nin Akdeniz kıyılarında kaydedildi. Bu lessepsiyen türler, sürekli yayılmakta ve Türkiye’nin Akdeniz kıyılarında kolaylıkla yeni populasyonlar oluşturabilmektedir. Çalışmamız, P. forsskali'nin batıya doğru genişlemesini Akdeniz kıyılarında göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada ayrıca bu türün Akdeniz’deki dağılım alanları ve muhtemel bulunduğu derinlikler kaydedilmiştir

    Diversity, biogeography, evolutionary relationships, and conservation of Eastern Mediterranean freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)

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    Located at the junction between Europe, Africa, and Asia, with distinct evolutionary origins and varied ecological and geographical settings, together with a marked history of changes in orogeny and configuration of the main river basins, turned the Eastern Mediterranean into a region of high diversity and endemism of freshwater taxa. Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia, Unionidae) from the Western Palearctic have been widely studied in their European range, but little attention has been dedicated to these taxa in the Eastern Mediterranean region and their diversity and phylogeography are still poorly understood. The present study aims to resolve the diversity, biogeography, and evolutionary relationships of the Eastern Mediterranean freshwater mussels. To that end, we performed multiple field surveys, phylogenetic analyses, and a thorough taxonomic revaluation. We reassessed the systematics of all Unionidae species in the region, including newly collected specimens across Turkey, Israel, and Iran, combining COI+16S+28S phylogenies with molecular species delineation methods. Phylogeographical patterns were characterized based on published molecular data, newly sequenced specimens, and species distribution data, as well as ancestral range estimations. We reveal that Unionidae species richness in the Eastern Mediterranean is over 70% higher than previously assumed, counting 19 species within two subfamilies, the Unioninae (14) and Gonideinae (5). We propose two new species, Anodonta seddoni sp. nov. and Leguminaia anatolica sp. nov. Six additional taxa, Unio delicatus stat. rev., Unio eucirrus stat. rev., Unio hueti stat. rev., Unio sesirmensis stat. rev., Unio terminalis stat. rev. removed from the synonymy of Unio tigridis, as well as Unio damascensis stat. rev. removed from the synonymy of Unio crassus, are re-described. The nominal taxa Unio rothi var. komarowi O. Boettger, 1880 and Unio armeniacus Kobelt, 1911 are proposed as new synonyms of Unio bruguierianus, and Anodonta cyrea Drouët, 1881 and Anodonta cilicica Kobelt & Rolle, 1895 as new synonyms of Anodonta anatina. Also, the presence of Unio tumidus in the Maritza River is confirmed. The phylogeographic patterns described here are interpreted concerning major past geological events. Conservation needs and implications are presented, together with populations and species conservation priorities

    Paleovegetation Researches Based on Fossil Pollen Analysis in Akgöl (Sakarya): Preliminary Results

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    Fosil polen analizleri göl çökelleri, turbalıklar, akarsu ve deniz sedimanları, buzullar, linyitler ve taş kömürleri gibi çeşitli ortamlardan elde edilen polenlerin_x000D_ araştırılmasını kapsamaktadır. Kuvaterner dönemine ait palinolojik çalışmaların önemli veri kaynaklarından biri de göllerdir. Araştırma alanı olarak seçilen_x000D_ Akgöl, Sakarya ilinde, Ferizli ilçesinin Gölkent mahallesinde bulunmaktadır. Gölün yüzölçümü 3,5 km2_x000D_ ve maksimum derinliği 8 m’dir. Bu çalışmanın amacı:_x000D_ gölün dip sedimanlarında fosil polen analizleri yaparak gölün çevresinde son 1000 yılda meydana gelen vejetasyon değişimlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır._x000D_ Akgöl’den karot alımında İTÜ EMCOL Araştırma Uygulama Merkezi’nin 4x4 m. platformlu piston karotiyeri kullanılmıştır. İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa,_x000D_ Orman Fakültesi Orman Botaniği Anabilim Dalında bulunan Palinoloji Laboratuvarı’na getirilen karot üzerinde her 5 cm’de bir 2 cm3_x000D_ lük sediman örnekleri_x000D_ alınmıştır. Bu örneklerde “klasik yönteme” göre fosil polen analizi yapılmıştır. Hazırlanan polen preparatlarında her bir bitki taksonu için polen yüzdesi_x000D_ değerleri hesaplanmış, odunsu ve otsu taksonlara ait yüzde grafikleri TILIA adlı programda çizilmiştir. Polen diyagramından elde edilen ilk bulgulara göre;_x000D_ Akgöl ve çevresinde son 1000 yılda yaprak döken orman vejetasyonu hâkimdir. Bu doğal orman varlığının içine son yıllarda Gymnospermae taksonlarından_x000D_ sahil çamları da dikim yoluyla getirilmiştir.Fossil pollen analyzes include research of pollen grains from various environments such as lake sediments, peatland, river and marine sediments, glaciers,_x000D_ lignite and coal. Lakes are one of the important data sources for Quaternary palynological studies. Akgöl, which is selected as a research area, is located in Gölkent district of the Ferizli township in the provincial city of Sakarya. Its surface area is 3.5 km2_x000D_ and its maximum depth is 8 meters. The aim of this study_x000D_ was to investigate vegetation changes around Akgöl in the last 1000 years using fossil pollen analysis in the bottom sediments of the lake. The Piston corer_x000D_ of ITU EMCOL Research Centre was used for recovering sediment cores from Akgöl. Sediment samples of 2 cm3_x000D_ were collected every 5 centimeters on one_x000D_ of the cores at the Palynology Laboratory of IUC. Fossil pollen analysis was performed according to the “classical method”. The pollen percentage values_x000D_ were calculated for each plant taxa and relative abundance graphs were plotted in the TILIA program. According to preliminary results of the pollen_x000D_ diagram; deciduous forest vegetation has been predominant in the last 1000 years around Akgöl. Maritime pine was introduced into this natural forest by_x000D_ plantation in the recent year

    Yumurtalık (Adana) körfezinde avcılığı yapılan ekonomik öneme sahip dil balığı (Solae vulgaris) ve kırlangıç balığı (Trigla lucerna) türlerinin büyüme performansları

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    TEZ1601Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1994.Kaynakça (s. 37-38) var.vi, 40 s. ; 30 cm.

    Tatlı su balığı Pseudophoxinus (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)’un Türkiye’deki toplumları üzerinde morfometrik ve genetik analizler.

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    With exceptional species richness and high level of endemism the Mediterranean region is recognized as one of the most important freshwater biodiversity hotspots in the world. One of the main temperate Mediterranean refugia is Anatolia with high biodiversity and strong genetic imprints. Complex patterns of population structure within the Mediterranean refugia are the results of the existence of fragmented distribution, dispersion process and gene flow occurred during range expansion in the interglacial periods. Pseudophoxinus is a highly diverse and endemic genus among freshwater fish belonging to the family Cyprinidae. The number of species of the genus is 29 of which 21 inhabits the freshwaters of Turkey. Despite the presence of the species in the territories of countries such as Algeria, Azerbaijan, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Tunisia almost 70% of Pseudophoxinus (20 species) is endemic to Turkey. High endemism and diversity of the genus and vulnerability of aquatic ecosystems necessitate thorough studies to be conducted for taxonomic investigation and conservation of the species of the genus. In this study geometric morphometrics and molecular markers, allozymes and microsatellites, were used to determine phylogenetic relationship among 17 populations comprising six species and five populations with undetermined taxonomic status. Pseudophoxinus battalgili represented with four populations, Çavuşçu Lake, Oymapınar Dam Lake, Taşağıl Stream and Suğla Lake was clustered together in the same species complex in all three methods used. While allozyme and microsatellite analyses revealed close relationship between P. hittitorum inhabiting Eflatun Spring and P. battalgili, landmark based geometric morphometrics placed P. hittitorum in a group geographically close to each other. Three populations of P. burduricus were usually grouped together. However, the species complex of P. burduricus obtained from morphometric data included P. fahrettini and P. crassus from İnsuyu Stream as well as Kuğulu Park and Kırkpınar populations. P. egridiri morphologically placed close to P. battalgili. However, both allozyme and microsatellite results showed that this species genetically distinctly singled out from the rest of 16 populations. P. crassus was represented with two populations, Gök Lake and İnsuyu Stream. Although they were genetically found to be closely related, Gök Lake population was the most divergent taxon morphologically. This population recently was revised as a new species, P. iconii.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra