1,181 research outputs found
Şımartılan Ermeni terörcüleri
Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 77/A-Ermenilerİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033
Görüntülemede kolanjiokarsinom olduğu düşünülen fasciola hepatica olgusu
Fascioliasis is a zoonotic infection and causes fever, eosinophilia, nausea, and even a mass interpreted as a malignancy on imaging. The diagnosis of the disease is difficult because of the wide spectrum of clinical features. This trematode infection is mainly observed in developing countries. Here we report a case of hepatic mass, mistakenly reported as cholangiocarcinoma, caused by fasciola hepatica.Fascioliasis zoonotik bir enfeksiyondur ve ateş, eozinofili, bulantı ve hatta görüntülemede malignite olarak yorumlanan bir kitleye neden olur. Klinik özelliklerinin geniş bir yelpazeye sahip olması nedeni ile hastalığı teşhis etmek zordur. Bu trematod enfeksiyonu daha çok gelişmekte olan ülkelerde görülmektedir. Burada fasciola hepatica'nın neden olduğu yanlışlıkla kolanjiokarsinom olarak bildirilen bir karaciğer kitlesi vakasını sunuyoruz
Use of UAV Data and HEC-RAS Model for Dimensioning of Hydraulic Structures on Forest Roads
forest roads should have the capability to drain the expected maximum discharge for a 50-year
return period during their lifespan (i.e., 20 years). In Türkiye, Talbot’s formula, as empirical
method, has commonly been used in determining the required cross-sectional area (CSA) of
the structures. However, in practice, forest road engineers in Türkiye do not pay enough attention
to their construction with required dimensions calculated by Talbot’s formula. In the
present study, the Hydrological Engineering Centre – River Analysis System (HEC-RAS)
model was used to evaluate the dimensions of installed structures in terms of their ability to
drain maximum discharges, with the aim of determining the required dimensions for those
that could not meet this requirement. To this purpose, the 6+000 km forest road No. 410 in
Acısu Forest Enterprise, Gerede Forest Directorate (Bolu, Türkiye) was selected as the study
area. In total, 15 small watersheds crossed by the forest road were delineated, with only six of
them having cross-drainage structures. The HEC-RAS model geometry was generated by
manual unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flights at altitudes of 5–15 m, providing very high
spatial resolution (<1 cm). The maximum discharges of the watersheds were estimated for the
HEC-RAS model using the Rational, Kürsteiner, and Soil Conservation Service-Curve
(SCS-CN) methods. Maximum discharges of 0.18–6.03 were found for the Rational
method, 0.45–4.46 for the Kürsteiner method, and 0.25–7.97 for the SCS-CN method. According
to the HEC-RAS hydraulic model CSA simulations, most of the installed culvert CSAs
calculated by Talbot’s formula were found to be incapable of draining maximum discharges.
The study concluded that the HEC-RAS model can provide accurate and reliable results for
determining the dimensions of such structures for forest roads
Bir bibliyografya denemesi: Şah Veliyyullah ed-Dihlevi’yi konu alan çalışmalar
18. yüzyıldaki ihyâ hareketlerinin Hint alt kıtasındaki meşhûr siması Şah Veliyyullah ed-Dihlevî (ö. 1762) farklı ilim sahalarında çok sayıda araştırmanın konusu olmuştur. Bu çalışma onun hakkında gelişen literatüre dair bir bibliyografya denemesi yapmayı hedeflemektedir. Ayrıca çalışmada Şah Veliyyullah’a yönelik araştırmaların tarihî seyri üzerinde durulmaya ve bu eserlerdeki temel yaklaşım tarzları tespit edilmeye gayret edilecekti
Ebû Hanîfe’nin iman ve kastın tespitiyle ilgili görüşlerinin mukayesesi
İslam hukukunda öldürme suçundan dolayı kısâs cezasının uygulanabilmesi için
eylemin amd kapsamında yer alması gerekmektedir. Ebû Hanîfe, sadece silah veya silah hükmünde olan aletlerle icra edilen eylemleri amd kapsamında değerlendirmiştir. Failin öldürme kastının bilinemeyeceği görüşünü benimseyen Ebû Hanîfe, birtakım ölçüler vasıtasıyla failin kastını tespit etme ve kısâsın uygulanıp uygulanmayacağını doğrudan failin kastına göre belirleme yoluna gitmemiştir. İman konusunda da benzer bir metot izleyen Ebû Hanîfe, kişinin iman sahibi olup olmadığının bilinemeyeceğini ileri sürmekte ve kişiyi mümin olarak kabul etmek için dil ile ikrarı yeterli görmektedir. Bu makalede, Ebû Hanîfe›nin insanın iç âlemiyle ilgili iki husus olan iman ve kastın tespitinde zahire, dış görünüşe itibar eden bir muhakeme yürüttüğü tezi ortaya konmaktadır
Investigation of Analysis Methods For Detection of Humic Substances Within Leonardite
Leonardite is a lignite form, which has undergone oxidation at high rate during the carbonization process. It has economic value because it contains humic substances at high rate. While it is used in organic agriculture, as soil conditioner, it is also used in other industrial fields such as cosmetics and medicine. Physical properties such as color, as well as chemical properties such as solubility in alkaline media and humic content are examined for the definition and characterization of leonardite. In particular, the detection of humic substance content is the most important feature used in the industrial usage of leonardites. Various instrumental analysis techniques and wet chemical analysis techniques are utilized for this purpose. However, it is a matter of debate whether these methods are applicable for the industry. In this study, instrumental and chemical methods used in the analysis of humic substance were examined. Along with these, industrial, reliable and fast methods have been determined as well
The Impact of Hospitalization Time on Major Cardiovascular Event Frequency in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Over a 6-Month Follow-up
MakaleWOS:000964102000002Aim: The mortality rates related to acute myocardial infarction have significantly decreased recently due to early-period cardiovascular
interventions. Some studies have shown that there is no difference in cardiovascular outcomes between the early discharge and the
late one. In this study, we planned to investigate the effects of early and late discharge on the frequency of major events in patients
treated for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in our clinic.
Methods: Angiography records, demographic characteristics, and laboratory parameters of the patients who were diagnosed with
acute STEMI in our clinic between February 2020 and December 2021 were examined. Patients were classified as being in Group 1
(discharge within 48 h) or Group 2 (discharge after 48 h), and rates of recurrent hospitalization, heart failure attacks, cardiovascular
events, and death were compared between the two groups.
Results: A total of 321 patients were included in our study. There were 129 patients in Group 1 and 192 patients in Group 2. There
was no difference between the two Groups in terms of gender, age, or affected coronary vessels. The ejection fraction was lower in
the late discharge group (p=0.004). The postoperative ventricular arrhythmia rate was found to be statistically significantly higher in the
late discharge group (p=0.046). There was no difference in cardiovascular events between the first and sixth months in either group
(p-values of 0.096 and 0.649, respectively).
Conclusion: Considering the positive economic and psychosocial effects of early discharge for the patient and physician, when planning
the discharge of patients with STEMI, patients with low comorbidity, unaffected ejection fractions, no malignant arrhythmia in their
follow-up, and appropriate laboratory parameters can be evaluated for early discharge
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