45 research outputs found

    Menos dramático, igual de perentorio, más sibilino

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    Análisis comparado de innovación pública local desde la innovación social: ¿Qué cambia?

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    Treballs Finals del Màster del Màster de Sociologia: Transformacions Socials i Innovació, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2020-2021, Tutora: Tutora:Marisol García Cabeza[spa] Este trabajo de investigación desarrolla un marco de análisis desde la perspectiva de la innovación social y su relación en el ámbito púbico, enfocándose particularmente en las transformaciones que dan origen a nuevos modelos de gobernanza colaborativa a nivel local y su proceso de institucionalización. El marco se centra en aquellas dimensiones de la innovación social que permiten analizar el cambio en las prácticas y relaciones sociales entre los actores a nivel institucional a través de la implementación de instrumentos públicos de prácticas participativas y conformación de redes intra e inter locales, como medios para la satisfacción de necesidades y la generación de valor para los actores en el entorno público. Para esto se utiliza una aproximación cualitativa, donde las técnicas de recolección de información y análisis son a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas y análisis documental. Se examinan y comparan dos experiencias de innovación en la gobernanza pública a nivel local en Chile; “La Fábrica”, iniciativa de la municipalidad de Renca e “Independencia Ciudadana”, iniciativa de la municipalidad de Independencia, poniendo en relación el contexto social e histórico que dan origen a la iniciativa, sus objetivos y las posibles brechas existentes con los mecanismos institucionales que soportan el nuevo modelo de gobernanza [cat] Aquest treball de recerca desenvolupa un marc d'anàlisi des de la perspectiva de la innovació social i la seva relació en l'àmbit públic, enfocat particularment en les transformacions que donen origen a nous models de governança col·laborativa en l'àmbit local i el seu procés d'institucionalització. El marc se centra en aquelles dimensions de la innovació social que permeten analitzar el canvi en les pràctiques i relacions socials entre els actors a escala institucional a través de la implementació d'instruments públics de pràctiques participatives i conformació de xarxes intra i inter locals, com a mitjans per a la satisfacció de necessitats i la generació de valor per als actors en l'entorn públic. Per això s'utilitza una aproximació qualitativa, on les tècniques de recollida d'informació i anàlisi són a través d'entrevistes semiestructurades i anàlisi documental. S'examinen i comparen dues experiències d'innovació en la governança pública en l'àmbit local a Xile; "La Fàbrica", iniciativa de la municipalitat de Renca i "Independencia Ciudadana", iniciativa de la municipalitat d'Independència, posant en relació el context social i històric que donen origen a la iniciativa, els seus objectius i les possibles bretxes existents amb els mecanismes institucionals que suporten el nou model de governança

    Weight status and hypertension among adolescent girls in Argentina and Norway: Data from the ENNyS and HUNT studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To provide data on overweight, obesity and hypertension among adolescent girls in Norway and Argentina.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data was obtained from two population-based, cross-sectional and descriptive studies containing anthropometric and blood pressure measurements of 15 to 18 year old girls. The study included 2,156 adolescent girls from Norway evaluated between 1995 and 1997, and 669 from Argentina evaluated between 2004 and 2005.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Around 15% of adolescent girls in Norway and 19% in Argentina are overweight or obese. Body mass index (BMI) distribution in these two countries is similar, with a low percentage (< 1%) of girls classified as thin. Norwegian adolescents show a height mean value 8 cm taller than the Argentinean. Obesity is strongly associated with systolic hypertension in both populations, with odds ratios of 11.4 [1.6; 82.0] and 28.3 [11.8; 67.7] in Argentina and Norway, respectively. No direct association between BMI and systolic hypertension was found, and only extreme BMI values (above 80<sup>th </sup>- 90<sup>th </sup>percentile) were associated with hypertension.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study confirms a current world health problem by showing the high prevalence of obesity in adolescents and its association with hypertension in two different countries (one developed and one in transition).</p

    Interpretation of evidence in data by untrained medical students: a scenario-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine which approach to assessment of evidence in data - statistical tests or likelihood ratios - comes closest to the interpretation of evidence by untrained medical students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Empirical study of medical students (N = 842), untrained in statistical inference or in the interpretation of diagnostic tests. They were asked to interpret a hypothetical diagnostic test, presented in four versions that differed in the distributions of test scores in diseased and non-diseased populations. Each student received only one version. The intuitive application of the statistical test approach would lead to rejecting the null hypothesis of no disease in version A, and to accepting the null in version B. Application of the likelihood ratio approach led to opposite conclusions - against the disease in A, and in favour of disease in B. Version C tested the importance of the p-value (A: 0.04 versus C: 0.08) and version D the importance of the likelihood ratio (C: 1/4 versus D: 1/8).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In version A, 7.5% concluded that the result was in favour of disease (compatible with p value), 43.6% ruled against the disease (compatible with likelihood ratio), and 48.9% were undecided. In version B, 69.0% were in favour of disease (compatible with likelihood ratio), 4.5% against (compatible with p value), and 26.5% undecided. Increasing the p value from 0.04 to 0.08 did not change the results. The change in the likelihood ratio from 1/4 to 1/8 increased the proportion of non-committed responses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Most untrained medical students appear to interpret evidence from data in a manner that is compatible with the use of likelihood ratios.</p

    A novel approach to assessing the commercial opportunities for greenhouse gas removal technology value chains: Developing the case for a negative emissions credit in the UK

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    In the UK the development of greenhouse gas removal (GGR) technologies at scale by 2050 is seen as an increasingly urgent imperative; necessary to ensure alignment of the UK's carbon targets with international efforts to limit the global temperature increase to 2 °C or less. As such, GGR is an increasingly critical topic for UK climate policy. So far, GGR research has focused on top-down assessment of techno-environmental potential and carbon abatement costs - an approach which aids integrated assessment modelling but does not provide the commercially relevant analysis necessary to understand potential routes to market for this sector. This research reduces this knowledge gap by employing a novel bottom-up perspective to determine the financial opportunities available to GGR business models in Biomass heavy UK energy scenarios. This delivers results relevant to national and sectorial policy and decision making, by quantifying revenue opportunities from future GGR value chains, as well as business model performance. It also informs the innovation, policy, and regulatory environment required to ensure market development and resilience of different revenue streams. The work concludes that energy market policy - specifically access to a carbon credit mechanism - has by far the greatest near term opportunity to drive the negative emissions technologies we assess. This is because the values in this market far outweigh those in related supply chains such as: enhanced oil recovery, afforestation payments, biochar markets, and industry and commercial uses of captured carbon. This data shows that negative emissions technologies in the UK, should not be led by agricultural and land use policy, but should be integrated with energy policy. To do this, the development of a carbon storage credit mechanism analogous to the existing carbon price floor is key. As a proof of concept for a novel method to generate commercially relevant insights for GGR scale up, the research clearly demonstrates that the value pool method provides critical insights to assist GGR development and could form the basis of further work

    Alarma en las publicaciones médicas : editoriales, revistas y congresos depredadores

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    El texto profundiza sobre la irrupción de las llamadas revistas y editoriales depredadoras (RED) como parcialmente responsables de los falsos progresos científicos.The text delves into the emergence of so-called predatory magazines and publishers (PMP) as partially responsible for false scientific progress


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    La obra de Dalí cosechó el estupor de sus contemporáneos y no deja de generármelo a mí. En la pregunta que hoy me parece relevante, podría anidar una paradoja: ¿ayuda el surrealismo a recodificar y hasta a comprender la realidad que nos circunda? Creo que sí, pero de lo que no tengo dudas es de que contribuye a sobrellevarla. Porque ¿qué situación más parecida al surrealismo que la propia realidad vigente hoy en el país donde nos hallábamos y, también en alguna medida, en el país del que todos procedíamos, Cuba

    Influence of water content on degradation rates for ethanol in biofiltration

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    Treatment of ethanol vapor in a peat biofilter with various initial water contents (70%, 59%, 49%, and 35%) was studied. For water contents ranging from 49% to 70%, elimination capacity was about 30 g/m3/h. For a water content of 35%, elimination capacity decreased to 4 g/m3/h. A low mean CO2 yield coefficient (0.35 g CO2 produced per g ethanol consumed) was found for all of the initial water contents. The value was only 20% of the yield coefficient (1.91 g/g) predicted by stoichiometry. When the packing material was dried from 70% to 59% water content during the biofiltration process, elimination capacity dropped from 27 g/m3/h to 4 g/m3/h. After 24 hours of drying, the biofiltration experiment was restarted and run for two more weeks. During this period, the biofilter did not recover. At 59% water content, the rate of water evaporation was estimated at 59.6 g/m3/h. A simplified mass balance permitted calculation of the biological water production rate, approximately 22.1 g/m3/h. (Résumé d'auteur