43 research outputs found

    Afyonkarahisar Bölgesinde tesis edilen gerçek bir güneş enerjisi sisteminde gölge analizi yapılması

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    Güneş enerjisi sistemleri günümüzde fosil yakıtların olumsuz çevresel etkileri ve ömürlerinin azalması nedeniyle günümüzde oldukça popüler hale gelmiştir. Güneş enerjisinden elektrik enerjisi üreten sistemlerin maliyetleri gün geçtikçe her ne kadar düşüyor olsa da, konvansiyonel kaynaklarla kıyaslandığında kurulum maliyetleri oldukça yüksektir. Bu nedenle, bu tür sistemler tesis edilirken sahadaki verimlerini arttırıcı önlemler alınmalıdır. Güneş takip sistemleri, maksimum güç noktası izleyicileri kullanılması sistemlerin verimini olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Ancak, sistemlerin tesis edileceği bölgenin çevresel şartları ve olası gölgelenmeler de güneş enerjisi sistemlerinin verimlerini önemli ölçüde azaltmaktadır. Bu çalışmada gölge analizinin önemi vurgulanmış ve örnek bir proje üzerinde gölge analizinin doğru yapılmaması ve/veya sistemin doğru konumlandırılmaması durumunda güneş panellerinden üretilecek olan enerji miktarının değişimi analiz edilerek elde edilen sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır

    Investigation of the Effect of Different Types of Glasses on the Solar Panel Output Power

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    Fotovoltaik panellerde kullanılan camlar, güneş hücrelerini çevresel etmenlere karşı korumanın yanı sıra, ışığı geçirebilme kabiliyetlerine göre panellerin çıkış gücü performansını doğrudan etkilerler. Bu nedenle güneş panellerinin en önemli parçaları arasında yer aldıkları söylenebilir. Bu çalışmada, fotovoltaik güneş panellerinde yer alan “farklı karakteristik özelliklere sahip” camların güneş paneli çıkış gücüne etkilerinin araştırılması hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla, piyasadan aynı özelliklere sahip iki güneş paneli temin edilmiştir. Panellerden birinin üzerindeki cam, ısı ve ışık geçirgenlikleri birbirinden farklı camlar (birbirinden farklı 3 cam kullanılarak değiştirilmiş) ile değiştirilmiş ve panelin çıkış gücü, panel çıkışına bağlanan yük üzerinden ölçülerek kaydedilmiştir. Diğer taraftan aynı ışınım ve ortam şartları altında, orijinal camlı panel çıkışına da bir yük bağlanmış ve bu panelin de çıkış gücü ölçülerek kaydedilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler karşılaştırılarak optimize edilmiş yüksek geçirgenliğe sahip olan, orijinal güneş paneli camına göre ne kadar verim kaybı olduğu yorumlanmıştırThe glasses that are used on Photovoltaic panels (PV), directly affect the output power performance of the PVs according to their ability to transmit the solar light, beside protection of the PV cells against environmental effects. Therefore, it can be said that they are among the most important parts of solar panels. In this study, it is aimed to investigate “the effects of different type of glasses having different characteristically properties” on the output power of solar panels. For this aim, two identical PV modules are obtained from the market. Consequently, the glass of one of the PV module is replaced with different type of glasses (Replaced using 3 different glasses) and the output power of the module is measured during experiments, by the help of a DC load that is connected at the output of the module. On the other hand, same load is connected to the output of the original module and the performances of each module are tested under same solar radiation conditions. Finally, the measured data are analyzed and the total efficiency lose are compared with the efficiency of the PV having original glass that was optimized to have high light transmit ability

    Evaluating the efficiency of different propofol doses associated with age and gender in rats

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    Aim: To investigate the effect of different intraperitoneal (IP) doses of propofol on the duration and depth of anesthesia according to age and gender. Method: The rats were divided into three main groups according to propofol dose (GI: 5 mg/kg, GII: 10 mg/kg and GIII: 15 mg/kg). These three groups were divided into two subgroups as male and female. (M: Male, F: Female). Male and female groups in each dose group were divided into five different sub-age groups:  1: 2-6 months (0-12 years = Childhood), 2: 7-12 months (12-18 years = Adolescent), 3: 13-18 months (30-45 years = Young adult), 4: 19-24 months (45-60 years = Adult) and 5: older than 25 months (65 years old = Elderly). The duration and depth of anesthesia in different ages and genders were compared statistically. Results:  There were differences with regard to the palpebral, pinch, corneal and muscle tone reflexes at propofol administration doses of 5 mg/kg (GI), 10 mg/kg (GII) and 15 mg/kg (GIII) in different ages and genders (Table 1). We detected that 50 minutes of deep anesthesia was achieved with a dose of 10 mg/kg up to 18 months and older than 24 months male rats. A dose of 10 mg/kg was sufficient for short-term (20-minute deep anesthesia) procedures in male rats aged 19-24 months. We detected that 50 minutes of deep anesthesia was achieved with a dose of 15 mg/kg in 7-12 and 13-18 month old female rats. A dose of 10 mg/kg dose was sufficient for short-term procedures in 0-6 month old female rats. However, only superficial anesthesia was detected at the dose of 15 mg/kg in female rats older than 18 months. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that 10 or 15 mg/kg low doses of intraperitoneal propofol administration affected the duration and depth of anesthesia in different ages and genders in rats

    Effects of gestational exercise on hyperoxia-induced brain damage in the newborn

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    Aim: Preterm infants encounter hyperoxia relatively early on as they leave the intrauterine environment earlier than expected, while also being exposed to a higher level of hyperoxic stress due to insufficiencies in their antioxidant defense mechanisms. With that in mind, we investigate whether running exercises performed during pregnancy can contribute to the development of tolerance to neonatal hyperoxic brain damage. Method: While two female rats maintained a sedentary pregnancy, one female rat performed the mandatory running exercise for 30 minutes for five days a week throughout the pregnancy. Following delivery, the sedentary rats and the exercised rat were kept together with their offspring for five days at oxygen concentrations above 80 percent in order to induce brain damage. The offspring were sacrificed on postnatal Day 7 and brain/body ratio measurements were obtained. Results: The brain/body ratios in the control, hyperoxia and exercise-hyperoxia groups were found to be median (IQR) 0.074(0.68-0.77), 0.065(0.06-0.067) and 0.064(0.060-0.068), respectively. The brain/body ratios of the offspring of the mothers in the hyperoxia group were found to be significantly lower than the control group (p=0.002), irrespective of exercise (p=0.007). No statistically significant difference was noted between the offspring of the sedentary and the exercised mothers in the hyperoxia group (p=0.94). Conclusion: Hyperoxia was found to result in lower brain mass relative to total body mass. This finding, which indicates the presence of microcephaly, reflects the negative effects of hyperoxia on brain development. Contrary to expectations, exercises performed during pregnancy had no significant effect on the brain/body weight ratio of the offspring

    Locomotor differences in Mongolian gerbils with the effects of midazolam administration in the form of eye drops

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    Background: Midazolam is a sedative-hypnotic agent with amnestic and anticonvulsant properties that can be administrated to mammals through various routes, such as intravenous, intramuscular, oral, intrathecal, rectal, and buccal. Midazolam administration in the form of eye drops through the conjunctiva is not reported in the literature. Aim:This study aims to demonstrate the possible central nervous system effects of midazolam administration as eyes drops in Mongolian gerbils. Materials and Methods: Fourteen gerbils were randomly assigned to one of two equal sized groups. The active arm received 2 ml of 10 mg midazolam as eye drops in both eyes. Control group received a total of 2 ml of physiological saline(0.9% NaCl). We subjected the gerbils to an adapted “Open Field” to determine the possible effects on central nervous system of midazolam. Gerbils were allowed to move freely in the open field. Before and after the drug administration, locomotor activities of each gerbil have been recorded. Frequency of loss of righting reflex was quantified. Results: Conjunctival Midazolam administration resulted with the transient loss of righting reflex (p=0.017) and suppressed exploration motion (p=0.018) in the open field test compared to control subjects. Conclusions: In the present study, administration of conjunctival midazolam as an eye drop may affect gerbil’s locomotor activities and open field behaviors. We argue that, using a sedative and anticonvulsive drug such as midazolam via conjunctival route may be useful in some clinical situations. Therefore, it could be beneficial to develop a new conjunctival formulation of midazolam. Also, there is a need for trials in humans with pharmacokinetic studies.Keywords: Righting reflex; Conjunctival Midazolam; Gerbillinae; Midazolam; Eye drop; New administration routeAfrican Health sciences Vol 14 No. 1 March 201

    Integrating renewable energy resources into the smart grid: recent developments in information and communication technologies

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    Rising energy costs, losses in the present-day electricity grid, risks from nuclear power generation, and global environmental changes are motivating a transformation of the conventional ways of generating electricity. Globally, there is a desire to rely more on renewable energy resources (RERs) for electricity generation. RERs reduce green house gas emissions and may have economic benefits, e.g., through applying demand side management with dynamic pricing so as to shift loads from fossil fuel-based generators to RERs. The electricity grid is presently evolving towards an intelligent grid, the so-called smart grid (SG). One of the major goals of the future SG is to move towards 100% electricity generation from RERs, i.e., towards a 100% renewable grid. However, the disparate, intermittent, and typically widely geographically distributed nature of RERs complicates the integration of RERs into the SG. Moreover, individual RERs have generally lower capacity than conventional fossil-fuel plants, and these RERs are based on a wide spectrum of different technologies. In this article, we give an overview of recent efforts that aim to integrate RERs into the SG. We outline the integration of RERs into the SG along with their supporting communication networks. We also discuss ongoing projects that seek to integrate RERs into the SG around the globe. Finally, we outline future research directions on integrating RERs into the SG

    Monitoring solar panel glasses of different characteristics and their effects on the system performance of the cooling room applied to the solar panel

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    Bu tez çalışmasında güneş enerjisinden elektrik üreten güneş panellerinin iç aksamını çevre koşullarından koruyan ve ışık geçirgenlik performanslarına bağlı olarak güneş panellerinin verimini doğrudan etkileyen, modül üretimindeki en önemli bileşenlerden biri olan panel camlarının sistemin performansını hangi ölçüde etkilediği araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca panel arkasına alüminyum malzeme ilave edilmiş değişik yapıdaki camlarla aynı testler tekrar edilmiştir. Öncelikle Labview ara yüz programı ile 2 adet 60W monokristal güneş panelinin akım, gerilim ve yüzey sıcaklıkları ölçülmüştür. Akabinde panel altında alüminyum varken 3 farklı cam çeşidi 2’şer gün süreyle teste edilmiştir. Son olarak alt kısımdaki alüminyum malzeme çıkarılmış, cam çeşitleriyle aynı testler tekrar edilmiştir. Ayrıca ışınım şiddeti de ölçülmüş ve kaydedilmiştir. Toplamda 7 farklı durum ele alınmış, farklı karakteristikteki camlar da birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Özetle Afyonkarahisar iklim şartları altında sıcaklık ve ışınım parametrelerine göre veriminin nasıl değiştiği araştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonucu elde edilen veriler Yapay Sinir Ağları (YSA) teknikleri ile modellenmiştir.In this thesis, it is investigated to what extent the panel glass, which is one of the most important components in module production, protects the internal components of solar panels that produce electricity from solar energy from environmental conditions and directly affects the efficiency of solar panels due to their light transmittance performances. In addition, the same tests were repeated with the different structure glasses with aluminum material added to the back of the panel. First, current, voltage and surface temperatures of 2 60W monocrystalline solar panels were measured by Labview interface program. Subsequently, three different glass types were tested for 2 days each with aluminum under the panel. Finally, the aluminum material at the bottom was removed and the same tests were repeated with the glass types. In addition, the radiation intensity was recorded. A total of 7 different situations were handled and the different characteristic glasses were compared with each other. In summary, how the efficiency of Afyonkarahisar under climatic conditions according to temperature and radiation parameters has been investigated. The data obtained from the study were modeled with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) techniques

    Detection of species in meat and meat products using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

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    WOS: 000236276300008Detection of species adulteration in meat products is important for consumer protection and food labeling law enforcement. In this study, samples of 28 fermented sausages; 14 cooked salami; 11 frankfurters; 9 raw meats; 16 raw ground meats and meat balls; 3 pastramis, 2 hams and 5 bacons; 7 cooked meats; and 5 canned products resulting in a total of 100 meat and meat products were analyzed for species determination by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test kits prepared with monoclonal antibody technique. Results showed that 11 of 28 fermented sausages (39.2%), 5 of 14 cooked salami (35.7%), 3 of 11 frankfurters (27.2%), 2 of 9 raw meat (22.2%) and 1 of 16 raw ground meat and meat ball (6.2%) samples were found to contain undeclared species. Fermented sausage, cooked salami and frankfurter samples that had been declared as beef only contained poultry meat. Raw meat samples that were declared as beef were determined as horse and deer meat. One meatball sample declared as beef was found to be poultry meat. These results indicate that 22.0% of the samples were not in compliance with Turkish Food Codex violating consumer rights and presenting a potential public health risk. A broad national control program by central authority is required to protect consumers and to prevent unfair competition