555 research outputs found

    Linear semigroups with coarsely dense orbits

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    Let SS be a finitely generated abelian semigroup of invertible linear operators on a finite dimensional real or complex vector space VV. We show that every coarsely dense orbit of SS is actually dense in VV. More generally, if the orbit contains a coarsely dense subset of some open cone CC in VV then the closure of the orbit contains the closure of CC. In the complex case the orbit is then actually dense in VV. For the real case we give precise information about the possible cases for the closure of the orbit.Comment: We added comments and remarks at various places. 14 page

    Les opérations de restructuration des firmes agroalimentaires multinationales entre 1987 et 2003

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    Based on a neo-institutionalist theoretical framework and using the Agrodata databank, the present paper analyses the main drivers underlying the restructuring operations of the top 100 multinational food processing enterprises worldwide and draws the map of the world's new agri-food landscape. World's agri-food oligopoly came out during these last decades concentrating an ever increasing financial and economic power (in 2002, the total value production of the top 100 food multinationals weighted for 27 % of the total production of the world food processing industry). Under constant pressure to improve their financial and economic performances, food processing enterprises face considerable constraints inherent in their international business environment : increasing international rivalry resulting from the adoption of liberalising economic policies by a large number of developing countries; importance that gain the financial spheres in world's agri-food chain; changing eating habits and consumer behaviour. Leadership seeking on large regional and/or world base in highly segmented markets pushes the top 100 food multinationals to reorganise their internal and external structures by adopting streamlining and cost cutting strategies while targeting larger geographical expansion thanks to mergers and acquisitions as well as partnerships that they realise. Consequently, they reshape world's agri-food lanscape and give way to the emergence of new finance-oriented governance patterns. ...French Abstract : En mobilisant une grille de lecture néo-institutionnaliste et en s'appuyant sur la base de données Agrodata, ce document analyse les logiques qui sous-tendent les restructurations des 100 premières firmes multinationales agroalimentaires mondiales et la nouvelle carte du monde agroalimentaire qui en résulte. On montre ainsi qu'un oligopole agroalimentaire de dimension internationale s'est progressivement constitué et que son poids économique et financier ne cesse de croître (les 100 premiers groupes mondiaux représentaient en 2002 près de 27% du chiffre d'affaires du secteur). L'intensification de la concurrence impulsée par l'ouverture des marchés, la financiarisation du secteur et les changements dans les comportements des consommateurs ont imposé aux entreprises de nouveaux impératifs de performance. La recherche du leadership macro-régional, voire mondial, sur des marchés de plus en plus segmentés conduit cet oligopole à mener des opérations de restructuration visant la rationalisation des coûts tout en soutenant une croissance externe (acquisitions, fusions, cessions, partenariats). Le profil du secteur au niveau mondial s'en trouve reconfiguré et l'on assiste à l'apparition de nouveaux types de gouvernance, plus financiarisés.MULTINATIONAL ENTERPRISES; STRATEGY; RESTRUCTURING; ECONOMIC PERFORMANCES; AGRI-FOOD MARKETS

    Vulnerabilty of euro-mediterranean regions producing fresh and processed fruits & vegetables, in a context of international liberalization = Vulnérabilité des régions euroméditerranéennes productrices de fruits & légumes frais et transformés, dans un contexte de libéralisation internationale

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    This paper dealts with the economic impact of agricultural trade liberalization on the fruit and vegetable marketing chains of five EU mediterranean countries. The theoretical tools of this research are based on industrial organization (Scherer, 1973), strategic analysis (Wernerfelt, 1983) and global commodity chain concept (Gereffi, 1995). A "regional vulnerability index" (RVI) is built through an inter-regional benchmarking. The RVI itself is calculated from a range of indicators taking into account the following aspects: concentration and production specialization, differents forms of organization and public incentives, average period dynamics, economic and firm performances, sector-based and macroeconomic environmental constraints. An impact simulation, combining RVI and penetration of european markets, suggests a reasonable competition with regard to the commercial risk: 4% of the present production acounting to 2 billion (i.e. 30 000 specialized farms and 80 000 corresponding jobs located within fifty regions) are threatened. ...French Abstract : Ce document propose une estimation de l'impact économique de la libéralisation des échanges commerciaux euro-méditerranéens sur les filières fruits et légumes dans 5 pays méditerranéens de l'Union européenne. Les fondements théoriques de la recherche sont empruntés à l'organisation industrielle (Scherer, 1973), à l'analyse stratégique (notamment Wernerfelt, 1983) et au concept de chaîne globale de valeur (Gereffi, 1995). Un " indice de vulnérabilité régionale " (IVR) est mobilisé pour un benchmarking inter-régional. L'IVR est calculé à partir d'une batterie d'indicateurs quantitatifs et qualitatifs prenant en compte les aspects suivants : concentration et spécialisation de l'offre, formes d'organisation et incitations publiques, dynamiques de moyenne période, de performances économiques et managériales, facteurs d'environnement sectoriel et macro-économique. Une simulation d'impact, combinant IVR et pénétration du marché européen, suggère une exposition modérée au risque commercial, menaçant 4 % de la production actuelle (soit 2 milliards), 30 000 exploitations agricoles spécialisées et 80 000 emplois dans une cinquantaine de régions européennes.AGRICULTURAL TRADE LIBERALIZATION; FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKETING CHAINS; INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION; STRATEGIC ANALYSIS; GLOBAL COMMODITY CHAIN; ;MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES

    Trigonometric Sutherland systems and their Ruijsenaars duals from symplectic reduction

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    Besides its usual interpretation as a system of nn indistinguishable particles moving on the circle, the trigonometric Sutherland system can be viewed alternatively as a system of distinguishable particles on the circle or on the line, and these 3 physically distinct systems are in duality with corresponding variants of the rational Ruijsenaars-Schneider system. We explain that the 3 duality relations, first obtained by Ruijsenaars in 1995, arise naturally from the Kazhdan-Kostant-Sternberg symplectic reductions of the cotangent bundles of the group U(n) and its covering groups U(1)Ă—SU(n)U(1) \times SU(n) and RĂ—SU(n){\mathbb R}\times SU(n), respectively. This geometric interpretation enhances our understanding of the duality relations and simplifies Ruijsenaars' original direct arguments that led to their discovery.Comment: 34 pages, minor additions and corrections of typos in v

    Myélome multiple survenant au cours d’une Fièvre Méditerranéenne Familiale

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    L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter une observation particulière de myélome multiple survenant au cours d'une maladie périodique. Il s'agit d'un patient tunisien de 53 ans suivi depuis le jeune âge pour maladie périodique dont le diagnostic était confirmé par l'étude génétique montrant l'homozygotie pour la mutation M694V du gène MEFV, fut admis pour exploration d'une douleur avec tuméfaction fessière droite récente. Les explorations biologiques et radiologiques ont permis de retenir le diagnostic d'un myélome multiple de type IgA à chaînes légères kappa stade III B, associé à une volumineuse localisation plasmocytaire très agressive de l'aile iliaque droite envahissant les structures musculaires avoisinantes. Notre observation, qui à notre connaissance est la deuxième signalant une telle association, se distingue par sa survenue brutale, sa progression rapide et le caractère très agressif de l'hémopathie.Key words: Fièvre méditerranéenne familiale, maladie périodique, myélome multiple, plasmocytome, cance

    Pyrene bisiminopyridine ligand and its zinc complex

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    The synthesis of a pyrene bisiminopyridine ligand L was successfully accomplished by condensation between 1-aminopyrene and 2,6-pyridinecarboxaldehyde. The complexation of L with zinc triflate afforded a neutral metal complex formulated as [Zn(H2O)LCF3SO3)2].2Et2O. In the complex, the ligand is coordinated to zinc(II) through its three nitrogen atoms which form a distorted octahedral environment together with three oxygen atoms, two from the triflate anions and one from aqua ligand. Both compounds have been characterized using NMR, elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, electronic absorption (UV-Vis) and infrared. Luminescence properties of these compounds show an emission maxima at 412 nm, indicating a pyrene monomer emission

    Decay resistance against Coriolus versicolor in Sessile oak ( Quercus petraea Liebl.): analysis of the between-tree variability and correlations with extractives, tree growth and other basic wood properties

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    Abstract : Weight loss due to fungus Coriolus versicolor has been measured on 614 samples according to the NF EN 113 norm. Up to eight samples were cut at breast height (two opposite radii×four radial positions in heartwood) from 82 mature sessile oaks ( Quercus petraea Liebl.) originating from contrasting regions, silvicultural schedules and site qualities in France. The following points are addressed in the paper: (i) contribution to the total variability for weight loss of the effects "tree”, "position in the tree”, as well as their interaction; (ii) percentage of wood samples and trees in each of the five classes of natural durability defined by the norm NF EN 350-2; (iii) test of the effects of region, silvicultural schedule and site quality on weight loss and evaluating their contribution to the total variation; and (iv) correlations at tree level between weight loss and several traits related to tree growth and basic wood properties (density, swelling, grain angle, multiseriate wood rays characteristics, extractives content). The results are discussed with a view to aid the forest manager as well as the log/wood user to take advantage of the high level of between-tree variability observed as natural durability against C. versicolo

    Semillas de Cucumis melo L. como prometedora fuente natural de aceite rico en sustancias biológicamente activas: composición, compuestos fenólicos y propiedades térmicas

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    This study aimed to evaluate the characteristic features, phenolic compounds and thermal analysis of melon seed oil (Maazoun variety), in order to determine its potential applications in food or pharmaceutical industries. The physicochemical properties of the seed oil revealed a high degree of unsaturation. The average contents of carotenoid and chlorophyll were 2.43 mg/kg and 5.70 mg/kg, respectively. The main fatty acids of melon seed oil were linoleic acid (68.98%) and oleic acid (15.84%), which makes this oil nutritionally valuable. Furthermore, trilinolein (LLL), accounted for 28.99% and constitutes the most abundant triacylglycerol. A chromatographic analysis showed that amentoflavone and luteolin-7-glycoside were the major phenolic compounds. A thermal analysis of melon seed oil was performed by differential scanning calorimetery (DSC). The results of sensorial properties indicated that melon seed oil is appreciated by tasters. The findings suggested that because of its composition, melon seed oil could be used successfully as an alternative source in the food and nutraceutical industries as a functional ingredient.El objetivo de este estudio fue la caracterización, evaluación de compuestos fenólicos y el análisis térmico del aceite de semillas de melón (variedad Maazoun), con el fin de conocer sus potenciales aplicaciones en la industria alimentaria o farmacéutica. Las propiedades fisicoquímicas del aceite de semilla mostraron un alto grado de insaturación. El contenido promedio de carotenoides y clorofila fue de 2,43 mg/kg y 5,70 mg/kg, respectivamente. Los principales ácidos grasos del aceite de semilla de melón fueron el linoleico (68,98%) y oleico (15,84%), lo que hace que este aceite sea nutricionalmente valioso. Además, la trilinoleína (LLL) que representó el 28,99% constituye el triacilglicerol más abundante. El análisis cromatográfico mostró que amentoflavona y luteolin-7-glucósido eran los principales compuestos fenólicos. El análisis térmico del aceite de semilla de melón se realizó mediante calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC). Los resultados de las propiedades sensoriales indicaron que los catadores aprecian el aceite de semilla de melón. Los hallazgos sugieren que, debido a su composición, el aceite de semilla de melón podría utilizarse con éxito como una fuente alternativa en la industria alimentaria y nutracéutica como ingrediente funcional

    An integrable BC(n) Sutherland model with two types of particles

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    A hyperbolic BC(n) Sutherland model involving three independent coupling constants that characterize the interactions of two types of particles moving on the half-line is derived by Hamiltonian reduction of the free geodesic motion on the group SU(n,n). The symmetry group underlying the reduction is provided by the direct product of the fixed point subgroups of two commuting involutions of SU(n,n). The derivation implies the integrability of the model and yields a simple algorithm for constructing its solutions.Comment: 14 pages, with minor modifications in v
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