29 research outputs found

    Rebults Against The Jahmiyyah In The History Of Hadith – Hijri First Five Centuries

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    Doktora TeziCehmiyye Allah’ın zatı, haberî sıfatlar, halku’l-Kur’ân, ru’yetullah, Allah’ın ilmi gibi konularda fikir beyan etmiş olan bir fırkadır. Naslara yaklaşımda daha çok te’vîl metodunu esas alan Cehmiyye’ye karşı hadis tarihinde pek çok reddiye yazılmıştır. Çalışmamız, hicrî ikinci asırda ortaya çıkan Cehmiyye mezhebine karşı hadisçiler tarafından yazılmış reddiye literatürünün incelenmesini konu edinmektedir. Bu kapsamda hicri ilk beş asırda Cehmiyye’ye yönelik yazılmış günümüze ulaşan dokuz, günümüze ulaştığı bilinmeyen on sekiz olmak üzere toplam yirmi yedi adet reddiye eser tahlil edilmiştir. Çalışmada reddiyelerin yazılma sebebi, yöntemleri, ele aldıkları meseleler incelenmiş, reddiye müelliflerinin muhaliflerini tenkit ederken kullandıkları bazı delillerin tahric, tahlil ve tenkit edilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bununla birlikte Cehmiyye ekolünün görüşleri ile bunları temellendirdikleri delil ve yöntemler de ortaya konmuştur. Cehmiyye’nin eserleri günümüze ulaşmadığı için maalesef onların fikirleri muhaliflerinin yaptığı nakiller ile değerlendirilebilmiştir. Reddiyeler her ne kadar Cehmiyye’ye yönelik yazılmış gibi görünse de aslında naslara yaklaşımda tevil metodunu kullanan tüm kelamcılar muhatap alınmıştır.Jahmīyyah is a party that has expressed opinion on subjects such as the essence of Allah, Anthropomorphic Attributes of God, creation of Quran, ru'yatullah, and knowledge of Allah. Many rebuttals have been written in the history of the hadith against Jahmiyyah, which is mostly based on the method of ta'wil in approaching the Nass. Our study is about the examination of the rebuttal literature written by the hadithists against the Jahmīyyah sect that emerged in the second century of Hijri. In this context, we have studied total twenty-seven rebuttal works (nine of them were written about Jahmīyyah in the first five centuries of the Islamic calendar and it is unknown that eighteen of them are available today). The writing reasons, methods, and the issues of the rebuttals have been analyzed. This study has aimed to examine, analyze and criticize some of the evidence used by the rebuttal authors during criticism the opponents. Also this study shows the views of the Jahmīyyah ecole and the evidence and methods of them. Unfortunately, their opinions could be evaluated by the transfers of their opponents, because the works of Jahmīyah did not reach today. Although it is seen that the rebuttals have been written about Jahmīyyah, in fact, about all theologians who used interpretation method in approaching the Nass

    Records of Chromosomal Data of Some Scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones) from Turkey

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    In this study, the karyological features of three species Mesobuthus eupeus and Mesobuthus gibbous was investigatedfrom the family Buthidae and Euscorpius (Euscorpius) aladaglarensis from the family Euscorpiidae, ranging in NiğdeProvince. As a result of karyological studies, it was determined that the diploid chromosome number of Mesobuthus eupeus,Mesobuthus gibbosus, and Euscorpius aladaglarensis as 2n= 20, 28 and 88 respectively. Two buthid species have holocentricchromosomes, while the euscorpiid species has monocentric chromosomes. During first meiotic division, we observedmultivalent in one male of E. aladaglarensis.Bu çalışmada, Niğde’de dağılım gösteren Buthidae familyasından Mesobuthus eupeus ve Mesobutus gibbosus ile Euscorpiidae familyasından Euscorpius (Euscorpius) aladaglarensis türlerinin karyolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Yapılan karyolojik çalışmalara göre Mesobuthus eupeus, Mesobuthus gibbosus ve Euscorpius aladaglarensis türlerine ait diploid kromozom sayıları sırasıyla 2n=20; 2n=28 ve 2n= 88 olarak belirlenmiştir. İki buthid türü holosentrik kromozomlara sahip iken, euscorpiid türü monosentrik kromozomlara sahiptir. E. aladaglarensis türüne ait bir erkekte birinci mayoz bölünme sırasında multivalent gözlenmiştir

    Records of Chromosomal Data of Some Scorpions (Arachnida: Scorpiones) from Turkey

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    In this study, the karyological features of three species Mesobuthus eupeus and Mesobuthus gibbous was investigatedfrom the family Buthidae and Euscorpius (Euscorpius) aladaglarensis from the family Euscorpiidae, ranging in NiğdeProvince. As a result of karyological studies, it was determined that the diploid chromosome number of Mesobuthus eupeus,Mesobuthus gibbosus, and Euscorpius aladaglarensis as 2n= 20, 28 and 88 respectively. Two buthid species have holocentricchromosomes, while the euscorpiid species has monocentric chromosomes. During first meiotic division, we observedmultivalent in one male of E. aladaglarensis.Bu çalışmada, Niğde’de dağılım gösteren Buthidae familyasından Mesobuthus eupeus ve Mesobutus gibbosus ile Euscorpiidae familyasından Euscorpius (Euscorpius) aladaglarensis türlerinin karyolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Yapılan karyolojik çalışmalara göre Mesobuthus eupeus, Mesobuthus gibbosus ve Euscorpius aladaglarensis türlerine ait diploid kromozom sayıları sırasıyla 2n=20; 2n=28 ve 2n= 88 olarak belirlenmiştir. İki buthid türü holosentrik kromozomlara sahip iken, euscorpiid türü monosentrik kromozomlara sahiptir. E. aladaglarensis türüne ait bir erkekte birinci mayoz bölünme sırasında multivalent gözlenmiştir

    Composition of carotenoids in Scenedesmus protuberans: Application of chromatographic and spectroscopic methods

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    This study aimed to identify and determine the carotenoids from green microalga, Scenedesmus protuberans using analytical techniques. Identification of carotenoids was realized by comparing their absorption and mass spectral data with those of reference standards available and reported values. Chromatographic data were then combined with the spectroscopic information. The separation of carotenoids was achieved by C30 column and high-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection was used for their determination. In the present work, the carotenoid content of S. protuberans was found to be 1.45 mg/g of violaxanthin, 2.47 mg/g of all-trans-lutein, 0.15 mg/g of all-trans-α-carotene, 0.55 mg/g of all-trans-β-carotene, and 0.20 mg/g of 9 or 9′-cis-β-carotene. Due to lack of their standards, the amount of all-trans-loroxanthin and cis-isomers of other carotenoids could not be quantified. In order to validate the method, Certified Reference Material (BCR 485-Mixed vegetables) was used. In conclusion, this study can serve as a reference for the analysis of carotenoids in other microalgae.The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey project TBAG 110 T09

    Equilibrium, thermodynamic and kinetic studies for the biosorption of aqueous lead(II), cadmium(II) and nickel(II) ions on Spirulina platensis

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    The biosorption of lead(II), cadmium(II) and nickel(II) ions from aqueous solution by Spirulina platensis was studied as a function of time, concentration, temperature, repetitive reactivity, and ionic competition. The kinetic results obeyed well the pseudo second-order model. Freundlich, Dubinin Radushkevich and Temkin isotherm models were applied in describing the equilibrium partition of the ions. Freundlich isotherm was applied to describe the design of a single-stage batch sorption system. According to the thermodynamic parameters such as ΔG°, ΔH°and ΔS° calculated, the sorption process was endothermic and largely driven towards the products. Sorption activities in a three metal ion system were studied which indicated that there is a relative selectivity of the biosorbent towards Pb2+ ions. The measurements of the repetitive reusability of S. platensis indicated a large capacity towards the three metal ions

    A study to develop clinical decision rules for the use of radiography in wrist trauma: Karadeniz wrist rules

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    Tatli, Ozgur/0000-0003-0263-7630; BAYDIN, AHMET/0000-0003-4987-0878; Turedi, Suleyman/0000-0002-6500-3961WOS: 000389517200004PubMed: 27450389Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate patients presenting to the emergency department (ED) with wrist trauma using physical examination findings and functional tests and to identify findings with high sensitivity and specificity among the parameters assessed in patients with fracture in the wrist. The ultimate objective was thus to establish a reliable and widely usable clinical decision rule for determining the necessity of radiography in wrist trauma. Methods: This prospective, multicenter study was performed in 8 hospitals. The relation between radiologically determined fracture and clinical findings consisting of physical examination findings and functional tests was assessed in terms of whether or not these were markers of radiography requirement, with the aim of identifying predictive values for fracture. Results: A total of 603 eligible trauma patients presented to the participating EDs during the study period. Fracture was identified in 24.5% of patients (n= 148). The 4-way combination with the highest sensitivity was identified as axial compression and the positive distal radioulnar drawer test, and pain with radial deviation and dorsal flexion. Sensitivity at distal ulna palpation was added as a fifth parameter, and sensitivity and negative predictive value thus increased to 100%. Conclusion: With their 100% sensitivity and 100% negative predictive values, the Karadeniz wrist rules may represent a clinical decision rule that can be used in practice in EDs. If all 5 findings are negative, there is no indication for wrist radiography. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved