21 research outputs found

    Abschlussbericht des BLK-Programmträgers zum Modellversuchsprogramm "Innovative Fortbildung der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an beruflichen Schulen"

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    Ziel des Programms war die Verbesserung der Qualifizierung der Berufsschullehrer in der 2. (Vorbereitungsdienst/Studienseminar) und 3. Phase (berufsbegleitende Fortbildung), da hierdurch notwendige Veränderungen schnell und direkt in die beruflichen Schulen eingebracht werden können. Insbesondere erprobte Innovationen aus berufsschulischen BLK-Modellversuchen wurden in die Lehrerfortbildung und in den Vorbereitungsdienst transferiert und dadurch verbreitet und umgesetzt. Programmschwerpunkte waren besondere Fragen des Vorbereitungsdienstes (z.B. Qualifizierung von "Seiteneinsteigern" für den Schuldienst, der Seminarleiter und Fachleiter, der Mentoren und Ausbildungslehrer, Bewertung von Lehrproben) und Lehrerfortbildung in Verbindung mit der Schnittstelle zum Vorbereitungsdienst (Unterrichtsgestaltung, Berufliche Schulen im Berufsbildungssystem, Organisation der Lehrerqualifizierung). Der Abschlussbericht beschreibt 1. Anliegen des Programms; 2. Steuerungsmaßnahmen des Programmträgers; 3. Innovationsbeiträge der Modellversuche und liefert 4. eine Zusammenfassende Einschätzung. (DIPF/DBS

    Trapped ions in optical lattices for probing oscillator chain models

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    We show that a chain of trapped ions embedded in microtraps generated by an optical lattice can be used to study oscillator models related to dry friction and energy transport. Numerical calculations with realistic experimental parameters demonstrate that both static and dynamic properties of the ion chain change significantly as the optical lattice power is varied. Finally, we lay out an experimental scheme to use the spin degree of freedom to probe the phase space structure and quantum critical behavior of the ion chain

    Ammonium Pertechnetate in Mixtures of Trifluoromethanesulfonic Acid and Trifluoromethanesulfonic Anhydride

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    Ammonium pertechnetate reacts in mixtures of trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride and trifluoromethanesulfonic acid under final formation of ammonium pentakis(trifluoromethanesulfonato)oxidotechnetate(V), (NH4_{4})2_{2} [TcO(OTf) 5_{5}]. The reaction proceeds only at exact concentrations and under the exclusion of air and moisture via pertechnetyl trifluoromethanesulfonate, [TcO3_{3}(OTf)], and intermediate TcVI^{VI} species. 99^{99}Tc nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to study the TcVII^{VII} compound and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), 99^{99}Tc NMR and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) experiments indicate the presence of the reduced technetium species. In moist air, (NH4_{4})2[TcO(OTf)5] slowly hydrolyses under formation of the tetrameric oxidotechnetate(V) (NH4_{4})4_{4} [{TcO(TcO4_{4})4_{4}}4_{4}] ⋅10 H2_{2}O. Single-crystal X-ray crystallography was used to determine the solid-state structures. Additionally, UV/Vis absorption and IR spectra as well as quantum chemical calculations confirm the identity of the species

    Real-world therapy with pembrolizumab: outcomes and surrogate endpoints for predicting survival in advanced melanoma patients in Germany

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    Knowledge on the real-world characteristics and outcomes of pembrolizumab-treated advanced melanoma patients in Germany and on the value of different real-world endpoints as surrogates for overall survival (OS) is limited. A sample of 664 pembrolizumab-treated patients with advanced melanoma from the German registry ADOReg was used. We examined OS, real-world progression-free survival (rwPFS), real-world time to next treatment (rwTtNT), and real-world time on treatment (rwToT). Spearman’s rank and iterative multiple imputation (IMI)-based correlation coefficients were computed between the OS and the rwPFS, rwTtNT, and rwToT and reported for the first line of therapy and the overall sample. The median OS was 30.5 (95%CI 25.0–35.4) months, the rwPFS was 3.9 months (95%CI 3.5–4.9), the rwTtNT was 10.7 months (95%CI 9.0–12.9), and the rwToT was 6.2 months (95%CI 5.1–6.8). The rwTtNT showed the highest correlation with the OS based on the IMI (rIMI = 0.83), Spearman rank correlations (rs = 0.74), followed by the rwToT (rIMI = 0.74 and rs = 0.65) and rwPFS (rIMI = 0.69 and rs = 0.56). The estimates for the outcomes and correlations were similar for the overall sample and those in first-line therapy. The median OS was higher compared to recent real-world studies, supporting the effectiveness of pembrolizumab in regular clinical practice. The rwTtNT may be a valuable OS surrogate, considering the highest correlation was observed with the OS among the investigated real-world endpoints

    Real-World Therapy with Pembrolizumab: Outcomes and Surrogate Endpoints for Predicting Survival in Advanced Melanoma Patients in Germany

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    Knowledge on the real-world characteristics and outcomes of pembrolizumab-treated advanced melanoma patients in Germany and on the value of different real-world endpoints as surrogates for overall survival (OS) is limited. A sample of 664 pembrolizumab-treated patients with advanced melanoma from the German registry ADOReg was used. We examined OS, real-world progression-free survival (rwPFS), real-world time to next treatment (rwTtNT), and real-world time on treatment (rwToT). Spearman’s rank and iterative multiple imputation (IMI)-based correlation coefficients were computed between the OS and the rwPFS, rwTtNT, and rwToT and reported for the first line of therapy and the overall sample. The median OS was 30.5 (95%CI 25.0–35.4) months, the rwPFS was 3.9 months (95%CI 3.5–4.9), the rwTtNT was 10.7 months (95%CI 9.0–12.9), and the rwToT was 6.2 months (95%CI 5.1–6.8). The rwTtNT showed the highest correlation with the OS based on the IMI (rIMI = 0.83), Spearman rank correlations (rs = 0.74), followed by the rwToT (rIMI = 0.74 and rs = 0.65) and rwPFS (rIMI = 0.69 and rs = 0.56). The estimates for the outcomes and correlations were similar for the overall sample and those in first-line therapy. The median OS was higher compared to recent real-world studies, supporting the effectiveness of pembrolizumab in regular clinical practice. The rwTtNT may be a valuable OS surrogate, considering the highest correlation was observed with the OS among the investigated real-world endpoints

    Sky radiance at a coastline and effects of land and ocean reflectivities

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    Abstract. We present a unique case study of the spectral sky radiance distribution above a coastline. Results are shown from a measurement campaign in Italy involving three diode array spectroradiometers which are compared to 3-D model simulations from the Monte Carlo model MYSTIC. On the coast, the surrounding is split into two regions, a diffusely reflecting land surface and a water surface which features a highly anisotropic reflectance function. The reflectivities and hence the resulting radiances are a nontrivial function of solar zenith and azimuth angle and wavelength. We show that for low solar zenith angles (SZA) around noon, the higher land albedo causes the sky radiance at 20° above the horizon to increase by 50 % in the near infrared at 850 nm for viewing directions towards the land with respect to the ocean. Comparing morning and afternoon radiances highlights the effect of the ocean’s sun glint at high SZA which contributes around 10 % to the measured radiance ratios. The model simulations generally agree with the measurements to better than 10 %. We investigate the individual effects of model input parameters representing land and ocean albedo and aerosols. Different land and ocean BRDFs do not generally improve the model agreement. However, consideration of the uncertainties in the diurnal variation of aerosol optical depth can explain the remaining discrepancies between measurements and model. We further investigate the anisotropy effect of the ocean BRDF which is featured in the zenith radiances. Again, the uncertainty of the aerosol loading is dominant and obscures the modelled sun glint effect of 7 % at 650 nm. Finally, we show that the effect on the zenith radiance is restricted to a few kilometres from the coast line by model simulations along a perpendicular transect and by comparing the radiances at the coast to those measured at a site 15 km inland. Our findings are relevant to, for example, ground based remote sensing of aerosol characteristics since a common technique is based on sky radiance measurements along the solar almucantar. </jats:p

    Measurements of UV irradiance within the area of one satellite pixel

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    A measurement campaign was performed in the region of Vienna and its surroundings from May to July 2007. Within the scope of this campaign erythemal UV was measured at six ground stations within a radius of 30 km. First, the homogeneity of the UV levels within the area of one satellite pixel was studied. Second, the ground UV was compared to ground UV retrieved by the ozone monitoring instrument (OMI) onboard the NASA EOS Aura Spacecraft. During clear-sky conditions the mean bias between erythemal UV measured by the different stations was within the measurement uncertainty of ±5%. Short term fluctuations of UV between the stations were below 3% within a radius of 20 km. For partly cloudy conditions and overcast conditions the discrepancy of instantaneous values between the stations is up to 200% or even higher. If averages of the UV index over longer time periods are compared the difference between the stations decreases strongly. The agreement is better than 20% within a distance of 10 km between the stations for 3 h averages. The comparison with OMI UV showed for clear-sky conditions higher satellite retrieved UV values by, on the average, approximately 15%. The ratio of OMI to ground measured UV lies between 0.9 and 1.5. and strongly depends on the aerosol optical depth. For partly cloudy and overcast conditions the OMI derived surface UV estimates show larger deviation from the ground-based reference data, and even bigger systematic positive bias. Here the ratio OMI to ground data lies between 0.5 and 4.5. The average difference between OMI and ground measurements is +24 to +37% for partly cloudy conditions and more than +50% for overcast conditions.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736

    Ammonium Pertechnetate in Mixtures of Trifluoromethanesulfonic Acid and Trifluoromethanesulfonic Anhydride

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    Ammonium pertechnetate reacts in mixtures of trifluoromethanesulfonic anhydride and trifluoromethanesulfonic acid under final formation of ammonium pentakis(trifluoromethanesulfonato) oxidotechnetate(V), (NH4)2[TcO(OTf)5]. The reaction proceeds only at exact concentrations and under the exclusion of air and moisture via pertechnetyl trifluoromethanesulfonate, [TcO3(OTf)], and intermediate Tc(VI) species. 99Tc nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to study the Tc(VII) compound and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), 99Tc NMR and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) experiments indicate the presence of the reduced technetium species. On moist air, (NH4)2[TcO(OTf)5] slowly hydrolyses under formation of the tetramericoxidotechnetate(V) (NH4)4[{TcO(TcO4)4}4] 10 H2O. Single crystal Xray crystallography was used to determine the solid state structures. Additionally, UV-vis and IR spectra and quantum chemical calculations confirm the identity of the species