223 research outputs found

    Urgensi Nilai Pancasila pada Anak Usia Dini

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan agar ketika anak-anak memasuki usia remaja, mereka akan terbiasa dengan perbuatan dan tingkah laku yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila. Anak sangat membutuhkan bimbingan dari orangtua dalam membumikan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang dapat di implementasikan melalui metode permainan serta metode lain yang menyenangkan bagi anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Library Research dengan Pendekatan analitis dan tafsiran yang bersifat teoritis dan hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa nilai pancasila dapat ditanamkan pada anak sejak usia dini melalui metode permainan yang menyenangkan dan karyawisata. Berupa Kepercayaan dan takwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, sikap sopan santun dan berperikemanusiaan, rasa cinta terhadap bangsa dan tanah air, menumbuhkan jiwa demokratis dan rasa keadilan, kejujuran, kebenaran dan menolong orang lain. Penelitian ini berupaya agar tumbuh generasi yang sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis dan berkarakter

    The Use of Special Bilinear Functions in Computing Some Special Funtions

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    In this paper we give, at the beginning, a very quick review of the subject of bilinear functions in connection with the convolution of two n-tuples vectors(originally named quacroms); then we summarize some of its important applications such as the calculation of the product of two polynomials and hence two integers and their use in representing certain quantities. Then we divert our attention towards the main topic of this paper and use these special bilinear functions in computing special functions as in the case of Bernoulli, Hermite, and Legendre polynomials through simple recurrence relations using related linear equations; a related algorithm will then be discussed. Moreover, the first few polynomials of each fore-mentioned ones are computed

    O jednadžbi za širenje izobarnog multipliciteta

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    The isobaric multiplet width equation is verified on the lights of newer experimental information on masses and widths. The verification is carried out for the known level widths and the results came in support of the isobaric width equation removing all previous discrepancies. Multiplets with enough, but not complete, experimental information are also studied.Novi eksperimentalni rezultati mjerenja širina čestično nestabilnih jezgara i pobuđenih stanja uzeti su kako bi se vidjelo da li je ranije predložena kvadratično-kvartična ovisnost o Tz (z-komponenti izospina) i dalje korektna. Zbog nedostatka eksperimentalnih podataka, samo kvadratična ovisnost je ispitana i nađeno je poboljšano slaganje

    Energy-efficient spectrum sensing approaches for cognitive radio systems

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    Designing an energy efficient cooperative spectrum sensing for cognitive radio network is our main research objective in this dissertation. Two different approaches are employed to achieve the goal, clustering and minimizing the number of participating cognitive radio users in the cooperative process. First, using clustering technique, a multilevel hierarchical cluster-based structure spectrum sensing algorithm has been proposed to tackle the balance between cooperation gain and cost by combining two different fusion rules and exploiting the tree structure of the cluster. The algorithm considerably minimizes the reporting overhead while satisfying the detection requirements. Second, based on reducing the number of participating cognitive radio users, primary user protection is considered to develop an energy efficient algorithm for cluster-based cooperative spectrum sensing system. An iterative algorithm with low complexity has been proposed to design energy efficient spectrum sensing for cluster-based cooperative systems. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can significantly minimize the number of contributing of cognitive radio users in the collaboration process and can compromise the performance gain and the incurred overhead. Moreover, a variable sensing window size is also considered to propose three novel strategies for energy efficient centralized cooperative spectrum sensing system using the three hard decision fusion rules. The results show that strategies remarkably increase the energy efficiency of the cooperative system; furthermore, it is shown optimality of k out of N rule over other two hard decision fusion rules. Finally, joint optimization of transmission power and sensing time for a single cognitive radio is considered. An iterative algorithm with low computational requirements has been proposed to jointly optimize power and sensing time to maximize the energy efficiency metric. Computer results have shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms those existing works in the literature

    Zoom Cloud Meeting sebagai Media Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Mata Kuliah Ilmu Alamiah Dasar

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    Zoom Cloud Meeting sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran jarak jauh terpopuler banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat di dunia. Indonesia pada pandemi covid-19 banyak mahasiswa yang sudah menggunakan media zoom dalam aktivitas perkuliahan, seminar baik dikampus dan diluar kampus.Sebagian besar mahasiswa tersebut menggunakan media zoom karena mudah, fleksibel sebagai media pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran media Zoom Cloud Meeting dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh selain untuk berkomunikasi dan penyampaian pesan dalam materi perkuliahan dengan tata cara yang sama dengan perkuliahan offline yang terdiri dari Ceramah, Presentasi, Diskusi dan tanya jawab.Tulisan ini bertujuan melihat bagaimana peran Zoom Cloud Meeting sebagai media pembelajaran Jarak Jauh. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif, Teknik analisis data interaktif melalui observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa zoom sebagai media pembelajaran jarak jauh sangat berperan dalam proses perkuliahan yang berfungsi sebagai sarana edukasi, sarana evaluasi, sarana penyambung informasi, serta sarana layanan konsultasi

    Uji Efek Tonik Infusa Herba Sambiloto ( Andrographis paniculata Nees (Burm.f)) Terhadap Mencit Putih Jantan Galur Swiss Webster

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    Tanaman sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees (Burm.f)) merupakan tanaman yang berkhasiat sebagai obat luka karena digigit binatang beracun, diuretikum, anti diabetikum, tonikum, stomatikum, obat debilitas sesudah sakit demam, disentri dan masih banyak lagi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek tonikum infusa herba sambiloto yang diberikan secara oral pada mencit putih jantan galur Swiss Webster. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Natatory Exhaustion yang merupakan metode skrining farmakologi yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek obat yang bekerja pada koordinasi gerak terutama penurunan kontrol syaraf pusat. Subyek uji yang digunakan yaitu mencit putih jantan galur Swiss Webster, dengan umur 2-3 bulan, berat badan 20-30 gram. Hewan uji yang digunakan berjumlah 25 ekor , dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok percobaan. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol negatif, kelompok II sebagai kontrol positif (kafein 0,1g/kgBB), keolompok III, IV dan V mendapat perlakuan dosis infusa herba sambiloto dengan masing-masing 2,5g/kgBB, 5g/kgBB, dan 10g/kgBB. Efek tonikum ditandai dengan bertambahnya waktu lelah. Kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Levene test, dilanjutkan ANAVA satu jalan pada taraf kepercayaan 95% dilanjutkan uji LSD (Least Significant Difference). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa infusa herba sambiloto mempunyai efek tonikum yang berbeda bermakna dengan kontrol negatif pada mencit putih jantan galur Swiss Webster (p < 0,05). Efek tonikum semakin meningkat seiring dengan penambahan dosis sediaan uji pada dosis 2,5g/kgBB sampai 10g/kgBB dengan kenaikan selisih waktu lelah berturut-turut yaitu 2,43 menit; 3,75 menit; 7,74 menit

    Structural, Magnetic And Electrical Studies On Some Mixed Metal Perovskite Oxides

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    This thesis describes crystallographic, magnetic and electrical studies of some mixed metal perovskites. In the first part, the charge distribution, magnetic and electrical properties of mixed metal rhodium-copper perovskite oxides were investigated. Various series with the general formula Ln1-yAyRh1-2xCuxBxO3 in which (Ln = La3+, Tb3+; A = Ca2+, Sr2+, Pb2+, Bi3+; B = Sc3+, Cu2+, Zn2+ ; y ≤ 0.3, x ≤ 0.25), have been synthesised by solid state reaction, and characterised by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and physical property measurements and, as available, neutron diffraction and X-ray absorption near edge structure measurements. Structures were invariably orthorhombic with space group Pbnm with the Rh and Cu ions disordered on the same site. X-ray diffraction measurements of selected samples showed that the orthorhombic structure persisted over a wide temperature range, 30 to 900 ºC. All the samples are semiconductors and paramagnetic over the temperature range 4-300 K. Doping a divalent cation onto the B site appears to have a significant impact on charge delocalization between Rh3+/4+ and Cu2+/3+ ions due to the oxidation of Rh3+ to Rh4+ required to maintain the overall charge. That was most evident from the Rh L3 XANES measurements of the LaRh1-2xCu2xO3 and La1-xPbxRh0.5Cu0.5O3 series. Powder neutron diffraction measurements of La0.75Pb0.25Rh0.5Cu0.25Zn0.25O3, LaRh0.5Cu0.25Zn0.25O3 and La0.75Pb0.25Rh0.5Cu0.5O3 show no evidence for anion vacancies and it is postulated the oxides do not contain appreciable amount of oxygen vacancies. The magnetization curves show negative values for Weiss constants indicating weak antiferromagnetism may be present but there is no indication for long range coupling in the oxides. There are several factors that may influence the magnitude of the cell volume, octahedral distortion, octahedral tilting, magnetic interactions and electronic properties. These include ionic size, effective charge, electron configuration and electronegativity. In addition the charge delocalization and local ordering effects can play a role. The present work has demonstrated that: The changes in the unit cell volume and the octahedral distortion of the isovalent doped oxides such as La0.75A0.25Rh0.7Cu0.3O3 where A = Ca2+, Sr2+ and Pb2+ are consistent with the increase in the ionic radii, whereas the decrease in magnetic moments of these is correlated with the increase in the electronegativities of the dopant cation. The unit cell volumes for the terbium oxides are somewhat smaller than found in the analogous lanthanum oxides reflecting the small ionic size of Tb3+. The divalent cation doped oxides LnRh1-2xCu2xO3 and LnRh1-2xCuxZnxO3 display lower cell volumes and octahedral distortions but higher magnetic moments and electrical conductivities than the trivalent cation doped oxides LnRh1-2xCuxScxO3 as consequence of charge delocalization. The electrical conductivity of the oxides increases as the divalent dopant content increases possibly because of an increase in carrier concentration that occurs as consequences of the formation of ionic defects due to the oxidation of Rh3+ (3d6) to Rh4+ (3d5). The electron configuration influences the spin coupling and the band gap and this is most evident in the Pb2+ and Bi3+ (6s2) doped LaRh1-2xCu2xO3 oxides which exhibited the lowest magnetic moments and the highest activation energies among the oxides studied. Compared with the analogous lanthanum oxides, the magnetic susceptibilities of the terbium oxides increased as a consequence of the contribution of Tb3+ 4 f8 electrons. Changing the A site composition resulted in anomalous changes in the cell volumes, octahedral distortions, electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of the La1-xPbxRh0.5Cu0.5O3 and La1-xBixRh0.5Cu0.5O3 perovskites. This is likely a consequence of charge delocalization and short-range local ordering effects. Increasing the doping on the B-site resulted in either a decrease or increase in the cell volumes and the magnetic moments, depending on the dopant type cation. The final part of this thesis describes the structure of some Ba2-xSr1+xBO5.5 (B = Nb5+ and Ta5+) perovskites. These were characterised by scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, X-ray and neutron diffraction. The preparation of these used solid state methods but the initial reactions were conducted under different media. Four compounds were prepared and these all have a face centred cubic structure with space group Fm3 ̅m. The two synthetic methods produce monophasic powders and these differ in color, particle size, and hardness. The cell edges of the oxides obtained by mixing the reactants with water are larger than these obtained when the mixing was conducted with acetone. The neutron diffraction profiles demonstrate that the A cation and oxygen ions are disordered in the BaSr2NbO5.5 and BaSr2TaO5.5 structures. The unusual thermal expansion of the unit cell is due to the presences of water and anion deficiency into the oxides structure. The oxides were found to absorb CO2 atmosphere during storage

    The behavior of the zeros of analytic functions of finite quantum systems with physical Hamiltonians

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    The paper contains an investigation of the behavior of the Zeros of analytic theta functions. We have considered briefly an analytic representation of finite quantum systems ZN. We note that analytic functions on a torus have exactly N zeros. A brief&nbsp;introduction to the zeros of analytic functions and their time evolution is given. We&nbsp;discuss the periodic finite quantum systems. Then we introduce the time evolution of finite quantum systems with the evolution operators which reflect physical signicance.&nbsp;The general ideas are demonstrated with several examples

    Study the Duration of Steam Power Plant’s Maintenance to Improve the Equivalent Availability Factor

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    Periodic maintenance of power plants is included in the project. Shorter project duration than scheduled indicates the success of the project. For the electricity industry, operating earlier will increase the availability index, which in turn will increase revenue. The standard maintenance work scope of the power plant owner is presented in a detailed work structure of the project as known as Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Project scheduling is done using network technique with the Critical Path Method (CPM). All activities that are on the critical path can be done crashing to speed up work in shortening the duration of treatment. Crashing is done by utilizing the cost slope of critical activities. So information can be obtained about the costs of several possible durations. The study of power plant maintenance using a cost slope gets an accelerated duration with the smallest cost, which is 28 days. With a maintenance duration of 28 days the total cost is 3,854,670,611 rupiahs and with an additional income of 429,643,368 rupiah from normal income of 21,404,712,886 rupiah