162 research outputs found

    Valuasi Ekonomi Konversi Lahan Pertanian Di Kawasan Aerotropolis Kulon Progo

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    The construction of the Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) in Temon District, Kulon Progo Regency has various impacts, one of which is the growth of the aerotropolis area which causes changes in land use. The conversion of land use, causing any difference in economic valuation. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of agricultural land conversion through economic value of the Kulon Progo aerotropolis area, with case studies in Palihan, Sindutan, Jangkaran, Kebonrejo and Glagah village. This research uses a non-empirical study method while research approach uses a mixed quantitative and qualitative approach. The analysis used in the form of land use change by digitizing the image (CSTR) of land and geo-referencing overlay in ArcGis, as well as economic valuation analysis. The result shows that changes in economic value have decreased for the use of agricultural and pond fields, while for settlements, the economic value after the construction of YIA has increased

    Numerical analysis of a variable camber rotor blade as a lift control device

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    A new rotor configuration called the variable camber rotor was numerically investigated as a lift control device. This rotor differs from a conventional (baseline) rotor only in the blade aft section. In this configuration, the aft section or flap is attached to the forward section by pin joint arrangement, and also connected to the rotor control system for the control of rotor thrust level and vectoring. Pilot action to the flap deflection controls rotor lift and tip path plane tilt. The drag due to flaps is presented and the theoretical result correlated with test data. The assessment of payoff for the variable camber rotor in comparison with conventional (baseline) rotor was examined in hover. The variable camber rotor is shown to increase hover power required by 1.35%, but such a minimal power penalty is not significant enough to be considered a negative result. In forward flight, the control needs of the variable camber rotor were evaluated


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    Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai motivasi bantuan persenjataan Rusia kepada Filipina terkait kebijakan War on Drugs pada masa kepemimpinan Rodrigo Duterte guna mengetahui alasan Rusia memberikan bantuan tersebut. Penelitian iini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif analisis untuk menjelaskan motivasi Rusia tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep bantuan luar negeri oleh Sumner dan Mallet, serta konsep motivasi bantuan luar negeri yang dikembangkan oleh Fransisco Sagasti. Sumner dan Mallet mengatakan bahwa bantuan luar negeri itu terdapat dalam bentuk dana dan bantuan bukan dalam bentuk dana. Sementara itu, Sagasti menjelaskan bahwa motivasi bantuan luar negeri adalah, motivasi solidaritas internasional dan keagamaan, motivasi kepentingan nasional, dan motivasi menjaga stabilitas internasional. Melalui analisis peneliti terhadap identifikasi motivasi bantuan luar negeri Rusia kepada Filipina ini, penulis menemuan bahwa motivasi kepentingan nasional adalah motivasi yang paling dominan dan paling signifikan. Kepentingan nasional yang penulis temukan mencakup kepada kepentingan strategis dan keamanan, kepentingan politik, dan kepentingan ekonomi dan perdagangan. Kata kunci: Motivasi, Bantuan Luar Negeri, Rusia, Filipina, Rodrigo Duterte, Kepentingan Nasiona

    pH and Vascular Tone

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    The mechanisms by which extracellular pH (pH0) and intracellular pH (pHi) affect vascular tone, and by which pHi itself is regulated in the vascular smooth muscle cells, have been investigated. The majority of experiments were carried out with isolated rabbit ears activated with 10 -6M noradrenaline and perfused at constant flow. Other preparations studied were perfused whole femoral beds of rabbits and frog whole body. The perfusing solutions were phosphate, Hepes or CO2 / HCO3- buffered Ringer's having Cl- as the bulk anion, and appropiately oxygenated. pHi was modified at constant pH0 using two different procedures, one was the application and withdrawal of CO2 and the other was the "NH4+ pulse" technique, which involved the application and washout of NH4+. The procedures which can be expected to lower pHi at constant pH0 both raised tone while the reverse steps reduced it. With every fluid used NH4+ application or lowering / withdrawal of CO2 dilated the vascular bed while NH4+ withdrawal or elevation / application of CO2 constricted it. The time courses of the changes in tone were reminiscent of pH responses to the above procedures, shown by intracellular pH electrode measurement in various cell types e. g. vas deferens (Aicken, 1984), squid giant axon (Thomas, 1974, '84) and pHi estimations by N. M. R. techniques with mixed arterial preparations (Dawson, Spurway and Wray, 1985) - in all these cases extracellular NH4+ transiently raises cytoplasmic pH while the subsequent washout carries it for a period below the control level. By contrast with the mammalian preparations NH4+ application actually vasoconstricted while its withdrawal vasodilated. The phenomena were investigated under varying ionic and external conditions and were compared under three pH0's: 6.7, 7.2, 7.7. There were no qualitative differences under all conditions though quantitatively there were variations. The results excluded all the explanations of the classical pH0 effect invoking direct H+ inhibition of intracellular events. Therefore displacement of Ca2+ by H+ from sequestering sites (S. R; mitochondria) other than the myofibrils themselves was proposed to account for these pHi effects observed. Some interventions, known to affect pHi homeostasis in other cells, were employed to establish possible mechanisms of pHi regulation. Replacement of all Cl- with PhSO3-, or H2PO4- with HCO3, and the application of S.I.T.S. or amiloride all retarded the adaptation of tone from NH4+ dilatation. Replacement of all NaO+ with Li+, choline, sucrose or K+, replacement of H2 PO4 with HCO3- and applications of S.I.T.S. , ouabain, amiloride and its derivatives all retarded to varying degrees the adaptation of tone from the washout constriction. Notably among the latter was the 10x greater potency of a claimed Na+ - H+ exchange inhibitor than of a claimed 2Na+ -Ca2+ inhibitor. Quantitative considerations such as this lead to the conclusion that Cl- -HCO3- exchange plays the major role in the elimination of alkaline load while excess H+i are eliminated mainly by a Na+-H+ exchange. Adaptation of tone from both dilatation and constriction is probably also influenced by changes of membrane potential and by the movements of other ions (Cl-, Ca2+, K+ and NH4+) which must occur in parallel with the changing rates of antiportation. It was incidentally noted that, while amiloride is vasodilatory, its derivatives may have either vasodilatory or vasoconstrictory effects on NA-activated vessels. The significance of the work for normal physiology is considered to be: (a) its refutation of proposals that dilatory effects of extracellular acidity are mediated by intracellular acidification. (b) its indication that changes of body fluid pH brought about by PCO2 variation are likely to produce tone responses smaller than -or even, at times, opposite to - the responses produced when pH0 is changed in identical amounts by variation of [HCO3-]0

    Analisa Rasio Kemandirian Daerah dan Rasio Keuangan Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah

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    This study aims to analyze the performance of local governments in all districts on the island of Sumatra for the 2015-2018 budget year. The data used is secondary data obtained from the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia in the form of a Budget Realization Report for the 2015-2018 fiscal year. This study is a descriptive study using an analysis of regional independence ratios and financial ratios to assess the performance of local governments in all districts on the island of Sumatra. The results showed that, the development of the level of regional independence of all districts on the island of Sumatra during 2015-2018 was at a low point, namely with an average yield of only 25%, so for the development of the level of efficiency in the management of regional expenditures of all districts on the island of Sumatra, it can be said less efficient. And then for the development of the level of effectiveness of the management of Regional Original Income, it can be said to be effective, namely with an average yield of above 90%, while for the growth rate of Regional Original Income it is still in a fluctuating condition

    Peutz-Jeghers syndrome: case report

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    A case of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) in an African girl is presented to document the clinical presentation, management and follow up of this condition. The patient who presented with black buccal mucosal hyperpigmentation and clinical features of jejuno-jejunal intussusception was successfully managed by operative reduction of the intussusception and polypectomy. She is being followed up for evidence of malignant transformation in associated intestinal polyps and development of extra-intestinal malignancies at other sites. The management of 1'JS in light of recent trends is discussed, especially with reference to suggested protocols for screening and surveillance of sites at supposed risk of tumour development.East African Medical Journal, May 1999, 284-28

    Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Mahasiswa pada Era New Normal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa pada masa New Normal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akademik dan melihat pola pencarian informasi mahasiswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif data berupa teks deskriptif yang telah diolah dari hasil wawancara yang telah dilakukan. Sumber data berupa hasil wawancara mendalam dengan mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Malang program studi S1 Ilmu Perpustakaan angkatan 2019. Teknik pengumpulan data dilaksankan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dan dianalisis dengan cara mereduksi data, menyajikan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Model perilaku pencarian informasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model perilaku pencarian informasi Ellis yang dikembangkan oleh Meho dan Tibbo (2003) terdiri 10 tahap pencarian informasi yaitu starting, chaining, browsing, monitoring, accessing, differentiating, extracting, verifying, networking, information managing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa melakukan semua komponen pencarian informasi di era New Normal. Mahasiswa juga mengalami kesulitan pada beberapa aktivitas pencarian informasi. Pola perilaku pencarian informasi mahasiswa pada era New Normal terdiri dari sembilan tahapan dan jarang melakukan tahapan monitoring. Pada penelitian ini juga ditemukan tahapan pola pencarian informasi dilakukan dalam satu tahapan dan juga terdapat tahapan pencarian informasi yang dilakukan secara dua kali


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kebutuhan siswa dan guru terhadap pengembangan bahan ajar menulis karya ilmiah dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia. Meningkatkan hasil belajar pada materi menulis karya ilmiah dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Al-Jamiyatul Washliyah Sei Kepayang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan Research and Development ( R & D ).Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode ini menggunakan validasi pakar / ahli dan siswa untuk menghasilkan produk dan keefektifan produk tersebut. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut : pertama , pengembangan bahan ajar menulis karya ilmiah dalam pengajaran bahasa indonesia sangat dibutuhkan dan sesuai oleh guru maupun siswa. Kedua, hasil validasi yang dilakukan oleh pakar / ahli dan siswa diperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 4,24 yang berada pada kategori sangat baik dan layak digunakan sebagai bahan ajar individual. Ketiga , pengembangan bahan ajar menulis karya ilmiah dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia dinyatakan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari sebelum proses pengembangan yang berada pada cukup dan kemudian meningkat menjadi sangat baik setelah proses pengembangan