22 research outputs found

    The effect of light massage on blood pressure and mean arterial pressure in tuberculosis patients

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    Tuberculosis is still a significant problem in the health sector, including the side effects of its treatment. Side effects include indigestion, nausea, joint pain, dizziness, reddish urine, itching, redness of the skin, liver disorders, joint pain, and vascular disorders such as paresthesia and even hypertension. Light massage is a massage therapy in the form of gentle movements on the soft tissues of the body, including rubbing and rubbing movements. This skin stimulus will provide a sense of comfort, relax tension in muscles and improve blood circulation. This study aimed to determine the effect of light massage therapy on blood pressure and mean atrial pressure (MAP) in tuberculosis patients. This study used a experimental design, pre-post control group design. The sample size of this study was 60 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random. The results showed that most respondents were female (56.7%) with active phase treatment 76.7% in the intervention group and 73.4% in the control group. There was a significant difference in systolic blood pressure and MAP (p <0.05), and there was no significant difference in diastolic blood pressure between the intervention and control groups (p> 0.05). Light massage can reduce systolic blood pressure and MAP. Further research is needed to increase the duration and frequency of light massage intervention

    Terapi Humor Untuk Menurunkan Intensitas Nyeri Pada Pasien Pasca Bedah Invasive

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    Tindakan pembedahan merupakan ancaman potensial atau aktual kepada integritas seseorang baik biopsikososial dan spiritual yang dapat menimbulkan respon berupa nyeri. Nyeri muncul karena terputusnya kontinuitas jaringan. Nyeri yang tidak diatasi dapat menganggu proses penyembuhan paska bedah. Metode untuk mengatasi nyeri dapat dilakukan secara farmakologi dan non farmakologi. Metode non farmakologi yang sering digunakan untuk mengatasi nyeri adalah teknik distraksi.Teknik distraksi dapat dilakukan dengan terapi humor. Terapi humor dilakukan dengan beberapa cara dengan melihat film lucu, mendengarkan kelompok lawak, melihat kartun, komik dan karikatur yang lucu serta membaca kumpulan cerita lucu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengaruh terapi humor terhadap intensitas nyeri pada pasien paska bedah invasif minimal hari kedua. Desain penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 40 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah konsekutif sampling. Analisa dengan melihat presentasi penurunan pada tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil analisa menunjukkan perbedaan persentase penurunan skala nyeri yang lebih besar pada kelompok perlakuan. Terapi humor mampu menurunkan nyeri pada pasien paska bedah invasif minimal hari kedua

    Pengaruh Terapi Mandi Uap Terhadap Respon Fisiologis Stress Penderita Hipertensi

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    Hipertensi merupakan permasalahan kesehatan yang paling sering dijumpai diberbagai diberbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Hipertensi merupakan pemicu berbagai kerusakan organ di dalam tubuh seperti jantung, otak, dan ginjal. Kondisi stress menimbulkan efek yang merugikan karena memperberat hipertensi itu sendiri. Perubahan tanda vital (nadi dan pernafasan) merupakan respon fisiologis terhadap kondisi stress tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh mandi uap terhadap respon fisiologis stress pada penderita hipertensi. Desain penelitian adalah quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan pre and post tes one group without control design. Jumlah responden yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 44 orang yang diambil secara random. Hasil uji statistik menunjukan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara rerata frekuensi pernafasan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan (nilai p =0,000). Demikian pula dengan rerata frekuensi denyut nadi permenit, sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan menunjukan perbedaan yang bermakna (nilai p = 0,000). Rerata frekuensi pernafasan dan nadi setelah perlakuan menunjukan kenaikan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan sebelum perlakuan. Dengan demikian dapat simpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang bermakna terapi mandi uap dalam meningkatkan respon fisiologis stress


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    ABSTRACT   Tuberculosis is still a major problem in the health sector, including side effects from treatment Side effects from tuberculosis treatment that are often experienced include indigestion, nausea, joint pain, dizziness, redness, itching, redness of the skin, liver disorders, joint pain and paresthesia or tingling. Tingling caused by blood circulation is not smooth. Light massage is a massage therapy in the form of gentle movements on the soft tissues of the body including wiping and rubbing movements, this skin stimulus will provide a sense of comfort, relaxes tension in the muscles and increases blood circulation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Light Massage therapy on peripheral blood circulation in tuberculosis patients. This study uses a true experiment pre and post control group design. The number of samples of this study were 30 respondents in the intervention group and 30 respondents in the control group. The study was conducted in the working area of ​​the Sokaraja Community Health Center. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The mean respondent was female (56.7%), with an intensive treatment phase (76.7%), mean Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) score in the intervention group 1.03 and the control group 1.06. There were no differences in ABI scores between the intervention and control groups. Administration of light massages interventions for 3 times has not been able to reduce the ankle brachial index score in tuberculosis patients. Further research needs to be done on ABI scores in patients with advanced treatment phases


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    Introduction: Traumatic brain injury or traumatic brain injury according to the national consensus of treatment head trauma defines traumatic brain injury as mechanical trauma to the head either directly or indirectly that can cause disturbance neurological functions such as physical, cognitive and psychosocial disorders both temporarily nor permanent. This literature review aims to determine the prevention and treatment of cognitive dysfunction after traumatic brain injury. Literature search with using the ProQuest, PubMed, Garuda and Google Scholar databases with 2017-2022 publication range. Articles that meet the criteria are analyzed and rated quality according to inclusion and exclusion. Obtained ten articles discussing related to the prevention and treatment of cognitive dysfunction after traumatic brain injury, two articles using the literature review method. The results of the analysis of the 5 articles show below there are various alternatives can be used in the prevention and treatment of people with cognitive dysfunction or disorders positive after traumatic brain injury such as the use of trehalose drugs, computer-assisted cognitive stimulation or neurocognition, use of neurofeedback, prophylactic therapy, neuroradiographic imaging and basic and optional neurologic examinations use of anti-epileptic drugs (OATs). Until now there is no therapy that can be applied for primary brain injury, therapy for people with cognitive impairment focused on neurocognitive rehabilitation in cognitive impairment after traumatic brain injur


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    Abstract : Blood Pressure, Light Massage, Hypertention. The impact of hypertension leads to heart attack, renal failure and stroke if the blood pressure is not controlled. Light massage is a complementary therapy for blood pressure control of patients with primary hypertension. Light massage can cause a relaxation response and reduce stress. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of light massage on the decrease in blood pressure. Research design is pre experimental. The number of respondents in this study were 16 respondents. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The study was conducted by measuring blood pressure before and after light massage therapy. Blood pressure measurement using digital tensimeter. Test the difference in blood pressure before and after intervention using Wilcoxon test. The results showed a significant difference in blood pressure before and after treatment in the group receiving light massage therapy (p value 0.035). Light massage affects the decrease in blood pressure in patients with primary hypertension.  Keywords: Blood Pressure, Light Massage, Hypertention LINK OJS 3 ARTIKEL "PENGARUH LIGHT MASSAGE TERHADAP TEKANAN DARAH PENDERITA HIPERTENSI PRIMER DI KABUPATEN BANYUMAS

    The Effect of Electronic Tindak Lanjut Tensiku (e-Titenku) Model to Knowledge of Coronary Heart Disease Prevention

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is still a major global health problem. Hypertension is the most risk factor for the incidence of cardiovascular disease and increases the risk of death. Primary and secondary prevention efforts are needed by increasing patient awareness of identifying risk factors and carrying out preventive management. “Electronic-Tindak lanjut Tensiku”, known as e-TITENKU, is a web and smartphone-based application designed to manage coronary heart disease prevention in patients with hypertension. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the e-TITENKU intervention model on knowledge of coronary heart disease prevention. Methods: This research design is true experiment pre and post control group design. The sample size is 120 respondents with primary hypertension in Banyumas Regency, Indonesia. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The inclusion criteria included respondents with primary hypertension, adults aged 40-65 years, cooperative and willing to be respondents, while the exclusion criteria were respondents experienced complications of other diseases due to hypertension. Results: The results of the study were that the age of the respondents in the intervention group was 64.91 years old, the systolic blood pressure was 169 mmHg and the diastolic blood pressure was 97 mmHg. The characteristics of the respondents in the control group were the mean age of 65.98, the mean systolic blood pressure of 172 mmHg and the diastolic of 93 mmHg. Conclusion: The e-TITENKU intervention model was able to increase the knowledge score of coronary heart disease prevention. This model can be used by nurses in hospital and community services

    Efektifitas Teknik Distraksi Nafas Dalam dengan Meniup Balon Untuk Menurunkan Skala Nyeri Paskaoperasi Megakolon Pada Anak Usia Preschool di Bangsal A2 RS dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Nyeri adalah rasa tidak nyaman dan bersifat subyektif. Sekitar 70% anak melaporkan nyeri paskaoperasi. Akibat nyeri pada anak usia preschool bila tidak ditangani menyebabkan anak menjadi tidak kooperatif, susah tidur dan iritabel. Di Bangsal A2 RS dr Kariadi teknik non farmakologi belum dilakukan secara optimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas teknik distraksi nafas dalam dengan meniup balon untuk menurunkan skala nyeri paskaoperasi megakolon pada anak usia preschool. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Nopember sampai dengan Desember 2006, menggunakan quasi experiment one group pre test-post test design dan teknik non probability purposive sampling. Jumlah sample 15 anak. Analisa hasil penelitian menggunakan uji paired sample t-Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai t hitung (12.433) lebih besar dari t tabel (1.761) atau sig (0.000) lebih kecil dari a (0.05) sehingga Ha diterima yang berarti teknik distraksi nafas dalam dengan meniup balon efektif untuk menurunkan skala nyeri paskaoperasi megakolon pada anak usia preschool. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disarankan supaya dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut dengan sample yang lebih besar dan mengendalikan faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi nyeri. Bagi institusi rumah sakit dapat ditetapkan sebagai Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP). Untuk perawat anak dapat menggunakan teknik ini berdampingan dengan teknik farmakologi dalam manajemen nyeri. Kata kunci: Teknik distraksi, Nyeri, Preschool, Paskaoperasi Megakolo

    Pelatihan Pengenalan Tanaman Hidroponik Kepada Anak-Anak Di RPTRA Baung Jakarta Selatan

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    Tanaman Hidroponik adalah alternatif bercocok tanam yang memanfaatkan air tanpa menggunakan tanah dengan menekankan pada pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi bagi tanaman. Memperkenalkan tanaman hidroponik kepada anak-anak dapat dimulai dari lingkungan sosial yang paling sederhana, salah satunya di Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA). Tanaman Hidroponik adalah alternatif bercocok tanam yang memanfaatkan air tanpa menggunakan tanah dengan menekankan pada pemenuhan kebutuhan nutrisi bagi tanaman. Memperkenalkan tanaman hidroponik kepada anak-anak dapat dimulai dari lingkungan sosial yang paling sederhana, salah satunya di Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak (RPTRA). Tiga Mahasiswa Universitas Nasional melakukan kegiatan pengenalan dan pelatihan terhadap tanaman hidroponik kepada anak-anak di RPTRA Baung, di Jalan Baung III, Rt 04/Rw 02, Kebagusan, Jakarta Selatan. Kegiatan ini berlangsung satu hari, pada tanggal 22 Desember 2019, pukul 12:30 ? 14:00 Wib. Dengan pemberian beberapa materi tentang tanaman hidroponik, mulai dari penyemaian bibit, hingga perakitan paralon untuk netpot hidroponik. Pemberian pelatihan tanaman hidroponik ini dapat memberi wawasan sekaligus pengetahuan bagimana sistem penanaman tanaman hidroponik. Selain untuk memperkenalkan tanaman hidroponik, tutorial kit ini juga bersifat interaktif sehingga informasi yang disampaikan dapat dipraktikan langsung oleh anak-anak. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengenalan dan pelatihan ini adalah besarnya antusias anak-anak di RPTRA Baung untuk mau belajar bercocok tanam melalui sistem hidroponik, dan kemdian mereka bisa merakit sendiri paralon netpot tanaman hidroponik

    The Effect Of Acupressure Therapy On Blood Pressure In Hypertension Patients: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Hypertension is a major risk factor in the emergence of diseases or disorders of the cardiovascular system. With a high level of complexity, hypertension requires more attention from sufferers through regular treatment and other efforts to control blood pressure. Therefore, other alternatives are needed to control blood pressure in sufferers, one of which is acupressure therapy. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of acupressure therapy on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Methods: The method applied in this research is literature study using the research databases Scopus, PubMed and Google Scholar. The inclusion criteria used in this study were articles published in 2018-2023. Results: The research results found 14 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Conclusion: The entire article shows that acupressure therapy has a significant effect on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Based on the results of a literature review of articles on the topic of the effect of acupressure therapy on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients, it was found that acupressure therapy had a significant effect on reducing blood pressure in patients with hypertension