473 research outputs found

    Vaccines for Visceral Leishmaniasis: Hopes and Hurdles

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    The leishmaniases are vector-borne parasitic diseases with multiple disease phenotypes that range from self-healing cutaneous ulcers to disfiguring post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis and fatal visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Infected individuals can develop subclinical infections or overt disease. Current treatments are toxic and expensive. The only successful control measure is case detection and drug treatment. Resistance to anti-leishmanial drugs are increasing with few drugs in the pipeline. The Leishmania parasites are good candidates for vaccine development, with no change in its antigenic coat and extensive cross-reactivity between species. First-generation vaccines are safe, immunogenic with inconclusive efficiency. These vaccines presented the leishmanin skin test (LST) as a potentially good surrogate marker of immunogenicity/protection that can help in future vaccine studies. First-generation vaccines are the only leishmaniasis vaccines that progressed to phase III. Second-generation vaccines are safe and immunogenic, but none progressed to phase III. Third-generation vaccines recently entered human testing. Alternative approaches include in silico prediction of immunogenic Leishmania epitopes with in vitro immunogenicity testing. New adjuvants can help in the quest to develop efficacious leishmaniasis vaccines. Failure of second- and third-generation vaccines to reach phase III, rising drug resistance and continued VL pandemics make it a necessity to revisit first-generation vaccines

    Antidotal impact of extra virgin olive oil against genotoxicity, cytotoxicity and immunotoxicity induced by hexavalent chromium in rat

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    AbstractAn in vivo study was carried out to verify whether extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) has the potential to modulate alterations resulted from exposure to hexavalent chromium (CrVI) as potassium dichromate in rats. For this purpose, CrVI was injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) at a dose of 0.4mg/kg bw/day, EVOO was given orally at a dose of 300ÎŒl daily either a lone or co-treated with CrVI at the same doses, routes and duration (26days). At the end of the experiment, blood and spleen samples were collected. Genotoxicity, cytotoxicity and immunotoxicity biomarkers induced by CrVI were evaluated. Also, histopathological and immunohistochemical investigations of spleen tissue were conducted. A significant increase in genotoxicity and cytotoxicity biomarkers (micronucleus frequency, 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine level and lactate dehydrogenase activity) were recorded in CrVI treated rats. In addition, the immunotoxicity biomarkers showed a significant decrease in phagocytic%, stimulated nitric oxide production and decrease in the serum lysozyme activity. Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies support the cytotoxicity study. Oral administration of EVOO can ameliorate those effects but not restored to control level. Thus, authors recommend that regular consumption of this oil in the diet provides a constant supply of potential antioxidants that could reduce these alterations

    A proposed java forward slicing approach

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    Many organization, programmers, and researchers need to debug, test and make maintenance for a segment of their source code to improve their system. Program slicing is one of the best techniques to do so. There are many slicing techniques available to solve such problems such as static slicing, dynamic slicing, and amorphous slicing. In our paper, we decided to develop a tool that supports many slicing techniques. Our proposed tool provides new flexible ways to process simple segments of Java code, and it generates needed slicing according to the user needs, our tool will provide the user with direct and indirect dependencies for each variable in the code segments. This tool can work under various operating systems and does not need particular environments. Thus, our tool is helpful in many aspects such as debugging, testing, education, and many other elements

    Diagnostic predictive values of the hain genotype MTBDRsl assay in mycobacterial strains isolated from Sudan

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    Introduction: hain GenoType MTBDRsl is nucleic acid amplification assay based on reverse hybridization with specific oligonucleotide probes on nitrocellulose strips. MTBDRsl identifies M. tuberculosis complex and detects resistance to fluoroquinolone, second line injectable drugs and ethambutol evident as mutations of gyrA, rrs and embB genes respectively. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the Hain GenoType MTBDRsl Assay using 1% proportion method on LJ medium as gold standard. Methods: a total of 52 rifampicin resistant (RR) isolates were tested for second line drug sensitivity by 1% proportion method and by MTBDRsl assay. Results: two strains were identified as mycobacteria other than tuberculosis MOTT and the rest were Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex MTBC. Five of the MTBC isolates (5/50; 10%) showed resistance to at least one second line drug and one isolate (1/50; 2%) was XDR. XDR strain was concordantly detected by the two methods. One of two Kanamycin-resistant isolates showed discordant result. Ofloxacin showed one false positive and one false negative result. Most discrepancies were detected with Ethambutol. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were respectively as follows: Ethambutol (63.3.4%, 85.7%, 94.4% and 62%): for Kanamycin (67%, 100%, 100% and 97.9%): for Amikacin and Capreomycin (100%, 100%, 100% and 100%): for Ofloxacin (75%, 97.5%, 75% and 97.8%). For XDR isolate the values were (100%, 100%, 100% and 100%) respectively. Conclusion: MTBDRsl showed high specificity and negative predictive values making it acceptable and time-saving for early presumptive detection of resistance to second-line drugs in Sudan

    On Flux Compactification and Moduli Stabilization

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    We study the effect of adding charged matter fields to both D3 and D7 branes in type IIB string theory compactification with fluxes. Generically, charged matter fields induce additional terms to the Kahler form, the superpotential and the D-terms. These terms allow for minima with positive or zero cosmological constants, even in the absence of non-perturbative effects. We show this result first by decoupling the dilaton field along the lines of the KKLT, and second by reincorporating it in the action with the Kahler moduli.Comment: 9 page

    Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment and mu -> e gamma in B-L Model with Inverse Seesaw

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    We study the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, a_\mu, and lepton flavor violating decay \mu -> e \gamma in TeV scale B-L extension of the Standard Model (SM) with inverse seesaw mechanism. We show that the B-L contributions to a_\mu are severely constrained, therefore the SM contribution remains intact. We also emphasize that the current experimental limit of BR(\mu -> e \gamma) can be satisfied for a wide range of parameter space and it can be within the reach of MEG experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 4 Figure

    Microbial and Sensory Assessment of Sand Smelt Fish Burger and Finger during Frozen Storage

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    The current study aimed to assess the microbiological safety and sensory quality of fish burger and finger made from sand smelt fish (Atherinahepsetus) which was found unacceptable from consumers. The substitution material (soybean flour (SF) and minced boiled potatoes (MBP)) were used by different levels in this investigation to improve the sensory evaluation of produced fish products. Total bacterial count (TBC) values for burger and finger samples gradually declined till the day 45th then increased in the later period of frozen storage. Yeast and Molds growth were not detected during the frozen storage over the entire period of 90 days storage, except for zero time the score values of the quality attributes: color, taste, odor and texture, as well as overall acceptability of sand smelt fish burgers and fingers, slightly declined during frozen storage. The filling materials SF and MBP used in the production of fish products showed an observed effect in maintaining the sensory qualities of the products for 90 days of frozen storage. It can be concluded that sand smelt fish products maintained good microbial and sensory quality at the end of 90 storage period in the freezer, opening an opportunity for this good nutritious protein source to be used as a daily food

    Individbaserad trygghetsskapande och sprĂ„kutveckling genom odling – en fallstudie om arbetslösa utlandsföddas vĂ€g i samhĂ€llet

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    Sverige har under senare Ă„r tagit emot flera hundra tusen assylsökande. Att integrera dessa i samhĂ€llet Ă€r en stor utmaning. De behöver kĂ€nna trygghet och tillhörighet i samhĂ€llet genom olika integrationsaktiviteter. Samtidigt kan de bidra med kompetens och kunskap om de lyckas etablera sig pĂ„ arbetsmarknaden. Etablering pĂ„ arbetsmarknaden Ă€r av stor betydelse för att förebygga utanförskap och arbetslöshet samt öka trygghet och tillhörighet hos utlandsfödda personer. Dock Ă€r integrations- och etableringsprocesser kantade av hinder och barriĂ€rer som Ă€r relaterade till bland annat sprĂ„kkunskaper, Ă„lder, utbildning och kulturen. Projektet övergripande syfte var att anvĂ€nda odling som ett verktyg för att öka möjligheten för utlandsfödda personer att integrera i samhĂ€llet och bygga upp trygghet samt sprĂ„k- och kommunikationsförmĂ„ga. Odling föresprĂ„ker för matproduktion och konsumtion, utveckling av sociala nĂ€tverk, utveckling och förstĂ€rkning av sprĂ„k och kommunikationsförmĂ„ga samt för hĂ€lsa och vĂ€lmĂ„ende. Deltagare i studien rekryterades via företaget Xenofilia i Malmö och dess projekt ”VĂ€xtplats RosengĂ„rd”, som stödjer utlandsfödda som stĂ„r lĂ„ngt ifrĂ„n arbetsmarknad att nĂ€rmas sig arbetsmarknaden i genom bland annat odlingsaktiviteter. Genom VĂ€xtplats RosengĂ„rds odlingsspĂ„r rekryterades tre grupper med Ă„tta deltagare i varje grupp vid tre olika tillfĂ€llen under 2018. Deltagarna i varje grupp deltog i intervjuer kring trygghet och platsanknytning, sprĂ„kundervisning samt i studiebesök till olika odlingsföretag och till SLU Alnarp. Projektet omfattade ocksĂ„ undersökningar kring utveckling av produktionsunderlag av nya grödor som ingĂ„r i utlandsföddas matkultur. Studier i projektet identifierade plats och kontext, scenariobaserat lĂ€rande, lĂ€ran om odling av svenska grödor och egna grödor frĂ„n hemlandet som trygghetsskapande faktorer och grundlĂ€ggande förutsĂ€ttningar för att kunna kĂ€nna trygghet, engagemang i arbetet, öppenhet att ta in nya saker och för att skapa nya kontakter. Att kĂ€nna tillhörighet till en plats med hjĂ€lp av platsanknytning och kontext sĂ„som odling skapar trygghet genom upplevelse av tillhörighet och att lyckas och utvecklas. Scenariobaserad svenskundervisning kan hjĂ€lpa utlandsfödda att utveckla sin kommunikativa förmĂ„ga genom att delta i klassrumsinteraktioner baserade pĂ„ scenarier, dialoger, och interaktiv pedagogik. Studiebesöken vidgar utöver kunskapen om odling och odlingsteknik, ocksĂ„ den geografiska horisonten i Sverige och kĂ€nslan att komma utanför hemkommunen. TillgĂ„ng till grönsaker bekanta frĂ„n hemlandets matkultur pĂ„ den svenska marknaden gynnar ocksĂ„ trygghet hos utlandsfödda svenskar, grossister och konsumenter

    Peer Reproductive Health Education Trial in Eritrea

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    Reproductive health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system at all stages of life. In East Africa including Eritrea, adolescents comprise more than a quarter of the population
