4,401 research outputs found

    Rational treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer: A reverse tale of men, mice, and culture dishes

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    Stratification of colorectal cancer into subgroups with different response to therapy was initially guided by descriptive associations between specific biomarkers and treatment outcome. Recently, preclinical models based on propagatable patient-derived tumor samples have yielded an improved understanding of disease biology, which has facilitated the functional validation of correlative information and the discovery of novel response determinants, therapeutic targets, and mechanisms of tumor adaptation and drug resistance. We review the contribution of patient-derived models to advancing colorectal cancer characterization, discuss their influence on clinical decision-making, and highlight emerging challenges in the interpretation and clinical transferability of results obtainable with such approaches. SIGNIFICANCE: Association studies in patients with colorectal cancer have led to the identification of response biomarkers, some of which have been implemented as companion diagnostics for therapeutic decisions. By enabling biological investigation in a clinically relevant experimental context, patient-derived colorectal cancer models have proved useful to examine the causal role of such biomarkers in dictating drug sensitivity and are providing fresh knowledge on new actionable targets, dynamics of tumor evolution and adaptation, and mechanisms of drug resistance

    Energy loss in calorimeters using muon spectrometer information at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Test Beam.

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    In 2004 an ATLAS Combined Test Beam (CTB) was performed in the CERN North area. A complete slice of the barrel detector and of the muon end-cap was tested, with the following goals: pre-commission the final elements and study the combined detector performance. In this note a combined analysis using calorimeter and muon spectrometer information, based on data samples collected during this test, is presented

    Cellular-Automata model for dense-snow avalanches

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    This paper introduces a three-dimensional model for simulating dense-snow avalanches, based on the numerical method of cellular automata. This method allows one to study the complex behavior of the avalanche by dividing it into small elements, whose interaction is described by simple laws, obtaining a reduction of the computational power needed to perform a three-dimensional simulation. Similar models by several authors have been used to model rock avalanches, mud and lava flows, and debris avalanches. A peculiar aspect of avalanche dynamics, i.e., the mechanisms of erosion of the snowpack and deposition of material from the avalanche is taken into account in the model. The capability of the proposed approach has been illustrated by modeling three documented avalanches that occurred in Susa Valley (Western Italian Alps). Despite the qualitative observations used for calibration, the proposed method is able to reproduce the correct three-dimensional avalanche path, using a digital terrain model, and the order of magnitude of the avalanche deposit volume

    Brief communication "Calabria daily rainfall from 1970 to 2006"

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    Abstract. This brief communication introduces a new quality-controlled precipitation database for Calabria, shows the precipitation trend for the period considered, and correlates daily rainfall with some common teleconnection patterns. The database consists of daily accumulated precipitation collected by 61 rain gauges from 1 January 1970 to 31 December 2006. The 37-year trend in yearly rainfall shows a decrease of 4.7 mm/y, with a 17% reduction in the yearly mean value. The correlation of the daily rainfall with large-scale patterns shows that the Mediterranean Oscillation Index (MOI a/c) is a useful predictor of daily precipitation over Calabria

    L’ambiente marino costiero: aspetti e tutela. Progetto formativo di Alternanza Scuola Lavoro 2016‐2019 Liceo Scienze Applicate

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    Il percorso formativo consente di acquisire nozioni teoriche e pratiche sulle moderne tecniche (strumentali e metodologiche) di investigazione del “datum” geologico finalizzate allo studio multidisciplinare dell’ambiente marino‐costiero, con particolare riguardo alle ricerche sperimentali che l’Istituto IAMC ha condotto e conduce nel Golfo di Napoli. Vengono trattate anche tematiche di gestione del sistema sicurezza e qualitĂ  con particolare riguardo alle attivitĂ  lavorative di ricerca (acquisizione, elaborazione e restituzione del dato),nonchĂ© indicazioni di procedure gestionali di progetto finalizzate al corretto utilizzo della risorsa umana e strumentale

    Application of the LEPS technique for Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) in Southern Italy: a preliminary study

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    International audienceThis paper reports preliminary results for a Limited area model Ensemble Prediction System (LEPS), based on RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modelling System), for eight case studies of moderate-intense precipitation over Calabria, the southernmost tip of the Italian peninsula. LEPS aims to transfer the benefits of a probabilistic forecast from global to regional scales in countries where local orographic forcing is a key factor to force convection. To accomplish this task and to limit computational time in an operational implementation of LEPS, we perform a cluster analysis of ECMWF-EPS runs. Starting from the 51 members that form the ECMWF-EPS we generate five clusters. For each cluster a representative member is selected and used to provide initial and dynamic boundary conditions to RAMS, whose integrations generate LEPS. RAMS runs have 12-km horizontal resolution. To analyze the impact of enhanced horizontal resolution on quantitative precipitation forecasts, LEPS forecasts are compared to a full Brute Force (BF) ensemble. This ensemble is based on RAMS, has 36 km horizontal resolution and is generated by 51 members, nested in each ECMWF-EPS member. LEPS and BF results are compared subjectively and by objective scores. Subjective analysis is based on precipitation and probability maps of case studies whereas objective analysis is made by deterministic and probabilistic scores. Scores and maps are calculated by comparing ensemble precipitation forecasts against reports from the Calabria regional raingauge network. Results show that LEPS provided better rainfall predictions than BF for all case studies selected. This strongly suggests the importance of the enhanced horizontal resolution, compared to ensemble population, for Calabria for these cases. To further explore the impact of local physiographic features on QPF (Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting), LEPS results are also compared with a 6-km horizontal resolution deterministic forecast. Due to local and mesoscale forcing, the high resolution forecast (Hi-Res) has better performance compared to the ensemble mean for rainfall thresholds larger than 10mm but it tends to overestimate precipitation for lower amounts. This yields larger false alarms that have a detrimental effect on objective scores for lower thresholds. To exploit the advantages of a probabilistic forecast compared to a deterministic one, the relation between the ECMWF-EPS 700 hPa geopotential height spread and LEPS performance is analyzed. Results are promising even if additional studies are required

    Predictability of intense rain storms in the Central Mediterraneanbasin: sensitivity to upper-level forcing

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    International audienceThis study investigates the sensitivity of a moderate-intense storm that occurred over Calabria, southern Italy, to upper-tropospheric forcing from a Potential Vorticity (PV) perspective. A prominent mid-troposheric trough can be identified for this event, which occurred between 22?24 May 2002, and serves as the precursor agent for the moderate-intense precipitation recorded. The working hypothesis is that the uncertainty in the representation of the upper-level disturbance has a major impact on the precipitation forecast and we test the hypothesis in a two-step approach. First, we examine the degree of uncertainty by comparing five different scenarios in a Limited area model Ensemble Prediction System (LEPS) framework which utilizes the height of the dynamical tropopause as the discriminating variable. Pseudo water vapour images of different scenarios are compared to the corresponding METEOSAT 7 water vapour image at a specific time, antecedent to the rain occurrence over Calabria, in order to evaluate the reliability of the different precipitation scenarios simulated by the LEPS. Second, we examine the impact of upper tropospheric PV variations on precipitation by comparing model simulations with slightly different initial PV fields. Initial velocity and mass fields in each case are balanced with the chosen PV perturbation using a PV inversion technique. The results of this study support the working hypothesis

    Robotic-assisted surgery for excision of an enlarged prostatic utricle

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    INTRODUCTION: Prostatic utricle is a rare malformation arising from incomplete regression of the Mullerian ducts. Diagnosis is easily made but management may be challenging. The minimally invasive approach has so far been considered the gold standard for surgical treatment. Many endoscopic and surgical procedures have been described for removal, but to date only few cases of robot-assisted procedures have been mentioned in the literature and there are no reports of redos. PRESENTATION OF THE CASE: We report the case of a giant prostatic utricle cyst successfully treated with robotic-assisted surgery two years after an unsuccessful first attempt at laparoscopic excision. No relapse was found at one year follow up. DISCUSSION: We were able to excise a retro-vescical structure in spite of adhesions caused by the previous surgery and the very large size of the diverticulum thanks to the high magnification and 3-D visualization available in robotic assisted laparoscopy. CONCLUSION: Robot assisted laparoscopy should be considered an advantageous technique for the treatment of prostatic utricle

    Determinants of community compositional change are equally affected by global change

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    Global change is impacting plant community composition, but the mechanisms underlying these changes are unclear. Using a dataset of 58 global change experiments, we tested the five fundamental mechanisms of community change: changes in evenness and richness, reordering, species gains and losses. We found 71% of communities were impacted by global change treatments, and 88% of communities that were exposed to two or more global change drivers were impacted. Further, all mechanisms of change were equally likely to be affected by global change treatments— species losses and changes in richness were just as common as species gains and reordering. We also found no evidence of a progression of community changes, for example, reordering and changes in evenness did not precede species gains and losses. We demonstrate that all processes underlying plant community composition changes are equally affected by treatments and often occur simultaneously, necessitating a wholistic approach to quantifying community changes

    The seasonal characteristics of the breeze circulation at a coastal Mediterranean site in South Italy

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    We present a study on the characteristics of the sea breeze flow at a coastal site located in the centre of the Mediterranean basin at the southern tip of Italy. This study is finalized to add new data on breeze circulations over a narrow peninsula and present a unique experimental coastal site at about 600 m from the coastline in a flat open area at the foot of a mountain chain located in a region of complex orography. We study the seasonal behaviour of the sea-land breeze circulation by analysing two years of hourly data of wind speed and direction, temperature, radiation and relative humidity from a surface meteorological station, eighteen-months data from a wind profiler, and two-year data from the ECMWF analysis. <br><br> Results show that breezes dominate the local circulation and play a major role for the local climate. They are modulated by the season, through the sea-land temperature difference and the large-scale flow. The large-scale forcing acts in phase with the diurnal breeze and opposes the nocturnal breeze. <br><br> In summer, the daytime difference between the land surface temperature and the SST (Sea Surface Temperature) reaches its maximum, while the nigh-time difference has its minimum. This causes a strong, frequent and intense diurnal breeze and a weak nocturnal breeze. <br><br> In winter and fall the nocturnal difference between the sea and land surface temperature reaches a maximum value, while the diurnal difference is at its minimum value. This causes a strong, frequent and intense nocturnal breeze despite of the large-scale forcing that is usually opposed to local-scale flow
