532 research outputs found

    Development of fad7-1 single mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants that are resistant to aphids

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    Aphids are a group of sap-feeding insects that attack most of the world’s crops. The loss of function of fatty acid desaturase7 (FAD7) in Solanum lycopersicum (tomato plant) induces aphid resistance that is dependent upon the accumulation of plant defense hormones such as salicylic acid (SA). Tomato lacks most of the genetic resources found in the model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). There is an analogous fad7-1 line of Arabidopsis; however, the line has a background mutation, the glabra-1 (gl1), that causes the absence of trichomes (small hairs), which are essential to plant defense. In order to study aphid resistance, a single mutant line of fad7-1 mutants were developed using cross breeding between the fad7-1/gl1 mutant and wild-type plants. Homozygous fad7-1 mutants were then identified using the Kasajima DNA extraction method, followed by the use of single nucleotide polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction (SNP-PCR) primers using allele-specific PCR. A phenotypic screening was then performed to screen out the plants with the glabra-1 mutation using the presence or absence of trichomes. Two single Arabidopsis fad7-1 mutant lines were identified, and subsequently verified using a bioassay to be aphid resistant relative to other genotypes as seen in tomato

    Visual search task immediate training effects on task-related functional connectivity

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    This is a pre-print of an article published in [ Brain Imaging and Behavior. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11682-018-9993-yBrain plasticity occurs over the course of the human lifetime. Learning and training modify our neuronal synapses and adapt our brain activity, from priming effects in modal areas to higher-order changes in the association cortex. The current state of the art suggests that learning and training effects might induce large-scale brain connectivity changes. Here, we used task-fMRI data and graph-based approaches to study the immediate brain changes in functional connections associated with training on a visual search task, and the individual differences in learning were studied by means of brain-behavior correlations. In a previous work, we found that trained participants improved their response speed on a visual search task by 31%, whereas the control group hardly changed. In the present study, we showed that trained individuals changed regional connections (local links) in cortical areas devoted to the specific visual search processes and to areas that support information integration, and largely modified distributed connections (distant links) linking primary visual areas to specific attentional and cognitive control areas. In addition, we found that the individuals with the most enhanced connectivity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex performed the task faster after training. The observed behavioral and brain connectivity findings expand our understanding of large-scale dynamic readjustment of the human brain after learning experiences

    Brain networks involved in accented speech processing

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    We investigated the neural correlates of accented speech processing (ASP) with an fMRI study that overcame prior limitations in this line of research: we preserved intelligibility by using two regional accents that differ in prosody but only mildly in phonetics (Latin American and Castilian Spanish), and we used independent component analysis to identify brain networks as opposed to isolated regions. ASP engaged a speech perception network composed primarily of structures related with the processing of prosody (cerebellum, putamen, and thalamus). This network also included anterior fronto-temporal areas associated with lexical-semantic processing and a portion of the inferior frontal gyrus linked to executive control. ASP also recruited domain-general executive control networks related with cognitive demands (dorsal attentional and default mode networks) and the processing of salient events (salience network). Finally, the reward network showed a preference for the native accent, presumably revealing people's sense of social belonging

    Functional connectivity in resting state as a phonemic fluency ability measure

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    There is some evidence that functional connectivity (FC) measures obtained at rest may reflect individual differences in cognitive capabilities. We tested this possibility by using the FAS test as a measure of phonemic fluency. Seed regions of the main brain areas involved in this task were extracted from meta-analysis results (Wagner et al., 2014) and used for pairwise resting-state FC analysis. Ninety-three undergraduates completed the FAS test outside the scanner. A correlation analysis was conducted between the F-A-S scores (behavioral testing) and the pairwise FC pattern of verbal fluency regions of interest. Results showed that the higher FC between the thalamus and the cerebellum, and the lower FCs between the left inferior frontal gyrus and the right insula and between the supplementary motor area and the right insula were associated with better performance on the FAS test. Regression analyses revealed that the first two FCs contributed independently to this better phonemic fluency, reflecting a more general attentional factor (FC between thalamus and cerebellum) and a more specific fluency factor (FC between the left inferior frontal gyrus and the right insula). The results support the Spontaneous Trait Reactivation hypothesis, which explains how resting-state derived measures may reflect individual differences in cognitive abilities.This research was supported by grants from the Spanish Department of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2013-47504-R); and Jaume I University (P1·1B2013-63). Authors AMP, EB and MAP were supported by Pre-doctoral Graduate Program grants (Jaume I University FPI to AMP; National FPU to EB; and National FPI to MAPG)

    Geógrafas pioneras: intrépidas y viajeras (siglo XVIII al XX)

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    An ongoing concern in our discipline is to recover the contributions made to academia and society by women geographers who remain in oblivion. In this research, we have brought to light and rescued those who were trailblazers in Geography and who, probably, were models and examples for other women. After an intensive information search, forty-two women geographers from various parts of the world have been identified. With their names; year of birth and death; country of origin; awards or membership in geographical associations; contributions to academia or to society; and places explored, we have created a database that allows us to establish relationships between their biographies. The results obtained from this analysis have been structured in four sections: pioneering students and teachers in Geography, recognition by geographical societies, scientific contributions to academia and society, and places visited analyzed from a geographical perspective. Most probably, it is possible that not all of them are included, so the authors will continue their search to make them visible and prevent them from being forgotten.Una asignatura pendiente en nuestra disciplina es la de recuperar las aportaciones realizadas a la academia y a la sociedad de las geógrafas que permanecen en el olvido. En esta investigación, se visibiliza y rescata a aquellas que fueron pioneras en la Geografía y que, probablemente, fueron modelo y ejemplo para otras mujeres. Tras una intensa búsqueda de información, se han recuperado cuarenta y dos geógrafas de diferentes partes del mundo. Con sus nombres; año de nacimiento y defunción; país de origen; premios o pertenencia a asociaciones geográficas; aportaciones a la academia o a la sociedad; y lugares explorados, se ha elaborado una base de datos que ha permitido establecer relaciones entre sus biografías. Los resultados obtenidos de dicho análisis se han estructurado en cuatro apartados: estudiantes y docentes pioneras en Geografía, reconocimiento por sociedades geográficas, aportaciones científicas a la academia y sociedad, y lugares visitados analizados desde una perspectiva geográfica. Muy probablemente, no están todas las que fueron por lo que las autoras continuarán con la búsqueda para visibilizarlas y evitar que sean olvidadas

    Estado del arte y tendecias en válvulas automáticas para el control de flujo

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    Una válvula no es más que un dispositivo mecánico para controlar, retener, regular, o dar pasó a cualquier fluido entubado, existen válvulas operadas manualmente y automáticamente. Partiendo de esta definición de válvula, en esta monografía se analizaran las válvulas automáticas más comunes en el mercado, además en este análisis se verán las partes principales, algunas características y su funcionamiento. Existen numerosos tipos de válvulas automáticas diseñadas para cierto tipo de uso. Una mala elección de una válvula automática dentro de un proceso industrial puede: generar paras intempestivas en la producción; riesgos de seguridad para el personal operativo; generar productos de fuera de especificaciones; costos inoficiosos de mantenimiento y sobre costos generales en los productos terminados. En los sistemas de control para procesos continuos, donde es de vital importancia mantener los elementos controladores del proceso dentro determinados parámetros de producción, es importante que el ingeniero de procesos conozca las características y los requerimientos necesarios para los equipos que intervienen en el sistema de control; muchas veces no se le presta la debida atención a la elección de elementos tales como las válvulas, debido a que no se tiene a la mano las ultimas tendencias en esta materia y se eligen válvulas que, auque operan dentro de los parámetros de producción, no ofrecen la máxima fiabilidad en la continuidad del proceso. Un sistema automático supone siempre la presencia de una fuente de energía de unos órganos de mando, que son los que ordenan, el ciclo a realizar, y de unos órganos de trabajo, que son los que los ejecutan. Podemos definir un sistema como un conjunto de componentes físicos, unidos o relacionados de tal manera que forman y/o actúan como una unidad completa. Se entiende por proceso físico o, simplemente, proceso un conjunto de transformaciones físicas y/o de trasmisiones de materia y/o de energía, Algunos ejemplos de procesos industriales son la laminación de metales, la producción de vapor, la refinación del petróleo, etc. En general, todos los procesos complejos están constituidos por procesos elementales en los que aquellos se pueden descomponer.Incluye bibliografí

    Functional Connectivity Between Superior Parietal Lobule and Primary Visual Cortex “at Rest” Predicts Visual Search Efficiency

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    Spatiotemporal activity that emerges spontaneously “at rest” has been proposed to reflect individual a priori biases in cognitive processing. This research focused on testing neurocognitive models of visual attention by studying the functional connectivity (FC) of the superior parietal lobule (SPL), given its central role in establishing priority maps during visual search tasks. Twenty-three human participants completed a functional magnetic resonance imaging session that featured a resting-state scan, followed by a visual search task based on the alphanumeric category effect. As expected, the behavioral results showed longer reaction times and more errors for the within-category (i.e., searching a target letter among letters) than the between-category search (i.e., searching a target letter among numbers). The within-category condition was related to greater activation of the superior and inferior parietal lobules, occipital cortex, inferior frontal cortex, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and the superior colliculus than the between-category search. The resting-state FC analysis of the SPL revealed a broad network that included connections with the inferotemporal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and dorsal frontal areas like the supplementary motor area and frontal eye field. Noteworthy, the regression analysis revealed that the more efficient participants in the visual search showed stronger FC between the SPL and areas of primary visual cortex (V1) related to the search task. We shed some light on how the SPL establishes a priority map of the environment during visual attention tasks and how FC is a valuable tool for assessing individual differences while performing cognitive tasks.This research was supported by grants from the Spanish Department of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2013-47504-R); and Jaume I University (P1·1B2013-63). Authors E.B., MA.PG and A.MP. were supported by pre-doctoral graduate program grants (National FPU to E.B; National FPI to MA.PG; and Jaume I University FPI to A.MP

    Long-term brain effects of N-back training: an fMRI study

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    Neurobehavioral effects of cognitive training have become a popular research issue. Specifically, behavioral studies have demonstrated the long-term efficacy of cognitive training of working memory functions, but the neural basis for this training have been studied only at short-term. Using fMRI, we investigate the cerebral changes produced by brief single n-back training immediately and 5 weeks after finishing the training. We used the data from a sample of 52 participants who were assigned to either an experimental condition (training group) or a no-contact control condition. Both groups completed three fMRI sessions with the same n-back task. Behavioral and brain effects were studied, comparing the conditions and sessions in both groups. Our results showed that n-back training improved performance in terms of accuracy and response speed in the trained group compared to the control group. These behavioral changes in trained participants were associated with decreased activation in various brain areas related to working memory, specifically the frontal superior/middle cortex, inferior parietal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and middle temporal cortex. Five weeks after training, the behavioral and brain changes remained stable. We conclude that cognitive training was associated with an improvement in behavioral performance and decreased brain activation, suggesting better neural efficiency that persists over time

    APOE Gene Associated with Cholesterol-Related Traits in the Hispanic Population

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    Genetic variants in the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene are associated with lipid metabolism and lipid-related traits in the non-Hispanic population. There have been limited studies regarding the association between the APOE gene and hypercholesterolemia in the Hispanic population; therefore, our aim for this study is to examine the APOE gene’s associations with cholesterol level and its related phenotypes. The APOE gene consists of three different alleles, ε2, ε3, and ε4, with ε4 being associated with dementia and cardiovascular diseases. A total of 1,382 subjects were collected from the Texas Alzheimer’s Research and Care Consortium (TARCC, N = 1320) and the Initial Study of Longevity and Dementia from the Rio Grande Valley (ISLD-RGV, N = 62). Questionnaires on demographics, medical history, and blood/saliva samples were collected and APOE genotypes were performed. We observed allele frequencies of the APOE ε3 (96.7%), ε4 (22.6%) and ε2 (6.8%) alleles, respectively. Multivariable logistic regression revealed a significant association between the APOE ε4 allele and hypercholesteremia (p = 1.8 × 10−4 ) in our studied Hispanic population. We prove for the first time, that the APOE ε4 allele increases the risk for hypercholesterol in Hispanics. Further research is needed to confirm and supports our current findings