470 research outputs found
Relaciones entre los Ms. Esc. I.I.5 y Esc. I.I.7: ¿Dos proyectos codicológicos independientes o una Biblia en dos volúmenes?
Análisis exhaustivo de las razones por las que dos ejemplares manuscritos conservados en la Biblioteca de El Escorial y que a menudo se han considerado como dos partes de una misma biblia, pertenecen, en realidad, a dos proyectos independientes aunque tal vez surgidos en el mismo taller. La discusión acude a argumentos textuales, materiales, codicológicos, iconográficos y de historia externa del libro y de las bibliotecas. // Comprehensive analysis of the reasons why the two manuscripts preserved in the Royal Library of El Escorial (often considered as two parts of the same Bible) are actually two separate projects but perhaps produced in the same atelier. The discussion turns to textual, material, codicological, and iconographic arguments as well as to the external history of the book and of the libraries
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah and Yaa Gyasi’s Homegoing: american blackness and white privilege through the lenses of the african diasporic experience
Treballs Finals del Grau d'Estudis Anglesos, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs:
2019-2020 Tutor: Maarten Renes[eng] Through their novels Americanah and Homegoing, writers Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Yaa Gyasi address different experiences of migration from Nigeria and Ghana to the United States of America. Their characters provide unique perspectives on the workings of racial dynamics in the U.S., the tensions and different histories of different African diasporas, and the prevalence of white privilege within American society. This paper aims to produce an analysis of how both novels expand the meanings of blackness in the U.S. and serve as outsider perspectives on racial inequality.[spa] En sus novelas Americanah y Homegoing, las escritoras Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie y Yaa Gyasi abordan diferentes experiencias migratorias desde Nigeria y Ghana a Estados Unidos. Sus personajes ofrecen perspectivas únicas sobre el funcionamiento de las dinámicas raciales en Estados Unidos, las tensiones y diferencias históricas entre las distintas diásporas africanas, y la prevalencia del privilegio blanco en la sociedad americana. El objetivo de este trabajo es producir un análisis de la forma en la que las dos novelas expanden los significados de la ‘negritud’ en Estados Unidos y proporcionan perspectivas externas sobre la desigualdad racial en el país
The Queer Homes and Communities of Stone Butch Blues: On Violence, Intimacy, and Queer Possibilities
Màster Oficial en Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals (CRIC), Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2021-2022, Tutora: Cristina Alsina[eng] Leslie Feinberg’s Stone Butch Blues (1993) follows the life of Jess, a Jewish, working-class, and butch protagonist. Through first-person narration, the novel explores issues of intersectional community-building, negotiation of difference and sameness, and the possibility of queer alternatives to home and domesticity. Amidst constant and unbearable police brutality, social punishment and verbal threats, the characters of the novel struggle to survive both on a physical level—keeping their bodies alive—and on a psychological one—developing a sense of self and self-worth. This Master’s thesis analyzes both the novel’s depiction of police violence, framed as torture, and the survival strategies that develop around it, which involve community-building and intimacy between traumatized characters. The analysis is structured in two parts: the first part explores what makes community necessary and how it works through close readings of the text alongside theoretical works on community, such as Zigmunt Bauman’s, and on torture, such as Elaine Scarry’s. The second part of the analysis focuses on the limitations of community, the delineation of its boundaries, and the consequences of being without community through works on queer and bisexual theory, such as Jack Halberstam’s and Claire Hemmings’. Lastly, this thesis turns to the utopic drive of the novel, focusing on hope and the celebration of difference as essential to queer, class-conscious politics
Unexpected poets: the verses of Juan Alfonso de Zamora and Fernando Díaz de Toledo in the paratexts of the first Castilian translation of Valerius Maximus’ work
En este artículo se estudian y editan unos versos correspondientes al género de las Preguntas y respuestas, obra de dos personajes activos en la época de Juan II y vinculados a las cortes de Castilla y Aragón: Juan Alfonso de Zamora, secretario del rey de Castilla, y Fernando Díaz de Toledo, arcediano de Niebla. El poema no entró en ninguno de los cancioneros y podría entenderse como una poesía de circunstancias sin mayor interés. Ahora bien, leyéndolo junto con el prólogo al que acompaña ―el de la primera traducción castellana de los Facta et dicta memoriabilia de Valerio Máximo― y en el marco de la peripecia vital de Juan Alfonso de Zamora y de Fernando Díaz de Toledo se llena de significado y pone de manifiesto que sus autores, de los que no se documenta ninguna otra actividad poética, participaban de los ejercicios poéticos cortesanos y conocían perfectamente los recursos métricos, retóricos y estéticos de aquella poesía, dando entrada además, alguna broma relacionada con descendientes de conversos.This article consists of a study and edition of a set of verses belonging to the Preguntas y respuestas genre. The authors of the verses in question were active during the reign of Juan II, and were associated with the courts of both Castile and Aragon: Juan Alfonso de Zamora, secretary of the King of Castile, and Fernando Díaz, archdeacon of Niebla. The poem did not make it into any of the cancioneros and it could be read as an occasional poem of little interest beyond its immediate context. However, combined with the prologue of the first Castilian translation of Valerius Maximus’ Facta et dicta memoriabilia, and within the framework of its authors’ lives, the poem acquires new meaning. Despite being the only poem, written by these two authors, it shows that they participated in courtly poetic practices, and that they were perfectly aware of the metrical, rhetorical, and aesthetic features of the genre, including jokes made among descendants of Jewish converts.Este trabajo se inscribe en las líneas de investigación del Grup de Recerca Consolidat de la Generalitat de Catalunya Pragmàtica de la literatura medieval 2014SGR51, 2017SGR1335 y del proyecto financiado por el MINECO FI2014-55537-C3-1-P
Salmos 32.11-36.7 y 78:25-81.2: nuevos fragmentos de la biblia castellana romanceada del Monasterio de Santa María de la Sisla
The study of archival collections from medieval religious orders has made it possible to locate a second fragment of a medieval Spanish Bible, from the Hieronymian monastery of Santa María de la Sisla (Toledo). It is a bifolia from the book of Psalms that belonged to the same codex as the recently identified Ezekiel fragment (S1). In this article the finding is reported, the liber tradens is described, specifying its meaning and value to ensure monastery rents, the fragments that it transmits are given: part of a bifolia in parchment of the s. XIII and biblical bifolia that serves as cover, focusing especially on the description of this second fragment (= S2). Next, the relationships between S2 and Esc. I-I-3 are examined, a filiation hypothesis and, finally, a palaeographic transcription of the text are offered
Biblias perdidas y fragmentos recuperados
El número de manuscritos bíblicos hispánicos en lengua vulgar conservados es pequeño en comparación con lo que sucede, por ejemplo, con la tradición francesa. Aunque no imposible, no es muy probable que aparezcan muchos más testimonios íntegros, lo que da un gran valor a los fragmentos de biblias que fueron desmembradas durante los siglos XV-XVI para reutilizar los folios de pergamino como cubiertas o refuerzos de otros libros. En los fondos de Clero y de Inquisición del AHN se han localizado en los últimos años varios bifolios y fragmentos de todo tamaño y condición que dan idea de la calidad y cantidad de manuscritos bíblicos que circularon por la Península en romance. Este trabajo se dedica exclusivamente a presentar los fragmentos castellanos localizados. Algunos proceden de un único manuscrito, incluso del mismo folio y reproducen traducciones conocidas; otros, en cambio, presentan un texto nuevo
Traduccions d'obres gregues a la Península Ibèrica
This essay examines the medieval Iberian translations of Greek works, a hundred titles which were rarely translated directly from their original language and, as usual in the medieval world, pieces that rarely transmit the name of the translator, although nearly 30 per cent name him. This corpus is examined dividing it into six subjects: spiritual life, philosophy, medicine and science, law, history and literature, seeking to understand the milieu in which they were produced, the reasons for the presence or absence of some titles in one or another of the Iberian territories, the public that demanded these translations, and their textual transmission to the present day. This comparative study shows us that in the fourteenth century all translations share cultural milieu and readers, and this situation changes in the second half of the fifteenth century, when in Castile versions are produced for the secular elite of the Court of John II (entertainment literature); neither in Portugal nor in Catalonia existed a similar milieu, where the works of a practical nature, philosophical, moral or spiritual reflection had an important presence (with a notable exception with regard to the Catalan version of Polybius, for example)
La bibliografia dels antics textos catalans. Accés informàtics als materials
[CAT] La irrupció de la informàtica a les humanitats representa la incorporació d'un element auxiliar magnífic. L'adopció dels nous mètodes permet agilitar el treball. Les bases de dades han substituït els fitxers manuals; els processadors de textos eliminen la feixuga tasca de copiar i recopiar infinites vegades els originals en net. L'esperit de la recerca, però, segueix essent el mateix: contrastar unes dades amb unes altres i reflexionar sobre el resultat de les comparacions. La irrupció de les eines informàtiques ha fet la feina més còmoda, però una mala previsió a l'hora de planejar una base de dades, per exemple, pot provocar que la informació no es pugui recuperar de manera eficient. Cal pensar molt i molt bé quins materials interessa aplegar i quina serà la forma més còmoda, més econòmica i més efectiva de sistematitzar-los. Les grans cases de software proporcionen productes que cal elaborar, per adaptar-los a les nostres recerques filològiques, i d'això en saben molt persones com Ch. Faulhaber
Appendix (Complete version). Timeline of the documents related to Monastery of Santa María de la Sisla and to Gonzalo de Ocaña and their archival references.
This document presents the full version of the Appendix that accompanies the article:
Gemma Avenoza, “The Old Testament In Translated Patristic Works: Ezek 1–4.3 And 40.1–47 in Fr. Gonzalo De Ocaña’s (1442) Spanish Translation of Homiliarum in Ezechielem Prophetam Libri Duo By Pope Gregory I”, Medieval Encounters, (Translating Sacred Text in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia, ed. Katarzyna Starczewska y Sinem Erylmaz), 26/5/2020 (en prensa
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