22 research outputs found

    Utley geometri tutum ölçeğinin Türkçe uyarlaması: Geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması

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    WOS: 000422371600001Problem Statement: Among attitude measures, attitude scales are the most common, objective, and effective in gathering attitude data and there is a plenty of scales that measure various factors of attitude towards mathematics. However, there is a need for attitude scales that are content specific such as geometry, algebra, probability and statistics. One reason for this is that students' attitudes towards mathematics in general and their attitudes towards specific mathematical topics might differ considerably from each other. Besides, to hear a student say they like mathematics but dislike geometry or algebra is not uncommon. Thus, it is thought that it would be significant to have a scale that particularly measures learners' attitudes towards geometry. Purpose of the Study: Although, a number of studies have developed scales with the goal of measuring geometry attitudes of middle and secondary school students, there is no such instrument in the accessible literature in Turkey that serve the same purpose for undergraduate students. Therefore, the authors wanted to go further in this direction and attempted to fill this gap by adapting Utley Geometry Attitude Scale to Turkish. Methods: The participants of the study consisted of 863 undergraduate students (56 % female; 44 % male) from a public university in the inner part of Turkey. After the list wise deletion of the missing cases, the remaining sample (N = 750) was randomly divided into two subsamples to perform factor analysis. Data from the first subsample (n=371) were analyzed by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to determine the factorial structure of the adapted scale. Later, the data from the second subsample (n=379) were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to confirm the model obtained from EFA. In addition, item analysis was performed to ensure that there were no problematic items in the adapted scale. Finally, reliability analysis was performed by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficients both for the adapted scale and its factors. Findings and Results: After EFA, the translated version of UGAS consisted of a four-factor structure with 25 items. Subsequently, CFA corroborated this four- factor structure and the goodness of fit indices were found to be appropriate for the acceptance of the model. The item total correlations were all larger than .30 and the reliability coefficients for the overall instrument and its factors ranged between .81 and .94. Conclusions and Recommendations: The results showed that the translated version of UGAS might serve as a valuable instrument both for educators and researchers to measure undergraduate students' attitudes towards geometry

    Pre-service elementary mathematics teachers' use of strategies in mathematical problem solving

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    1st World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration (WCLTA) -- OCT 29-31, 2010 -- Amer Univ, Cairo, EGYPTWOS: 000298553200215The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service elementary mathematics teachers' strategies used in mathematical problem solving. To collect data about pre-service elementary mathematics teachers' problem solving strategies, survey study design was used. Problem solving test which was developed by Arslan (2002) was used as a measuring instrument. There were ten open ended items in the test and each item check whether specific problem solving strategies were used or not. Participants' performances were graded dichotomously and the strategies that students used to solve problem correctly were determined. The test was administered to 93 pre-service elementary mathematics teachers studying at Aksaray University in elementary mathematics education department during 2010-2011 fall semester. In sample choice, convenience sampling method was used. In this study, descriptive statistics was used. The demographic information was analyzed by using frequencies and percentages. The results of the study revealed that pre-service elementary mathematics teachers have capability to use problem solving strategies and to solve problems; however the use of different strategies is rather limited. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    6(th) grade students' use of different strategies in solving ratio and proportion problems

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    1st World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration (WCLTA) -- OCT 29-31, 2010 -- Amer Univ, Cairo, EGYPTWOS: 000298553200214The general purpose of this study was to determine the strategies used by sixth grade students in solving ratio and proportion problems. The research was carried out at three different elementary schools of Konya province in Turkey during 2009-2010 educational years. The study was conducted with 278 elementary school 6(th) grade students. In sample choice, random sampling method was used. General survey model was employed in order to determine students' solution strategies. In determining these strategies, an open ended test consisting of 8 items was developed by the researchers. Items were developed by following the objectives of renewed elementary mathematics curriculum. Students' answers were evaluated with rubrics which were developed for each item according to the strategies used. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analyses. The results revealed that students used six different solution strategies in solving ratio and proportion problems. In addition, they most frequently used cross multiplication algorithm strategy during the solution of these problems. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    The methodological quality of experimental STEM education articles published in scholarly journals from 2014 to 202

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    Experimental studies have a considerable impact on the educational policies and practices of many countries. In Turkey, policymakers are planning to initiate a STEM education reform in K-12 schools based on experimental studies. However, the methodological flaws in these studies may lead to biased outcomes and may mislead the STEM education community. Despite the importance of methodological quality, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies that investigate the methodological quality of experimental STEM education articles published in scholarly journals. Therefore, in this study, we conducted a methodological review to examine the methodological quality of experimental STEM education articles published in refereed Turkish journals from 2014 to 2020. During the targeted period, we located 68 articles. We analyzed these articles by developing a coding framework. We found that the selected articles suffer seriously from various methodological flaws. We discuss the findings in light of the literature on methodological quality and suggest ways to improve the rigor of the experimental designs used. Ultimately, we discuss some implications for authors, journals editors, policymakers, and curriculum developers

    Pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ personal concept definitions of special quadrilaterals

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    The purpose of the current study was to explore pre-service middle school mathematics teachers’ personal concept definitions of a trapezoid, parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, and kite. The data were collected by a self-report instrument through which the pre-service teachers provided their answers in written form. The participants’ definitions were coded by using Zazkis and Leikin’s (Educational Studies in Mathematics, 69(2), 131–148, 2008) framework, which includes the following four main categories for determining mathematical correctness: necessary and sufficient, necessary but not sufficient, sufficient but not necessary, and neither necessary nor sufficient. The findings revealed that about half of the all definitions were correct. More specifically, the participants generated considerably higher proportion of correct definitions for a parallelogram and rhombus, while they displayed a very low performance in defining a kite. The possible reasons of the participants’ varied performance levels in defining the six basic quadrilaterals are discussed based on the linguistic (syntactic, semantic, and lexical) structure of the Turkish names given to the these quadrilaterals. The current study may provide some feedback to teacher education programs regarding the extent of knowledge that should be possessed by the pre-service teachers about definitions of special quadrilaterals before they leave their programs. Such feedback may also help mathematics teacher educators ponder on more fruitful approaches that may promote the development of pre-service teachers’ knowledge and understanding of definitions of special quadrilaterals

    Examination of Oya Uysal's poems

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    Oya Uysal, yakın dönem Türk şiirinin önemli isimlerindendir. Vermiş olduğu eserlerle 1970’lerin Türkiye’sine ve bireylerin duygu dünyalarına ışık tutar. O, toplumsal konulardan ziyade hayatın “ben”in üzerindeki izlerini ve “ben”in hayata karşı bakışını irdeler. Bireyin özellikle “yalnızlık” ve “aşk” duygularıyla mücadelesi “gece” ve “ayışığı” imgeleriyle verilir. Oya Uysal’ın şiirlerinde “gece” ve “ay ışığı” bireyin üzüntülerine, sevinçlerine arkadaş olan sığınılan bir limandır. Bu çalışmada Oya Uysal’ın eserleri yayımlandığı tarihe göre sıralanmıştır. Eserler, Şerif Aktaş’ın “Şiir Tahlili & Teori ve Uygulama” adlı çalışmasında belirlemiş olduğu ve şiirlerin zihniyet, yapı, tema, ahenk, dil ve üslûp unsurları bakımından değerlendirilmesini öneren metoda göre tahlil edilmiştir. Birinci bölümde “Hayattan Esere” başlığı altında şairin doğumu, çocukluğu, aile çevresi, edebi çevresi, ilgi duyduğu sanatkârlar, şiirle ilk temasları hakkında bilgiler verildikten sonra şiir hakkında görüşleri ile edebî kişiliği değerlendirilmiştir.İkinci bölümde yayım tarihine göre kronolojik olarak sıraladığımız on iki şiir kitabından seçtiğimiz şiirler zihniyet, yapı, tema, dil ve ahenk bakımındanincelenmiştir.Oya Uysal is one of the important names of Turkish poetry in the recent period. With his works, he sheds light on the post-1970 Turkey and the emotional worlds of individuals. Rather than social issues, he examines the traces of life on the "me" and the "me"'s view of life. The struggle of the individual especially with the feelings of "loneliness" and "love" is given with the images of "night" and "moonlight". In Oya Uysal's poems, "night" and "moonlight" are a shelter that is a friend to the sorrows and joys of the individual.In this study, the works of Oya Uysal are listed according to the date of publication. The works were analyzed according to the method that Şerif Aktaş determined in his work named "Poetry Analysis & Theory and Practice" and which proposes to evaluate the poems in terms of mentality, structure, theme, harmony, language and style. In the first part, under the title of "Life to Art", after giving information about the poet's birth, childhood, family environment, literary environment, the artists he was interested in, his first contacts with poetry, his views on poetry and his literary personality were evaluated. In the second part, the poems we selected from the twelve poetry books that we listed chronologically according to the publication date were examined in terms of mentality, structure, theme, language and harmony

    Turkish pre-service middle level mathematics teachers’ knowledge for teaching fractions

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    Fractions are a crucial mathematical topic, which is known as being challenging for both students, pre- and in-service teachers. The current study attempted to explore the extent of pre-service middle level mathematics teachers’ knowledge for teaching fractions. Fifty-one senior pre-service teachers took part in the study. The Knowledge for Teaching Fractions Test, which includes almost all characteristics of fractions, was employed to measure participants’ knowledge for teaching fractions. The Pre-service Teachers’ Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching Framework was used to conceptualize participants’ responses to the tasks in the Knowledge for Teaching Fractions Test. The findings showed that participants’ mathematical knowledge for teaching fractions was not satisfactory. Meanwhile, while they had sound common content knowledge for teaching fractions, their specialized content knowledge for teaching this topic was very poor. The implications for teaching fractions are discussed in the context of pre-service middle level teacher preparation...

    Einsatz von Augmented Reality im Bauwesen zur Unterstützung von BIM

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    Heutzutage kommen die neuen Technologien in der Arbeitswelt immer mehr und mehr zum Einsatz. Eine davon ist Building-Information-Modeling. Diese Software findet vor allem in Großunternehmen, wie Porr oder Strabag, Anwendung und verbreitet sich langsam unter den kleineren Firmen. Aus diesem Grund wird in dieser Arbeit der Einsatz von Augmented Reality im Bauwesen zur Unterstützung von BIM untersucht. Im ersten Kapitel wird in die Arbeit eingeleitet und es werden die Forschungsfrage sowie die Ziele der Arbeit formuliert. Im darauffolgenden Kapitel werden allgemeine Informationen wie Definition, geschichtliche Entwicklung und die verschiedenen Dimensionen von BIM präsentiert. Anschließend wird das Thema Augmented Reality bearbeitet. Es wird dargestellt, wo es derzeit Anwendung findet bzw. welche Unterschiede es im Gegensatz zu Virtual Reality gibt. Darüber hinaus werden die derzeitigen gemeinsamen Nutzungen von BIM und AR veranschaulicht. In diesem Zusammenhang werden zukünftige Szenarien beschrieben und es wird erklärt, wie diese eingesetzt werden können. Abschließend folgt eine Zusammenfassung der Arbeit, in der die wichtigsten Inhalte noch einmal kurz und prägnant wiedergegeben werden. Zusätzlich wird die eigene Meinung darüber erläutert, ob die Kombination dieser beiden Technologien in der Baubranche zum Einsatz kommen könnte.New technologies are increasingly coming into play in the work environment. One such technology is called building information modelling (BIM), a software that is especially prevalent in big businesses (such as Porr or Strabag) but is slowly spreading to smaller businesses as well. This work therefore investigates the use of augmented reality (AR) to support BIM in the construction industry. The first chapter describes the research question and the purpose of this study. The following chapter presents general information on BIM, such as its definition, historical development and different dimensions. The subsequent chapter discusses AR, explaining where it is used and how it differs from virtual reality. This chapter furthermore illustrates the currently shared uses of BIM and AR, demonstrating future scenarios and how they could be used in this context. Finally, the key findings are summarised and concisely reflected upon. In the summary, I also elucidate my personal opinion on whether the combination of AR and BIM is likely to be used in the building industry

    Ortaokul matematik öğretmenlerinin rasyonel sayı örneklerini sınıf ortamında ele alış biçimlerinin incelenmesi: çoklu durum çalışması.

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    The purpose of this study was to explore middle school mathematics teachers’ treatment of rational number examples in their seventh grade classrooms. The data were collected from four middle school mathematics teachers who were teaching in different public schools in Aksaray during the fall semester of 2013-2014 education year. Data were mainly based on classroom observations, post lessons interviews, the student textbook and the middle school mathematics curriculum. The analysis of data revealed that teachers used 704 mathematically correct and 14 mathematically incorrect examples during the teaching of rational number concepts. Among the correct examples, 361 of them were spontaneous and 343 of them were pre-planned. Besides, teachers used 9 non-examples and 5 counter-examples. More importantly, findings showed that teachers employed the following principles or considerations when choosing or using rational number examples: starting with a simple or familiar case; drawing attention to students’ difficulty, error or misconception; keeping unnecessary work to minimum; taking account of examinations; including uncommon cases; and drawing attention to relevant features. Finally, this study revealed teachers’ three different poor choices of examples as mathematically incorrect examples, examples with improper language or terminology, and examples that are to be avoided in the teaching of rational number concepts. The findings of the study suggested that mathematics teachers could be provided information or training with different uses of examples in the mathematics classroom in order to enhance students’ learning experiences. The effects of national policies were also discussed.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Factors associated with prospective teachers’ achievement in quadrilateral definitions: An exploration of background characteristics

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    This study investigated the relationships among prospective middle school mathematics teachers’ background variables and their achievement in defining special quadrilaterals. The participants of the study were 184 prospective teachers (49 males and 135 females) from four intact classes (38 freshmen, 50 sophomores, 49 juniors, and 47 seniors). The Background Characteristics Questionnaire, the Special Quadrilaterals Test, and the Utley Geometry Attitude Questionnaire were used to gather data. The results showed that participants had low level of achievement in defining special quadrilaterals. No significant difference was found in their achievement with respect to gender, enrolment in an elective geometry course, and enrolment in a teaching practicum course. On the other hand, their achievement scores differentiated significantly in terms of their year levels. The multiple regression correlation results showed that prospective teachers’ geometry course scores were a significant predictor of their achievement, while cumulative grade point averages (CGPAs) and geometry attitude scores were not.Bu çalışmada ortaokul matematik öğretmeni adaylarının özel dörtgenleri tanımlamadaki başarılarıyla arka plan özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Çalışmaya dört farklı sınıf düzeyinde öğrenim gören (38 birinci sınıf öğrencisi, 50 ikinci sınıf öğrencisi, 49 üçüncü sınıf öğrencisi ve 47 son sınıf öğrencisi) toplamda 184 öğretmen adayı (49 erkek ve 135 kız) katılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında Arka Plan Özellikleri Anketi, Özel Dörtgenler Testi ve Utley Geometri Tutum Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bulguları öğretmen adaylarının özel dörtgenleri tanımlamadaki başarı düzeylerinin düşük olduğunu göstermiştir. Öğretmen adaylarının dörtgenleri tanımlama başarıları cinsiyete, seçmeli geometri derslerine katılıma ve öğretmenlik uygulaması dersine katılıma göre anlamlı bir farklılık göstermemiştir. Öte yandan, farklı sınıf düzeylerinde öğrenim gören öğretmen adaylarının dörtgenleri tanımlama başarılarının birbirlerinden anlamlı olarak farklılaştığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Çoklu regresyon analizi sonuçları, öğretmen adaylarının geometri dersi notlarının dörtgenleri tanımlama başarılarını anlamlı olarak yordadığını, ağırlıklı genel not ortalamalarının ve geometriye yönelik tutum puanlarının ise anlamlı olarak yordamadığını göstermiştir