663 research outputs found

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 207-Nurettin-Gürol-Metin SözenUnutma İstanbul projesi İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı'nın 2016 yılı "Yenilikçi ve Yaratıcı İstanbul Mali Destek Programı" kapsamında desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TR10/16/YNY/010

    Hidiv Kasrı kimliksiz kaldı:Turing, kasrın ilk sahibi Mısır Hidivi Abbas Hilmi Paşa ve ailesine ait eşyalarla eserleri götürdü

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 123-Hidiv Ailesiİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Trilyonları Haliç'in çamuruna gömdük

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 25-Haliçİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Farklı Çoklu Veri Atama Tekniklerinin Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi Model Uyumu Üzerindeki Etkisi

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    DergiPark: 789832tredBugüne kadar kayıp verilerin istatistiksel analizler üzerindeki erkilerini incelemek için birçok araştırma gerçekleştirilmiştir ve bu durumla başa çıkabilmek için farklı yöntemler geliştirilmiştir. Kayıp verinin silinmesini içeren yöntemler örneklem büyüklüğünün önemli miktarda azalmasına sebep olmakta ve analizlerin istatistiksel gücünü düşürmektedir. Bu duruma bir alternatif olarak önerilen kayıp veri kestirimine dayalı yöntemler araştırmacıların yoğun ilgisini çekmektedir. Bu yöntemler içerisinde çoklu veri atama teknikleri göreceli olarak daha yakın bir geçmişe sahiptir ve daha iyi kestirimler sağlamaktadır. Çoklu veri atama tekniklerinin üstünlüğü düşünüldüğünde, gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmanın amacı farklı çoklu veri atama tekniklerinin doğrulayıcı faktör analizi model uyumu üzerideki etkisinin değerlendirilmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda örneklem büyüklüğü, kayıp veri mekanizması, kayıp veri yüzdesi, madde sayısı ve kayıp veri atama tekniğini kontrol edilerek tek boyutlu yapıya sahip veri setleri üretilmiştir. Kayıp veri tekniklerinin etkileri tam veri setleri ve veri ataması gerçekleştirilmiş veri setleri için elde edilmiş ??² model uyum istatistikleri arasındaki fark ile değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar çoklu veri atama tekniklerinin geleneksel regresyon temelli veri atama tekniklerine kıyasla daha iyi sonuçlar sağladığını göstermiştir. Bu bulgular daha sonrasında tartışılarak daha iyi test uygulmaları için bir takım önerilerde bulunulmuştur.So far, many researches have been conducted to investigate the impact of missing data on statistical analysis and various methods have been developed to deal with the problem. The methods based on removing observations with missing values from the dataset cause the sample size to drop dramatically and the statistical power of the analyzes to be decreased. Therefore, as an alternative solution, the estimation of missing values seized intensive attention of researchers. Among these methods, multiple imputation techniques are relatively more recent and provide better estimations. Considering the superiority of multiple imputation techniques, the aim of the current study is to investigate the effects of different multiple imptutation techniques on the model fit of confirmatory factor analysis. For this aim, datasets with the unidimensional structure were simulated to manipulate sample size, missing data mechanism, percentage of missing data, number of items and missing data imputation technique. The effect of multiple imputation techniqes was evaluated based on the difference of ??² model fit statistics for complete datasets and imputed datasets. The results showed that, multiple impuation techniques provided better results than conventional regression based imputation. Those finding were discussed later and some recommendations were given for better testing applications

    Small States and Economic Integrations: Eurasian Customs Union and Kyrgyzstan

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    ¿Qué influencia a un Estado pequeño a decidirse a sumarse a un proceso de integración económica? Los esfuerzos de integración y reunificación de los últimos 15 años en el territorio de la ex Unión Soviética finalmente dieron resultado con la decisión de Rusia de poner fin a su aislamiento. En Europa del Este la Unión Económica Euroasiática se ha convertido en una alternativa a la Unión Europa y en un centro de gravedad. Los esfuerzos de expansión de la Unión Económica Euroasiática en Europa del Este han comenzado a chocar con la política de expansión de la Unión Europea. Para muchos países de Asia Central, la Unión Económica Euroasiática también ha emergido como una alternativa. El artículo analiza los posibles efectos positivos y negativos del acceso de Kirguistán a la Unión Aduanera Euroasiática. Como resultados positivos, aumentará el comercio con los países de la Unión Aduanera Euroasiática y los ingresos aduaneros, la seguridad fronteriza será asegurada y las inversiones y las remesas laborales crecerán. Entre los efectos negativos se encuentran el desempleo y el aumento de los precios de los bienes de consumo, debido a la pérdida del carácter re-exportador de Kirguistán. La hipótesis de este artículo es que Kirguistán decidió unirse a la Unión Aduanera Euroasiática debido a su dependencia respecto de Rusia, a sus preocupaciones securitarias, a su temor a China y debido a la continua hegemonía cultural rusa. A pesar de las negativas consecuencias económicas, la participación de Kirguistán en la Unión Aduanera Euroasiática es concebida como una decisión política debida a la ausencia de otras alternativas.What does influence a small state its decision to join an economic integration process? The last fifteen years re-unification and integration efforts in the territory of the former Soviet Union finally yielded results with Russia's reassertion putting an end to its isolation. In Eastern Europe the Eurasian Economic Union has become an alternative to the European Union and a center of gravity. Eurasian Economic Union expansion efforts in Eastern Europe have started to clash with the European Union's enlargement policy. For many Central Asian countries, the Eurasian Economic Union has also emerged as an alternative. This article analyzes the possible positive and negative effects of Kyrgyzstan's accession to the Eurasian Customs Union. As positive results, trade with the Eurasian Customs Union countries and customs revenues will increase, border security will be ensured, investment and the labor remittances will increase. Among negative effects are the unemployment and the rise in prices of the consumer goods, due to the loss of Kyrgyzstan’s re-exporter character. The thesis of this paper is that Kyrgyzstan decided to join the Eurasian Customs Union because its dependence on Russia, its security concerns, its fear of China, and because of the continuation of Russia’s cultural hegemony. Despite the negative economic consequences, Kyrgyzstan’s participation in the Eurasian Customs Union is conceived as a political decision due to the absence of other alternatives.Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI

    Effect of influential cases on factor analysis results etkili vakaların faktör analizi sonuçları üzerindeki etkisi

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    When performing regression analysis, one way to examine the normality of data is to screen outliers. Outliers, on the other hand, do not always have an effect on regression results. In reality, cases with a large amount of residuals that affect regression analysis results are referred to as influential cases. It is important to detect them in the dataset because they can lead to erroneous conclusions. The influence of influential cases has already gotten a lot of attention in the regression literature, while it has gotten a lot less attention in factor analysis. The aim of this paper is to show how influential cases affect factor analysis results when they are detected using the Forward Search algorithm. The data was collected from 686 university students ranging in age from 17 to 30. The data was gathered using the Self-Regulation Scale (SRS). The results revealed that the removal of influential cases had an effect on the observed correlation matrice for the SRS items, the factorability results, the number of dimensions extracted, CFA fit indices, and the amount of factor loadings and associated errors. Later, in light of related literature, these results were discussed and the researchers were recommended to consider the effect of influential when applying factor analysis.Regresyon analizi gerçekleştirirken verilerin normalliğini araştırmak için uç değerlerin incelenmesi kullanılan yaklaşımlardan bir tanesidir. Gerçekte ise, uç değerlerin regresyon sonuçları üzerinde etkili olması bir gereklilik değildir. Aslında, regresyon analizi sonuçlarını etkileyen gözlemler, büyük miktarda artık barındıran etkili vakalar olarak adlandırılır. Veri setinde yanıltıcı sonuçlara yol açabilecek yüksek artık içeren gözlemleri tespit etmek önemlidir. Etkili vakaların etkisi, regresyon alan yazını hâlihazırda dikkat çekmişken faktör analizinde ise daha az vurgulanmıştır. Gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmanın amacı, ileri arama algoritması kullanılarak etkili durumlar belirlendiğinde bu vakaların faktör analizi sonuçları üzerindeki etkilerini göstermektir. Veriler, yaşları 17 ile 30 arasında değişen 686 üniversite öğrencisinden toplanmıştır. Çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak Öz Düzenleme Ölçeği (ÖDÖ) kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, etkili vakaların veri setinden kaldırılmasının ÖDÖ maddeleri için gözlemlenen korelasyon matrisini, faktörlenebilirlik sonuçlarını, çıkarılan boyutların sayısını, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi uyum indekslerini ve faktör yüklerinin miktarını ve yüklere ait hataları etkilediğini ortaya koymuştur. Bu bulgular daha sonra ilgili alanyazın kapsamında tartışılmış ve araştırmacılar faktör analizi gerçekleştirirken etkili vakaların etkilerini dikkate almaları önerilmiştir

    Small States and Economic Integrations: Eurasian Customs Union and Kyrgyzstan

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    ¿Qué influencia a un Estado pequeño a decidirse a sumarse a un proceso de integración económica? Los esfuerzos de integración y reunificación de los últimos 15 años en el territorio de la ex Unión Soviética finalmente dieron resultado con la decisión de Rusia de poner fin a su aislamiento. En Europa del Este la Unión Económica Euroasiática se ha convertido en una alternativa a la Unión Europa y en un centro de gravedad. Los esfuerzos de expansión de la Unión Económica Euroasiática en Europa del Este han comenzado a chocar con la política de expansión de la Unión Europea. Para muchos países de Asia Central, la Unión Económica Euroasiática también ha emergido como una alternativa. El artículo analiza los posibles efectos positivos y negativos del acceso de Kirguistán a la Unión Aduanera Euroasiática. Como resultados positivos, aumentará el comercio con los países de la Unión Aduanera Euroasiática y los ingresos aduaneros, la seguridad fronteriza será asegurada y las inversiones y las remesas laborales crecerán. Entre los efectos negativos se encuentran el desempleo y el aumento de los precios de los bienes de consumo, debido a la pérdida del carácter re-exportador de Kirguistán. La hipótesis de este artículo es que Kirguistán decidió unirse a la Unión Aduanera Euroasiática debido a su dependencia respecto de Rusia, a sus preocupaciones securitarias, a su temor a China y debido a la continua hegemonía cultural rusa. A pesar de las negativas consecuencias económicas, la participación de Kirguistán en la Unión Aduanera Euroasiática es concebida como una decisión política debida a la ausencia de otras alternativas.What does influence a small state its decision to join an economic integration process? The last fifteen years re-unification and integration efforts in the territory of the former Soviet Union finally yielded results with Russia's reassertion putting an end to its isolation. In Eastern Europe the Eurasian Economic Union has become an alternative to the European Union and a center of gravity. Eurasian Economic Union expansion efforts in Eastern Europe have started to clash with the European Union's enlargement policy. For many Central Asian countries, the Eurasian Economic Union has also emerged as an alternative. This article analyzes the possible positive and negative effects of Kyrgyzstan's accession to the Eurasian Customs Union. As positive results, trade with the Eurasian Customs Union countries and customs revenues will increase, border security will be ensured, investment and the labor remittances will increase. Among negative effects are the unemployment and the rise in prices of the consumer goods, due to the loss of Kyrgyzstan’s re-exporter character. The thesis of this paper is that Kyrgyzstan decided to join the Eurasian Customs Union because its dependence on Russia, its security concerns, its fear of China, and because of the continuation of Russia’s cultural hegemony. Despite the negative economic consequences, Kyrgyzstan’s participation in the Eurasian Customs Union is conceived as a political decision due to the absence of other alternatives.Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales (IRI

    An evaluation of the effects of video modelling on the first-night effect in polysomonography examination of patients with obstructive sleep apnea

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on patient anxiety and first-night effect (FNE) of a video modelling application, which has an important place in behavioural information practices. A total of 232 adolescent and adult patients with suspected obstructive sleep apnea were randomly separated into groups within two age ranges using the sealed envelope method. Group 1 (14–18 years, n: 40) and group 3 (19–65 years, n: 76) were verbally informed about the polysomnography (PSG) procedure. The patients in group 2 (14–18 years, n: 37) and group 4 (19–65 years, n: 79) were shown a training video of PSG procedure. Anxiety levels of the patients in groups 2 and 4 were seen to have significantly reduced, and when these groups were compared, the decrease was seen to be more significant in the adolescent patients (p ' 0.001, p = 0.001). No significant difference was determined between the values of total sleep time, REM sleep, and sleep efficiency in the video modelling groups on the 2 days (p ' 0.05 for all). There was a difference between the REM latency and sleep latency values on the 2 days, and this was at a low level of significance in the video modelling group. Video modelling was seen to be effective in reducing patient anxiety and it was concluded that it could be used to reduce FNE. © 2020, Japanese Society of Sleep Research

    High-velocity air fuel coatings for steel for erosion-resistant applications

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    High-velocity air fuel (HVAF) coating processes have advantages over conventional high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF) processes, resulting in coatings with superior properties. The present review first provides a concise overview of HVAF coatings, highlighting their advantages over HVOF coatings. Then, the fundamentals of solid particle, slurry, and cavitation erosion are briefly introduced. Finally, the performance of HVAF coatings for erosion-resistant applications is discussed in detail. The emerging research consistently reports HVAF-coatings having higher erosion resistance than HVOF-coatings, which is attributed to their elevated hardness and density and improved microstructural features that inhibit the surface damages caused by erosion. The dominant wear mechanisms are mainly functions of particle impact angle. For instance, the removal of the binder phase at high impact angles causes the accumulation of plastic strain on hard particles (e.g., WC particles) in the matrix, forming micro-cracks between the hard particles and the matrix, eventually decreasing the erosion resistance of HVAF coatings. The binder phase of HVAF-coatings significantly affects erosion resistance, primarily due to their inherent mechanical properties and bearing capacity of hard particles. Optimizing spraying parameters to tailor the microstructural characteristics of these coatings appears to be the key to enhancing their erosion resistance. The relationship between microstructural features and erosion mechanisms needs to be clarified to process coatings with tailored microstructural features for erosion-resistant applications