136 research outputs found

    Development and Use of a Tool for Automated Alignments of Genes in the Rice BAC\u27s GenBank Card Against Other Species

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    In many cases, the analysis of the genetic bases of any trait requires molecular markers and if possible co-dominant PCR-based ones. In perennial fodder species, the number of publicly available markers (microsatellites and Sequence Tagged Site (STS)) is limited. Our goal is to use sequences from model grass species, i.e. rice, wheat, maize, barley, in L. perenne in order to develop STS markers in interesting regions such as under a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) or around a candidate gene,. As the genome sequence of rice is now available, the objective was to use the sequences of genes included in the BAC’s GenBank card from rice. As there are almost no available sequences in L. perenne, we are designing consensus primers from an alignment of at least two different species. The problem is that for all the genes included in a BAC, just a few have their sequences known in at least two species. It is very laborious to check “by hand” if each gene has an homologous sequence known in another species

    Titanium in phengite: a geobarometer for high temperature eclogites

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    Phengite chemistry has been investigated in experiments on a natural SiO2-TiO2-saturated greywacke and a natural SiO2-TiO2-Al2SiO5-saturated pelite, at 1.5-8.0GPa and 800-1,050°C. High Ti-contents (0.3-3.7 wt %), Ti-enrichment with temperature, and a strong inverse correlation of Ti-content with pressure are the important features of both experimental series. The changes in composition with pressure result from the Tschermak substitution (Si+R2+=AlIV+AlVI) coupled with the substitution: AlVI+Si=Ti+AlIV. The latter exchange is best described using the end-member Ti-phengite (KMgTi[Si3Al]O10(OH)2, TiP). In the rutile-quartz/coesite saturated experiments, the aluminoceladonite component increases with pressure while the muscovite, paragonite and Ti-phengite components decrease. A thermodynamic model combining data obtained in this and previous experimental studies are derived to use the equilibrium MgCel+Rt=TiP+Cs/Qz as a thermobarometer in felsic and basic rocks. Phengite, rutile and quartz/coesite are common phases in HT-(U)HP metamorphic rocks, and are often preserved from regression by entrapment in zircon or garnet, thus providing an opportunity to determine the T-P conditions of crystallization of these rocks. Two applications on natural examples (Sulu belt and Kokchetav massif) are presented and discussed. This study demonstrates that Ti is a significant constituent of phengites that could have significant effects on phase relationships and melting rates with decreasing P or increasing T in the continental crus

    Loss compensation in Metamaterials through embedding of active transistor based negative differential resistance circuits

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    This paper presents an all-electronic approach for loss compensation in metamaterials. This is achieved by embedding active-transistors based negative differential resistance (NDR) circuits in each unit cell of the metamaterial lattice. NDR circuits provide tunable loss compensation over a broad frequency range limited only by the maximum operating frequency of transistors that is reaching terahertz values in newer semiconductor processes. Design, simulation and experimental results of metamaterials composed of split ring resonators (SRR) with and without loss compensation circuits are presented

    Association study between the gibberellic acid insensitive gene and leaf length in a Lolium perenne L. synthetic variety

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Association studies are of great interest to identify genes explaining trait variation since they deal with more than just a few alleles like classical QTL analyses. They are usually performed using collections representing a wide range of variability but which could present a genetic substructure. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that association studies can be performed using synthetic varieties obtained after several panmictic generations. This demonstration is based on an example of association between the gibberellic acid insensitive gene (GAI) polymorphism and leaf length polymorphism in 'Herbie', a synthetic variety of perennial ryegrass.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Leaf growth parameters, consisted of leaf length, maximum leaf elongation rate (LERmax) and leaf elongation duration (LED), were evaluated in spring and autumn on 216 plants of Herbie with three replicates. For each plant, a sequence of 370 bp in GAI was analysed for polymorphism.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Genetic effect was highly significant for all traits. Broad sense heritabilities were higher for leaf length and LERmax with about 0.7 in each period and 0.5 considering both periods than for LED with about 0.4 in each period and 0.3 considering both periods. GAI was highly polymorphic with an average of 12 bp between two consecutive SNPs and 39 haplotypes in which 9 were more frequent. Linkage disequilibrium declined rapidly with distance with r <sup>2 </sup>values lower than 0.2 beyond 150 bp. Sequence polymorphism of GAI explained 8-14% of leaf growth parameter variation. A single SNP explained 4% of the phenotypic variance of leaf length in both periods which represents a difference of 33 mm on an average of 300 mm.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Synthetic varieties in which linkage disequilibrium declines rapidly with distance are suitable for association studies using the "candidate gene" approach. GAI polymorphism was found to be associated with leaf length polymorphism which was more correlated to LERmax than to LED in Herbie. It is a good candidate to explain leaf length variation in other plant material.</p

    Incidence, prevalence and care of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents in Germany: Time trends and regional socioeconomic situation

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    Background: Trends over time and possible socio-spatial inequalities in the incidence and care of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) in children and adolescents are important parameters for the planning of target-specific treatment structures. Methodology: The incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia as well as the HbA1c value are presented for under 18-year-olds based on data from the nationwide Diabetes Prospective Follow-up Registry (DPV) and the diabetes registry of North Rhine-Westphalia. Indicators were mapped by sex over time between 2014 and 2020, and stratified by sex, age and regional socioeconomic deprivation for 2020. Results: In 2020, the incidence was 29.2 per 100,000 person-years and the prevalence was 235.5 per 100,000 persons, with the figures being higher in boys than in girls in either case. The median HbA1c value was 7.5%. Ketoacidosis manifested in 3.4% of treated children and adolescents, significantly more often in regions with very high (4.5%) deprivation than in regions with very low deprivation (2.4%). The proportion of severe hypoglycaemia cases was 3.0%. Between 2014 and 2020, the incidence, prevalence and HbA1c levels changed little, while the proportions of ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia decreased. Conclusions: The decrease in acute complications indicates that type 1 diabetes care has improved. Similar to previous studies, the results suggest an inequality in care by regional socioeconomic situation

    Incidence, prevalence and care of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents in Germany: Time trends and regional socioeconomic situation

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    Background: Trends over time and possible socio-spatial inequalities in the incidence and care of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) in children and adolescents are important parameters for the planning of target-specific treatment structures. Methodology: The incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia as well as the HbA1c value are presented for under 18-year-olds based on data from the nationwide Diabetes Prospective Follow-up Registry (DPV) and the diabetes registry of North Rhine-Westphalia. Indicators were mapped by sex over time between 2014 and 2020, and stratified by sex, age and regional socioeconomic deprivation for 2020. Results: In 2020, the incidence was 29.2 per 100,000 person-years and the prevalence was 235.5 per 100,000 persons, with the figures being higher in boys than in girls in either case. The median HbA1c value was 7.5%. Ketoacidosis manifested in 3.4% of treated children and adolescents, significantly more often in regions with very high (4.5%) deprivation than in regions with very low deprivation (2.4%). The proportion of severe hypoglycaemia cases was 3.0%. Between 2014 and 2020, the incidence, prevalence and HbA1c levels changed little, while the proportions of ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycaemia decreased. Conclusions: The decrease in acute complications indicates that type 1 diabetes care has improved. Similar to previous studies, the results suggest an inequality in care by regional socioeconomic situation

    Area deprivation and demographic factors associated with diabetes technology use in adults with type 1 diabetes in Germany

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    IntroductionDiabetes technology improves glycemic control and quality of life for many people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, inequalities in access to diabetes technology exist in many countries. In Germany, disparities in technology use have been described in pediatric T1D, but no data for adults are available so far. We therefore aimed to analyze whether demographic factors and area deprivation are associated with technology use in a representative population of adults with T1D.Materials and methodsIn adults with T1D from the German prospective diabetes follow-up registry (DPV), we analyzed the use of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII), continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and sensor augmented pump therapy (SAP, with and without automated insulin delivery) in 2019-2021 by age group, gender, migration background, and area deprivation using multiple adjusted regression models. Area deprivation, defined as a relative lack of area-based resources, was measured by quintiles of the German index of Multiple Deprivation (GIMD 2015, from Q1, least deprived, to Q5, most deprived districts).ResultsAmong 13,351 adults with T1D, the use of technology decreased significantly with older age: CSII use fell from 56.1% in the 18−&lt;25-year age group to 3.1% in the ≥80-year age group, CGM use from 75.3% to 28.2%, and SAP use from 45.1% to 1.5% (all p for trend &lt;0.001). The use of technology was also significantly higher in women than in men (CSII: 39.2% vs. 27.6%; CGM: 61.9% vs. 58.0%; SAP: 28.7% vs. 19.6%, all p &lt;0.001), and in individuals without migration background than in those with migration background (CSII: 38.8% vs. 27.6%; CGM: 71.1% vs. 61.4%; SAP: 30.5% vs. 21.3%, all p &lt;0.001). Associations with area deprivation were not linear: the use of each technology decreased only from Q2 to Q4.DiscussionOur real-world data provide evidence that higher age, male gender, and migration background are currently associated with lower use of diabetes technology in adults with T1D in Germany. Associations with area deprivation are more complex, probably due to correlations with other factors, like the higher proportion of migrants in less deprived areas or the federal structure of the German health care system

    Inzidenz, Prävalenz und Versorgung von Typ-1-Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland: Zeittrends und sozialräumliche Lage

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    Hintergrund: Zeitliche Trends und mögliche sozialräumliche Ungleichheiten hinsichtlich der Häufigkeit und Versorgung von Typ-1-Diabetes mellitus (T1D) bei Kindern und Jugendlichen sind für die Planung von zielgerechten Behandlungsstrukturen von Bedeutung. Methode: Mit Daten der bundesweiten Diabetes-Patienten-Verlaufsdokumentation (DPV) und des Diabetesregisters in Nordrhein-Westfalen wurden für unter 18-Jährige Inzidenz und Prävalenz des Typ-1-Diabetes sowie HbA1c-Wert, diabetische Ketoazidosen und schwere Hypoglykämien dargestellt. Die Indikatoren wurden im Verlauf zwischen 2014 und 2020 nach Geschlecht und für 2020 stratifiziert nach Geschlecht, Alter und regionaler sozioökonomischer Deprivation abgebildet. Ergebnisse: 2020 betrug die Inzidenz 29,2 pro 100.000 Personenjahre und die Prävalenz 235,5 pro 100.000 Personen, mit jeweils höheren Werten bei Jungen als bei Mädchen. Der HbA1c-Wert betrug im Median 7,5 %. Bei 3,4 % der Behandelten trat eine Ketoazidose auf, signifikant häufiger in Regionen mit sehr hoher (4,5 %) als in Regionen mit sehr niedriger Deprivation (2,4 %). Der Anteil schwerer Hypoglykämien lag bei 3,0 %. Zwischen 2014 und 2020 änderten sich Inzidenz, Prävalenz und HbA1c-Wert kaum, während die Anteile von Ketoazidosen und schweren Hypoglykämien abnahmen. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Abnahme von Akutkomplikationen weist auf eine verbesserte Versorgung des Typ-1-Diabetes hin. Ähnlich wie in früheren Studien deuten die Ergebnisse eine Ungleichheit in der Versorgung nach sozialräumlicher Lage an

    Rapport de sondages et d'analyses, Le Kilian et les carrières anciennes de trachyte dans la Chaîne des Puys (Puy-de-Dôme)

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    En 2008, l'existence de carrières souterraines médiévales avait été mise en évidence dans la pente ouest du Bois de Manson qui domine la dépression du Cratère Kilian, au pied sud du puy de Dôme. En 2009-2010, des sondages et prospections ont été étendus à tout l'ensemble du Kilian de façon à préciser l'étendue et, si possible, la chronologie de son exploitation dans le passé. Ces travaux ont permis d'observer, dans le fond du cratère et sur son flanc interne ouest, des amoncellements de déblais d'un volume considérable, témoignant d'une extraction de roche à grande échelle durant le haut Moyen Âge et très probablement aussi à l'époque gallo-romaine. Une nouvelle carrière souterraine a été découverte dans la pente interne ouest du cratère. La base du remplissage de cette carrière a livré des charbons datés entre la fin du IV e siècle et le début du VI e siècle par le radiocarbone, tandis que le sommet du remplissage contenait des tessons de céramique datables, par leur typologie, de la fin du V e siècle au début du VIII e siècle. L'état actuel des investigations conduit à faire l'hypothèse que les gallo-romains ont exploité, au fond du cratère, un trachyte compact dont on ne trouve aujourd'hui que les déchets de taille, et dont les affleurements sont masqués par les déblais, tandis que les artisans du Moyen Âge ont recherché un trachyte plus tendre dans les pentes hautes du cratère. Le Kilian doit donc s'ajouter aux trois sources actuellement connues de trachyte d'oeuvre dans le passé, à savoir les volcans Sarcoui, Aumône (ou petit Suchet) et Cliersou. Dès cette découverte, en 2008, s'est posée la question de savoir quelle part éventuelle le trachyte du Kilian avait pu prendre dans la construction du temple de Mercure au sommet du puy de Dôme et dans l'agglomération gallo-romaine située au col de Ceyssat. Pour y répondre, une campagne d'analyses géochimiques et pétrographiques été engagée pour caractériser, aux fins de comparaison, non seulement les trachytes du Kilian et ceux des ruines gallo-romaines, mais, de plus, les trachytes du Cliersou, de l'Aumône et du Sarcoui. Ces analyses ont finalement montré qu'il est possible de faire une discrimination statistiquement significative entre les différents trachytes étudiés, à l'exception de ceux du couple Cliersou-Aumône dont les laves sont très peu différentes les unes des autres. Le résultat le plus remarquable est que tous les trachytes gallo-romains échantillonnés (dont 10 échantillons distincts au temple de Mercure et 10 au col de Ceyssat) se rattachent sans ambiguïté au Kilian. En toute rigueur, ces nouvelles données ne permettent pas d'exclure sans appel la possibilité d'utilisation à l'époque gallo-romaine, au temple de Mercure et au col de Ceyssat, de trachytes provenant d'autres sources que le Kilian (cas des chaperons de mur du col de Ceyssat, provenant du puy de Dôme). Cependant, il faut ajouter qu'un examen visuel des trachytes d'oeuvre dans ces deux sites, portant sur un nombre de moellons et d'éléments architecturaux bien supérieur au nombre de ceux qui ont été analysés, conduit à conclure que leur source est probablement commune. Cette conclusion est basée sur un faciès minéralogique particulier, observable à l'oeil nu ou à la loupe

    Inzidenz, Prävalenz und Versorgung von Typ-1-Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland: Zeittrends und sozialräumliche Lage

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    Hintergrund: Zeitliche Trends und mögliche sozialräumliche Ungleichheiten hinsichtlich der Häufigkeit und Versorgung von Typ-1-Diabetes mellitus (T1D) bei Kindern und Jugendlichen sind für die Planung von zielgerechten Behandlungsstrukturen von Bedeutung. Methode: Mit Daten der bundesweiten Diabetes-Patienten-Verlaufsdokumentation (DPV) und des Diabetesregisters in Nordrhein-Westfalen wurden für unter 18-Jährige Inzidenz und Prävalenz des Typ-1-Diabetes sowie HbA1c-Wert, diabetische Ketoazidosen und schwere Hypoglykämien dargestellt. Die Indikatoren wurden im Verlauf zwischen 2014 und 2020 nach Geschlecht und für 2020 stratifiziert nach Geschlecht, Alter und regionaler sozioökonomischer Deprivation abgebildet. Ergebnisse: 2020 betrug die Inzidenz 29,2 pro 100.000 Personenjahre und die Prävalenz 235,5 pro 100.000 Personen, mit jeweils höheren Werten bei Jungen als bei Mädchen. Der HbA1c-Wert betrug im Median 7,5 %. Bei 3,4 % der Behandelten trat eine Ketoazidose auf, signifikant häufiger in Regionen mit sehr hoher (4,5 %) als in Regionen mit sehr niedriger Deprivation (2,4 %). Der Anteil schwerer Hypoglykämien lag bei 3,0 %. Zwischen 2014 und 2020 änderten sich Inzidenz, Prävalenz und HbA1c-Wert kaum, während die Anteile von Ketoazidosen und schweren Hypoglykämien abnahmen. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Abnahme von Akutkomplikationen weist auf eine verbesserte Versorgung des Typ-1-Diabetes hin. Ähnlich wie in früheren Studien deuten die Ergebnisse eine Ungleichheit in der Versorgung nach sozialräumlicher Lage an