361 research outputs found

    Determinants of preterm birth, small for gestational age and foetal growth in a marginalized populations on Thai-Myanmar border: a 30 year population cohort study

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    Preterm birth (PTB) and small for gestational age (SGA) have serious implications for neonatal health, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where healthcare access is restricted, and socioeconomic disparities are prevalent. This thesis aimed to investigate the factors influencing PTB, SGA, and foetal growth among marginalized pregnant women along the Thai-Myanmar border. The research objectives were to identify demographic, infectious, medical, and obstetric factors associated with poor birth outcomes (Objective 1); explore the determinants of PTB and SGA in a 30-year cohort of refugee and migrant pregnant women (Objective 2); identify the demographic, infectious (malaria infection), and non-infectious factors (preeclampsia) associated with poor foetal growth (Objective 3); and explore interventions to optimize foetal growth in low-resource settings (Objective 4). Retrospective data analysis utilized secondary data from the Shoklo Malaria Research Unit (SMRU), including antenatal care and delivery records, and prospective pregnancy cohort studies. The findings aligned with existing literature, highlighting a high prevalence of teenage pregnancies and a dual burden of malnutrition (overweight and underweight) linked to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Risk factors for PTB included teenage pregnancy, low Body Mass Index (BMI), preeclampsia, a history of previous PTB, and non-malaria bacterial infection. Risk factors for SGA included teenage primigravida, advanced maternal age, low BMI, smoking, malaria infection, and preeclampsia. Increased maternal height and BMI were protective factors for both PTB and SGA. Additionally, maternal overweight and carrying a male fetus were associated with higher mean abdominal circumference (AC) z-scores, while the height of taller women and overweight mothers influenced head circumference (HC), biparietal diameter (BPD), and femur length (FL) z-scores. Preeclampsia had a significant adverse impact on AC and FL z-scores. Malaria infection did not significantly affect HC and BPD, but vivax-infected pregnancies showed lower mean AC and FL z-scores temporarily after infection, all of which were treated. In conclusion, these findings emphasize the importance of comprehensive healthcare approaches to reduce the burden of PTB and SGA in LMICs. At SMRU, malaria control effort has successfully decreased the adverse impact from malaria, whereas non-infectious causes are becoming more prevalent. Addressing identified risk factors, along with comprehensive healthcare strategies, can contribute to improving birth outcomes in these settings. As these findings emerged from this thesis three strategies have been implemented in the population: i) avoiding repeat teenage pregnancy after childbirth, ii) aspirin and calcium for prevention of pre-eclampsia and iii) most recently screening all women for gestational diabetes using a two-step approach. Government led service provision would be ideal however the civil war following the February 2021 coup d’etat threatens gains obtained in the prior decade. There is real danger malaria will re-emerge due to conflict. Malaria redirects limited resources to fight a single scourge and will inevitably increase maternal and child death


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    この博士論文は内容の要約のみの公開(または一部非公開)になっています筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201


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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Effect of Attack angle on Aerodynamics Analysis of Different Wind Turbine Wings using Numerical Simulation

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    In this research, the performance of two airfoils are compared by using Numerical analysis. There are so many dedicated airfoils to be used in various kinds of wind turbine blades. The lift coefficient and drag coefficient are the key parameters to determine the airfoil performance. The right choice of airfoil gives good performance in wind turbine blade design based on the available wind velocity, Reynold number, blade material. The author wants to compare the performance of 3D model two airfoils (SG 6043 and NACA 4412) for low Reynold number; less than 500,000 [1]. The numerical simulation is carried out by using Ansys-Fluent software. The lift and drag coefficients are compared based on different angle of attack 0º, 5º, 10º at wind velocity 10m/s, rated wind velocity for intended regions. The design chord length is 0.5m and width of the wing is 0.25m. The numerical results are compared with the results of Profili 2.0c software. By doing this simulation, understand their flow nature and the performance of two airfoil profiles is compared. Therefore, the suitable airfoil will be used in local horizontal axis wind turbine industries.

    Application of Artificial Intelligence in Air Conditioning Systems

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    Urbanization has led to a sharp rise in the demand for power over the past 10 years, alarmingly rising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems account for nearly half of the energy used by buildings, and minimizing the energy use of the HVAC systems is essential. However, the common problems, such as hot spots and cold spots in office spaces, experienced in the building need to be addressed. Therefore, this chapter introduces the application of artificial intelligence proactive control to resolve typical office issues. A demonstration testbed was implemented on the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) campus. The experiments were conducted in baseline mode and smart mode. In the case study, two big zones were segregated into 43 micro-zones equipped with smart dampers at each diffuser, allowing a localized set point to improve thermal comfort and eliminate hot and cold spots. It has been observed that the proactive AI control reduces cooling provided to the office by 29 percent and AHU electricity usage by 50 percent, respectively, while keeping the area within thermal comfort range of 23 to 25°C and 50 to 63% relative humidity


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    Novel accessory safety footswitch permitting dual control of surgical electrical diathermy: an asset in risk management in surgical training?

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    Introduction: Human error contributes to the majority of adverse events in the operating theatre environment. Many processes exist to limit the incidence of such adverse events. However, the role of technology and device advancement has been limited in this respect. Methods: A dual-controlled accessory electrical diathermy footswitch (abortive diathermy footswitch device or ADF) concept was developed in an attempt to improve patient safety in theatre. The activation of the ADF allows a senior surgeon to control the activation of diathermy devices by a junior surgeon by deactivating diathermy devices when the ADF footswitch is operated. Results: The ADF device was constructed as a final working and tested prototype in association with the local medical engineering department at the Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle. The device was clinically tested during two separate theatre sessions involving five elective laparoscopic cholecystectomies. Conclusions: We demonstrated the feasibility and functionality of the ADF device and propose a role in surgical training through potentially limiting surgical errors associated with the use of electrical diathermy during training and expanding accessible surgical experience

    Investigating the non-disruptive measurement of immersive player experience

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    There exists a phenomenon whereby individuals playing digital games enter state of intense engagement. One definition of this state is the theory of immersion, which defines immersion as a gradient process with barriers that players must pass towards achieving total immersion. The IEQ is a questionnaire that captures this experience of immersion, usually after playing sessions. This thesis aims to explore new methods that non-disruptively and granularly measure immersion. The first study looked at whether pupil diameter, fixation rates, and fixation durations could be used to measure immersion over time. Replicating a previously published experiment, immersion was manipulated by informing them of either an advanced AI or a standard AI before play. No effect was found for the immersion manipulation. While there were significant effects on pupil diameter change and eye tracking, these were not conclusively indicative of immersive states. Issues with this study’s design also revealed considerations incorporated in subsequent experiments. The second study investigated a specific component of immersion in a rhythm game. Cognitive load was measured in a repeated measures experiment, where participants played difficult and easier levels. The NASA-TLX and electrocardiography were taken as measurements. Significant differences in heart rate variability, heart rate, and cognitive load were observed between different levels of difficulty. Results also demonstrated that repeated small questionnaires can also enable more granular measurements. Finally, four studies more were conducted to develop an IEQ short form. The first two studies used unidimensional and multidimensional item response theory factor analyses to construct the IEQ short form (IEQ-SF). The last two studies validated the IEQ-SF by replicating previously published IEQ results, and measured immersion in a pre-registered validation experiment. This thesis provides novel insights on the non-disruptive measurement of immersion over time. It reveals considerations for research using psychophysiological measurements, and the development of short form questionnaires

    Numerical Investigation of Flow Profile and Performance Test of Cross-Flow Turbine

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    The paper refers to the numerical analysis of the two stages of inlet and outlet blades of cross-flow turbine. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) steady state flow simulation has been performed using ANSYS CFX 17. Numerical method has also been used to calculate and predict the efficiency of the turbine. Velocity distribution and within the flow domain has been also characterized. The simulation includes flow domain and blades. The turbine has a specific speed of 44 (metric units), an outside runner diameter of 150 mm. Simulations has been carried out using k-ε turbulence model. The objectives of this study were to analyze the velocity of the Cross-flow within the runner and to characterize its performance for different runner speeds. The CFD simulations results were compared with experimental data and were consistent with turbine efficiency

    In vitro study of Coronal Leakage of Four Temporary Filling Materials Immersed in Alcoholic Methylene Blue Dye

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    Abstract Introduction: Temporary restorative materials are placed in access cavity to provide the coronal seal of the root canal during multi-visits RCT. This in vitro study was designed to evaluate the coronal microleakage of four different temporary restorative materials commonly used in endodontics in Myanmar, viz., MD.Temp, Orafil, Caviton, Zinc oxide eugenol. Materials and Methods : Forty-four extracted human premolars were selected, and access cavity was prepared. Pulp chambers were filled with wet cotton pellets leaving approximately 4 mm coronally. Forty teeth were randomly divided into four experimental groups equally. The remaining four teeth were equally divided into two control groups. Access cavities in each group were filled with one of the above tested materials, and immediately put into the water. Tooth surfaces except occlusal surface were then coated with nail varnish. Equal parts of 2% methylene blue and methylated alcohol were mixed to prepare a dye solution. Samples were immersed in dye for 10 days at 32 ± 2°C. Teeth were rinsed, dried, and sectioned mesiodistally and evaluated under a stereomicroscope at a magnification of 15X for linear dye penetration along cavity walls. Data were analyzed using KruskalWallis and Tukey HSD tests. Results : The lowest microleakage value was observed in MD.Temp and Orafil, and the highest in Zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE). Caviton was not statistically different from Orafil and ZOE, but significantly higher in microleakage than MD.Temp. Clinical Significance : ZOE which is dissolvable in alcohol was the least effective material for preventing microleakage, while MD.Temp and Orafil provided the best sealing in content of alcohol in this study