51 research outputs found

    Coupled TRNSYS-CFD simulations evaluating the performance of PCM plate heat exchangers in an Airport Terminal building displacement conditioning system

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier.This paper reports on the energy performance evaluation of a displacement ventilation (DV) system in an airport departure hall, with a conventional DV diffuser and a diffuser retrofitted with a phase change material storage heat exchanger (PCM-HX). A TRNSYS-CFD quasi-dynamic coupled simulation method was employed for the analysis, whereby TRNSYS® simulates the HVAC and PID control system and ANSYS FLUENT® is used to simulate the airflow inside the airport terminal space. The PCM-HX is also simulated in CFD, and is integrated into the overall model as a secondary coupled component in the TRNSYS interface. Different night charging strategies of the PCM-HX were investigated and compared with the conventional DV diffuser. The results show that: i) the displacement ventilation system is more efficient for cooling than heating a space; ii) the addition of a PCM-HX system reduces the heating energy requirements during the intermediate and summer periods for specific night charging strategies, whereas winter heating energy remains unaffected; iii) the PCM-HX reduces cooling energy requirements, and; iv) maximum energy savings of 34% are possible with the deployment of PCM-HX retrofitted DV diffuser.This work was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Grant No: EP/H004181/1

    Μελέτη επί της τρισδιάστατης απεικόνισης και αυτόματης ανακατασκευής τρισδιάστατων προϊστορικών αγγείων

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    88 σ.Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται, αρχικά, μία αναφορά σε αρχές της θεωρίας των καμπυλών και επιφανειών της διαφορικής γεωμετρίας οι οποίες αποτελούν ένα απαραίτητο μαθηματικό υπόβαθρό της σχετικής προσέγγισης. Δίνεται έμφαση σε βασικές έννοιες, όπως της καμπύλης, της επιφάνειας αλλά και άλλων μεγεθών-εργαλείων που τις συνοδεύουν, ούτως ώστε να γίνει εφικτή η προσέγγιση στο θέμα της αυτόματης ανασυγκρότησης θραυσμάτων. Στην συνέχεια, ακολουθεί περιγραφή της επεξεργασίας, την οποία υπέστησαν τρισδιάστατες απεικονίσεις θραυσμάτων αγγείων, οι οποίες προέρχονται από την τρισδιάστατη σάρωση των πραγματικών θραυσμάτων με τρισδιάστατο σαρωτή. Η παραπάνω επεξεργασία αποτελεί προκαταρκτικό στάδιο για την εφαρμογή μίας νέας μεθόδου η οποία προσφέρει αποτελεσματική λύση στο πρόβλημα της αυτόματης εικονικής ανασυγκρότησης των θραυσμένων αγγείων για την οποία γίνεται αναφορά στη συνέχεια.In this thesis, initially, a report on principles of the theory of curves and surfaces, in differential geometry, takes place. These principles are the mathematical background of this thesis. The understanding of basic concepts such as curve , surface and other sizes–tools which surround them, is emphasized thanks to which the approach to automatic reconstruction of fragments is feasible. Then, follows a description of the processing that was applied in three-dimensional representations of broken vessels. These represantations derived from the three-dimensional scan of the real fragments with three-dimensional scanner. The above process is a preliminary step for the implementation of a new method which is an effective solution to the problem of automatic virtual reconstruction of broken vessels to which reference is made below.Ιωάννης Γ. Κοτζά

    Predição do índice de conforto térmico em edificíos de escritório na Alemanha

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    Ladrões internacionais indicam quais são as exigências sobre conforto térmico que devem ser alcançadas em espaços de escritório. Elas se baseiam em um modelo desenvolvido pelo Prof. Paul Ole Fanger, no Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, na Dinamarca. Hoje, quarenta anos de pesquisa mostram uma evolução desses indicadores. Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para avaliar o conforto térmico em espaços de trabalho de edifícios de escritório. A metodologia baseia-se em medições e questionários realizados no local. Para o estudo de campo utiliza-se uma unidade móvel equipada com sensores e um questionário pelos quais se obtêm respostas dos usuários sobre a qualidade térmica do ambiente de trabalho. Levantam-se as condições térmicas de trinta edifícios de escritório na Alemanha com diferentes sistemas de climatização. A correlação entre os dados objetivos e subjetivos permite desenvolver uma fórmula que calcula o nível de insatisfação térmica em um ambiente determinado, em função de aspectos locais. Para os edifícios estudados, a temperatura de conforto é 23,3 ºC e o percentual mínimo de usuários insatisfeitos é de 7%, sendo 2,3 K (Kelvin) menor que o modelo de Fanger, o que é significativo no balanço energético dos edifícios localizados em um clima da Europa central