346 research outputs found
Kemampuan kognitif merupakan kemampuan melaksanakan aktivitas otak (berpikir) untuk memperoleh pengetahuan. Kemampuan tersebut merupakan salah satu sasaran pembelajaran yang dituntut oleh kurikulum. Pada kenyataannya, di salah satu SMA Negeri di Kota Bandung, kemampuan kognitif yang dikembangkan tidak sampai pada jenjang C4 atau C6, tetapi hanya sampai jenjang C1 ataupun C2. Untuk itu, dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebuah pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode praktikum dan diskusi yang diharapkan dapat menunjang pencapaian kemampuan kognitif siswa sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum. Siswa-siswa yang terlibat dalam pembelajaran adalah satu kelas XI IPA yang dipilih secara acak. Setelah pembelajaran selesai, pengukuran kemampuan kognitif dilakukan dengan menggunakan soal berindikator dimensi proses kognitif dan dimensi pengetahuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kemampuan kognitif total siswa berkategori cukup dengan rerata sebesar 64,81%. Adapun kemampuan kognitif siswa pada jenjang C1 dan dimensi pengetahuannya memperoleh rerata sebesar 100% untuk C1 prosedural, 77,86% untuk C1 faktual, dan 61,16% untuk C1 konseptual. Kemampuan kognitif pada jenjang C2 dan dimensi pengetahuannya memperoleh rerata sebesar 94,29% untuk C2 prosedural, 67,14% untuk C2 metakognitif, dan 55,81% untuk C2 konseptual. Kemampuan kognitif siswa pada jenjang C3 dan dimensi pengetahuannya memperoleh rerata sebesar 74,76% untuk C3 konseptual, 60% untuk C3 prosedural, dan 14,29% untuk C3 metakognitif. Kemampuan kognitif pada jenjang C4 dan dimensi pengetahuannya memperoleh rerata sebesar 60% untuk C4 konseptual
Factors Influencing Difficulty Learn Economic Subject Of Student Class Of XII IPS Sman 2 Sijunjung
This research aim to to know Factors influencing difficulty learn economic subject of Class student of XII IPS SMAN 2 Sijunjung. Population is class student of XII IPS SMAN 2 Sijunjung School year 2014 / 2015 a number of 139 student. Sampel the taken a number of 103 student. Intake of sampel use technique of purposive sample. In this research of researcher study factors influencing difficulty learn economic subject of Class student of XII IPS SMAN 2 Sijunjung. Appliance data collecting which is used in this research is enquette. Data which is corps analysed with method analyse factor by using SPSS softwere.Result of research that there are seven ( 7) factor having an effect on to difficulty learn economic subject. Seventh of the factor is: ( 1) factor of afektif ( 2) school factor ( 3) educative participant factor ( 4) psychology factor ( 5) physiology factor ( 6) family factor ( 7) mass media factor and social environment. Seventh of this factor have big influence to difficulty learn economic subject of Class student of XII IPS SMAN 2 Sijunjung. This Matter of ditujunjukkan with variant coefficient equal to 66,747%. In this case told factors bearti in a tight place learn economic subject equal to 66,747% while the rest 33,253% representing other factors which do not be laid open in this research.Pursuant to result of research above there are level of influence of existing factors shall earn to race all related/relevant [party/ side] for the mengoptimalisasikan of benefit and existence from various existing factor
An analysis of LOTS and HOTS questions in English teacher-made final test items: A case study of the eighth grade in SMPN 17 and SMPN 50 Bandung
This study was intended to analyze the LOTS and HOTS questions: 1) to know the composition of LOTS and HOTS question of English teachermade items in the eighth grade in SMPN 17 and SMPN 50 Bandung, (2) to reveal what is the most frequent cognitive dimension of LOTS and HOTS question of English teacher-made items in the eighth grade in SMPN 17 and SMPN 50 Bandung. This study used a qualitative research design, specifically a case study. The participants were two teachers of the eighth grade students of SMPN 17 and SMPN 50 Bandung in the Academic Year 2018/2019. The participants were selected purposively based on the best-inform teacher. To obtain the data, semi-structured interview and document analysis were used. The semi-structure interview data was aimed to know the view of the teacher based on LOTS and HOTS questions. Then, the document analysis was conducted to know the composition of LOTS and HOTS question and what the most frequent cognitive dimension in the test is. The findings showed that the SMPN 17 Bandung has 35 questions categorized as LOTS question and 15 questions categorized as HOTS question. The most frequent cognitive dimension level used in this test is remembering (C1). There are 16 questions categorized as remembering (C1). The least frequent cognitive dimension level is analyzing (C4). Meanwhile, in the SMPN 50 Bandung, there are 37 categorized as LOTS questions and 13 questions categorized as HOTS questions. The most frequent cognitive dimension is remembering (C1). There are 16 Remembering (C1) questions. In conclusion, this research shows that the used of LOTS and HOTS question in English final test items can engage the students’ HOTS. Then, this research was recommended to implement the HOTS question in the test. Especially the three upper of Bloom’s taxonomy aspect; analyzing evaluating and creating
Pengaruh Strategi Coping dan Manajemen Waktu Terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak strategi coping dan manajemen waktu terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa kebidanan di Poltekkes Kemenkes Kaltim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 82 siswa kebidanan yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala prokrastinasi akademik, strategi koping, dan manajemen waktu. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan regresi berganda dengan program Paket Statistik untuk Ilmu Sosial (SPSS) 20.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh strategi coping dan manajemen waktu yang signifikan terhadap prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa kebidanan dengan nilai f> f tabel (261.938> 3,11) dan nilai p = 0,000 (p t tabel (-14,511> 1,990) dan nilai p = 0,000 (p t tabel (-2,653> 1,990) dan nilai p = 0,010 (p <0,05)
(Studi Deskriptif dalam Program Bandung Masagi
di SMP Negeri 2 Bandung)
Sita Aulia Rahmah
NIM. 1505691
Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh peran program Bandung Masagi sebagai program yang mengadopsi pandangan hidup urang Sunda dalam proses pelaksanaannya. Program Bandung Masagi merupakan program pendidikan berbasis karakter dalam mempersiapkan kompetensi 6C (Communication, collaborative work, creativity, citizenship, character, critical thinking) di abad 21 dalam menghadapi dampak negatif arus globalisasi terhadap lunturnya jati diri bangsa di kalangan generasi muda melalui empat ruang lingkup Bandung Masagi (bela negara, cinta lingkungan, cinta budaya Sunda, religi culture). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran program Bandung Masagi yang dibinakan di SMP Negeri 2 Bandung dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Merujuk dari hasil temuan, bahwa : (1) Terdapat 49 program Bandung Masagi yang dilaksanakan dan diterapkan di SMP Negeri 2 Bandung melalui empat ruang lingkup Bandung Masagi; (2) Pengimplementasian program Bandung Masagi di SMP Negeri 2 Bandung di implementasikan melalui ekstrakurikuler, kurikuler, dan pembiasaan sekolah; (3) Keterkaitan program Bandung Masagi terhadap pembinaan karakter peserta didik di SMP Negeri 2 Bandung berawal dari visi sekolah berkarakter yang bersinergi dengan program Bandung Masagi, sehingga membuat pelaksanaan dalam membina karakter peserta didik menjadi lebih tearah dan terwadahi dibawah payung hukum program Bandung Masagi.
Kata Kunci: Karakter, Pendidikan Karakter, Program Bandung Masagi
(BUILDING: A Descriptiven Study of Bandung Masagi Program at SMP Negeri 2 Bandung)
Sita Aulia Rahmah
NIM. 1505691
Abstract: This research conduct based on the role of Bandung Masagi program as an activity which adopts the view of life habits of Sundanese people (urang sunda). Bandung Masagi Program is an educational activity based on the character in order to prepare 6C’s competition (communication, collaborative work, creativity, citizenship, character, critical thinking) in the 21st century to confront negative impacts of globalization toward the waning of national identity in the young generation through four scopes of Bandung Masagi (state defense, the awareness of environment, Sundanese appreciation and religion culture). This research aims to describe the role of Bandung Masagi Program that held at SMP Negeri 2 Bandung to educate the character values itself. A qualitative approach with descriptive study method is used for this research. Observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation review are used as a data collection technique. Refer to the findings of this research, that: (1) There are 49 Bandung Masagi programs that are implemented at SMP Negeri 2 Bandung through four Bandung Masagi scopes; (2) Bandung Masagi Program at SMP Negeri 2 Bandung is implemented through extracurricular and school habituation; (3) The linkage of Bandung Masagi Program towards student’s character building at SMP Negeri 2 Bandung starts from the vision of school characyeristics which relate to Bandung Masagi Program to make the character building implementation become more directed and maintained under the law of Bandung Masagi.
Key Word: Character, Character Education, Bandung Masag
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Return On Investment (ROI), Financial Leverage (FL) dan Price Earning Ratio (PER) secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap Return Saham di Perusahaan Dagang yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel yang digunakan terdiri dari 39 laporan keuangan perusahaan dagang yang ada di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama tahun 2013-2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Return On Investment (ROI), Financial Leverage (FL), dan Price Earning Ratio (PER) secara simultan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Return Saham. Secara parsial variabel Return On Investment (ROI) dan Finacial Leverage (FL) mempunyai pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Return Saham, sedangkan variabel Price Earning Ratio (PER) tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Return Saham. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa meningkatnya Return Saham diimbangi dengan peningkatan Return On Investment (ROI) dan Financial Leverage (FL) perusahaan tersebut., namun masih ada pengaruh lain selain Return On Investment (ROI) dan Financial Leverage (FL) terhadap Return Saham
Kata Kunci: Return Saham, ROI, Financial Leverage, PE
Profil Jumlah Limfosit Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus) Betina Galur Sprague Dawley yang Terpajan 7,12 Dimetilbenz(Α)Antracene dan Mendapat Ekstrak Etanol Umbi Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.)
Tujuan: Mengetahui efek ekstrak etanol umbi bawang dayak (Eleutherine bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.) terhadap jumlah limfosit tikus putih galur Sprague Dawley yang terpajan 7,12 Dimetilbenz(α)antracene (DMBA). Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen menggunakan tikus betina galur Sprague Dawley yang diinduksi DMBA. Tikus dibagi secara acak menjadi 6 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok normal, kontrol negatif (DMSO 5%), kontrol positif (Tamoxifen), perlakuan I (ekstrak bawang dayak 180mg/kgBB), perlakuan II (ekstrak bawang dayak 360 mg/kgBB), dan perlakuan III (ekstrak bawang dayak 720 mg/kgBB). Hasil: Data jumlah limfosit kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji One-way ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Post hoc LSD. Ekstrak etanol umbi bawang dayak memiliki perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) terhadap jumlah limfosit. Uji Post hoc LSD menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p<0,05) pada kelompok perlakuan I, II, dan III terhadap kelompok kontrol negatif. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak etanol umbi bawang dayak memiliki efek terhadap tikus yang mengalami tumor payudara yaitu dengan meningkatkan jumlah limfosit pada tikus
Evaluation of the Importance of English as a Foreign Language in Elementary Schools in Indonesia
Currently, the language of instruction in the field of international relations is English. Given the growing number of schools that integrate English in their curricula, this has a strong propensity to rise. The importance of English today is such that it is required in many different spheres of life. According to Panggabean (2015), Indonesia's use of English appears to be highly significant at first glance because it is taught in schools from pre-kindergarten to graduate level and because many universities demand the TOEFL for admission and graduation. However, rather than being used as a tool for communication, English is still seen as a branch of knowledge distinct from other topics and as a foreign tongue. In this context, English in Indonesia refers to English as a Foreign Language (EFL), rather than English as a Second Language (ESL). This demonstrates that English is not prioritized in Indonesia. English is only taught in schools in Indonesia; it is not utilized frequently. Because of this, English is typically taught as a foreign language in Indonesia. In addition to these issues, Indonesian language politics have given English a worsening position with the removal of English classes from the elementary school curriculum in 2013
This study focuses on the implementation of data mining techniques to predict diabetes using the C4.5 algorithm. Diabetes is a syndrome characterized by metabolic disturbances and abnormally high blood glucose levels due to insulin deficiency or decreased tissue sensitivity to insulin. Maintaining blood sugar levels is crucial for health, as it is a vital energy source for cells and tissues. The research employs various classification attributes, including weight, gender (as an auxiliary attribute), blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and diabetes history. These attributes are used to help individuals predict whether their diabetes is hereditary or non-hereditary
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