141 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to explore the rules on the jurisdiction of courts in the Brazilian, North-American and European Union legal systems, and their reasonableness, in order to determine if they contain characteristics of exorbitance and exclusivity in the exercise of jurisdiction, and to compare them. Legislators in different legal orders tend to enact norms with comprehensive grounds for jurisdiction, with the intention of protection of their own interests, which are not always consistent with the best interest of the parties or the proximity of the case with the forum. To develop the mentioned objectives, the study was divided into two parts. In the first section, the general and special rules of jurisdiction in the Brazilian, North-American and European Union legal systems are explored. In the second section, the exorbitance and exclusivity of jurisdiction are analyzed, in order to propose a comparison between the three systems. In the study, we identified exorbitant and exclusive jurisdiction rules in all legal systems analyzed, which have negative consequences on the access to justice of individuals. Rules on jurisdiction should be instruments for the promotion of transnational justice and therefore exorbitant and exclusive rules on jurisdiction should be limited.KEYWORDS:International civil procedure; International civil jurisdiction; Reasonable jurisdiction; Exclusive and exorbitant civil jurisdiction. RESUMO Este estudo pretende explorar as regras de jurisdição internacional nos sistemas jurídicos do Brasil, dos Estados Unidos da América e da União Europeia, e a sua razoabilidade, com fins de desvendar se eles contêm características de exorbitância e exclusividade no exercício da jurisdição, comparando-as. Legisladores em diferentes ordens jurídicas tendem a promulgar normas com amplos fundamentos para jurisdição, com a intenção de proteger seus próprios interesses, que nem sempre são compatíveis com o melhor interesse das partes ou com a proximidade do caso com o foro. Para desenvolver os objetivos propostos, o estudo foi dividido em duas partes. Na primeira seção, são analisadas as regras gerais e especiais de jurisdição dos sistemas jurídicos do Brasil, dos Estados Unidos da América e da União Europeia. Na segunda seção, aborda-se exorbitância e exclusividade da jurisdição, com fins de propor uma comparação entre os três sistemas nesta matéria. Com o estudo, identificamos regras de jurisdição exorbitantes e exclusivas em todos os sistemas legais analisados, que possuem consequências negativas ao acesso à justiça dos indivíduos. As regras sobre a jurisdição devem ser instrumentos para apromoção da justiça transnacional e, portanto, as regras exorbitantes e exclusivas sobre jurisdição devem ser limitadas.PALAVRAS-CHAVE:Processo civil internacional; Jurisdição civil internacional; Jurisdição razoável; Jurisdição civil exclusiva e exorbitante

    The New Development Bank: challenges and interests

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    In this paper, I identify and analyze the main internal and external challenges, as well as the opportunities that the New Development Bank may face hereafter. Furthermore, this article has the objective to explore the founding members’ interests on the Bank considering the increasing role played by them in a constantly changing world. The research furthers the argument that the main challenges are related to the institutionalization of the Bank, its capacity to meet international demand for funding, and the Bank’s relation with other multilateral agencies. In addition, the core interests of the members concerns to political, strategical and economical calculus. In the end, I have contributed to offer a deeper understanding about that institution, and pointed out some perspectives that may be open to their activities and purposes, besides suggesting some insights for future investigation.  In this paper, I identify and analyze the main internal and external challenges, as well as the opportunities that the New Development Bank may face hereafter. Furthermore, this article has the objective to explore the founding members’ interests on the Bank considering the increasing role played by them in a constantly changing world. The research furthers the argument that the main challenges are related to the institutionalization of the Bank, its capacity to meet international demand for funding, and the Bank’s relation with other multilateral agencies. In addition, the core interests of the members concerns to political, strategical and economical calculus. In the end, I have contributed to offer a deeper understanding about that institution, and pointed out some perspectives that may be open to their activities and purposes, besides suggesting some insights for future investigation

    Tyrosinase inhibition: general and applied aspects.

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    The active site of tyrosinase is described with a view to depicting its interactions with substrates and inhibitors. Occurrence and mechanism(s) of tyrosinase-mediated browning of agrofood products are reviewed, with regard to both enzymic and chemical reactions, and their control, modulation, and inhibition. Technical and applicational implications are discussed

    The Contemporary World Order, BRICS and the R2P Principle: The Cases of Brazil and China (2005/2017)

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    One major pillar of the world orders’ legitimacy is the existence and recognition of international norms and institutions. In the literature on International Relations, many studies call attention to the importance of these features in approaching such topics as (inter)national sovereignty, humanitarian crises, and military interventions. Since the dynamic of contemporary global power is changing due to the rise of new centres of power such as the BRICS countries, it is worth evaluating whether, and to what extent, these new actors will follow the same established norms or challenge them. In this article, we analyse the BRICS’s adherence or failure to adhere to the norms encompassed by the concept of “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P). Methodology: It is a comparative investigation, based on official documents and a qualitative analysis, and focuses on the period of 2005-2017. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that even though the BRICS group do not present a united front in this field, they have highlighted the divisions in the international approach to R2P as seen in two major initiatives, led by Brazil and China. Originality: We argue that Brazil´s “Responsibility while Protecting” (RwP) and China´s “Responsible Protection” (RP) mean that those countries can be classified as “active critics of the norms” of R2P, while the other members are either “active critics” or “active critics and implementers”.Uno de los principales pilares de la legitimidad de los órdenes mundiales es la existencia y el reconocimiento de normas e instituciones internacionales. En la literatura de relaciones internacionales, muchos estudios llaman la atención sobre la importancia de las instituciones para abordar temas como la soberanía (inter)nacional, las crisis humanitarias y las intervenciones militares. Dado que la dinámica de poder global contemporáneo está cambiando debido al surgimiento de centros de poder, como los países del Bric, es relevante estudiar si y en qué medida los nuevos actores seguirán las normas establecidas o las impugnarán. Analizamos el desempeño de los Brics vis-à-vis las normativas incorporadas al concepto de responsabilidad de proteger (R2P). Metodología: el artículo consiste en una investigación cualitativa y comparada desde documentos oficiales y análisis cualitativos, y se enfoca en el período entre 2005 y 2017.Conclusiones: los hallazgos sugieren que, si bien los Brics no presentan una posición unificada en la discusión, contribuyen a destacar los debates sobre la R2P por medio de dos esfuerzos separados hechos especialmente por Brasil y China. Originalidad: argumentamos que el concepto brasileño de responsabilidad al proteger y el chino de protección responsables se pueden clasificar como críticos normativos activos de la R2P, mientras que los demás miembros son críticos activos o críticos activos y usuarios de la R2P.Um dos principais pilares da legitimidade das ordens mundiais é a existência e o reconhecimento de normas e instituições internacionais. Na literatura de Relações Internacionais, muitos estudos chamam a atenção para a importância dessas instituições para abordar temas tais como soberania (inter)nacional, crise humanitária e intervenções militares. Dado que a dinâmica de poder global contemporâneo está mudando em razão do surgimento de centros de poder, como os países do BRICS, é válido estudar se, e em que medida, esses novos atores seguirão as normas estabelecidas ou as contestarão. Analisamos a performance do BRICS vis-à-vis as normas incorporadas no conceito de “responsabilidade de proteger” (R2P). Metodologia: este artigo se baseia em uma pesquisa qualitativa e comparada a partir de documentos oficiais e análises qualitativas, com foco no período entre 2005 e 2017. Conclusões: nossos achados sugerem que, embora o BRICS não apresente uma posição unificada nessa questão, contribuem para destacar os debates sobre a R2P por meio de dois esforços separados feitos especialmente pelo Brasil e pela China.Originalidade: argumentamos que o conceito brasileiro de “responsabilidade ao proteger” e o chinês de “proteção responsável” podem ser classificados como de “críticos normativos ativos” da R2P, enquanto os demais membros são “críticos ativos” ou “críticos ativos e usuários” da R2P

    Efecto del ejercicio físico en la amplitud del movimiento articular de las extremidades inferiores de individuos con la enfermedad de Parkinson

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eight months of a multimodal program of physical exercise on articular range of motion of the lower limb of patients with Parkinson disease (PD), considering gender and disease stage. Seventeen individuals with PD participated in this study. Participants were assessed before of multimodal program of the physical exercise and after four and eight months of physical exercise. In these periods were evaluated the clinical aspects and articular range of motion of the lower limb. For statistical analysis, patients were distributed according to gender and disease stage. A MANOVA considering exercise, gender and stage of disease, with repeated measures for the first factor, was performed. The clinical results showed regression of disease progression, indicating cognitive decline for women. The articular range of motion improved after four and eight months of physical exercise, especially for the hip and ankle, independent of gender and stage of PD. It was concluded that the multimodal exercise program of the eight months was effective in improving articular range of motion in patients with PD. The benefits of exercise for this physical capacity were independent of gender and severity of PD.El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar el efecto de ocho meses de un programa multimodal de ejercicio físico en la amplitud de movimiento articular de la extremidad inferior de pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson (EP), considerando género y la etapa de la enfermedad. El estudio incluyó a 17 sujetos con EP idiopática. Los participantes fueron evaluados antes del período de ejecución del programa multimodal de ejercicio físico y tras cuatro y ocho meses de ejercicio físico. Se evaluaron aspectos clínicos y la amplitud de movimiento de las articulaciones de las extremidades inferiores. Para el análisis estadístico, los pacientes fueron agrupados de acuerdo con el género y etapa de la enfermedad, mediante la realización de un MANOVA con factor para ejercicio físico, género y estadio de la enfermedad, con medidas repetidas para el primer factor. Los resultados clínicos mostraron regresión de la progresión de la EP, y el deterioro cognitivo en las mujeres. La amplitud de movimiento articular mejoró tras cuatro y ocho meses de ejercicio físico, especialmente para la cadera y el tobillo, independientemente de su género y etapa de la enfermedad de Parkinson. Se concluyó que el programa multimodal de ejercicio físico de los ocho meses fue eficaz en mejorar la amplitud de movimiento articular en pacientes con EP, y los beneficios independiente del género y la gravedad de la EP.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito de oito meses de um programa multimodal de exercício físico na amplitude de movimento articular do membro inferior de pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP), considerando gênero e estágio da doença. Participaram deste estudo 17 indivíduos com DP idiopática. Os participantes foram avaliados antes do período da execução do programa multimodal de exercício físico e após quatro e oito meses de exercício físico. Foram avaliados aspectos clínicos e a amplitude de movimento das articulações do membro inferior. Para análise estatística, os pacientes foram agrupados de acordo com gênero e estágio da doença, sendo realizada uma MANOVA com fator para exercício físico, gênero e estágio da doença, com medidas repetidas para o primeiro fator. Os resultados clínicos indicaram regressão da progressão da DP, com declínio cognitivo para as mulheres. A amplitude de movimento articular melhorou após quatro e oito meses de exercício físico, principalmente para o quadril e tornozelo, independente de gênero e estágio da doença de Parkinson. Conclui-se que o programa multimodal de exercício físico de oito meses foi eficiente em melhorar a amplitude de movimento articular de pacientes com DP, sendo os benefícios independentes do gênero e da severidade da DP


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    The coffee plant can grow together with different plants, but the presence of allelochemicals can affect the crop post-planting. This study aimed to evaluate the early growth of coffee seedlings following treatment with plant extracts from different botanical families. The experimental design used randomized blocks with four trials, in a 7 × 2 factorial scheme; the first factor consisted of aqueous extracts from six species: canola, crotalaria, brachiaria, sunflower, wheat, and lupine; water was used as the control. The second factor comprised of different botanical parts of the aforementioned six species of plant. The extracts were diluted to 5% concentration and were applied at a dose of 20 mL per plant. The agronomic variables analyzed were plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), leaf area index (LAI), leaf dry matter (LDM), root dry matter (RDM), and root length (RL). Compared to the canola extract, the application of brachiaria extract resulted in the best response in PH, regardless of the botanical part that constituted the extract, leading to an increase in PH by 3.77 cm. The agronomic character most sensitive to the application of aqueous extracts was PH, in which the brachiaria extract was prominent in inducing the greatest growth, whereas the canola extract hindered the initial development of Arabica coffee seedlings.The coffee plant can grow together with different plants, but the presence of allelochemicals can affect the crop post-planting. This study aimed to evaluate the early growth of coffee seedlings following treatment with plant extracts from different botanical families. The experimental design used randomized blocks with four trials, in a 7 × 2 factorial scheme; the first factor consisted of aqueous extracts from six species: canola, crotalaria, brachiaria, sunflower, wheat, and lupine; water was used as the control. The second factor comprised of different botanical parts of the aforementioned six species of plant. The extracts were diluted to 5% concentration and were applied at a dose of 20 mL per plant. The agronomic variables analyzed were plant height (PH), stem diameter (SD), leaf area index (LAI), leaf dry matter (LDM), root dry matter (RDM), and root length (RL). Compared to the canola extract, the application of brachiaria extract resulted in the best response in PH, regardless of the botanical part that constituted the extract, leading to an increase in PH by 3.77 cm. The agronomic character most sensitive to the application of aqueous extracts was PH, in which the brachiaria extract was prominent in inducing the greatest growth, whereas the canola extract hindered the initial development of Arabica coffee seedlings