3,069 research outputs found
Critérios de projeto para moinhos de cimento Portland
O coprocessamento de resíduos industriais e urbanos possibilitou reduzir o consumo de combustíveis naturais na fabricação de cimentos Portland por via seca, pois os das vias úmidas foram abandonados pelo mesmo motivo. A adoção de moinhos verticais de rolos para farinha ou produto numa indústria cimenteira segue essa tendência de redução de custos operacionais, podendo atingir um abatimento entre 10 a 20% da despesa relacionada com o consumo de energia. A variedade existente de moinhos horizontais e verticais é apreciável, existindo, inclusive modelos de ambos os tipos que utilizam bolas, enquanto outros adotam rolos ou cilindros metálicos maciços. Os mecanismos de moagem presentes num moinho de bolas podem ser individuais ou associados e dependem de ações fraturantes oriundas de impacto, compressão e abrasão. O mecanismo de moagem num moinho vertical de rolos baseia-se na força centrífuga e na ação de compressão que os corpos moedores exercem contra as partículas finas de sólidos sobre uma mesa moedora e/ou um anel ou cuba de retenção e esmagamento. Os moinhos de bolas possibilitam secar o material moído, sendo associados a separadores externos para
reciclar o material grosso, ao passo que o moinho vertical de rolos executa três operações num único
equipamento: secagem, moagem e separação. Os ensaios de Bond e de Hardgrove servem para determinar a moabilidade de sólidos naturais e sintéticos em moinhos de bolas e de bolas em anéis.
Apesar de existir no mercado um moinho laboratorial envolvendo um rolo vertical numa pequena cuba
similar a um Moinho Raymond, aparentemente inexiste um procedimento padronizado para embasar o
projeto deste tipo de moinho vertical de rolos que seja aplicável aos sólidos naturais e sintéticos. Da
mesma forma, parece inexistirem aparatos laboratoriais e procedimentos pertinentes para determinar a
moabilidade em outras modalidades de moinhos verticais de rolos. O presente projeto final de graduação elencou os critérios principais que são adotados para dimensionar, selecionar e detalhar moinhos de bolas e moinhos verticais de rolos para sua aquisição por indústrias cimenteiras, bem como alguns parâmetros para controle do processo de moagem, aplicáveis a casos reais que dependem dos dados de processo químico industrial, que devem ser fornecidos pelas empresas interessadas
Counting of shoots of Eucalyptus sp. clones with convolutional neural network
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o uso do modelo de rede neural convolucional You Only Look Once (YOLO) para detecção e contagem eficiente de brotos de Eucalyptus sp. em plantações, por meio de fotografias aéreas capturadas por veículos aéreos não tripulados. Para isso, avaliou-se a importância da organização dos dados durante o processo de treinamento do sistema. Foram utilizados dois conjunto de dados para treinar a rede neural convolucional: um consistindo em imagens com um único broto e o outro com pelo menos dez brotos por imagem. Os resultados mostraram altas taxas de precisão e recall para ambos os conjuntos de dados. A rede neural convolucional treinada com imagens contendo dez brotos por imagem apresentou desempenho superior quando aplicada a dados não utilizados durante o treinamento. Portanto, a rede neural convolucional YOLO pode ser usada para detecção e contagem de brotos de clones de Eucalyptus sp. a partir de imagens aéreas capturadas por veículos aéreos não tripulados em áreas florestais. Recomenda-se o uso de imagens contendo dez brotos para compor o conjunto de dados de treinamento para o detector de objetos.The objective of this work was to investigate the use of the You Only Look Once (YOLO) convolutional neural network model for the detection and efficient counting of Eucalyptus sp. shoots in stands through aerial photographs captured by unmanned aerial vehicles. For this, the significance of data organization was evaluated during the system-training process. Two datasets were used to train the convolutional neural network: one consisting of images with a single shoot and another with at least ten shoots per image. The results showed high precision and recall rates for both datasets. The convolutional neural network trained with images containing ten shoots per image showed a superior performance when applied to data not used during training. Therefore, the YOLO convolutional neural network can be used for the detection and counting of shoots of Eucalyptus sp. clones from aerial images captured by unmanned aerial vehicles in forest stands. The use of images containing ten shoots is recommended to compose the training dataset for the object detector
Biomass burning is a major disturbance factor for ecosystems and has an important role in climate and in the Earth system, mainly due to the release of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, into the atmosphere, being observed an increase in these emissions over the last decades caused by human action. However, some initiatives were and are being proposed to reduce greenhouse gases emissions from biomass burning, for example, the Green Ethanol Protocol, which proposes the end of sugarcane pre-harvest burning in São Paulo state (Brazil), therefore, it is important to quantify the effectiveness of these proposals. In this context, this study aims to quantify the reduction in CO2 emissions from sugarcane pre-harvest burning in São Paulo state between 2008 and 2014 using multiplatform orbital remote sensing data and the method based on Fire Radiative Power (FRP). Results show a significant decrease in the estimates obtained between 2008 and 2014; total annual CO2 emitted in 2014 was approximately 5.2% of annual emissions in 2008, and 4.1% of total emissions in 2010, when they were highest. Considering the results found, it was possible to conclude that Green Ethanol Protocol presents positive results in reducing emissions of CO2 associated to sugarcane pre-harvest burning in São Paulo state
Soil Temperature in the Rooting zone of Rice Plants Grown in Pots and in a Paddy Field
A widely used approach in agronomic studies is to conductexperiments where plants are grown in pots with a volume usually varyingfrom 5 to 15 liters (PETERSON et al., 1984; ELLIS et al., 1993;MICHELON, 2006; MARTINS & STRECK, 2007). An important concernwhen using this approach is if the microclimate that plants grown in pots isthe same as the microclimate plants grown in the field are exposed to.Among microclimate variables that may be affected in pots is soiltemperature, a major environmental factor that drives plant growth anddevelopment.Rice is an important agricultural crop in Southern Brazil. Themajority of rice crop in this region is grown in flooded pads (paddyfields). Experiments with rice grown in pots have recently been performedin Southern Brazil and the results of these experiments have been extendedto a paddy field (STRECK et al., 2006a,b; STRECK et al., 2007). Therefore,it is important that soil temperature is not a limiting factor for extendingsuch results to a field. The objective of this study was to quantify soiltemperature in pots and in a field pad grown with rice.Soil temperature in the rooting zone of rice plants grown inpots and in a paddy fiel
Determinação de critérios microscópicos para avaliação da reação tecidual frente a diferentes cimentos endodônticos
O tratamento endodôntico inclui a desinfecção e a modelagem do canal radicular, seguidas de sua obturação que visa um selamento tridimensional e hermético do espaço pulpar evitando sua recontaminação (Poggio et al., 2014)
Clinical, Radiographic And Hematological Characteristics Of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Pneumonia.
To describe the clinical, hematological and radiographic characteristics of children hospitalized for Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. The study population consisted of 190 children between 3 months and 16 years old, hospitalized for radiographically confirmed pneumonia. Patients were divided into two groups, to wit: 95 children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia, as diagnosed using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method; and 95 children with pneumonia caused by other etiologic agents. Using a validated scoring system, the clinical, hematological and radiographic findings of both groups were compared to differentiate Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (group 1) from pneumonia caused by other etiologic agents (group 2), itself divided into two groups, bacterial (n = 75) and viral (n = 20). Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia was found most often in girls (p < 0.01), older children (p < 0.01), and patients with dry cough (p < 0.01) and extrapulmonary manifestations (p < 0.01). The clinical, hematological and radiographic variables of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (mean score = 6.95) scored between those found in bacterial (mean score = 8.27) and viral pneumonia (mean score = 0.90). Results suggest that the scoring system can contribute to the presumptive diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia and help differentiate pneumonic status caused by other etiologic agents.86480-
Dietary, Anthropometric, and Biochemical Determinants of Plasma High-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol in Free-Living Adults
The level of high-density lipoprotein is thought to be critical in inhibiting lesion formation as well as reducing the lipid load of preexisting atherosclerotic lesions. With the aim of determining the main determinants of plasma HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c) in free-living adults, 997 individuals (52.3 ± 10 years, 67% females) were selected for a descriptive cross-sectional study. The used data corresponded to the baseline obtained from participants clinically selected for a lifestyle modification program. Covariables of clinical, anthropometry, food intake, aerobic fitness, and plasma biochemistry were analyzed against plasma HDL-c either as continuous or categorized variables. After adjustments for age, gender, and BMI the excess of abdominal fat along with high carbohydrate-energy intake and altered plasma triglycerides were the stronger predictors of reduced plasma HDL-c. In conclusion lifestyle interventions aiming to normalize abdominal fatness and plasma triglycerides are recommended to restore normal levels of HDL-c in these free-living adults
Characterization and Trends of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Fire Emissions in the Brazilian Cerrado during 2002–2017
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Fire occurrence is a major disturbance in the Brazilian Cerrado, which is driven by both natural and anthropogenic activities. Despite increasing efforts for monitoring the Cerrado, a biome-scale study for quantifying and understanding the variability of fire emissions is still needed. We aimed at characterizing and finding trends in Particulate Matter with diameter less than 2.5 µm (PM2.5) fire emissions in the Brazilian Cerrado using the PREP-CHEM-SRC emissions preprocessing tool and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) active fires datasets for the 2002–2017 period. Our results showed that, on average, the Cerrado emitted 1.08 Tg year−1 of PM2.5 associated with fires, accounting for 25% and 15% of the PM2.5 fire emissions in Brazil and South America, respectively. Most of the PM2.5 fire emissions were concentrated in the end of the dry season (August, 0.224 Tg month−1 and September, 0.386 Tg month−1) and in the transitional month (October, 0.210 Tg month−1). Annually, 66% of the total emissions occurred over the savanna land cover; however, active fires that were detected in the evergreen broadleaf land cover tended to emit more than active fires occurring in the savanna land cover. Spatially, each 0.1° grid cell emitted, on average, 0.5 Mg km−2 year−1 of PM2.5 associated with fires, but the values can reach to 16.6 Mg km−2 year−1 in a single cell. Higher estimates of PM2.5 emissions associated with fires were mostly concentrated in the northern region, which is the current agricultural expansion frontier in this biome. When considering the entire Cerrado, we found an annual decreasing trend representing -1.78% of the annual average PM2.5 emitted from fires during the period analyzed, however, the grid cell analysis found annual trends representing ± 35% of the annual average PM2.5 fire emissions
A remote sensing-based method to assess water level fluctuations in wetlands in southern Brazil.
The characterization of water level fluctuations is crucial to explain the hydrological processes that contribute to the maintenance of the structure and function of wetlands. The aim of this study was to develop a method based on remote sensing to characterize and map the water level variation patterns, evapotranspiration, discharge, and rainfall over wetlands in the Gravataí River basin, Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. For this purpose, ground-based measurements of rainfall, water discharge, and evapotranspiration together with satellite data were used to identify the apparent water level based on the normalized difference water index (NDWI). Our results showed that the variation of the water level followed the rainfall, water discharge, and evapotranspiration seasonal patterns in the region. The NDWI showed similar values to the ground-based data collected 10 days prior to satellite image acquisition. The proposed technique allows for quantifying the pattern of flood pulses, which play an important role for establishing the connectivity between different compartments of wetlands in the study area. We conclude that our methodology based on the use of satellite data and ground measurements was a useful proposition to analyze the water level variation patterns in an area of great importance in terms of environmental degradation and use of agriculture. The information obtained may be used as inputs in hydrologic models, allowing researchers to evaluate the impact, at both local and regional scales, caused by advance of agriculture into natural environments such as wetlands
O presente trabalho busca apresentar uma análise argumentativa da resposta do pós-escrito de O Conceito de Direito às críticas formuladas por Dworkin. Primeiramente, será demonstrado que Hart intenta uma teoria descritiva geral do direito, enquanto Dworkin propõe uma teoria liberal do direito. Em seguida, explica-se a teoria de Hart como união de regras primárias e secundárias. Posteriormente serão analisadas as críticas de Dworkin. A metodologia do trabalho baseou-se em pesquisa teórica, com levantamento bibliográfico. Para fundamentar as hipóteses foi utilizado o método dedutivo. Finalmente, defende-se que a posição de Dworkin não apresenta um desafio real para O Conceito de Direito
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