2,029 research outputs found


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    In this paper an exploratory research of the determinants of criminal victimization in São Paulo state is conducted using the life-style and opportunity models with Seade's 1998 Pesquisa de Condição de Vida (Life Condition Survey). São Paulo is the most populous Brazilian state with 37 million inhabitants, responding for more than one third of the Brazilian GDP. Our results indicate that the life-style and opportunity models had a good fitting to the data. As expected, the likelihood of being a burglary/larceny victim is increasing in income and if the person is male, and it decreases if the person is married and has few years of schooling. In relation to assault, the victimization likelihood increases considerably if the person is asian, single or divorced, and foreigner, on the other hand, it is decreasing in income and years of schooling, and it is smaller for black or multi-racial background people.

    Food assistance in Portugal: organizational challenges in three different contexts

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    Drawing on an ethnographic research study, developed in three different food assistance initiatives (FAI) operating in Portugal, this article seeks to explore the elements that characterize them and the main organizational challenges they face. Participant observation was carried out in a surplus food redistribution charity, a soup kitchen, and a social supermarket, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with supervisors of these FAI. The study followed an inductive coding strategy and a thematic analysis was developed. The main results point to an appreciation of the initiatives and the role they play, but they also highlight the existence of several challenges, mainly related to: i) difficulties in accessing sources of funding; ii) the absence of an intervening state; and iii) a scarcity of resources that allow a thorough assessment of their activities and services provided, which weakens the public image of these responses. The development of food assistance in Europe has a long history. Over the past few years, this sector has grown significantly. Nowadays, it is possible to identify several realities around emergency food provision. However, this heterogeneity has not been sufficiently explored in the literature. In addition, there are few studies that report on the variety of initiatives that co-exist in Portugal and establish a comparison between them. The current paper intends to overcome this gap by seeking to understand the main models of food assistance operating in the country.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mithridates, Helianax and Late Hellenistic Delos as Global City: Urban Insularity and Integration Fields

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    This paper discusses the theoretical problem of the mediation between macro and micro scales of analysis in Global History, centered on the analysis of the temple of Mithridates dedicated by a certain Helianax in 102/1 BC in the Samothrakeion of Delos. After describing the available archaeological and epigraphical evidence, the paper discusses the concepts of (urban) insularity, world/global city, and integration fields, in order to explore their explanatory power for the analysis of the integration fields and modes of integration visible in Helianax’s dedication.This paper discusses the theoretical problem of the mediation between macro and micro scales of analysis in Global History, centered on the analysis of the temple of Mithridates dedicated by a certain Helianax in 102/1 BC in the Samothrakeion of Delos. After describing the available archaeological and epigraphical evidence, the paper discusses the concepts of (urban) insularity, world/global city, and integration fields, in order to explore their explanatory power for the analysis of the integration fields and modes of integration visible in Helianax’s dedication.This paper discusses the theoretical problem of the mediation between macro and micro scales of analysis in Global History, centered on the analysis of the temple of Mithridates dedicated by a certain Helianax in 102/1 BC in the Samothrakeion of Delos. After describing the available archaeological and epigraphical evidence, the paper discusses the concepts of (urban) insularity, world/global city, and integration fields, in order to explore their explanatory power for the analysis of the integration fields and modes of integration visible in Helianax’s dedication

    Cultural Interactions between Europe and the United States in the Nineteenth and its prospects for today

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    While in Europe during the second half of the nineteenth century - especially in France - intellectuals as Jules Michelet, Ernest Renan and Hippolyte Rivail Denizard, among many others, produced monumental works that would be studied to this day, North America - still under strong Victorian influence – was looking to build its identity. The United States, a young nation, culturally dependent on Britain, was a predominantly an agrarian State and strongly influenced by Puritan Protestantism. In this context, a frail, black woman, Ellen White wrote over seventy years, one hundred thousand manuscript pages - without the intellectualism of the French - but with remarkable depth on subjects as seemingly disparate as psychology, education, religion and diet. The purpose of this communication is to analyze the broad outlines of the holistic work of Ellen White from the context of a sense of her time and propose relations between the European production (French) for the period and her work, contributing to discussions between various areas of Humanities


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    How large are welfare costs associated with economic aggregate fluctuations is a topic of great concern among economists at least since Robert Lucas' well-known and thought-provoking exercise in the late 1980s. Our analysis assesses the magnitude of such costs for nine countries in South America by means of three alternative trend-cycle decomposition methods. The results suggest South American countries have welfare costs of economic fluctuations notably higher than the U. S. economy.

    Leisure participation of portuguese children with cerebral palsy

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    Participation in leisure activities contributes to the child development, health and wellbeing. Nowadays, participation is a major pediatric rehabilitation goal according to the biopsychosocial model of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY). However, studies and measures about leisure participation for Portuguese-speaking children with cerebral palsy (CP) are lacking. This research aimed to (i) translate and validate a tool for evaluating participation for children and adolescents with typical development (TD) and CP, (ii) describe the participation and analyze factors that influence the participation of children and adolescents with CP in leisure activities and (iii) identify differences in participation in physical leisure activities among children with TD and CP. The first study assessed validity and reliability of the Portuguese (European) version of the Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE). Our results show that CAPE Portuguese version showed satisfactory content and construct validity and test-retest reliability to assess children with CP and TD aged between 8 and 18 years. In the second study we described patterns and assessed the influence of child and family factors on leisure participation of 69 children with CP. Children with CP were involved in 21 leisure activities. While social and recreational activities were most reported, participation in physical and skill-based activities was low. Overall children with CP experience high enjoyment while engaging in leisure activities. Collectively, factors of age, cognitive function, gross motor function, and mother’s education level predicted 33% of diversity and 30% of participation frequency. In the third study we focus on differences in participation in 16 leisure physical activities between CP (n=69) and TD children (n=101). Both groups reported high prevalence of participation in four informal physical activities. However, TD children participate more frequently in team sports (p=0.026), individual physical activities (p=0.018) and bicycling (p=0.001) than CP peers (gross motor function level II-V), which participation in horseback riding was higher (p=0.031). This research provides preliminary evidence for use CAPE to assess leisure participation in children with CP and TD. We concluded that, despite the limitations, children with CP show diverse leisure participation and high enjoyment, but with low engagement in physical activities. Child and family factors play an important role on ii overall participation. Rehabilitation support toward participation promotion could help to improve engagement in leisure activities in children with CP.A participação em atividades de lazer contribui para o desenvolvimento, a saúde e o bem-estar da criança com e sem deficiências. Atualmente, a participação é objectivo primário na reabilitação pediátrica de acordo com o modelo biopsicossocial da Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde para Crianças e Jovens (CIF-CJ). No entanto, estudos e medidas de avaliação da participação de crianças portuguesas com paralisia cerebral (PC) em atividades de lazer ainda são escassos na literatura. Esta pesquisa teve como objectivos: i) traduzir e validar um instrumento de avaliação da participação para crianças e adolescentes com desenvolvimento típico (DT) e PC, ii) descrever a participação e analisar fatores que influenciam a participação de crianças com PC em atividades de lazer e (iii) identificar diferenças na participação em atividades físicas de lazer entre crianças com DT e PC. O primeiro estudo avaliou a validade e fiabilidade da versão portuguesa do questionário Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment (CAPE). Os resultados mostram que a versão portuguesa do CAPE detém validade de conteúdo e constructo, e fiabilidade teste-reteste satisfatórios para avaliar crianças com PC e DT com idade entre os 8 e os 18 anos. No segundo estudo descrevemos o padrão de participação no lazer e examinámos a influência de fatores da criança da família na participação de 69 crianças com PC. As crianças com PC participaram em média em 21 atividades de lazer. Enquanto as atividades sociais e recreativas foram as mais reportadas, a participação em atividades físicas e baseadas em habilidades foi baixa. Em geral as crianças com PC experimentam um elevado nível de satisfação quando participam nas atividades. Colectivamente, os factores idade, função cognitiva, função motora grossa e nível de educação da mãe previram 33% da diversidade e 30% da frequência de participação nestas atividades. No terceiro estudo centramo-nos nas diferenças de participação em 16 atividades físicas de lazer entre as crianças com PC (n=69) e DT (n=101). Ambos os grupos referiram uma elevada prevalência de participação em quatro atividades físicas informais. No entanto, as crianças com DT participam mais frequentemente em desportos de equipa (p=0,026), atividades físicas individuais (p=0,018) e bicicleta (p=0,001) do que os pares com PC (nível de função motora grossa II-V), cuja participação em equitação foi significativamente mais elevada (p=0,031). Esta investigação fornece evidências para a utilização do CAPE na avaliação da participação em atividades v de lazer de crianças com e sem PC, com idade entre 8 e 18 anos. Concluímos que, apesar das limitações, as crianças com PC apresentam uma participação diversa no lazer e uma elevada fruição, mas com baixo envolvimento em atividades físicas. Os fatores individuais e familiares identificados neste estudo desempenham um papel importante na participação e devem ser considerados. Os resultados deste estudo podem ajudar aos profissionais envolvidos na reabilitação a potenciar o envolvimento de crianças e adolescentes com PC em atividades recreativas e de lazer

    Storytellers – workshops about sexuality with adolescents

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    Este trabalho analisa uma intervenção em educação da saúde realizada por meio de oficinas de contadores de histórias com um grupo de 19 adolescentes atendidos em um programa só-cio-educativo na cidade de Porto Alegre. O objetivo do estudo foi problematizar a sexuali-dade, a partir da leitura e elaboração de histórias pelos jovens. A análise dos dados pautou-se nos estudos de Michel Foucault. Nas conversas e nas histórias construídas, os jovens con-taram das violências presentes no cotidiano: a pobreza, a fome, a droga, a vida na rua, o tratamento desigual que recebem na instituição. Usaram repertórios onde se mesclam pa-drões tradicionais sobre sexo/gênero, traduzidos no desejo de namorar, casar, ter filhos e, ao mesmo tempo, usaram gírias e ironias em relação aos aspectos proibidos da sexualidade. Os jovens manifestaram receio em se comprometer com a proposta das oficinas, referindo-se a si mesmos como aqueles que não são capazes de apreender. Oficinas de histórias po-dem ser de valia nas práticas de educação em saúde como ferramentas para trabalhar com pessoas vulneráveis, inclusive adolescentes.This work analyses a public health intervention based on storytellers’ workshops with 19 adolescents attended by a social and educative program in Porto Alegre city. The study ob-jective was to problematize sexuality, starting from story reading and elaboration by the teenagers. The data analysis was based on Michel Foucault studies. The teenagers through-out the conversations and the stories constructions talked about the violent situations on daily life: the poverty, the hunger, the drugs, the street life, and the unequal treatment they receive at institution. They used repertoires that mixed traditional patterns related to sex/gender, translated in the desire for dating, getting married, having children and, at the same time, they used a vocabulary of slang and ironies related to forbidden aspects of sexuality. The teenagers were afraid to establish a commitment with the proposal, refer-ring themselves as the ones who are not capable of learning. Story workshops can be help-ful as tools in educational health practices, in order to work with people who present vul-nerability issues, including adolescents