680 research outputs found

    Navy-developed life support systems for fully enclosed protective suits

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    The development and performance of an environmental control unit capable of supporting a man in an impermeable suit at ambient temperatures up to 140 F for periods of up to two hrs is reported. The basic suit operation consists of cooling by wet ice contained in a suitcase. The system is designed to circulate and cool the air within the suit, to remove excess moisture and carbon dioxide, and to maintain a safe oxygen level

    Chronic Delivery of a Thrombospondin-1 Mimetic Decreases Skeletal Muscle Capillarity in Mice

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    Angiogenesis is an essential process for normal skeletal muscle function. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), a potent antiangiogenic protein in tumorigenesis, is an important regulator of both physiological and pathological skeletal muscle angiogenesis. We tested the hypothesis that chronic exposure to a TSP-1 mimetic (ABT-510), which targets the CD36 TSP-1 receptor, would decrease skeletal muscle capillarity as well as alter the balance between positive and negative angiogenic proteins under basal conditions. Osmotic minipumps with either ABT-510 or vehicle (5% dextrose) were implanted subcutaneously in the subscapular region of C57/BL6 mice for 14 days. When compared to the vehicle treated mice, the ABT-510 group had a 20% decrease in capillarity in the superficial region of the gastrocnemius (GA), 11% decrease in the plantaris (PLT), and a 35% decrease in the soleus (SOL). ABT-510 also decreased muscle protein expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in both the GA (−140%) and SOL (−62%); however there was no change in VEGF in the PLT. Serum VEGF was not altered in ABT-510 treated animals. Endogenous TSP-1 protein expression in all muscles remained unaltered. Tunnel staining revealed no difference in muscle apoptosis between ABT-510 and vehicle treated groups. These data provide evidence that the anti-angiogenic effects of TSP-1 are mediated, at least in part, via the CD36 receptor. It also suggests that under physiologic conditions the TSP-1/CD36 axis plays a role in regulating basal skeletal muscle microvessel density

    Temporomandibular joint prosthesis in cancer reconstruction preceding radiation therapy

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    Total joint prostheses are a viable treatment option after removal of malignancies invading the temporomandibular joint, even when adjuvant radiation therapy is required.publishedVersio

    Fibroblast growth factor receptor 5 (FGFR5) is a co-receptor for FGFR1 that is up-regulated in beta-cells by cytokine-induced inflammation

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    Fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR1) activity at the plasma membrane is tightly controlled by the availability of co-receptors and competing receptor isoforms. We have previously shown that FGFR1 activity in pancreatic beta-cells modulates a wide range of processes, including lipid metabolism, insulin processing, and cell survival. More recently, we have revealed that co-expression of FGFR5, a receptor isoform that lacks a tyrosine-kinase domain, influences FGFR1 responses. We therefore hypothesized that FGFR5 is a co-receptor to FGFR1 that modulates responses to ligands by forming a receptor heterocomplex with FGFR1. We first show here increased FGFR5 expression in the pancreatic islets of nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice and also in mouse and human islets treated with proinflammatory cytokines. Using siRNA knockdown, we further report that FGFR5 and FGFR1 expression improves beta-cell survival. Co-immunoprecipitation and quantitative live-cell imaging to measure the molecular interaction between FGFR5 and FGFR1 revealed that FGFR5 forms a mixture of ligand-independent homodimers (25%) and homotrimers (75%) at the plasma membrane. Interestingly, co-expressed FGFR5 and FGFR1 formed heterocomplexes with a 2:1 ratio and subsequently responded to FGF2 by forming FGFR5/FGFR1 signaling complexes with a 4:2 ratio. Taken together, our findings identify FGFR5 as a co-receptor that is up-regulated by inflammation and promotes FGFR1-induced survival, insights that reveal a potential target for intervention during beta-cell pathogenesis

    Occupational therapists’ views of using a virtual reality interior design application within the pre-discharge home visit process

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: A key role of Occupational Therapists (OTs) is to carry out pre-discharge home visits (PHV) and propose appropriate adaptations to the home environment, to enable patients to function independently after hospital-home discharge. However, research shows that more than 50% of specialist equipment installed as part of home adaptations is not used by patients. A key reason for this is that decisions about home adaptations are often made without adequate collaboration and consultation with the patient. Consequently, there is an urgent need to seek out new and innovative uses of technology to facilitate patient/practitioner collaboration, engagement and shared decision making in the PHV process. Virtual reality interior design applications (VRIDAs) primarily allow users to simulate the home environment and visualise changes prior to implementing them. Customised VRIDAs, which also model specialist occupational therapy equipment, could become a valuable tool to facilitate improved patient/practitioner collaboration if developed effectively and integrated into the PHV process. Objective: To explore the perceptions of occupational therapists with regards to using VRIDAs as an assistive tool within the PHV process. Methods: Task-oriented interactive usability sessions, utilising the think-aloud protocol and subsequent semi-structured interviews were carried out with seven Occupational Therapists who possessed significant experience across a range of clinical settings. Template analysis was carried out on the think-aloud and interview data. Analysis was both inductive and driven by theory, centring around the parameters that impact upon the acceptance, adoption and use of this technology in practice as indicated by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Results: OTs’ perceptions were identified relating to three core themes: (1) perceived usefulness (PU), (2) perceived ease of use (PEoU), and (3) actual use (AU). Regarding PU, OTs believed VRIDAs had promising potential to increase understanding, enrich communications and patient involvement, and improved patient/practitioner shared understanding. However, it was unlikely that VRIDAs would be suitable for use with cognitively impaired patients. For PEoU, all OTs were able to use the software and complete the tasks successfully, however, participants noted numerous specialist equipment items that could be added to the furniture library. AU perceptions were positive regarding use of the application across a range of clinical settings including children/young adults, long-term conditions, neurology, older adults, and social services. However, some “fine tuning” may be necessary if the application is to be optimally used in practice. Conclusions: Participants perceived the use of VRIDAs in practice would enhance levels of patient/practitioner collaboration and provide a much needed mechanism via which patients are empowered to become more equal partners in decisions made about their care. Further research is needed to explore patient perceptions of VRIDAs, to make necessary customisations accordingly, and to explore deployment of the application in a collaborative patient/practitioner-based context

    Behavior and pro-inflammatory cytokine variations among submissive and dominant mice engaged in aggressive encounters: Moderation by corticosterone reactivity

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    Psychosocial stressors contribute to the pathophysiology of affective disorders and variations of cytokine functioning have been implicated in this process. The present investigation demonstrated, in mice, the impact of stressful aggressive encounters on activity levels, plasma corticosterone and cytokine concentrations, and on cytokine mRNA expression within the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus. As glucocorticoids have been tied to cytokine variations, mice were subdivided into low or high corticosterone responders, defined in terms of circulating hormone levels 75 min post-confrontation. Interestingly, stressor-induced effects among low and high responders varied as a function of whether mice were submissive or dominant during the aggressive bout. Agonistic encounters elicited subsequent hyperactivity, particularly among low corticosterone responders and among dominant mice. Plasma levels of corticosterone and interleukin (IL)-6 concomitantly increased after aggressive encounters and varied with dominance status and with the low versus high corticosterone response. Among the low responders corticosterone and IL-6 increases were modest and only apparent among submissive mice, whereas among high responders these elevations were more pronounced and comparable in submissive and dominant mice. Aggressive episodes also increased IL-1ÎČ and IL-6 mRNA brain expression. The IL-1ÎČ rise was greater in the PFC and hippocampus of submissive mice that were low responders. Among high responders IL-1ÎČ and IL-6 increased in both groups, although in the PFC this effect was specific to dominant mice. The data are discussed in terms of their relevance to the impact of aggressive encounters on affective behaviors, and to the role that cytokines might play in this regard

    Globally convergent evolution strategies for constrained optimization

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose, analyze, and test algorithms for constrained optimization when no use of derivatives of the objective function is made. The proposed methodology is built upon the globally convergent evolution strategies previously introduced by the authors for unconstrained optimization. Two approaches are encompassed to handle the constraints. In a first approach, feasibility is first enforced by a barrier function and the objective function is then evaluated directly at the feasible generated points. A second approach projects first all the generated points onto the feasible domain before evaluating the objective function.The resulting algorithms enjoy favorable global convergence properties (convergence to stationarity from arbitrary starting points), regardless of the linearity of the constraints.The algorithmic implementation (i) includes a step where previously evaluated points are used to accelerate the search (by minimizing quadratic models) and (ii) addresses the particular cases of bounds on the variables and linear constraints. Our solver is compared to others, and the numerical results confirm its competitiveness in terms of efficiency and robustness

    Teaching clinical informatics to third-year medical students: negative results from two controlled trials

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    BACKGROUND: Prior educational interventions to increase seeking evidence by medical students have been unsuccessful. METHODS: We report two quasirandomized controlled trials to increase seeking of medical evidence by third-year medical students. In the first trial (1997–1998), we placed computers in clinical locations and taught their use in a 6-hour course. Based on negative results, we created SUMSearch(TM), an Internet site that automates searching for medical evidence by simultaneous meta-searching of MEDLINE and other sites. In the second trial (1999–2000), we taught SUMSearch's use in a 5Âœ-hour course. Both courses were taught during the medicine clerkship. For each trial, we surveyed the entire third-year class at 6 months, after half of the students had taken the course (intervention group). The students who had not received the intervention were the control group. We measured self-report of search frequency and satisfaction with search quality and speed. RESULTS: The proportion of all students who reported searching at least weekly for medical evidence significantly increased from 19% (1997–1998) to 42% (1999–2000). The proportion of all students who were satisfied with their search results increased significantly between study years. However, in neither study year did the interventions increase searching or satisfaction with results. Satisfaction with the speed of searching was 27% in 1999–2000. This did not increase between studies years and was not changed by the interventions. CONCLUSION: None of our interventions affected searching habits. Even with automated searching, students report low satisfaction with search speed. We are concerned that students using current strategies for seeking medical evidence will be less likely to seek and appraise original studies when they enter medical practice and have less time
