19 research outputs found

    A structural equation model of intuitive eating with adolescents / Un modĂšle d’équation structurelle de l’alimentation intuitive avec des adolescents

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    Introduction. - The tendency to eat by paying attention and respecting the body’s hunger and satiety cues is called intuitive eating. This eating behavior has been linked to positive health and well-being outcomes. Objective. - The purpose of this study was to test a global model linking intuitive eating with self-esteem, body esteem, media influence and including fear of negative appearance evaluation in adolescents’ boys and girls. Method. - In total, 740 adolescent high school students (51.5% girls; M age = 14, SD = 1.5) completed self-report questionnaires with measures of intuitive eating, body esteem, self-esteem, media influence and fear of negative appearance evaluation. Results. - Structural equation modeling revealed an overall excellent fit for the final four-variable model excluding the fear of negative appearance evaluation variable. Mediation analyses showed an indirect relationship between intuitive eating and body esteem via media influence, for girls but not for boys. Body esteem mediated the relationship between intuitive eating and self-esteem, and this indirect effect was stronger for girls than for boys. Conclusion. - A new model is proposed where intuitive eating is associated with self-esteem through body esteem and media influence. These findings suggest that regulating attitudes and behaviors toward food may be related to higher psychological well-being

    A novel preference-informed complementary trial (PICT) design for clinical trial research influenced by strong patient preferences

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    Background: Patients and their families often have preferences for medical care that relate to wider considerations beyond the clinical effectiveness of the proposed interventions. Traditionally, these preferences have not been adequately considered in research. Research questions where patients and families have strong preferences may not be appropriate for traditional randomized controlled trials (RCTs) due to threats to internal and external validity, as there may be high levels of drop-out and non-adherence or recruitment of a sample that is not representative of the treatment population. Several preference-informed designs have been developed to address problems with traditional RCTs, but these designs have their own limitations and may not be suitable for many research questions where strong preferences and opinions are present. Methods: In this paper, we propose a novel and innovative preference-informed complementary trial (PICT) design which addresses key weaknesses with both traditional RCTs and available preference-informed designs. In the PICT design, complementary trials would be operated within a single study, and patients and/or families would be given the opportunity to choose between a trial with all treatment options available and a trial with treatment options that exclude the option which is subject to strong preferences. This approach would allow those with strong preferences to take part in research and would improve external validity through recruiting more representative populations and internal validity. Here we discuss the strengths and limitations of the PICT design and considerations for analysis and present a motivating example for the design based on the use of opioids for pain management for children with musculoskeletal injuries. Conclusions: PICTs provide a novel and innovative design for clinical trials with more than two arms, which can address problems with existing preference-informed trial designs and enhance the ability of researchers to reflect shared decision-making in research as well as improving the validity of trials of topics with strong preferences

    Pourquoi le programme quĂ©bĂ©cois « Agir tĂŽt » est-il controversé ?

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    Cadre de la recherche : La prĂ©vention prĂ©coce prĂ©dictive des troubles de comportement et d’apprentissage oriente progressivement depuis plus de 20 ans des politiques sociales et Ă©ducatives en petite enfance au QuĂ©bec. Un exemple frappant est le rĂ©cent programme, Agir tĂŽt, dont l’existence est justifiĂ©e par les rĂ©sultats de l’EnquĂȘte quĂ©bĂ©coise sur le dĂ©veloppement des enfants de maternelle (EQDEM) qui utilise l’Instrument de mesure du dĂ©veloppement de la petite enfance (IMDPE). Objectif : Cet article se veut une invitation au dĂ©bat en interrogeant les soubassements normatifs de ces programmes gouvernementaux. MĂ©thodologie : Notre dĂ©marche scientifique repose sur une posture Ă©pistĂ©mologique critique et utilise une mĂ©thodologie inductive qui s’inscrit dans un courant critique de la recherche qualitative. À partir des textes dĂ©crivant l’IMDPE et le programme Agir tĂŽt, nous avons interrogĂ© les concepts et les valeurs idĂ©ologiques mobilisĂ©s pour orienter a) la comprĂ©hension du dĂ©veloppement de l’enfant et de ses difficultĂ©s et b) la finalitĂ© visĂ©e par ces intentions programmatiques et politiques. RĂ©sultats : Notre analyse a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des biais thĂ©oriques et mĂ©thodologiques et a identifiĂ© une normativitĂ© spĂ©cifique sous-jacente Ă  ces pratiques prĂ©ventives controversĂ©es, dont le choix d’interprĂ©ter les faits Ă  partir d’une biologie des comportements. Conclusions : Ce programme s’inscrit en droite ligne avec la rationalitĂ© biomĂ©dicale de la prĂ©vention prĂ©coce prĂ©dictive en considĂ©rant comme des vĂ©ritĂ©s absolues, d’une part des hypothĂšses sur le dĂ©veloppement du cerveau, et d’autre part une interprĂ©tation bĂ©havioriste de la normalitĂ©. Contribution : Notre recherche dĂ©montre que ces biais sont largement ignorĂ©s non seulement par les parents, mais par les gestionnaires et les professionnels de la petite enfance. Une consĂ©quence est de confisquer la responsabilitĂ© et la parole des parents contraints de devoir apprendre par des experts ce que devraient ĂȘtre leurs besoins. Research framework: In Quebec, social and educational policies in early childhood have been gradually guided for more than 20 years by early predictive prevention of behavioural and learning disorders. A striking example is the recent program “Agir tĂŽt”, whose existence is justified by the results of the Quebec Survey of Child Development in Kindergarten (QSCDK) which uses the Early development instrument (EDI). Objective: This article invites debate by questioning the normative foundations of these governmental programs. Methodology: Our scientific approach is based on a critical epistemological posture, as well as inductive and part of a critical trend of qualitative research. By analyzing the texts describing the EDI and “Agir tĂŽt” program, we questioned the concepts and ideological values used to guide a) the understanding of the development of the child and its difficulties and b) the purpose of these intentions and policies. Results: Our analysis revealed theoretical and methodological biases and identified a specific normativity underlying these controversial preventive practices, including the choice to interpret the evidence from the stance of behavioural biology. Conclusions: This program is in line with the biomedical rationality of predictive early prevention by considering as absolute truths: on the one hand, hypotheses about brain development and, on the other hand, a behaviourist interpretation of normality. Contribution: Our research shows that these biases are largely ignored not only by parents, but by early childhood managers and professionals. A consequence is to take away the responsibility and the voice of parents that are then forced to learn from experts what their needs should be

    Bien dans sa tĂȘte, bien dans sa peau : effets Ă  court terme d’un programme d’intervention en milieu scolaire sur l’image corporelle et l’estime de soi

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    Affiche prĂ©sentĂ©e dans le cadre du colloque de l'ARC «Favoriser l’accĂšs et le partage par la crĂ©ation d’un observatoire» lors du 86e CongrĂšs de l'Acfas Ă  l' UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec Ă  Chicoutimi (UQAC), les 7 et 8 mai 2018.ConsidĂ©rant sa prĂ©valence actuelle et ses consĂ©quences nĂ©gatives, l’insatisfaction corporelle est maintenant reconnue comme une problĂ©matique sociĂ©tale. Les gouvernements et les Ă©coles reconnaissent le besoin urgent de trouver des programmes de prĂ©vention efficaces pour les adolescents. Cette Ă©tude comparative cas-tĂ©moins vise Ă  Ă©valuer les effets Ă  court terme du programme d’intervention Bien dans sa tĂȘte, bien dans sa peau dans deux Ă©coles secondaires. Un total de 740 adolescents (exposĂ©s : 401 et tĂ©moins : 339) de 1re et 4e secondaire ont rempli un questionnaire en ligne portant sur l’estime de soi, l’insatisfaction corporelle et ses dĂ©terminants. Ils y ont rĂ©pondu une fois avant d’avoir suivi les cinq heures d’intervention, puis une seconde fois un mois aprĂšs celles-ci. Les analyses prĂ©liminaires ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© des variations de l’estime de soi globale et des mesures de satisfaction corporelle au cours du cheminement scolaire. Pour le groupe exposĂ©, les adolescents ont significativement connu une amĂ©lioration de leur image corporelle, de leur estime de soi et de leurs prĂ©jugĂ©s envers l’obĂ©sitĂ©. L’intervention s’est avĂ©rĂ©e efficace Ă  court terme pour plusieurs dimensions. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©montrent l’importance de promouvoir l’image de soi positive et l’acceptation des diverses formes corporelles pour un mode de vie sain, ce qui inspirera le dĂ©veloppement d’autres programmes de sensibilisation scolaire

    Appearance esteem trajectory according to three different sources of support among adolescents over a school year

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    Although social support has been linked to body satisfaction, there has been little research on the effect of differential sources of support on the trajectory of appearance esteem over time. To address this gap, this study explored changes in adolescents’ appearance esteem to perceived social support over one year. Data were collected from 339 Canadian adolescents (54.57% females) in Grade 7 (Mage = 12.05) and Grade 10 (Mage = 15.14). Multilevel growth modeling revealed that perceived social support from fathers was not associated with appearance esteem, whereas mothers’ support had the strongest effect on appearance esteem, consistently over time. Friends’ support was also related to an increase in the appearance esteem trajectory, but only for older students. Overall, this prospective study provides a better understanding of the unique contribution of three different sources of social support during adolescence for preventing negative appearance esteem, beyond the effects of other related variables

    Transition-To-Adulthood Profiles and Well-Being: Similarities and Distinctions Among Urban and Remote Contexts

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    In this study, two different contexts were examined to identify and describe transition-to-adulthood profiles at age 25 (based on four adulthood markers) and to determine whether these profiles differ in well-being at age 25. Two French-Canadian samples (urban sample, N = 321; remote sample, N = 363) completed questionnaires at age 25 regarding adulthood markers (having left school, being a parent or expecting a child, having left the parental home, and being in a romantic relationship) and well-being (depressive symptoms, alcohol use, and self-esteem). A person-centered approach helped determine the presence of five distinct profiles for both samples: workers, parents, independent students, singles, late bloomers. The results indicated similarities and differences between contexts regarding the experience of transition to adulthood and demonstrated that youth’s well-being is associated with their profile and their context. This study contributes to the literature on emerging adulthood by describing heterogeneity in the transition to adulthood

    LMNA mutations resulting in lipodystrophy and HIV protease inhibitors trigger vascular smooth muscle cell senescence and calcification: Role of ZMPSTE24 downregulation

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    International audienceBackgroundSome LMNA mutations responsible for lipodystrophies, and some HIV-protease inhibitors (PIs) induce accumulation of farnesylated prelamin A and premature senescence in some cell types. Patients with LMNA mutations or under PI-based therapy suffer from early atherosclerosis. The metalloprotease ZMPSTE24 is the key enzyme in prelamin A maturation.AimWe studied whether altered expression of ZMPSTE24 could contribute to vascular cell dysfunction in response to LMNA mutations or PI treatments.MethodsProtein expression of prelamin A and ZMPSTE24 were evaluated in patients' cells and in human cultured VSMCs. Oxidative stress, inflammation, senescence and transdifferentiation/calcification were evaluated in VSMCs.ResultsFibroblasts from LMNA-mutated lipodystrophic patients (mutations R482W, D47Y or R133L) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from PI-treated-HIV-infected patients expressed increased prelamin A and decreased ZMPSTE24, which was also observed in VSMCs overexpressing mutant LMNA or treated with PIs. These alterations correlated with oxidative stress, inflammation, senescence and calcification (all p < 0.05). ZMPSTE24 silencing in native VSMCs recapitulated the mutant LMNA- and PI-induced accumulation of farnesylated prelamin A, oxidative stress, inflammation, senescence and calcification. A negative regulator of ZMPSTE24, miRNA-141-3p, was enhanced in LMNA-mutated or PI-treated VSMCs. The farnesylation inhibitors pravastatin and FTI-277, or the antioxidant N-acetyl cysteine, partly restored ZMPSTE24 expression, and concomitantly decreased oxidative stress, inflammation, senescence, and calcification of PI-treated VSCMs.ConclusionsZMPSTE24 downregulation is a major contributor in VSMC dysfunctions resulting from LMNA mutations or PI treatments that could translate in early atherosclerosis at the clinical level. These novel pathophysiological mechanisms could open new therapeutic perspectives for cardiovascular aging

    À l’occasion des 20 ans de l’UniversitĂ© fĂ©ministe d’été : rĂ©flexions sur les enjeux et leviers en Ă©tudes fĂ©ministes

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    Pour souligner la 20e Ă©dition de l’UniversitĂ© fĂ©ministe d’étĂ© de l’UniversitĂ© Laval, une journĂ©e de rĂ©flexion a Ă©tĂ© tenue afin de rĂ©flĂ©chir aux enjeux vĂ©cus ainsi qu’aux leviers mobilisĂ©s au sein des Ă©tudes et des recherches fĂ©ministes. En partant des prĂ©sentations, Ă©changes et tĂ©moignages partagĂ©s durant cette journĂ©e, les autrices visent, dans cet article, Ă  poser une rĂ©flexion critique sur les Ă©tudes et les recherches fĂ©ministes Ă  travers un retour sur les accomplissements observĂ©s dans les deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, Ă  souligner les diffĂ©rents dĂ©fis constatĂ©s et Ă  proposer une rĂ©flexion sur les stratĂ©gies et les leviers permettant de les relever. Dans cette rĂ©flexion, les autrices mettent Ă©galement en lumiĂšre les angles morts prĂ©sents dans un milieu universitaire marquĂ© par les rapports de pouvoir.To mark the 20th edition of the Laval University’s UniversitĂ© fĂ©ministe d’étĂ©, a day of reflection was held to consider the issues experienced and the strategies mobilized within feminist studies and research. Based on the presentations, exchanges and testimonies shared during this day, the authors aim, in this article, to critically reflect on feminist studies and research by looking back on the achievements observed in the last two decades, to highlight the various challenges observed and to propose a reflection on the strategies to face those challenges. In this reflection, the authors also address some of the blind spots observed in academia, which is a complex social environment marked by power relations.En el marco de la vigĂ©sima ediciĂłn de la Universidad feminista de verano de la Universidad Laval, se llevĂł a cabo un dĂ­a de reflexiĂłn para reflexionar sobre los desafĂ­os experimentados, asĂ­ como las palancas movilizadas dentro de los estudios e investigaciones feministas. Con base en las presentaciones, intercambios y testimonios compartidos durante esta jornada, las autoras pretenden, en este artĂ­culo, reflexionar crĂ­ticamente sobre los estudios e investigaciones feministas a travĂ©s de una revisiĂłn de los logros observados en las Ășltimas dos dĂ©cadas, resaltar los diferentes desafĂ­os observados y proponer una reflexiĂłn sobre las estrategias y palancas para superarlas. En esta reflexiĂłn, las autoras tambiĂ©n destacan los puntos ciegos presentes en un ambiente universitario marcado por las relaciones de poder

    Enantiodivergent synthesis of P-chirogenic phosphines

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    International audienceSeveral approaches for the enantiodivergent synthesis of P-chirogenic mono- and diphosphines are described, using ephedrine methodology and phosphine borane chemistry. Firstly, both enantiomers of a tertiary phosphine can be obtained starting from the same oxazaphospholidine borane complex, prepared from (+)-ephedrine, when changing the order of addition of the organolithium reagents during the synthetic pathway. The second approach is based on the chlorophosphine boranes, which react with an organolithium reagent, to afford the corresponding phosphines with inversion of configuration. In the case where the chlorophosphine borane reacts with the t-butyl lithium reagent, a metal-halogen exchange occurs to afford the corresponding phosphide borane with retention of the configuration. The reaction of the phosphide borane with an alkyl halide leads to the same phosphine, but with the opposite configuration. Another approach depends on the diastereoselective preparation of the starting oxazaphospholidine borane complex from (−)-ephedrine, which leads according the case, to either one or the other enantiomer of a phosphine. Finally, the synthesis of (R,R)- and (S,S)-1,2-bis(methylphenylphosphino)ethane is also demonstrated using both enantiomers of the P-chirogenic diphosphinite diborane, which simultaneously allows the introduction of alkyl- or aryl substituents on the phosphorus atoms. In summary, these approaches show the great efficiency of the "ephedrine methodology" for the enantiodivergent synthesis of P-chirogenic mono- and diphosphines, and bearing alkyl or aryl substituents