1,021 research outputs found

    The Impact of Spatial Design on the Learning Process and Students' Socialisation: A study of secondary schools within the UK

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    The last century has witnessed an evolution in our understanding of learning from being a spoon-feeding process towards a process based on the ability of the human mind to receive information, construct knowledge and gain understand according to the learner’s perceptions (Brown, 2004). However, the spatial relation between the learning process and the physical environment is less well understood. This research attempts to focus on learning in schools, while aiming to understand the spatial impact of the building design on the students’ learning process. The academic life of students inside the school premises is deeply entangled with social patterns. Consequently, the research considers the spatial dimension of both learning and socialisation of the students. Nine secondary schools in the UK are presented as a comparative case study based on quantitative analysis of the school buildings. Space syntax analysis is the key criterion of evaluation, supported by studying the organisation of various spatial components (circulation, courtyards, social and learning spaces). The research highlights the important role of the spatial design and configuration. The paper explains the spatial potential within the school building design that is argued to stimulate the students’ socialisation patterns. Moreover, it unveils the potential within the spaces that contributes to students’ learning, while focusing on how the design of the learning spaces and their layouts could accommodate the learning process inside the school. The results of studying the nine school buildings show that there is a moderately strong correlation between the syntactic measure utilised in the analysis (Visual Mean Depth) and the performance of the students within each school. The study proposes that the configurational analysis should become part of the original school design process to help understand the possibilities of the students’ social activities and mixing patterns. Additionally, it is concluded that learning spaces should be designed to afford various learning formats, not to be limited to the typical classroom layout

    Adverse Effect? Dealing with Forgotten MOA Commitments

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    Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act has the potential to impact a project even after construction. This presentation is designed for LPAs with projects that may have resulted in an adverse effect finding on cultural resources during a Section 106 review, thus requiring a memorandum of agreement (MOA). The panel will explore what it means to have an MOA, provide insight on common conceptual mitigation measures, and define responsibilities for the implementation of MOA stipulations

    A análise combinatória no 6º Ano do Ensino Fundamental pormeio da resolução de problemas

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    Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa referente ao ensino da Análise Combinatória, por meio da Resolução de Problemas, em uma turma de 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Para isso, elaborou-se uma sequência didática que buscava proporcionar aos educandos um contato com esse conteúdo antes do Ensino Médio. A partir dessa sequência analisou-se como a Resolução de Problemas, segundo Onuchic e Allevato, auxiliou os alunos a compreender os conceitos iniciais de Análise Combinatória, buscando também como referencial teórico o estudo referente ao Pensamento Matemático, de David Tall. Concluímos que a Resolução de Problemas auxiliou a expandir e modificar as Imagens dos Conceitos que os alunos possuíam com relação à Análise Combinatória.This dissertation shows the development of research related to teaching Combinatorics, through Problem Solving, at a 6th grade level. A lesson plan was prepared and aimed to confront students of middle school with problems involving Combinatorics, allowing them to work with such concepts before high school. Based on this lesson plan, our intent was to verify how Problem Solving, according to Onuchic e Allevato, helped the students to understand initial concepts of Combinatorics. Also, using David Tall’s studies about Mathematical Thinking as reference. We could verify that the Problem Solving Theory helped the students to expand and modify their Concept Images related to Combinatorics


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    >A centrifugal pump performed adequately at a flow rate of 7200 gpm of 945 gas-cooled F sodium at a 150-ft head. A two-region freeze seal was developed and used successfully as a shaft seal on this pump. The results indicate that this pump could perform satisfactorily in the Hallam Power Reactor. (auth

    Storytelling through data visualisations

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    O estudo dos conceitos de área e perímetro pode gerar dúvida para os alunos do Ensino Fundamental. Com o intuito de esclarecer essas noções, buscou-se uma atividade que permitisse trabalhar com esses conceitos de uma maneira mais visual, possibilitando expandir, através do Teorema de Pick, a ideia de área dos polígonos trabalhados no 6° ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola particular, a saber quadrados e retângulos e decomposições nestes polígonos. Foi utilizado para isso o Geoplano Online que proporcionou uma manipulação mais ágil de polígonos irregulares, onde os alunos enxergaram os conceitos envolvidos com mais facilidade, possibilitando a melhor compreensão dos mesmos. Sendo assim, este artigo busca trazer uma proposta de atividade investigativa elaborada para uma turma de 6° ano, enunciando o Teorema de Pick, assim com algumas de suas aplicações