16 research outputs found

    A több évtizeden át tartó testedzés hatása az irizin hormon szintjére

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    Kutatásunk során célul tűztük ki, hogy felderítsük az élethosszon át tartó edzés hatását a vér irizin szintjére. Vizsgálatunkban edzett és nem edzett közép/időskorú személyek vettek részt. Az irizin hormon, ami egy myokin és adipokin, a fizikai aktivitás során termelődik a peroxiszóma proliferátor aktivált receptor gamma koaktivátor 1 alfa (PGC1A) fehérje jelenlétében. Az irizin számos fontos élettani hatással bír, melyek főként fizikai aktivitás hatására aktiválódnak. Elsősorban a szervezet anyagcsere folyamatait szabályozza, de kapcsolatba hozták már az agyműködéssel és a telomer hosszal is. Legjobb tudomásunk szerint korábban nem vizsgálták még a több évtizedes edzés hatását az irizinre. Eredményeink alapján azt találtuk, hogy az irizin hormon szintje nem mutat korrelációt a VO2max értékkel. Többváltozós regressziós analízis alkalmazása során az irizin és a HDL koncentrációja a vérben korrelációt mutatott egymással a különböző funkcionális paraméterek figyelembe vétele mellett. Maximális erő mérés eredményei alapján az edzett és az edzetlen férfi csoport nagyobb maximális erővel rendelkezik, mint az edzett és edzetlen női csoport, azonban a két férfi csoport között nem mutatható ki különbség. Az edzett férfiak robbanékony ereje nagyobb a két női csoporthoz képest. A becsült VO2max értékek szignifikánsan magasabbak az edzett férfi csoportban az edzetlen csoportokhoz képest. Az edzett nők magasabb HDL szinttel rendelkeznek, mint az edzetlen férfiak és az edzetlen nők. A HDL, mint előnyös funkciókkal rendelkező lipoprotein, elképzelhető, hogy hasonló élettani adaptációs folyamatok mentén fejti ki a hatásait, mint az irizin. A VO2max és az irizin szint között nem találtunk korrelációt, amiből arra következtethetünk, hogy az edzésre adott élettani válaszok komplexebbek annál, minthogy egyetlen mutatóval próbáljuk meg jellemezni azt

    Worse lung cancer outcome in patients with lower respiratory tract infection confirmed at time of diagnosis

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    Pulmonary malignancy is one of the most frequent and fatal cancers in older patients. As data on lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) and the outcome of lung cancer are scarce, our objective was to determine the impact of LRTI on therapeutic possibilities and one-year mortality.Patients undergoing bronchoscopy in 2017 who had bronchial microbial sampling at the time of the lung cancer diagnosis (n = 143) were included. Group 1 (LRTI+) included patients with confirmed infection (n = 74) while Group 2 (LRTI-) included patients without infection (n = 69). Clinical characteristics, pathogen profile and one-year survival were analyzed.Age, gender, TNM stage, histology type, comorbidities or underlying lung disease did not differ among groups. The most common LRTI pathogens included aerobic (n = 49), anaerobic (n = 14) and fungal (n = 26) infections. Chemo/immune/target therapy alone, or in combination with radiotherapy were significantly less frequently used, whilst palliative care was more common in Group 1 (LRTI+). Multiple pathogen LRTI patients were significantly older, less frequently diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and had worse performance status compared to solitary pathogen LRTI patients. One-year median survival was 274 days (235 vs. 305 days Group 1 vs. Group 2). Risk factors for increased one-year mortality included performance status ≥2 (OR 30.00, CI 95% 5.23-313.00), performance status 1 (OR 11.87, CI 95% 4.12-33.78), male gender (OR 4.04, CI 2.03-8.04), LRTI with multiple pathogens (OR 2.72, CI 1.01-6.81) and nonadenocarcinoma histology (OR 2.26, CI 1.15-4.56).LRTIs in lung cancer patients, especially multiple pathogen infections, are associated with less oncotherapeutic possibilities and significant risk for lower one-year median survival

    Reduced Inflammatory Threshold Indicates Skin Barrier Defect in Transglutaminase 3 Knockout Mice

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    Recently a transglutaminase 3 knockout (TGM3/KO) mouse was generated that showed impaired hair development, but no gross defects in the epidermal barrier, although increased fragility of isolated corneocytes was demonstrated. Here we investigated the functionality of skin barrier in vivo by percutaneous sensitization to fluorescein-isothiocyanate (FITC) in TGM3/KO (n=64) and C57BL/6 WT mice (n=36). Cutaneous inflammation was evaluated by mouse ear swelling test (MEST), histology, serum IgE levels, and by flow-cytometry from draining lymph nodes. Inflammation induced significant MEST difference (P<0.0001) was detected between KO and WT mice and was supported also by histopathology. A significant increase of CD4+ CD25+ activated T-cells (P<0.01) and elevated serum IgE levels (P<0.05) in KO mice indicated more the development of FITC sensibilization than an irritative reaction. P. acnes induced intracutaneous inflammation showed no difference (P=0.2254) between the reactivity of WT and KO immune system. As in vivo tracer, FITC penetration from skin surface followed by two-photon microscopy demonstrated a more invasive percutaneous penetration in KO mice. The clinically uninvolved skin in TGM3/KO mice showed impaired barrier function and higher susceptibility to FITC sensitization indicating that TGM3 has a significant contribution to the functionally intact cutaneous barrier.Journal of Investigative Dermatology accepted article preview online, 24 July 2013. doi:10.1038/jid.2013.307

    Konvojtámogató központ kialakítása befogadó nemzeti támogatás keretében

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    In vivo second-harmonic generation and ex vivo coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy to study the effect of obesity to fibroblast cell function using an Yb-fiber laser based CARS extension unit

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    In recent decades, the night lights data of the Earth’s surface derived from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program’s Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) have been used to detect the human settlements and human activities, because the DMSP/OLS data is able to supply the information about the urban areas  and non-urban areas on the Earth which means it is more suitable for urban studies than usual satellite imagery data.   The urban development is closed linked to the human society development. Therefore, studies of urban development will help people to understand how the urban changed and predict the urban change. The aim of this study was to detect Beijing’s urban development from 1992 to 2012, and find the contributions to the urban sprawl from socio-economic factors. Based on this objective, the main dataset used in this thesis was night lights images derived from the DMSP/OLS which was detected from  1992 to 2012. Due to the lacking of on-board calibration on OLS, and the over-glow of the lights resources, the information about the night lights cannot be extracted directly. Before any process, the night lights images should be calibrated. There is a method to calibrate the night light images which is called intercalibration. It is a second order regression model based method to find the related digital number values. Therefore, intercalibration was employed, and the threshold values were determined to extract urban areas in this study. Threshold value is useful for diffusing the over-glow effect, and finding the urban areas from the DMSP/OLS data. The methods to determine the threshold value in this thesis are empirical threshold method, sudden jump detection method, statistic data comparison method and k-mean clustering method. In addition, 13 socio-economic factors which included gross domestic product, urban population, permanent population, total energy consumption and so on were used to build the regression model. The contributions from these factors to the sum of the Beijing’s lights were found based on modeling.   The results of this thesis are positive. The intercalibration was successful and all the DMSP/OLS data used in this study were calibrated. And then, the appropriate threshold values to extract the urban areas were figured out. The achieved urban areas were compared to the satellite images and the result showed that the urban areas were useful. During the time certain factors used in this study, such as mobile phone users, possession of civil vehicles, GDP, three positively highest contributed to urban development were close to 23%, 8% and 9%, respectively