251 research outputs found

    Static QˉQ\bar{Q}Q pair free energy and screening masses from correlators of Polyakov loops: continuum extrapolated lattice results at the QCD physical point

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    We study the correlators of Polyakov loops, and the corresponding gauge invariant free energy of a static quark-antiquark pair in 2+1 flavor QCD at finite temperature. Our simulations were carried out on NtN_t = 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 lattices using Symanzik improved gauge action and a stout improved staggered action with physical quark masses. The free energies calculated from the Polyakov loop correlators are extrapolated to the continuum limit. For the free energies we use a two step renormalization procedure that only uses data at finite temperature. We also measure correlators with definite Euclidean time reversal and charge conjugation symmetry to extract two different screening masses, one in the magnetic, and one in the electric sector, to distinguish two different correlation lengths in the full Polyakov loop correlator

    Spectral functions of charmonium with 2+1 flavours of dynamical quarks

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    Finite temperature charmonium spectral functions in the pseudoscalar(PS) and vector(V) channels are studied in lattice QCD with 2+1 flavours of dynamical Wilson quarks, on fine isotropic lattices (with a lattice spacing of 0.057fm), with a non-physical pion mass of 545MeV. The highest temperature studied is approximately 1.4Tc. Up to this temperature no significant variation of the spectral function is seen in the PS channel. The V channel shows some temperature dependence, which seems to be consistent with a temperature dependent low frequency peak related to heavy quark transport, plus a temperature independent term at omega > 0. These results are in accord with previous calculations using the quenched approximation.Comment: Conference proceedings: The 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - Lattice 2014 June 23-28, 2014 Columbia University, New York, New York This conference contribution draws heavily from the paper: arXiv:1401.5940 [hep-lat

    Spectral functions of charmonium with 2+1 flavours of dynamical quarks

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    Finite temperature charmonium spectral functions in the pseudoscalar(PS) and vector(V) channels are studied in lattice QCD with 2+1 flavours of dynamical Wilson quarks, on fine isotropic lattices (with a lattice spacing of 0.057fm), with a non-physical pion mass of 545MeV. The highest temperature studied is approximately 1.4Tc. Up to this temperature no significant variation of the spectral function is seen in the PS channel. The V channel shows some temperature dependence, which seems to be consistent with a temperature dependent low frequency peak related to heavy quark transport, plus a temperature independent term at omega > 0. These results are in accord with previous calculations using the quenched approximation

    Early post-operative thrombosis of the prosthetic mitral valve in patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia

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    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is one of the most common immune-mediated adverse drug reactions, with frequencies as high as 2-3% for certain groups of post-cardiac surgery patients. We report on an 50-year-old woman with early post-operative thrombosis of the prosthetic mitral valve due to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Non-invasive imaging (two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography; 2D-TEE) allowed the exact localisation of thrombotic masses and revealed the increase of the mean diastolic mitral gradient. The HIT diagnosis was proved by the clinical scoring system, and with the identification of heparin platelet factor 4-induced antibodies. After the withdrawal of LMWH therapy and the start of intravenous lepirudin treatment, the patient's medical condition improved continuously. Follow-up echocardiography showed a step-wise decrease in the severity of the mean diastolic mitral valve gradient and a complete resolution of thrombus formations. Perhaps we may remind ourselves that, whilst HIT is one of the most common immune-mediated adverse drug reactions for certain groups of post-cardiac surgery patients, it can be managed successfully. We would also stress the importance of serial 2D-TEE examinations in the early post-operative period

    On reducing inconsistency of pairwise comparison matrices below an acceptance threshold

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    A recent work of the authors on the analysis of pairwise comparison matrices that can be made consistent by the modification of a few elements is continued and extended. Inconsistency indices are defined for indicating the overall quality of a pairwise comparison matrix. It is expected that serious contradictions in the matrix imply high inconsistency and vice versa. However, in the 35-year history of the applications of pairwise comparison matrices, only one of the indices, namely CR proposed by Saaty, has been associated to a general level of acceptance, by the well known ten percent rule. In the paper, we consider a wide class of inconsistency indices, including CR, CM proposed by Koczkodaj and Duszak and CI by Pel\'aez and Lamata. Assume that a threshold of acceptable inconsistency is given (for CR it can be 0.1). The aim is to find the minimal number of matrix elements, the appropriate modification of which makes the matrix acceptable. On the other hand, given the maximal number of modifiable matrix elements, the aim is to find the minimal level of inconsistency that can be achieved. In both cases the solution is derived from a nonlinear mixed-integer optimization problem. Results are applicable in decision support systems that allow real time interaction with the decision maker in order to review pairwise comparison matrices.Comment: 20 page

    Fabry-betegség - Diagnosztikai útmutató

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    A Fabry-kór a lizoszomális tárolási betegségek csoportjába tartozó, X-kromoszómához kötötten, recesszív módon öröklődő betegség, amely a globotriaosylceramid felhalmozódásához vezet a szervezet legkülönbözőbb szöveteiben. A betegség első tünetei többnyire gyermekkorban jelentkeznek, a progresszió során a betegek súlyos szervi károsodásokkal és korai halálozással számolhatnak. Elsősorban fiúk és férfiak érintettek, azonban a betegség tüneteit heterozigóta nők esetében is megfigyelhetjük, de náluk a kórkép súlyossága változó, általában enyhébb lefolyású. Az enzimpótló kezelések megjelenése szükségessé tette, hogy részletes diagnosztikus és terápiás protokollt dolgozzunk ki. A jelen dolgozatban megjelenő ajánlásokat egy, a magyarországi Fabry-betegek kezelésében aktívan részt vevő orvosokból, a diagnosztika területén dolgozó biológosukból és egyéb szakemberekből álló multidiszciplináris munkacsoport foglalta össze. A munkacsoport áttekintette a korábbi klinikai tanulmányokat, a publikált vizsgálatokat és a közelmúltban megjelent nemzetközi és nemzeti útmutatókat. | Fabry disease is a rare, X-linked lysosomal storage disorder that leads to accumulation of globotriaosylceramide in different tissues of the body. The disease is progressive, first symptoms usually present in childhood. Consequencies of the diseases are disability and premature death. The disease in females could be as severe as in males although women may also be asymptomatic. The possibility of enzyme replacement therapy has made it necessary to elaborate a comprehensive guideline for the diagnosis and treatment follow-up. The guideline was established by a Hungarian multi-disciplinary working group, consisting of physicians who are involved in health care of Fabry patients. Previous clinical studies, published materials, and recently established international treatment guidelines were reviewed by the group

    Contributions to the phylogeny of Ixodes (Pholeoixodes) canisuga, I. (Ph.) kaiseri, I. (Ph.) hexagonus and a simple pictorial key for the identification of their females

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    Background: In Europe, hard ticks of the subgenus Pholeoixodes (Ixodidae: Ixodes) are usually associated with burrow-dwelling mammals and terrestrial birds. Reports of Pholeoixodes spp. from carnivores are frequently contradictory, and their identification is not based on key diagnostic characters. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to identify ticks collected from dogs, foxes and badgers in several European countries, and to reassess their systematic status with molecular analyses using two mitochondrial markers. Results: Between 2003 and 2017, 144 Pholeoixodes spp. ticks were collected in nine European countries. From accurate descriptions and comparison with type-materials, a simple illustrated identification key was compiled for adult females, by focusing on the shape of the anterior surface of basis capituli. Based on this key, 71 female ticks were identified as I. canisuga, 21 as I. kaiseri and 21 as I. hexagonus. DNA was extracted from these 113 female ticks, and from further 31 specimens. Fragments of two mitochondrial genes, cox1 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) and 16S rRNA, were amplified and sequenced. Ixodes kaiseri had nine unique cox1 haplotypes, which showed 99.2-100% sequence identity, whereas I. canisuga and I. hexagonus had eleven and five cox1 haplotypes, respectively, with 99.5-100% sequence identity. The distribution of cox1 haplotypes reflected a geographical pattern. Pholeoixodes spp. ticks had fewer 16S rRNA haplotypes, with a lower degree of intraspecific divergence (99.5-100% sequence identity) and no geographical clustering. Phylogenetic analyses were in agreement with morphology: I. kaiseri and I. hexagonus (with the similar shape of the anterior surface of basis capituli) were genetically more closely related to each other than to I. canisuga. Phylogenetic analyses also showed that the subgenus Eschatocephalus (bat ticks) clustered within the subgenus Pholeoixodes. Conclusions: A simple, illustrated identification key is provided for female Pholeoixodes ticks of carnivores (including I. hexagonus and I. rugicollis) to prevent future misidentification of these species. It is also shown that I. kaiseri is more widespread in Europe than previously thought. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that the subgenus Pholeoixodes is not monophyletic: either the subgenus Eschatocephalus should be included in Pholeoixodes, or the latter subgenus should be divided, which is a task for future studies