103 research outputs found

    Vertebrate remains from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Ajka Coal Formation, western Hungary

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    Vertebrate remains from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Ajka Coal Formation (Bakony Mountains, western Hungary) are described. Macro- and microfossils collected from two boreholes and from isolated chunks of sediment/matrix dumped on spoil heaps of the Jókai Mine represent pycnodontiform and lepisosteiform fishes, bothremydid turtles, the mosasauroid Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus, the crocodyliforms cf. Theriosuchus, Iharkutosuchus makadii and cf. Allodaposuchus, as well as ankylosaurian and theropod dinosaurs. This unit was deposited in a swampy lacustrine environment, in contrast with the neighbouring and contemporaneous floodplain deposit of the vertebrate-bearing Csehbánya Formation at Iharkút. Despite significant environmental differences, the faunal composition of the Ajka Coal Formation assemblage completely overlaps with that of the Csehbánya Formation, suggesting the occurrence of the same semi-aquatic and terrestrial species in both settings. The ankylosaurian remains further strengthen the previous view that ankylosaurus preferred wetland habitats such as fluvial systems and coastal regions. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd

    Phytotoxicity evaluation of nutrient-fortified pomegranate peel powders prepared from food waste and their feasibility as biofertilizers

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    Pomegranate peel powder (PPP) is increasingly used as a bioadsorbent to decontaminate wastewaters due to its adsorptive characteristics. The application of nutrient-fortified bioadsorbents as alternatives to chemical fertilizers can provide an innovative and eco-friendly approach for sustainable waste management. Nevertheless, there is extremely limited information regarding their effects on the growth of agricultural crops. We investigated the effects of raw and nutrient-fortified PPPs on oilseed rape ( Brassica napus ). Our results showed that the concentration-dependent in vitro phytotoxicity of high PPP doses (germination indices were 109.6%, 63.9%, and 8.9% at the applied concentrations of 0.05%, 0.5%, and 5%) was diminished by the application of nutrient-fortified PPPs (germination indices were 66.0–83.4% even at the highest doses). In pot experiments, most PPP treatments (especially Raw-PPP and the mixture of N- and P-fortified PPPs) promoted the development of aboveground plant parts. Reorganization of the pattern of protein tyrosine nitration in the root tissues indicated that the plants were acclimated to the presence of PPPs, and thus, PPP treatment induced no or low-level stress. Our findings confirmed that several doses of PPP supplementation were beneficial for the model crop plant when applied in soil. We anticipate that our study will be a foundation for future investigations involving more plant species and soil types, which can contribute to the introduction of nutrient-fortified PPPs as sustainable biofertilizers

    Együttélés irracionális babonáinkkal

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    Vizsgálatunk célja a babonás viselkedés elemzésén keresztül pontosabb képet kapni a jóslásmechanizmus motivációs összetevőiről. Jóslásról akkor beszélünk, ha egy esemény megtörténtétől vagy viselkedésünktől egy másik esemény bekövetkeztét várjuk. Mivel a babonákkal kapcsolatos következtetéseink - pontatlanságuk dacára - mégis gyakoriak, feltételezésünk szerint egy olyan erős motiváció állhat a háttérben, amely még akkor is képes befolyásolni gondolatainkat és cselekedeteinket, mikor tudatában vagyunk irracionalitásának. Kutatásunkban először egy kérdőíves vizsgálattal, azt követően pedig interjúk segítségével igyekeztünk megtudni, milyen gyakran jelenik meg a jóslási mechanizmus, illetve mit kezdünk az ellentmondás problémájával. Eredményeink igazolták ennek az automatikusan megjelenő jelenségnek gyakoriságát. Az ellentmondás kezelésével kapcsolatban pedig azt mondhatjuk, hogy a jövőbelátás igényével, életünk kiszámíthatóságának növelése érdekében képesek vagyunk az ellentmondás feloldására. The aim of our study was to clarify the motivational aspects of the mechanism of prediction via the analysis of superstitious behavior. We defined prediction as the phenomenon of inferring an eventuality following a previous event or a previous superstitious behavior. Since our superstition-based conclusions are very common — however unfounded they may be — there has to be a strong underlying motivational factor that is able to influence our thoughts and factors in spite of our awareness of the irrationality. In our study we tried to determine the frequency of prediction mechanisms, and how people cope with the arising contradictions, using questionnaires and interviews. Our findings indicate that use of predictions is a frequent phenomenon that occurs automatically. Regarding the contradictions, we are able to dissolve and negate them in our aspiration to know the future and endeavor to make our lives more predictable

    Características antropométricas basadas en la posición y el rendimiento fisiológico general de jugadores de hockey sobre hielo de nivel nacional, sub-18

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    Identifying talented players requires subjective, as well as objective assessments of playing ability and performance. The assessment of anthropometric characteristics, as well as general physiological performance can be used for player selection. The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether positional profiling is possible for national level ice hockey players by examining anthropometric characteristics and physiological performance. The study involved two ice-hockey teams, U18 and U23, in total of 49 athletes (32 forwards and 17 defensemen), members of the “Székelyföldi” Ice Hockey Academy (SZJA). Data collection was conducted in May 2020, at the SZJAs Medical and Methodological Center. Body height was determined including barefoot height (± 0.1 cm) using a wall mounted stadiometer. Body weight was measured with a standard scale. A standard incremental maximal oxygen uptake test was conducted in the laboratory by means of open-circuit spirometry and computerized instrumentation (CPET Cosmed, Italy) following the Bruce protocol. With the use of the descriptive statistics, we found no differences at the anthropometric characteristics between forwards and defensemen. Regarding the physiological characteristics, some possible differences were found for maximal- and absolute oxygen uptake rate. While our results from descriptive statistics show no significant differences between the two studied ice hockey position, based on the Mann-Whitney U test, considering all parameter values, we found that there were significant differences between the two groups within this sample number.La identificación de jugadores talentosos requiere evaluaciones subjetivas y objetivas de la capacidad y el rendimiento de juego. La evaluación de las características antropométricas, así como el rendimiento fisiológico general, pueden utilizarse para la selección de jugadores. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue determinar si el perfil posicional es posible para los jugadores de hockey sobre hielo de nivel nacional mediante el examen de las características antropométricas y el rendimiento fisiológico. El estudio involucró a dos equipos de hockey sobre hielo, U18 y U23, en un total de 49 atletas (32 delanteros y 17 defensas), miembros de la Academia de Hockey sobre Hielo "Székelyföldi" (SZJA). La recolección de datos se realizó en mayo de 2020, en el Centro Médico y Metodológico SZJAS. La altura del cuerpo se determinó incluyendo la altura de los pies descalzos (±0,1 cm) utilizando un estadiómetro montado en la pared. El peso corporal se midió con una balanza estándar. Se realizó una prueba de consumo de oxígeno máximo incremental estándar en el laboratorio mediante espirometría de circuito abierto e instrumentación computarizada (CPET Cosmed, Italia) siguiendo el protocolo de Bruce. Con el uso de la estadística descriptiva, no encontramos diferencias en las características antropométricas entre delanteros y defensas. En cuanto a las características fisiológicas, se encontraron algunas posibles diferencias para la tasa de consumo de oxígeno máxima y absoluta. Si bien nuestros resultados de las estadísticas descriptivas no muestran diferencias significativas entre las dos posiciones de hockey sobre hielo estudiadas, con base en la prueba U de Mann-Whitney, considerando todos los valores de los parámetros, encontramos que hubo diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos dentro de este número de muestra

    Características antropométricas basadas en la posición y el rendimiento fisiológico general de jugadores de hockey sobre hielo de nivel nacional, sub-18

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    [Abstract] Identifying talented players requires subjective, as well as objective assessments of playing ability and performance. The assessment of anthropometric characteristics, as well as general physiological performance can be used for player selection. The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether positional profiling is possible for national level ice hockey players by examining anthropometric characteristics and physiological performance. The study involved two ice-hockey teams, U18 and U23, in total of 49 athletes (32 forwards and 17 defensemen), members of the “Székelyföldi” Ice Hockey Academy (SZJA). Data collection was conducted in May 2020, at the SZJAs Medical and Methodological Center. Body height was determined including barefoot height (± 0.1 cm) using a wall mounted stadiometer. Body weight was measured with a standard scale. A standard incremental maximal oxygen uptake test was conducted in the laboratory by means of open-circuit spirometry and computerized instrumentation (CPET Cosmed, Italy) following the Bruce protocol. With the use of the descriptive statistics, we found no differences at the anthropometric characteristics between forwards and defensemen. Regarding the physiological characteristics, some possible differences were found for maximal- and absolute oxygen uptake rate. While our results from descriptive statistics show no significant differences between the two studied ice hockey position, based on the Mann-Whitney U test, considering all parameter values, we found that there were significant differences between the two groups within this sample number.[Resumen] La identificación de jugadores talentosos requiere evaluaciones subjetivas y objetivas de la capacidad y el rendimiento de juego. La evaluación de las características antropométricas, así como el rendimiento fisiológico general, pueden utilizarse para la selección de jugadores. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue determinar si el perfil posicional es posible para los jugadores de hockey sobre hielo de nivel nacional mediante el examen de las características antropométricas y el rendimiento fisiológico. El estudio involucró a dos equipos de hockey sobre hielo, U18 y U23, en un total de 49 atletas (32 delanteros y 17 defensas), miembros de la Academia de Hockey sobre Hielo "Székelyföldi" (SZJA). La recolección de datos se realizó en mayo de 2020, en el Centro Médico y Metodológico SZJAS. La altura del cuerpo se determinó incluyendo la altura de los pies descalzos (±0,1 cm) utilizando un estadiómetro montado en la pared. El peso corporal se midió con una balanza estándar. Se realizó una prueba de consumo de oxígeno máximo incremental estándar en el laboratorio mediante espirometría de circuito abierto e instrumentación computarizada (CPET Cosmed, Italia) siguiendo el protocolo de Bruce. Con el uso de la estadística descriptiva, no encontramos diferencias en las características antropométricas entre delanteros y defensas. En cuanto a las características fisiológicas, se encontraron algunas posibles diferencias para la tasa de consumo de oxígeno máxima y absoluta. Si bien nuestros resultados de las estadísticas descriptivas no muestran diferencias significativas entre las dos posiciones de hockey sobre hielo estudiadas, con base en la prueba U de Mann-Whitney, considerando todos los valores de los parámetros, encontramos que hubo diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos dentro de este número de muestra

    Impacts of Plastics on Plant Development: Recent Advances and Future Research Directions

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    Plastics have inundated the world, with microplastics (MPs) being small particles, less than 5 mm in size, originating from various sources. They pervade ecosystems such as freshwater and marine environments, soils, and the atmosphere. MPs, due to their small size and strong adsorption capacity, pose a threat to plants by inhibiting seed germination, root elongation, and nutrient absorption. The accumulation of MPs induces oxidative stress, cytotoxicity, and genotoxicity in plants, which also impacts plant development, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, toxic accumulation, and metabolite production in plant tissues. Furthermore, roots can absorb nanoplastics (NPs), which are then distributed to stems, leaves, and fruits. As MPs and NPs harm organisms and ecosystems, they raise concerns about physical damage and toxic effects on animals, and the potential impact on human health via food webs. Understanding the environmental fate and effects of MPs is essential, along with strategies to reduce their release and mitigate consequences. However, a full understanding of the effects of different plastics, whether traditional or biodegradable, on plant development is yet to be achieved. This review offers an up-to-date overview of the latest known effects of plastics on plants