11 research outputs found
Effective isolation of GALT cells : Insights into the intestine immune response of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to different bacterin vaccine preparations
Acknowledgements: Ahmed Attaya’s PhD project was funded by the Newton Fund, the British Council, and the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF), Hurghada, Egypt.Peer reviewedPostprin
Distinct response of immune gene expression in peripheral blood leucocytes modulated by bacterin vaccine candidates in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss : A potential in vitro screening and batch testing system for vaccine development in aquaculture
Acknowledgements Ahmed Attaya's PhD project was funded by the Newton Fund, the British Council, and the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Hurghada, Egypt. This research was also supported financially by a grant (BB/M013022/1) from the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).Peer reviewedPostprin
Isolation and Molecular Detection of Pathogenic Vibrio Species among Economic Fish from Red Sea in Egypt
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Leiomyoma: a case report of a rare benign tumor of the female urethra
Leiomyoma is a benign smooth muscle tumor which is rarely found in urethra. It often appears in females during their reproductive age (from menarche to menopause); the mean age of their appearance is approximately 41 years. Less than 100 cases were reported in the literature.We hereby report a case of a 52-year-old White woman who presented with complaints of dysuria and urinary tract infection. The mass was completely removed by transvaginal excision with a rim of normal tissue. Histopathological studies confirmed the urethral leiomyoma. The patient remained asymptomatic and there was no evidence of recurrence in the followup.Key words: Leiomyoma, smooth muscle, tumor, urethr
Penile cancer: about ten cases at the University Hospital of Rabat, review of the literature
The aim of our study was to report the status of penile cancer sites in the urology department at the University Hospital of Rabat and evaluate long-term results of surgical treatment of this cancer. Patients and Methods: Between 1989 and 2015, 10 patients were treated for penile cancer. 10 cases were retrospectively reviewed and the following data were recorded: mode of revelation, seat, staging, TNM stage, treatment, evolution and survival. The mean age of patients was 58,1 years (48-81 years). All patients had squamous cell carcinoma of the penis. Six patients had a partial amputation of the penis, and three patients underwent total amputation. The median size of the lesion was 4.25 cm (1.5-8 cm). All tumors had a distal seat (gland- Furrow balanopreputial), 8 were localized and non-invasive (PT1 - PT2) and 2 had infiltrated the urethra (PT3). Four patients had lymph node localization. A single bilateral lymphadenectomy was performed and was positive only on one side, with a node <3 cm and no extracapsular extension. Two patients were referred for chemotherapy, a neoadjuvant referred to basic (Bleomycin - Methotrexate, Cisplatin) the other in a palliative goal. Median follow-up was 42 months (6 -72mois). Four patients died, one of which was presented immediately with metastatic mode. Six patients were alive at last node or local recurrence negative. Cancer of the penis seems rare in Morocco. His oncologic and functional outcomes (sexual and urinary) depend on the precocity of the treatment. The surgery of lymph node resection with lymphadenectomy remains the reference treatment.Key words: Penile Cancer, total penectomy, Partial penectomy, lymphadenectom
Betrayal in the Quranic Context - It's Meaning and Counterparts. A Thematic and Maqasidi Study
تناول الباحثون في هذه الدراسة التعريف بمصطلح الخيانة في اللغة والاصطلاح، وتحديد ورودها ومشتقاتها في الآيات القرآنية، ثم استنباط أنوع الخيانة من خلال المعنى الذي أداه استخدامها في السياق القرني، كخيانة الدين بالكفر، وخيانة الأمة، وخيانة النفس والجوارح، وخيانة العهد، وخيانة أمانات الناس، وخيانة العرض، ثم استقصاء ما ورد من مفاهيم قرآنية تشارك هذه اللفظة في معناها واستخدامها، وهي ما نسميه النظائر وهي. المكر والخديعة والكيد والتجسس والنفاق، وأخيرا استعرض الباحثون نماذج الخيانة الواردة في القرآن الكريم مبينين بالاستعانة بما ذكره أهل التفسير الدلالات والدروس والعبر منها، وبيان مقاصد القرآن الكريم من ذكرها، وقد هدف البحث إلى التعريف بأفعال الخائنين وصفاتهم، والتنبيه عل خطرهم، وأخذ الدروس والعبر من مصائرهم.The researchers outlines two definition of betrayal both in language andidiomatically and mention its places and its derivatives in the Holy Qur’an. Then,the researcher will extrapolate the types of betrayal through the meaning of theverses such as: the betrayal of religion (to be unbeliever), betrayal of nation(Ummah), betrayal of soul and bodies, betrayal of covenant and betrayal of trust ofpeople. After that, the researchers will follow the derivatives of the norm “betrayal”in the Holy Qur’an such as: cunning, deception, espionage, hypocrisy and plan,Finally, the researcher views the samples of betrayal as they were mentioned in theHoly Qur’an with reference to interpreters in order to take the lessons such as: thebetrayal of people of Scripture, This research aims to define the norm “betrayal” inits wide-concept as it mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and to indicate the types ofbetrayal and also to explain the acts of betrayers and their characters and finally totake the lessons of their end and fate