52 research outputs found

    The prognostic and predictive power of redox rotein expression for anthracycline-based chemotherapy response in locally advanced breast cancer

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    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has become the standard of care for locally advanced primary breast cancer. Anthracycline-based regimens have proven to be one of the most effective treatments in this setting. As certain cytotoxic antineoplastic agents, such as anthracyclines, generate reactive oxygen species as a by-product of their mechanism of action, we examined whether redox protein expression was involved in the response to anthracycline-based chemotherapy and with clinical outcome. Pre treatment needle core biopsy and postanthracycline treatment tumour sections were analysed from 98 cases. In all, 32 individuals had a complete clinical response and 17 had a complete pathological response. Immunohistochemical staining was performed for eight redox proteins: thioredoxin, thioredoxin reductase thioredoxin interacting protein (TxNIP), glutathione S-transferase (GST) p, h and a, catalase and manganese superoxide dismutase. GST p (P¼0.05) and catalase (P¼0.045) were associated with pathological complete response in pre-chemotherapy samples. TxNIP (P¼0.017) and thioredoxin reductase (P¼0.022) were independent prognostic factors for distant metastasis free survival and TxNIP for overall survival (P¼0.014). In oestrogen receptor negative patients that are known to have a poor overall survival, a considerably worse prognosis was seen in cases that exhibited low expression of TxNIP (P¼0.000003), stratifying patients into more defined groups. This study indicates the importance of redox regulation in determining breast cancer response to anthracycline-based chemotherapy and provides ways of further stratifying pre-chemotherapy patients to potentially allow more tailored treatments

    National Income and Income Inequality, Family Affluence and Life Satisfaction Among 13 year Old Boys and Girls: A Multilevel Study in 35 Countries

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    Adolescence is a critical period where many patterns of health and health behaviour are formed. The objective of this study was to investigate cross-national variation in the relationship between family affluence and adolescent life satisfaction, and the impact of national income and income inequality on this relationship. Data from the 2006 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: WHO collaborative Study (N = 58,352 across 35 countries) were analysed using multilevel linear and logistic regression analyses for outcome measures life satisfaction score and binary high/low life satisfaction. National income and income inequality were associated with aggregated life satisfaction score and prevalence of high life satisfaction. Within-country socioeconomic inequalities in life satisfaction existed even after adjustment for family structure. This relationship was curvilinear and varied cross-nationally. Socioeconomic inequalities were greatest in poor countries and in countries with unequal income distribution. GDP (PPP US$) and Gini did not explain between country variance in socioeconomic inequalities in life satisfaction. The existence of, and variation in, within-country socioeconomic inequalities in adolescent life satisfaction highlights the importance of identifying and addressing mediating factors during this life stage

    A comparative study on the effects of a pesticide (cypermethrin) and two metals (copper, lead) to serum biochemistry of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus

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    The present study was designed to compare the responses in freshwater fish Oreochromis niloticus exposed to a synthetic pyrethroid, cypermethrin (CYP); an essential metal, copper (Cu); and a nonessential metal, lead (Pb). Fish were exposed to 0.05 μg/l CYP, 0.05 mg/l Cu, and 0.05 mg/l Pb for 4 and 21 days, and the alterations in serum enzyme activities, metabolite, and ion levels were determined. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities increased in response to CYP, Cu, and Pb exposures at both exposure periods. While elevations in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities and in cholesterol level were observed in pesticide-exposed fish at 4 and 21 days, they increased in Cu- and Pb-exposed fish at 21 days. Although metal-exposed fish showed increases in cortisol and glucose levels at 4 days followed by a return to control levels at the end of the exposure period, their levels elevated in pesticide-exposed fish at both exposure periods. Total protein levels decreased in Pb- and pesticide-exposed fish at 21 days. Na+ and Cl− levels decreased in pesticide-exposed fish at both exposure periods and in Cu- and Pb-exposed fish at 21 days. The exposures of pesticide and metals caused an elevation in K+ level at the end of the exposure period. The present study showed that observed alterations in all serum biochemical parameters of fish-treated pesticide were higher than those in fish exposed to metals

    The Global Burden of Alveolar Echinococcosis

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    Human alveolar echinococcosis (AE), caused by the larval stage of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, is amongst the world's most dangerous zoonoses. Transmission to humans is by consumption of parasite eggs which are excreted in the faeces of the definitive hosts: foxes and, increasingly, dogs. Transmission can be through contact with the definitive host or indirectly through contamination of food or possibly water with parasite eggs. We made an intensive search of English, Russian, Chinese and other language databases. We targeted data which could give country specific incidence or prevalence of disease and searched for data from every country we believed to be endemic for AE. We also used data from other sources (often unpublished). From this information we were able to make an estimate of the annual global incidence of disease and disease burden using standard techniques for calculation of DALYs. Our studies suggest that AE results in a median of 18,235 cases globally with a burden of 666,433 DALYs per annum. This is the first estimate of the global burden of AE both in terms of global incidence and DALYs and demonstrates the burden of AE is comparable to several diseases in the neglected tropical disease cluster

    Glomerulocystic kidney disease

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    Glomerulocystic disease is a rare renal cystic disease with a long descriptive history. Findings from recent studies have significantly advanced the pathophysiological understanding of the disease processes leading to this peculiar phenotype. Many genetic syndromes associated with glomerulocystic disease have had their respective proteins localized to primary cilia or centrosomes. Transcriptional control of renal developmental pathways is dysregulated in obstructive diseases that also lead to glomerulocystic disease, emphasizing the importance of transcriptional choreography between renal development and renal cystic disease

    Community Violence and Youth: Affect, Behavior, Substance Use, and Academics

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    Community violence is recognized as a major public health problem (WHO, World Report on Violence and Health,2002) that Americans increasingly understand has adverse implications beyond inner-cities. However, the majority of research on chronic community violence exposure focuses on ethnic minority, impoverished, and/or crime-ridden communities while treatment and prevention focuses on the perpetrators of the violence, not on the youth who are its direct or indirect victims. School-based treatment and preventive interventions are needed for children at elevated risk for exposure to community violence. In preparation, a longitudinal, community epidemiological study, The Multiple Opportunities to Reach Excellence (MORE) Project, is being fielded to address some of the methodological weaknesses presented in previous studies. This study was designed to better understand the impact of children’s chronic exposure to community violence on their emotional, behavioral, substance use, and academic functioning with an overarching goal to identify malleable risk and protective factors which can be targeted in preventive and intervention programs. This paper describes the MORE Project, its conceptual underpinnings, goals, and methodology, as well as implications for treatment and preventive interventions and future research

    The Effect of Inhibitory Signals on the Priming of Drug Hapten–Specific T Cells That Express Distinct Vβ Receptors

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    Drug hypersensitivity involves the activation of T cells in an HLA allele–restricted manner. Because the majority of individuals who carry HLA risk alleles do not develop hypersensitivity, other parameters must control development of the drug-specific T cell response. Thus, we have used a T cell–priming assay and nitroso sulfamethoxazole (SMX-NO) as a model Ag to investigate the activation of specific TCR Vβ subtypes, the impact of programmed death -1 (PD-1), CTL-associated protein 4 (CTLA4), and T cell Ig and mucin domain protein-3 (TIM-3) coinhibitory signaling on activation of naive and memory T cells, and the ability of regulatory T cells (Tregs) to prevent responses. An expansion of the TCR repertoire was observed for nine Vβ subtypes, whereas spectratyping revealed that SMX-NO–specific T cell responses are controlled by public TCRs present in all individuals alongside private TCR repertoires specific to each individual. We proceeded to evaluate the extent to which the activation of these TCR Vβ–restricted Ag-specific T cell responses is governed by regulatory signals. Blockade of PD-L1/CTLA4 signaling dampened activation of SMX-NO–specific naive and memory T cells, whereas blockade of TIM-3 produced no effect. Programmed death-1, CTLA4, and TIM-3 displayed discrete expression profiles during drug-induced T cell activation, and expression of each receptor was enhanced on dividing T cells. Because these receptors are also expressed on Tregs, Treg-mediated suppression of SMX-NO–induced T cell activation was investigated. Tregs significantly dampened the priming of T cells. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that distinct TCR Vβ subtypes, dysregulation of coinhibitory signaling pathways, and dysfunctional Tregs may influence predisposition to hypersensitivity