174 research outputs found

    L’autoguide Mmm ! Mon musĂ©e en tablette ! Un outil de mĂ©diation numĂ©rique et d’étude des publics

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    [email protected] Pour donner le goĂ»t de visiter son parcours d’exposition, le musĂ©e de Die et du Diois a expĂ©rimentĂ© en 2019 un autoguide. Cet outil numĂ©rique proposait aux visiteurs de rĂ©aliser leur livret de visite, en photographiant, filmant, commentant ou dessinant les objets de leur choix. Les auteurs partagent ici le bilan de cette dĂ©marche active d’approche des collections proposĂ©e aux visiteurs, riche d’enseignements pour les professionnels du musĂ©e

    Construction d'iso-surfaces sous contraintes de delaunay, codage par squelettes et filtrage

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    Les iso-surfaces calculĂ©es Ă  l'aide de l'algorithme de marching-cubes fournissent une triangulation des objets prĂ©sents dans une image volumĂ©trique. Dans cet article, nous construisons un nouveau type d'iso-surfaces ayant la propriĂ©tĂ© d'ĂȘtre incluses dans la triangulation de Delaunay de leurs sommets. Pour chaque 8-cube, un ensemble de boucles est calculĂ©, dĂ©pendant uniquement de la connexitĂ© choisie pour les voxels intĂ©rieurs et extĂ©rieurs. Puis, chaque boucle est triangulĂ©e selon sa gĂ©omĂ©trie. Nous montrons que cette triangulation sous contrainte de Delaunay est toujours possible, et ceci mĂȘme pour des voxels anisotropes. L'inclusion de l'iso-surface dans la triangulation de Delaunay a des consĂ©quences importantes. Elle permet de dĂ©duire un modĂšle volumique des objets formĂ©s de tĂ©traĂšdres. Elle permet Ă©galement d'accĂ©der au squelette de l'objet. Des applications au calcul du squelette sont prĂ©sentĂ©es

    Predictive value of cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetic patients with or without silent myocardial ischemia

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    WSTĘP. Celem badania byƂo ustalenie wartoƛci predykcyjnej niemego niedokrwienia mięƛnia sercowego (SMI, silent myocardial ischemia) i neuropatii ukƂadu autonomicznego serca (CAN, cardiac autonomic neuropathy) u chorych na cukrzycę bez objawĂłw choroby niedokrwiennej serca. MATERIAƁ I METODY. Do badania wƂączono 120 chorych na cukrzycę, ktĂłrzy nie przebyli zawaƂu serca i u ktĂłrych wczeƛniej nie rozpoznano dƂawicy piersiowej, z prawidƂowym zapisem elektrokardiograficznym (EKG) z 12 odprowadzeƄ oraz z co najmniej dwoma dodatkowymi czynnikami ryzyka. Nieme niedokrwienie mięƛnia sercowego rozpoznawano na podstawie elektrokardiograficznej prĂłby wysiƂkowej, scyntygrafii mięƛnia sercowego z zastosowaniem talu201 po obciÄ…ĆŒeniu dipirydamolem i 48-godzinnego monitorowania EKG. Neuropatię ukƂadu autonomicznego serca wykrywano za pomocą standaryzowanych badaƄ oceniających zmiennoƛć rytmu serca. DokƂadne dane z trwającej 3-7 lat (ƛrednio 4,5 roku) obserwacji uzyskano od 107 osĂłb. WYNIKI. U 33 chorych (30,7%) stwierdzono SMI. U 33 spoƛrĂłd 75 zbadanych osĂłb (38,9%) wykryto CAN, a u 11 z nich doszƂo do powaĆŒnych incydentĂłw sercowych. SpoƛrĂłd tych 75 chorych powaĆŒne incydenty sercowe występowaƂy podobnie często w grupach SMI+ i SMI- (odpowiednio 6 incydentĂłw u 25 osĂłb vs. 5 u 50 osĂłb), natomiast byƂy znacznie częstsze w grupie CAN+ niĆŒ CAN- (odpowiednio 8 u 33 vs. 3 u 42 osĂłb, p = 0,04), z ryzykiem względnym wynoszącym 4,16 (95% CI 1,01-17,19). Największą częstoƛć analizowanych incydentĂłw obserwowano u chorych z SMI i CAN (u 5 z 10 osĂłb). Po skorygowaniu względem SMI stwierdzono istotną zaleĆŒnoƛć między CAN a powaĆŒnymi incydentami sercowymi (p = 0,04). WNIOSKI. W przypadku chorych na cukrzycę bez objawĂłw choroby niedokrwiennej serca, CAN wydaje się lepszym parametrem zwiastującym moĆŒliwoƛć wystąpienia powaĆŒnych incydentĂłw wieƄcowych niĆŒ SMI. Ryzyko związane z wystąpieniem CAN jest niezaleĆŒne od występowania SMI i jest najwyĆŒsze, gdy CAN i SMI obserwuje się u tego samego pacjenta.INTRODUCTION. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive value of silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) and cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) in asymptomatic diabetic patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS. We recruited 120 diabetic patients with no history of myocardial infarction or angina, a normal 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), and two or more additional risk factors. SMI assessment was carried out by means of an ECG stress test, a thallium-201 myocardial scintigraphy with dipyridamole, and 48-h ECG monitoring. CAN was searched for by standardized tests evaluating heart rate variations. Accurate follow-up information for 3–7 years (mean 4.5) was obtained in 107 patients. RESULTS. There was evidence of SMI in 33 patients (30.7%). CAN was detected in 33 of the 75 patients (38.9%) who were tested, and a major cardiac event occurred in 11 of them. Among these 75 patients, the proportion of major cardiac events in the SMI+ patients was not significantly higher than that in the SMI– patients (6 of 25 vs. 5 of 50 patients), whereas it was significantly higher in the CAN+ patients than in the CAN– patients (8 of 33 vs. 3 of 42 patients; P = 0.04), with a relative risk of 4.16 (95% CI 1.01–17.19) and was the highest in the patients with both SMI and CAN (5 of 10 patients). After adjusting for SMI, there was a significant association between CAN and major cardiac events (P = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS. In asymptomatic diabetic patients, CAN appears to be a better predictor of major cardiac events than SMI. The risk linked to CAN appears to be independent of SMI and is the highest when CAN is associated with SMI

    In the absence of noise, nothing sounds: Blanchot and the performance of harsh noise wall

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    Blanchot took Mallarmé’s “Book” as the paradigm for an artwork that aspired to such excess it could not exist. And yet it partly did, in the form of the poem Un coup de dĂ©s jamais n’abolira le hasard. For Blanchot, this ultimate literary work acted as a model for a relentless deconstructing not just of what existed but also of that which did not. His emptying theoretical perspective is ideally suited to analyse the phenomenon that is harsh noise wall music. This type of music aims to be both total and static, an extreme stilling of the music impulse, and even of noise itself. This stilling will of course fail, in the shape of recordings, concerts, recognizable “pieces,” but this failing puts it into the same realm as the Book, as glossed and mobilized by Blanchot, in that it exists but it should not. It cannot happen and yet it unfolds. Rather than failure, then, I argue that this type of noise music is one realization of Blanchot’s thinning, dissipating and disappearing of Mallarmé’s project. This (in)completion, present in these writers and in harsh noise wall, notably in the work of Romain Perrot (Vomir) is not just resemblance but is something that enables a reading, a return (in)completion of Blanchot. This article looks to stage this double reading, a reading that produces nothing. Actually, not even nothing

    Thinking through Errance: Journeying and Waiting among African Travelers in Quito and Dakar

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    RESUMEN: A partir del cambio de milenio, Ecuador se ha convertido en un lugar de paso, pero tambiĂ©n de residencia para migrantes de diferentes paĂ­ses del mundo. Mientras que la fuerza de atracciĂłn de este paĂ­s proviene de requisitos migratorios flexibles como resultado de una polĂ­tica de ciudadanĂ­a universal, las condiciones econĂłmicas no estimulan la posibilidad de quedarse. Este artĂ­culo tiene como punto de partida una reflexiĂłn previa sobre el concepto errancia que surgiĂł de un acercamiento a las historias de africanos que esperaban en Dakar (Senegal) para continuar el viaje fuera de su continente. Contrastamos esta experiencia con la de otros africanos que han atravesado el AtlĂĄntico y han llegado a Quito. Dos opciones se presentan a estos Ășltimos: continuar el viaje hacia Estados Unidos o quedarse. En ambos casos, las polĂ­ticas migratorias, el valor de los papeles (pasaportes y visas) y las formas de socialidad influyen en su experiencia como viajeros. En el caso de quienes continĂșan el viaje hacia Estados Unidos,los riesgos de la travesĂ­a se convierten en pruebas de aptitud para recibir asilo.ABSTRACT: Since the beginning of the 21st century, Ecuador has been a point of transit but also of residence for migrants from around the world. While the attraction of this country resides in the flexible regulations of migration which stem from its policy of universal citizenship, the economic conditions there do not encourage migrants to stay. The starting point of this article is a previous study of the concept of errance which emerged from listening to the stories of Africans who were waiting in Dakar, Senegal, as they sought a way to leave from the continent from Africa. The article contrasts their experiences with those of other Africans who manage to cross the Atlantic and land in Quito. There are two options available for them: to either continue the journey toward the United States or remain in Ecuador. In both cases, migration policies, immigration papers and socialities are factors which shape their experience as travelers. For those who continue on their journey to the United States, the risks they run become a proof of their worthiness to be granted asylum

    Beta Cells within Single Human Islets Originate from Multiple Progenitors

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    BACKGROUND: In both humans and rodents, glucose homeostasis is controlled by micro-organs called islets of Langerhans composed of beta cells, associated with other endocrine cell types. Most of our understanding of islet cell differentiation and morphogenesis is derived from rodent developmental studies. However, little is known about human islet formation. The lack of adequate experimental models has restricted the study of human pancreatic development to the histological analysis of different stages of pancreatic development. Our objective was to develop a new experimental model to (i) transfer genes into developing human pancreatic cells and (ii) validate gene transfer by defining the clonality of developing human islets. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In this study, a unique model was developed combining ex vivo organogenesis from human fetal pancreatic tissue and cell type-specific lentivirus-mediated gene transfer. Human pancreatic progenitors were transduced with lentiviruses expressing GFP under the control of an insulin promoter and grafted to severe combined immunodeficient mice, allowing human beta cell differentiation and islet morphogenesis. By performing gene transfer at low multiplicity of infection, we created a chimeric graft with a subpopulation of human beta cells expressing GFP and found both GFP-positive and GFP-negative beta cells within single islets. CONCLUSION: The detection of both labeled and unlabeled beta cells in single islets demonstrates that beta cells present in a human islet are derived from multiple progenitors thus providing the first dynamic analysis of human islet formation during development. This human transgenic-like tool can be widely used to elucidate dynamic genetic processes in human tissue formation
