250 research outputs found

    Public Relations Strategy Analysis Crisis Communications

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    Crisis communication is the exchange of information between an organization and its constituents during and after the occurrence of a crisis. This research employs a descriptive technique and a qualitative method. Techniques for data gathering include observation, interviewing, and documenting. The aim of this research is to conduct an empirical examination of the execution of strategies and supporting and inhibiting variables in crisis communication in public relations. The findings of this research suggest that a crisis communication plan should be suitable and swift in order to overcome public reaction and avoid a protracted crisis communication. Communication in Times of Crisis Pre-Crisis management is carried out by Public Relations, namely in the preparation (Planning) stage, which includes the establishment of a Public Relations team responsible for providing information, a clean-up and executive summery formation team, and Crisis-Response, namely the manufacturing stage. Press releases, clarifications, establishing stakeholder and media relations, and finally, Post-Crisis, namely the advancement of Public Relations not only to improve the company's image but also to improve performance, press conferences, and dissemination of publications are also implemented to improve things in the short and long term through program

    Characterization of Hydrogen Plasma used for Introducing Hydrogen into Semiconductors

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    This paper reports the investigation result of RF power effects on the RF hydrogen plasma parameters. The hydrogen plasma parameters are measured experimentally in the center of the deposition chamber by means of the cylindrical Langmuir probe. The measurements are done at 0.2 mbar hydrogen gas pressures. The applied discharge powers are between 50 W and 200 W. It is found that the electron and ion densities increase with the RF power. The ion density dependence of the cathode sheath voltage is fitted to Ni(cm-3)=-3.5 1010 + 9.2  107 (Vo - Vdc). The plasma and floating potentials are less sensitive to RF power.This paper reports the investigation result of RF power effects on the RF hydrogen plasma parameters. The hydrogen plasma parameters are measured experimentally in the center of the deposition chamber by means of the cylindrical Langmuir probe. The measurements are done at 0.2 mbar hydrogen gas pressures. The applied discharge powers are between 50 W and 200 W. It is found that the electron and ion densities increase with the RF power. The ion density dependence of the cathode sheath voltage is fitted to Ni(cm-3)=-3.5 1010 + 9.2  107 (Vo - Vdc). The plasma and floating potentials are less sensitive to RF power

    Functional Analysis of T Cells Lacking Germline-Encoded Complementarity-Determining Regions

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    The diversity of antigen receptors and the specificity it underlies are the hallmarks of the cellular arm of the adaptive immune system. T and B lymphocytes are indeed truly unique in their ability to generate receptors capable of recognising virtually any pathogen. It has been known for several decades that T lymphocytes recognise short peptides derived from degraded proteins that are presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Nonetheless, the molecular basis of this interaction is still a matter of debate, the central issue being the roles played by the complementarity-determining regions (CDR) in this context. In this study we have generated a transgenic mouse line lacking all three TCR-β chain CDR loops and a second line lacking the hypervariable CDR3 loop only. This project is the first attempt to characterise such transgenic mice, which were found to develop normally and to generate functional T lymphocytes. We demonstrate that in this murine TCR-β transgenic system, CDR-modified thymocytes can be selected on MHC and develop into functional peripheral T cells. We show for the first time that T cells lacking all three TCR-β chain CDR loops respond to protein antigen in an MHC-restricted manner. This will provide insight into the structural basis of the TCR-MHC-peptide interaction and increase our current knowledge of the requirements for the selection and functionality of MHC-restricted T cells.Open Acces

    Skin in a Hodgkin lymphoma

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    The influence of doping with Ca and Mg in YBa2Cu3O7-δ ceramic

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    We have investigated the effect of partial substitution of Ca for Y and/or Mg for Cu on structural, compositional and magnetic properties in γBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-δ polycrystalline compounds. All prepared samples were found to be single phase with small fraction of Ba-secondary phases. Substitution by more than 2% of magnesium causes an increase of spurious phases. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) revealed that the distribution of Ca in the sample is quite homogenous. DC susceptibility measurements show that superconducting transition temperature Tc is reduced much more by Ca than Mg. Hysteresis loops reveal that magnetic irreversibility is decreased by Ca and Mg content. The deduced critical current density Jc does not follow the same variation. Ca alone reduces Jc for x=0.1 and x=0.2. Together with Ca, Mg compensates the reduction of Jc and increasing its content near the solubility limit gives higher Jc than in the undoped sample

    Réticulation enzymatique des protéines de pois pour la formation de microparticules : application à l'encapsulation de la riboflavine

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    In this work, pea proteins behavior toward enzymatic gelation by microbial transglutaminase (MTGase) was studied at native state and after denaturation (chemical reduction or thermal denaturation). The final application was the formation of protein microparticules to encapsulate riboflavin, chosen as hydrophilic active molecule model. The extraction process of the pea protein fractions has been optimized in such a way to minimize as possible protein denaturation and recover native fractions rich in albumin (Alb) and globulin (Glob) or a mixture of both.The setting up of the enzymatic reaction monitoring methods has brought out their complementarity as well as their limits. Two new monitoring methods of enzymatic cross-linking reaction have been developed. The first one, based on the NMR, allows to the simultaneous determination of the glutamine-lysine isopeptide bond, product of the enzymatic reaction, and the degree of crosslinking; the second method, based on size measuring techniques (SDS-PAGE and DLS), permit to view the intramolecular links. The study of enzymatic treatment applied to pea Alb and Glob at the native and denatured states, as well as thier native mixture showed that the enzymatic reaction is strongly related to the structure and conformation of proteins. Unlike Alb, the Glob fraction is a good substrate to transglutaminase and crosslinking reaction involves different subunits constituting globulins for each treatment condition. However, the Alb can be used as a booster of enzyme reaction which can be an innovative way for improving the proteins susceptibility toward transglutaminase treatment. The mechanism seems to be based on a selective affinity phenomenon. The good mechanical properties and water holding capacity of total pea proteins gel have been exploited to produce microparticles from a water-in-oil emulsion followed by enzymatic gelation. The produced microparticles were practically insoluble in gastrointestinal media in the absence of enzymes and slowly degradable in the presence of enzymes. The release mechanisms of riboflavin in digestive environments are governed by a diffusion phenomenon in the absence of enzymes and by support degradation phenomenon in the presence of enzymes according to kinetics compatible with nutraceutical applications.Dans ce travail, le comportement des protéines de pois vis-à-vis de la gélification enzymatique par la transglutaminase microbienne (MTGase) a été évalué à l’état natif et après dénaturation (réduction chimique ou thermo-dénaturation). L’application finale concernait la formation de microparticules protéiques permettant d’encapsuler la riboflavine, choisie comme molécule active hydrophile modèle. Le procédé d’extraction des fractions protéiques de pois a été optimisé de manière à affecter le moins possible la structure des protéines et de récupérer des fractions natives riches en albumines (Alb) et en globulines (Glob), ou leur mélange. La mise en place des méthodes de suivi de la réaction enzymatique a permis de mettre en évidence leur complémentarité ainsi que leurs limites. Deux nouvelles méthodes de suivi de la réticulation enzymatique ont été développées. L’une basé sur la RMN permet la détermination simultanée de la quantité du fragment glutamine-lysine, produit de la réaction enzymatique, et le degré de réticulation ; l’autre méthode, basée sur les techniques de mesure de taille (SDS-PAGE et DLS), permet de visualiser les liaisons intramoléculaires. L’étude du traitement enzymatique appliqué aux fractions Alb et Glob de pois à l’état natif et dénaturé, ainsi qu’en mélange natif, a montré que la réaction enzymatique est fortement liée à la structure et à la conformation des protéines. Contrairement à la fraction Alb, la fraction Glob constitue un bon substrat pour la MTGase et la réticulation met en jeu des sous-unités constitutives des globulines différentes pour chaque condition de traitement. Néanmoins, la fraction Alb peut être utilisée en tant que booster de réaction enzymatique ce qui peut faire l’objet d’une voie innovante d’amélioration de la susceptibilité des protéines vis-à-vis de la MTGase. Le mécanisme semble basé sur un phénomène d’affinité sélective. Les bonnes propriétés mécaniques et de capacité de rétention d’eau du gel de la fraction protéique de pois totale ont été exploitées pour produire des microparticules à partir de la dispersion de la solution protéique sous forme d’émulsion suivie d’une gélification enzymatique par la MTGase. Les microparticules ont été pratiquement insolubles dans les milieux gastro-intestinaux en absence d’enzymes et lentement dégradable en présence d’enzymes. La libération de la riboflavine est gouvernée par un phénomène de diffusion en absence d’enzyme et de dégradation de support en présence d’enzymes selon des cinétiques compatibles avec des applications nutraceutiques

    αβ T cell receptor germline CDR regions moderate contact with MHC ligands and regulate peptide cross-reactivity

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    αβ T cells respond to peptide epitopes presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. The role of T cell receptor (TCR) germline complementarity determining regions (CDR1 and 2) in MHC restriction is not well understood. Here, we examine T cell development, MHC restriction and antigen recognition where germline CDR loop structure has been modified by multiple glycine/alanine substitutions. Surprisingly, loss of germline structure increases TCR engagement with MHC ligands leading to excessive loss of immature thymocytes. MHC restriction is, however, strictly maintained. The peripheral T cell repertoire is affected similarly, exhibiting elevated cross-reactivity to foreign peptides. Our findings are consistent with germline TCR structure optimising T cell cross-reactivity and immunity by moderating engagement with MHC ligands. This strategy may operate alongside co-receptor imposed MHC restriction, freeing germline TCR structure to adopt this novel role in the TCR-MHC interface

    Governance of internal audit and its role in adding value A field study at Al-Watania Cement Company (Aden) in the context of improving its environmental management

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    The aim of the research is to identify internal audit governance and its role in adding value to companies in the context of improving their environmental Performance. The population of the study is comprised of Yemeni cement manufacturing companies in Aden, The study sample is Al-Watania Company. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed to collect data by distributing it to a sample consisting of (the general manager, deputy general manager, department manager, department head, internal auditor, and accountant). The number of questionnaires distributed was (50), and the number of questionnaires recovered was (50), with a recovery rate of 100%. According to the study’s findings, there is a statistically significant impact of internal audit governance in adding value to companies in the context of improving their environmental performance, internal audit governance impacts adding value by (0.32), while the percentage (0.68) is due to other factors. Internal audit adds value to companies by raising the efficiency of management performance in decision-making and providing appropriate information at the right time. and Provide regular updates to the company’s management on environmental performance, especially when there are potential risks, and assist in responding to all risks, including environmental risks. The study suggested the need to adopt environmental auditing as a mandatory audit in all companies, especially industrial companies. Training internal auditors to develop their skills in the field of environment, procedures, and activities for environmental auditing
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