49 research outputs found

    Tolerated Terror: Mexico\u27s Failure to Punish Gender-Based Violence in Ciudad Juarez and Potential Avenues for Relief under U.S. Asylum Law

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    This paper examines the phenomenon of gender-related violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and surveys what legal mechanisms exist to protect the human rights of the women who are being targeted there. The first section of the paper presents background information regarding the violence in Ciudad Juarez. This section first explores the historical and economic developments in Mexico that led to the migration of thousands of young, rural women to Ciudad Juarez. I then discuss the nature of the violence against these women in Ciudad Juarez as it has been reported by human rights agencies, journalists and scholars. Finally, I survey some of the theories that have emerged to explain the pattern of violence against women in Ciudad Juarez. The second section of the paper probes what legal remedies are available through local, state and federal authorities in Mexico to protect the women of Ciudad Juarez from violence. This section also discusses Mexico\\u27s human rights obligations under international human rights instruments to which it is a party and to what extent those obligations translate into real protection for the women of Ciudad Juarez. The data and commentary presented in this section establish that: (1) Mexico has failed to protect the women of Ciudad Juarez by its inadequate investigation of the murders, its inability to locate and prosecute the perpetrators, and its failure to implement preventive measures; and (2) the international human rights regime, while raising the profile of the murders and exerting considerable pressure on the Mexican government to take meaningful steps to eradicate the violence, is not an effective mechanism for protecting the women of Ciudad Juarez. The third section of the paper examines what relief might be available under United States asylum law to women who are actual or potential victims of the violence in Ciudad Juarez. This section presents an overview of U.S. asylum law, followed by a step-by-step analysis of whether and under what circumstances these women could make successful asylum claims. The paper concludes with a general assessment of the rule of law in Mexico with respect to the human rights of the women of Ciudad Juarez. This assessment is broken down into three categories: (1) efficacy of the Mexican local and federal legal framework; (2) efficacy of the relevant international human rights organizations; and (3) efficacy of international refugee law as applied in the U.S. context. I also suggest topics for further research

    Use of the Subject-centered Integrated Learning Model and the Occupational Experience Profile to Promote Students\u27 Connections Among Occupation, Self, and the Profession

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    Recent research related to occupational therapy education identified the need for a conceptual model to help guide the design and implementation of occupation-centered education. Spurred by this research, the Subject-centered Integrative Learning Model-Occupational Therapy (SCIL-OT) emerged as a model to enable educators and learners to keep the concept of occupation at the center of all occupational therapy education and learning. That work, largely focused on teaching students to connect non-occupation content to occupation (Hooper et al., 2020). However, teaching students about occupation directly can also benefit from using the SCIL-OT model to design learning experiences. The purpose of this paper is two-fold: 1) to demonstrate how the SCIL-OT model guided the development of a semester-long occupational balance assignment, and 2) to introduce the Occupational Experience Profile (OEP) used in the assignment. Content analysis of students’ written components of the semester-long occupation-based learning assignment revealed two themes: 1) completion of the occupational balance assignment contributed to an increased awareness of occupation and the dynamics of occupation and 2) students’ learning revealed interconnections between self, occupation, health, clients, and OT practice. Use of the SCIL-OT enhances students’ abilities to make connections; however, educators need to continually create and communicate explicit connections with and to occupation

    Investigation of Seal-to-Floor Effects on Semi-Span Transonic Models

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    In an effort to achieve the maximum possible Reynolds number (Re) when conducting production testing for flight loads aerodynamic databases, it has been the preferred practice of The Boeing Company / Commercial Airplanes (BCA) -- Loads and Dynamics Group since the early 1990's to test large scale semi-span models in the 11- By 11-Foot Transonic Wind Tunnel (TWT) leg of the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (UPWT) at the NASA Ames Research Center (ARC). There are many problems related to testing large scale semi-span models of high aspect ratio flexible transport wings, such as; floor boundary layer effects, wing spanwise wall effects, solid blockage buoyancy effects, floor mechanical interference effects, airflow under the model effects, or tunnel flow gradient effects. For most of these issues, BCA has developed and implemented either standard testing methods or numerical correction schemes and these will not be discussed in this document. Other researchers have reported on semi-span transonic testing correction issues, however most of the reported research has been for low Mach testing. Some of the reports for low Mach testing address the difficult problem of preventing undesirable airflow under a semi-span model while ensuring unrestricted main balance functionality, however, for transonic models this issue has gone unresolved. BCA has been cognizant for sometime that there are marked differences in wing pressure distributions from semi-span transonic model testing than from full model or flight testing. It has been suspected that these differences are at least in part due to airflow under the model. Previous efforts by BCA to address this issue have proven to be ineffective or inconclusive and in one situation resulted in broken hardware. This paper reports on a Boeing-NASA collaborative investigation based on a series of small tests conducted between June 2006 and November 2007 in the 11 by 11 foot Transonic Wind Tunnel at NASA Ames on three large commercial jet transport configurations to assess the effects of sealing a semi-span model to the floor and to investigate efficient sealing and testing techniques. This document will show how sealing the model to the floor has a small but remarkably far reaching spanwise effect on wing pressures, wing local section forces and wing force summations

    Occupational Science: A Data-based American Perspective

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    The purpose of this research was to provide a data-based picture of the discipline of occupational science by identifying patterns of research in the first 5 years of presentations at the Society for the Study of Occupation: USA (SSO:USA). A grounded theory approach was used to examine 184 peerreviewed presentation abstracts, from 2002 to 2006. Among the 108 data-based presentations, adults were the most studied group, with 46% of the data-based abstracts focused on participants with a disability or clear disadvantage. Presenters’ research foci related to 4 themes: the personal experience of occupation, the context surrounding or impacting occupation, changes associated with occupation, and a descriptive perspective of occupation. Implications for occupational science are discussed

    ”De som kan simma ska fĂ„ fördjupning”   : en studie om utvalda skolors simundervisning  

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    Abstract Aim: The purpose of this study was to describe and compare education in swimming in grade six in two different schools. Another purpose was to investigate students’ perception of their swimming skills and their attitudes to education in swimming. The more prĂ©cised questions were: (1) How is the education in swimming organized in each school? (2) How do the teachers control that the students reach the goals to attain in swimming in the 5: th grade? (3) How do the students judge their own swimming knowledge? And (4) What attitudes towards the education in swimming do the students have? Method: A quantitative method, a questionnaire, was used to answer the purpose and questions of the study. 88 students in grade six in two selected schools participated in the survey. The questionnaire consisted of both open and closed questions. The schools were selected through a purposeful sample. All four physical education teachers at the selected schools were interviewed. A curriculum-theoretical framework has been used to deepen the understanding of the study’s results. Results: All four physical education teachers believe that it is important to be able to swim. However the education in swimming is organized very differently in the two schools. One of the schools has swimming lessons 12 weeks per year, once a week (grade 1-6). The other school only offers classes in swimming in the second grade: one semester, in grade 3-6 the school let students show their skills once per school year. The students at both schools are satisfied with the swimming lessons however; they have suggestions of how to improve it. 50% of the students learned to swim in the swimming school outside of school, and could therefore swim before they started school. 13% of the students claim that they are not able to swim 200 meters. The teachers however indicated that all students reach the goals. All four physical education teachers think it is important to be able to swim but that it is the parent’s responsibility Conclusion: Swimming education differs a lot in the two schools, despite the fact that all four physical education teachers consider it important. The teachers’ focused on the formulation stage and the achievement of the objectives of the curriculum, rather than problematizing the transformation and realization of objectives. Students are aware of their swimming ability and limitations of this. They also want to learn more in the context swimming education.  Sammanfattning Studiens syfte: har varit att beskriva och jĂ€mföra simundervisning i skolĂ„r 6 pĂ„ tvĂ„ skolor. Ytterligare ett syfte har varit att undersöka elevers uppfattning om sina simkunskaper och skolans simundervisning. FrĂ„gestĂ€llningar: Hur organiseras simundervisningen pĂ„ respektive skola? Hur kontrollerar lĂ€rarna att eleverna nĂ„r upp till mĂ„len inom simning i Ă„rskurs 5? Vilken uppfattning har eleverna om sin egen simkunskap? Vilken uppfattning har eleverna om skolans simundervisning? Metod: En kvantitativ metod i form av en enkĂ€t har anvĂ€nts för att besvara studiens syfte och frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. 88 elever i Ă„rskurs 6 pĂ„ tvĂ„ utvalda skolor deltog i enkĂ€tundersökning. EnkĂ€tundersökningen har vidare kompletterats med en kvalitativ intervjustudie, vars resultat ocksĂ„ ligger till grund för studiens resultat. EnkĂ€ten har bestĂ„tt av bĂ„de öppna och slutna frĂ„gor. Studien har genomförts genom ett bekvĂ€mlighetsurval, vilket betyder att urvalet bestĂ€mdes av praktiska skĂ€l. Motivet som ligger till grund för urvalet för den första skolan var att jag till största del har gjort min praktik pĂ„ skolan dock aldrig varit med pĂ„ simundervisning. Det öppnade för att undersöka denna skola nĂ€rmare. Motivet till urvalet av den andra skolan var att jag hade kunskap och kĂ€nnedom om skolan dĂ„ jag sjĂ€lv en gĂ„ng i tiden har gĂ„tt pĂ„ skolan, och var intresserad av att undersöka om simundervisningen hade förĂ€ndrats. Ett lĂ€roplansteoretiskt ramverk har anvĂ€nts för att fördjupa förstĂ„elsen av studiens resultat. Resultat: Samtliga idrottslĂ€rare som har intervjuats tycker att det Ă€r viktigt att kunna simma. Dock organiseras simundervisningen vĂ€ldigt olika pĂ„ skolorna. Den ena skolan Ă„ker och simtrĂ€nar 12 veckor per Ă„r, en gĂ„ng i veckan (skolĂ„r 1-6). PĂ„ den andra skolan har skolĂ„r 1 ingen simundervisning, för skolĂ„r 2 köper skolan in simundervisning under en termin. I Ă„rskurs 3-6 Ă„ker man gĂ„ng per Ă„r till simhallen för att visa upp sin kunskap. Eleverna pĂ„ bĂ„da skolorna Ă€r nöjda med den simundervisning de har, dock finns förslag pĂ„ hur den kan förbĂ€ttras. 50 % av eleverna har lĂ€rt sig simma pĂ„ simskola utanför skolans ram och kunde dĂ€rför simma innan de började skolan. 13 % av eleverna ansĂ„g sig inte kunna simma 200 meter. LĂ€rarna angav dock att alla elever nĂ„r mĂ„let för simkunnighet. Vidare framkommer att idrottslĂ€rarna tycker att det Ă€r förĂ€ldrarnas ansvar att eleverna kan simma, Slutsats: Simundervisningen ser mycket olika ut pĂ„ skolorna, trots att samtliga lĂ€rare anser det vara viktigt. Med hjĂ€lp av en lĂ€roplansteoretisk analys framtrĂ€der att skolorna framförallt fokuserar pĂ„ formuleringsarenan (styrdokumentsnivĂ„n) och pĂ„ uppnĂ„endemĂ„len i kursplanen. Den transformering som lĂ€rarna gör av uppnĂ„ende mĂ„let resulterar i att kontrollera simkunnighet. Eleverna Ă€r medvetna om sin simkunnighet och begrĂ€nsningar i denna. De vill ocksĂ„ lĂ€ra sig mer inom ramen för simundervisningen

    Representasi kekerasan verbal dan nonverbal dalam program dahsyat di RCTI episode 26 oktober 2014 (analisis semiotika charles sanders peirce)

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    Televisi merupakan media massa yang menyajikan tayangan berupa gambar dan suara kepada penonton. Lewat televisi penonton bisa menikmati beragram informasi dan hiburan. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan televisi oleh masyarakat Indonesia masih sangat tinggi dibandingkan dengan media massa lainnya. Adanya gambar dan suara dalam media televisi memicu terjadinya kekerasan. Jenis kekerasan dalam televisi banyak ditemukan melalui komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal. Lewat penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba mengungkap fenomena apa yang sebenarnya direpresentasikan oleh para pekerja televisi khususnya dalam Program Dahsyat Episode 26 Oktober 2014. Melalui analisis semiotika dari Charles Sanders Peirce, peneliti menganalisisnya menggunakan ikon, indeks, dan simbol khususnya pada komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti menemukan adanya kekerasan verbal dan nonverba

    Development and initial validation of the Daily Experiences of Pleasure, Productivity and Restoration Profile, The

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    2012 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Occupational scientists and occupational therapists believe that people experience time and occupation differently, and that understanding these unique subjective experiences is essential to enhance the understanding of occupational participation, health and well-being. Yet the efforts toward the identification and development of ways of understanding people's unique subjective experiences are limited. In this dissertation, the researcher provides the theoretical underpinning of a newly developing instrument designed to capture the objective and subjective experiences of occupational engagement titled the Daily Experiences of Pleasure, Productivity and Restoration Profile (PPR Profile) (Atler, 2008) and reports the validity evidence of the PPR Profile as examined in two studies. Cognitive interviewing was used in the first study to examine validity evidence based on test content, response processes, and the consequences of completing the instrument. The study provides beginning validity evidence of the PPR Profile's use as an instrument designed to capture the subjective experiences of daily activities. In addition, the study illustrates the benefits of using cognitive interviewing as a means of engaging clients who may potentially use the instrument in the development process. In the second study, validity evidence related to consequential and convergent validity was examined using a mixed method design. Adults living with the consequences of stroke completed three health surveys and the PPR Profile for three days. Use of the PPR Profile increased awareness of daily activities and related experiences. Although there was limited convergent validity evidence gathered in the study, consequential validity evidence indicated that participants' completion of the PPR Profile led to reflection and examination. However awareness was not always seen by participants as beneficial. Potential reasons for the limited convergent validity found are discussed

    Tolerated Terror: Mexico's Failure to Punish Gender-Based Violence in Ciudad Juarez and Potential Avenues for Relief under U.S. Asylum Law

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    46 p. ; This student paper has been awarded the 2006 Helen S. Carter Prize.This paper examines the phenomenon of gender-related violence in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and surveys what legal mechanisms exist to protect the human rights of the women who are being targeted there. The first section of the paper presents background information regarding the violence in Ciudad Juarez. This section first explores the historical and economic developments in Mexico that led to the migration of thousands of young, rural women to Ciudad Juarez. I then discuss the nature of the violence against these women in Ciudad Juarez as it has been reported by human rights agencies, journalists and scholars. Finally, I survey some of the theories that have emerged to explain the pattern of violence against women in Ciudad Juarez. The second section of the paper probes what legal remedies are available through local, state and federal authorities in Mexico to protect the women of Ciudad Juarez from violence. This section also discusses Mexico's human rights obligations under international human rights instruments to which it is a party and to what extent those obligations translate into real protection for the women of Ciudad Juarez. The data and commentary presented in this section establish that: (1) Mexico has failed to protect the women of Ciudad Juarez by its inadequate investigation of the murders, its inability to locate and prosecute the perpetrators, and its failure to implement preventive measures; and (2) the international human rights regime, while raising the profile of the murders and exerting considerable pressure on the Mexican government to take meaningful steps to eradicate the violence, is not an effective mechanism for protecting the women of Ciudad Juarez. The third section of the paper examines what relief might be available under United States asylum law to women who are actual or potential victims of the violence in Ciudad Juarez. This section presents an overview of U.S. asylum law, followed by a step-by-step analysis of whether and under what circumstances these women could make successful asylum claims. The paper concludes with a general assessment of the "rule of law" in Mexico with respect to the human rights of the women of Ciudad Juarez. This assessment is broken down into three categories: (1) efficacy of the Mexican local and federal legal framework; (2) efficacy of the relevant international human rights organizations; and (3) efficacy of international refugee law as applied in the U.S. context. I also suggest topics for further research