22 research outputs found

    Trade development strategy, regional economic development and cooperation: The case of the Murmansk region, Russia

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    The purpose of the article is to explore the concept of a trade development strategy and to identify its impact on cross-border trade and cooperation. The case focuses on the Murmansk region and cross-border trade with Finland. This study is designed as a qualitative, single-case, embedded study. Primary data collection was executed by means of a survey and semi-structured interviews. The acquired data were analyzed by developing a case description. In this study trade development strategy is understood from the practice theory perspective and is defined as a set of strategic activities initiated by formal and informal institutions. The concept of a trade development strategy includes activities related to (1) intelligent growth, (2) trade promotion, (3) infrastructure development, and (4) support for market access and international trade cooperation. This study reveals that the absence of a thoroughly devised international trade´development strategy in the Murmansk region does not allow for the streamlining of strategizing activities related to trade development; therefore the activities tend to be uncoordinated and unbalanced

    Alternative Approaches to Urban Regeneration and Infill Planning: Case Turku, Finland

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    In Finland, cities consider infill development as a means for urban regeneration in existing suburbs. However, the preconditions for development may vary: some areas are more attractive for infill development projects than others. Therefore, cities must align their urban regeneration approaches with the specifics of the context. This paper builds on the notions that the prevailing growth-dependent urban planning paradigm is not functional in areas demarcated by low growth or stagnation. Planning that seeks to bring value for the localities by appreciating their strengths and non-monetary assets might provide grounds for alternative planning approaches. From these starting points, we explore how Finnish urban planners align their urban regeneration approaches with different contexts. We aim at identifying when the growth-dependent approach is used, whether alternative approaches are deployed, and what are their underlying logics. Our analytical framework originates from organizational learning theory of action inquiry. It explains how urban regeneration visions, strategies and actions are adjusted to low growth contexts. The empirical material consists of three urban regeneration cases in the Finnish City of Turku. As a result, three approaches to urban regeneration with different emphases on infill development are depicted and discussed. The growth-dependent approach is used in areas with strategic importance for the City, and possibilities for urban growth. Alternative approaches seek to support local development initiatives or inspire development in areas where it does not yet exist. The contribution of this exploratory paper is to demonstrate that urban planners in Finland deploy alternatives to growth-dependent planning and provide conceptualizations of alternative planning approaches

    Diagnostic and prognostic prediction models in ventilator-associated pneumonia: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prediction modelling studies

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    Machine learning; Mechanical ventilation; Prognostic modelAprenentatge automàtic; Ventilació mecànica; Model pronòsticAprendizaje automático; Ventilacion mecanica; Modelo pronósticoPurpose Existing expert systems have not improved the diagnostic accuracy of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The aim of this systematic literature review was to review and summarize state-of-the-art prediction models detecting or predicting VAP from exhaled breath, patient reports and demographic and clinical characteristics. Methods Both diagnostic and prognostic prediction models were searched from a representative list of multidisciplinary databases. An extensive list of validated search terms was added to the search to cover papers failing to mention predictive research in their title or abstract. Two authors independently selected studies, while three authors extracted data using predefined criteria and data extraction forms. The Prediction Model Risk of Bias Assessment Tool was used to assess both the risk of bias and the applicability of the prediction modelling studies. Technology readiness was also assessed. Results Out of 2052 identified studies, 20 were included. Fourteen (70%) studies reported the predictive performance of diagnostic models to detect VAP from exhaled human breath with a high degree of sensitivity and a moderate specificity. In addition, the majority of them were validated on a realistic dataset. The rest of the studies reported the predictive performance of diagnostic and prognostic prediction models to detect VAP from unstructured narratives [2 (10%)] as well as baseline demographics and clinical characteristics [4 (20%)]. All studies, however, had either a high or unclear risk of bias without significant improvements in applicability. Conclusions The development and deployment of prediction modelling studies are limited in VAP and related outcomes. More computational, translational, and clinical research is needed to bring these tools from the bench to the bedside.The project is supported by the Academy of Finland (project number 326291) and the University of Oulu

    Early prediction of ventilator-associated pneumonia with machine learning models: A systematic review and meta-analysis of prediction model performance

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    Artificial ventilation; Machine learning; Predictive analyticsVentilación artificial; Aprendizaje automático; Análisis predictivoVentilació artificial; Aprenentatge automàtic; Anàlisi predictiuBackground Machine learning-based prediction models can catalog, classify, and correlate large amounts of multimodal data to aid clinicians at diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic levels. Early prediction of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) may accelerate the diagnosis and guide preventive interventions. The performance of a variety of machine learning-based prediction models were analyzed among adults undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation. Methods This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration. Machine learning-based prediction models were identified from a search of nine multi-disciplinary databases. Two authors independently selected and extracted data using predefined criteria and data extraction forms. The predictive performance, the interpretability, the technological readiness level, and the risk of bias of the included studies were evaluated. Results Final analysis included 10 static prediction models using supervised learning. The pooled area under the receiver operating characteristics curve, sensitivity, and specificity for VAP were 0.88 (95 % CI 0.82–0.94, I2 98.4 %), 0.72 (95 % CI 0.45–0.98, I2 97.4 %) and 0.90 (95 % CI 0.85–0.94, I2 97.9 %), respectively. All included studies had either a high or unclear risk of bias without significant improvements in applicability. The care-related risk factors for the best performing models were the duration of mechanical ventilation, the length of ICU stay, blood transfusion, nutrition strategy, and the presence of antibiotics. Conclusion A variety of the prediction models, prediction intervals, and prediction windows were identified to facilitate timely diagnosis. In addition, care-related risk factors susceptible for preventive interventions were identified. In future, there is a need for dynamic machine learning models using time-depended predictors in conjunction with feature importance of the models to predict real-time risk of VAP and related outcomes to optimize bundled care

    Opportunities and implications related to future mobile communications

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    This chapter discusses the research, managerial, and policymaking-related future opportunities and implications that stem from the discussions presented in the preceding chapters. With a focus on overarching themes that concern everyone, the paper presents research questions to direct future research, advises managers in themes that may become of increasing interest in future 5G and 6G, and summarizes key concerns for policymaking that should be considered to reach a global 6G and beyond world

    From opportunity to business model:an entrepreneurial action perspective

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    Abstract The purpose of the present study is to theoretically and empirically examine how entrepreneurs create business models to capture opportunities. More specifically, this study focuses on the business model antecedents, in other words, entrepreneurial actions between the moment of opportunity identification and the inception of the functioning business model. By reviewing the extant literature on opportunity and business models, this study develops and argues for an action approach to understanding the business model creation process. Focusing on theory development, this research follows a cyclical process of research-oriented action research, utilizing the diary method. In total, one hundred fifty five diaries were collected and analyzed for the purposes of this research. Four groups of respondents were included: the participants of a start-up accelerator program in Oulu, Finland; the participants of a project carried out at the University of Oulu, Finland; the participants of a venture creation training organized by the Business Model Design Center, Ålborg, Denmark; and two novice entrepreneurial teams based in Helsinki, Finland. This study develops a conceptual model that illustrates how entrepreneurs create business models to capture opportunities. The model suggests that the process of business model creation is a continuous iteration of conceptualizing and contextualizing. Conceptualizing is associated with choices and decisions made under uncertainty, whereas contextualizing is about acting upon these choices and decisions, thereby testing their feasibility and acceptability against perceived reality. Conceptualizing triggers action as entrepreneurs try to actualize the choices and decisions they have made. Conceptualizing and contextualizing mutually support and reinforce each other by means of feedback loops: Changes in opportunity conceptualizations and/or business model conceptualizations necessitate modifications in their contextualization and vice versa. The major contribution of this study lies in addressing what has previously been a mostly neglected area of research and explaining how entrepreneurs create business models to capture opportunities from the action perspective. From the methodological perspective, this study employs a novel combination of action research and the diary method, which allows investigating entrepreneurial actions in their natural setting.Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kuinka yrittäjät luovat liiketoimintamalleja liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia hyödyntääkseen. Erityisesti työssä keskitytään liiketoimintamallien aihioihin, joita yrittäjät työstävät liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien tunnistamisen ja toimivan liiketoimintamallin syntymisen välisenä aikana. Työssä rakennetaan aiempaan liiketoimintamahdollisuus- ja liiketoimintamallitutkimukseen perustuva, yrittäjien päiväkirjoja hyödyntävä toimintatutkimuslähestymistapa, jonka tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä liiketoimintamallien luomisen prosessista sekä teoreettisesta että empiirisestä näkökulmasta. Kaikkiaan tutkimuksessa kerättiin ja analysoitiin 155 päiväkirjaa neljästä eri vastaajaryhmästä: yrityskiihdyttämöstä Oulussa, Oulun yliopiston järjestämässä yrittäjyysprojektissa, Aalborgin yliopiston Business Model Design Centerin järjestämässä yrityksen perustamiskoulutuksessa, ja kahdessa aloittavien yrittäjien tiimissä Helsingissä. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin käsitteellinen malli kuvaamaan kuinka yrittäjät luovat liiketoimintamalleja liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien hyödyntämiseksi. Malli esittää liiketoimintamallin luomisen jatkuvana ja iteratiivisena konseptointina sekä kontekstualisointina. Konseptoinnilla tarkoitetaan tässä yhteydessä yrittäjien epävarmuuden vallitessa tekemiä valintoja ja päätöksiä, kontekstualisoinnilla näiden valintojen ja päätösten mukaisesti toimimista. Konseptualisoinnissa ja kontekstualisoinnissa testataan liiketoimintamalliaihioiden toimivuutta, kannattavuutta ja hyväksyttävyyttä yrittäjien kokemassa todellisuudessa. Konseptointi käynnistää toiminnan, jolla yrittäjät pyrkivät toteuttamaan tekemiään valintoja ja päätöksiä. Konseptointi ja kontekstualisointi vahvistavat ja tukevat toisiaan kaksisuuntaisen palautemekanismin kautta: muutos liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien ja liiketoimintamallien konseptoinnissa aiheuttaa tarpeen muuttaa tapaa, joilla niitä testataan ja toteutetaan käytännössä – samalla käytännön toteutuksessa opittu heijastuu takaisin siihen, miten liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ja liiketoimintamalleja konseptoidaan. Työn pääasiallinen kontribuutio on liiketoimintamallien toimintatutkimuksen alueella. Aiemmassa liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ja liiketoimintamalleja yhdistävässä tutkimuksessa ei ole juurikaan sovellettu toimintatutkimuksellista lähestymistapaa. Työssä onkin kehitetty uusi päiväkirjoihin perustuva toimintatutkimusmenetelmä, joka mahdollistaa yrittäjien toiminnan tutkimisen tilannesidonnaiset tekijät huomioon ottaen. Käytännössä työn tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää uuden yritystoiminnan luomisessa sekä yrittäjien ja yritysten tukemisessa

    Innovation Potential of the Murmansk Region

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    The Finnish-Russian trade relations regardless of the geographical proximity remain underdeveloped. The objective necessity to disseminate information about economic attractiveness and innovation potential of the Murmansk region in the Finnish business environment emanates from the above said. Thus, the object of the thesis project is the cross-boarder economic cooperation between Finnish Lapland and the Murmansk region, the topic being the innovational potential of the Murmansk region. The aim of the thesis project is to evaluate the innovational potential of the Murmansk region and to identify business opportunities for Finnish enterprises on the Kola Peninsula. The multidimensionality of the innovation concept preconditions the choice of the pragmatic philosophical perspective that allows using all approaches available to understand the research problem. Pragmatic orientation underpins the choice of the sequential research methodology. The main outcomes are boiled down to four main conclusions. First, the concept of innovation is perceived and consequently understood differently in Finland and Russia - the Finnish scholars following the European scientific tradition interpret innovation as a process that includes the phases of idea generation, development and commercialization. The Russian business society differentiates between innovation and innovation process and defines the former as a final product. Second, the entrepreneurs of both Finnish Lapland and the Murmansk region agree that the Murmansk region possesses high innovational potential ensuring vast business opportunities. However, the opinions differ concerning the innovational potential of the specific industries. Third, though the Murmansk region possesses high innovational potential, the Lappish entrepreneurs are not motivated to exploit its business opportunities as the Lappish economy is experiencing substantial growth ensuring opportunities in the local market. Forth, to develop its innovational potential the Murmansk region needs multinational companies that can introduce new technology and know-how in financing and marketing opening at the same time international markets for the new products

    Analysis of the trade development strategy:the Murmansk region case

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    Trade between Finland and Russia plays an important role in the economies of both countries. However, lack or insufficiency of relevant information concerning trading procedures in Russia, and in the Murmansk region in particular, frequently hinders the deployment of the existing business opportunities and makes the process of entering the regional market rather complicated demotivating perspective Finnish investors. To address this problem, the current study explores the trade development strategy of the Murmansk region and identifies its influence on the cross-border trade with Finland. This study is designed as a qualitative single-case embedded study. Primary data collection is executed by means of a survey and semi-structured interviews. Secondary data collection entails relevant literature analysis, with journal articles, statistics reports, and official documents among others. The acquired data is analyzed by developing a case description. In this research trade development strategy is understood from the practice theory perspective and is defined as a set of strategic activities initiated by the formal and informal institutions with an aim to positively influence trading. Trade development strategy includes activities related to (1) intelligent growth; (2) trade promotion; (3) infrastructure development; and (4) support for market access and international trade cooperation. This study has revealed that absence of a thoroughly devised international trade development strategy in the Murmansk region does not allow streamlining all the strategizing activities related to the trade development in the region. Accordingly, the activities tend to be uncoordinated and unbalanced. Furthermore, those activities that are implemented are insufficient to cardinally change the situation — either due to the lack of authority or initially low developmental level. As a result, the strategizing episodes that are being currently implemented in the Murmansk region cannot substantially influence or facilitate the international trade between Finland and the Murmansk region. From the theory point of view, this study utilizing practice theory approach contributes to the understanding of the strategy concept as applied to the trade development, sheds light on the structural peculiarities of the trade development strategy, pinpoints the absence of a commonly devised framework for the trade strategy development and develops a single-case trade strategy analysis framework.Venäjän ja Suomen välisellä kaupalla on tärkeä taloudellinen merkitys molemmille maille. Kuitenkin olennaisen tiedon puute Venäjän ja Murmanskin alueen kaupan menettelytavoista estää suomalaisia investoijia hyödyntämästä nykyisiä liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia alueella ja vaikeuttaa yritysten markkinoille pääsyä. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee ”kansainvälisen kaupan edistämisstrategiaa” (trade development strategy) Murmanskin alueella ja sen vaikutusta rajoja ylittävään liiketoimintaan. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena sisällönanalyysina yksittäisestä case-tapauksesta. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty kyselytutkimuksella ja puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla. Lisäksi tietoa on kerätty kirjallisuudesta, lehtiartikkeleista, tilastoista ja virallisista dokumenteista. Tässä tutkimuksessa kansainvälisen kaupan edistämisstrategiaa on tarkasteltu ns. strategy as practice -teorian näkökulmasta, jolloin käsite on määritelty virallisten ja epävirallisten instituutioiden strategisiksi toiminnoiksi, joiden tavoitteena on edistää kaupankäyntiä. Edistämisstrategia sisältää seuraavat toiminnot: 1) osaava kasvu 2) kaupan edistäminen 3) infrastruktuurin kehittäminen ja 4) markkinoille pääsyn tukeminen ja kansainvälisen kaupan yhteistyö. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettei Murmanskin alueella ole huolellisesti suunniteltua kaupan edistämisstrategiaa, mistä syystä kaupan edistämiseen liittyviä toimintoja ei ole virtaviivaistettu. Toiminnot ovat koordinoimattomia ja epätasapainossa. Lisäksi jo toteutetut toiminnot ovat riittämättömiä muuttamaan merkittävästi tilannetta joko johtuen määräysvallan puutteesta tai alhaisesta kehitystasosta. Tuloksena voidaan todeta, että Murmanskin alueella toteutettavat strategiset tapahtumat eivät voi olennaisesti vaikuttaa tai edistää kansainvälistä kauppaa Murmanskin alueen ja Suomen välillä. Teoreettisesta näkökulmasta tämä tutkimus hyödyntää practice-teoriaa ja lisää strategia-käsitteen parempaa ymmärtämistä ja soveltamista kansainvälisen kaupan edistämisstrategiaan, minkä rakenteellisia erityispiirteitä työ valottaa. Tutkimus korostaa, ettei tälle strategialle ole yleisesti suunniteltua viitekehystä. Tässä työssä onkin kehitetty viitekehys kaupan edistämisstrategian analysointiin yksittäistapauksessa

    Business Model Mechanisms for Overcoming the Liability of Platformization in International Digital Platform Firms

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    While the extant research recognizes that digital platforms not only enable internationalization but can also hinder the process, the prior studies do not address how firms can overcome these hindrances. We describe these as the liabilities of platformization, and explore the mechanisms by which to overcome them and thereby support the internationalization process. We conduct a multiple-case study of six international firms from Finland, whose business models are based on digital platforms. Our findings distinguish three facets that constitute a more general aggregate of the liability of platformization, namely the liabilities of digital space, control loss, and user-network outsidership. Consequently, we propose three respective mechanisms that enable firms to tackle these liabilities: digital platform customization, digital platform personalization, and establishing a local presence. Our study contributes to the emerging research on business models in an international context.©2021 Routledge. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in Sustainable International Business Models in a Digitally Transforming World on 3 March 2022, available online: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003195986fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Effectual Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems : Exploring Dynamic and Structural Factors of Emergence

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    The notion of effectual networks is one of the central concepts in the effectuation research. However, there has been little conceptual and empirical work on how they emerge and what structures they have. This article incorporates the concept of complex adaptive systems from complexity theory to understand both their dynamic and structural elements. We examine the effectual networks and networking of ten startups from Finland and offer a process-system model of effectual networks. We derive propositions that connect dynamic and structural entrepreneur-related factors of their emergence and outline directions for future research at the intersection of effectuation and complexity theory.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed