5,164 research outputs found
Analisis Pemahaman Masyarakat Mengenai Mekanisme Pembiayaan Bank Syariah di PT Bank SUMUT Syariah CAPEM HM YAMIN
In terms of progress and development, Islamic banking which implements a profit-sharing system runs side by side with conventional banking which applies an interest system. The problem that occurs in Islamic banks is the low public understanding of Islamic banking, especially caused by the large number of conventional banks so that Islamic banking is still underestimated. The purpose of this study is to find out how people's understanding of Islamic banking at PT. Bank Sumut Syariah Capem HM Yamin. From the research results by conducting interviews with 11 customers of PT. Bank Sumut Syariah Capem HM Yamin which has been carried out by the author, as many as 7 customers have understood the mechanism of Islamic bank financing and 4 customers have not understood the mechanism of Islamic bank financing, it can be concluded that public understanding of Islamic bank financing at Bank Sumut Capem HM Yamin has started to expand. Even so, it is still necessary to expand the information obtained by the public from Islamic banks, both through socialization and education, as well as through media such as television, print media and social media so that people's understanding of Islamic bank financing can be comprehensive.
Kontribusi Usaha Mikro Kecil, Dan Menengah (Umkm) Terhadap Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Besar Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam
MSMEs are self-sufficient economies that are completed by individuals or business elements that are not assistants or part of an organization that is claimed, controlled or part of, either directly or by implication from an organization that is claimed, controlled, controlled or part of either directly or indirectly. directly or by implication from mini, medium, or large organizations. At present the development of private companies is very rapid in the public sphere, in line with the encouragement of innovation and a large market interest in certain types of goods, for example palm oil which will be processed into value-added products. This type of check is a graphic check. While the various information procedures underline perceptions and opinion polls. In this audit strategy, the information used is information reduction, information presentation and decision making. Oil palm specialist MSME located in Sungai Badak City, Mesuji Region The Mesuji regime plays an important role for the community represented by the production of a new position with the presence of oil palm specialist MSME respondents facing a salary increase so they can fulfill their family needs such as food, welfare and protection moreover , instructive survival of their children
Background: Adolescence is a transition from children to adulthood, where changes occur, namely physical or biological changes and psychological changes, this will cause turmoil in every teenager which causes deviant behavior, for example uncontrolled sexual behavior resulting in teenage pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors associated with teenage pregnancy in Sumberanyar Village, Wongsorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency in 2023. Method: quantitative research using a cross sectional design. The sample was adolescents who were pregnant, adolescents who were notpregnant, adolescents who had given birth, and adolescents who had been pregnant, taken by using nonprobality sampling in the form of purposive sampling with a total of 69 respondents. The research data were analyzed using the Chi Square test. Results: The results of the Chi Square test show that the factors that are significantly associated with teenage pregnancy are adolescent knowledge (p=0.007), attitudes towards teenage pregnancy (p=0.005), the role of parents (p=0.006) while the role of peers (p=0.224) is a factor that is not associated with the incidence of teenage pregnancy
ATIKA.The Difference of Learning Outcomes Between Using Of Monopoly
Game and Schoolbook Learning Media In Productive Accounting Lesson Students
Of Class X Of Accounting Major In SMK Negeri 8 Jakarta. Script, Jakarta:
Economic and Administration Major, Faculty of Economic, State University of
Jakarta. 2013.
The purpose of this research is to determine whether there is a significant
difference of learning outcomes between students that using monopoly game
learning media and schoolbook media in Accounting Major of SMK Negeri 8
Jakarta. This research was carried out for two months, started from February
until March 2013.
Hypotesis of this research is: “there is a significant difference of learning
outcomes between students that using monopoly game learning media and
schoolbook media”. The research method that be used is experimental methode
The research population are class X students in Accounting Major of SMK Negeri
8 Jakarta. The sampling technique is random sampling with sample by the
number of 51 students.
Prerequirement Analisys test had been done before Hypotesis test, those are
normallity test and homogenity test. Normallity test is counted by using Liliefors
test. For students that using monopoly game learning media (class of X AK 2) is
obtained L
(0,1096) < L
(0,1772), and for students that using schoolbook
learning media (class of X AK 3) is obtained L
(0,1669) < L
(0,1738). It
means both samples come from normally distributed population. Homogenity
variance test is done with using F-Test with comparing F
and F
then it is
obtained that the variance of data are homogen. Because F
(1,97) therefore Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. It shows that the variance of
both samples are homogen. Hypotesis test is done with using T-Test where the
result is t
(1,91) > t
(1,68) therefore zero hypotesis (Ho) is rejected. It
means there is difference of learning outcomes between students that using
monopoly game learning media and schoolbook media. From those research
above, researcher make a conclusion that : “There Is Difference of Learning
Outcomes Between Using Of Monopoly Game and Schoolbook Learning Media In
Productive Accounting Lesson Students Of Class X Of Accounting Major In SMK
Negeri 8 Jakarta.
Analisa Perbandingan Ekonomi Moneter Islam Dan Ekonomi Moneter Konvensional Di Indonesia
Bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh Permintaan uang Islam, Permintaan uang konvensional, bagi hasil, suku bunga terhadap PDB dan Inflasi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data time series tahun 2001-2011 dari BPS Indonesia dan Bank Indonesia, Untuk analisa data digunakan Metode VAR (Vector Autoregression) dengan menggunakan program Software Eviews. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai R2 persamaan PDB sebesar 0,969, maka variabel dependen dapat dijelaskan dengan baik dari variabel independennya sebesar 96,9% sedangkan sisanya 3,1% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain diluar model. Sedangkan R2 persamaan Inflasi diperoleh sebesar 0,900, maka variabel dependen dapat menjelaskan dengan baik dari variabel independennya sebesar 90% sedangkan sisanya 10% dijelaskan oleh faktor lain diluar model. Pada analisis variance decomposition dapat dilihat bahwa PYDK mencapai titik keseimbangan terhadap PDB pada periode ke-16 dan suku bunga mencapai titik keseimbangan terhadap PDB pada periode ke-15. Sedangkan PYDS mampu mencapai titik keseimbangan terhadap PDB pada periode ke-13 dan bagi hasil mampu mencapai titik keseimbangan pada periode ke-15. Dari perhitungan yang diperoleh terbukti bahwa Permintaan Uang dalam Islam (PYDS) dan Permintaan Uang Konvensional (PYDK) mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Inflasi, yang berarti setiap peningkatan suku bunga dan bagi hasil akan meningkatkan inflasi. Permintaan uang Islam (PYDS) dan Permintaan Uang Konvensional (PYDK) tidak berpengaruh terhadap PDB
This study aims to determine how the calculation of the profit sharing system mudharabah savings program in an independent Islamic bank and whether the application of Islamic accounting in the profit sharing system mudharabah savings program in an independent Islamic bank is in accordance with the principles of Islamic accounting (PSAK 105). The approach used in this research is descriptive approach. The results showed that Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Medan uses the profit sharing method in the profit sharing principle of mudharabah financing, where operating income is reduced by operating expenses to obtain the operating income. Penalties imposed on customers are recognized by Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Medan as non-operational income and is used for social funds. Revenue sharing is seen as meeting the definition of income. The reason is that revenue-sharing income is income that gives the addition of assets in the form of cash which is the inflow that comes from profit sharing mudharabah financing can increase the profit / profit of Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Medan. The accounting treatment of revenue (profit sharing) mudharabah financing implemented by Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Medan, in accordance with PSAK No. 105 concerning Mudharabah Accounting
Pemberian Fasilitas Kredit Bank dengan Jaminan Deposito Berjangka
Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisa secara yuridis mengenai pelaksanaan pengikatanjaminan deposito berjangka sebagai jaminan fasilitas kreditdan untuk mengetahui cara eksekusi terhadapjaminandeposito berjangka yang diikat dengan gadai, apabila debitor wanprestasi.Penulisan ini menggunakanmetode pendekatan yuridis normatif sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa:pelaksanaan pengikatan jaminangadai deposito berjangka dilakukan dengan lima tahapan yaitu: perjanjian kredit sebagai perjanjian pokok,pemberian jaminan deposito dilakukan dengan pembuatan akta perjanjian gadai, penyerahan bilyet depositoberjangka, pemberi gadai memberikan kuasa kepada pemegang gadai untuk melakukan pencairan depositoberjangka,apabila debitur wanprestasi kemudian pemblokiran atas deposito berjangka tersebut, daneksekusiterhadap jaminan deposito berjangka yang diikat gadai dengan menggunakan Surat Kuasa dari Pemberi gadaikepada bank untuk mencairkan deposito berjangka milik debitor yang diserahkan kepada penerima gadai(kreditur)
This research aims to determine the influence of transformational leadership on innovative behavior through psychological empowerment as a mediation variable. This study used quantitative methods. The data collected by interviews and questionnaires. The samples were taken using a saturated model from 42 responden of student association of Islamic Education Management Study Program, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The data were analyzed using descriptive, regression, and path analysis. The results showed that transformational leadership significantly influenced students' innovative behavior directly or mediated by psychological empowerment variables. The resulting impact of pathway coefficients on psychological empowerment has a considerable effect on the innovative behavior of students with a p-values value of 0.003 < from 0.05; transformational leadership has a substantial impact on innovative behavior through psychological empowerment with a p-values value of 0,000 > 0.05. It shows that improving students' innovative behavior can be achieved with transformational leadership roles through psychological empowerment variable in student association of Islamic Education Management Study Program, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. The association of students are expected to pay attention to students needs and activities, create a comfortable organizational environment to optimizing student activities
Acts or criminal acts that have recently occurred both among the general public and adolescents in the lecture environment and must be accounted for in accordance with the principle of legality, namely one of the immoral crimes. There are various kinds of immoral crimes, one of which is immoral acts in boarding houses and lodging. This is not an open secret among the public, but there are many teenagers who do it. Obscene acts committed by a pair of humans outside of a legal marriage relationship, it can be said to be adultery. The research method used is the field type method, namely Empirical Jurisdiction by using data collection techniques through field research (Field Research). The results of the research revealed that violators could be subject to punishment based on article 9 of Palembang City Regional Regulation number 2 of 2004 concerning the eradication of prostitution. According to Islamic Criminal Law, the punishment for violators of obscene acts is jarimah fornication. Adultery is divided into two, namely adultery muhsan, given the punishment of stoning and stoned to death, while fornication ghairu muhsan, given a hundred lashes and exiled to a place far from the population.
Keywords: Optimization, Civil Service Police Unit, Nasty Raids Operation
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