206 research outputs found

    Designing and specifying mobility within the multiagent systems engineering methodology

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    Recently, researchers have created many platforms and applications for mobile agents; however, current Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) methodologies have yet not fully integrated the unique properties of these mobile agents. This paper attempts to bridge the gap between current AOSE methodologies and mobile agent systems by incorporating mobility into the established Multiagent Systems Engineering (MaSE) methodology. We accomplished this by adding a move command to the MaSE analysis models and then defined the required transformations to incorporate the required functionality into the design. Finally, we translated the design models into Java-based agents that operate within a mobile agent environment. 1

    Death and the process of dying in buddhism

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    Las creencias religiosas pueden influir en la manera en que la persona próxima a la muerte y sus allegados asumen el proceso de morir. En la tradición budista, la muerte física es un momento de suma importancia que supone la transición de una existencia a otra. La meditación representa una herramienta fundamental que ayuda a entrenar la mente y el cuerpo en el cultivo de la sabiduría que permitirá la eliminación del karma y conducirá a la persona a la eventual liberación total del ciclo de nacimientos y renacimientos o samsara. El sincretismo que la tradición budista tiene con otros credos se puede ver reflejado en las diversas creencias escatológicas de las diferentes escuelas, así como en las prácticas funerarias y en la expresión del duelo, productos del folklore de cada región en donde el Budismo se ha expandido. La conciencia de la transitoriedad de la vida ha sido expresada a través de diversas manifestaciones artísticas y conceptuales que en la actualidad son utilizadas en apoyo a las personas en el proceso de morir.The religious beliefs could influence the way a person approaches death and their relatives assume such process. In Buddhism tradition, physical death is a moment of supreme importance that supposes the transition of one existence to another. Meditation represents a fundamental tool that helps training mind and body in the pursuit of wisdom that will extinct karma and lead the person to a total liberation of the cycle of births and re-births or samsara. The syncretism that Buddhist tradition has with other faiths can be seen in the various eschatological beliefs from different schools, as well as burial practices and the expression of grief emerging from the folklore of each region where Buddhism has spread. The awareness of the transience of life has been expressed through various artistic and conceptual manifestations which are currently used to support the process of dying.Depto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialInstituto Universitario de Ciencias de las ReligionesFac. de PsicologíaFac. de FilologíaTRUEsubmitte

    Uji Kuat Tekan dan Keausan Bahan Kampas Rem dari Komposisi Tempurung Kemiri dan Serat Bambu

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    Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah kelima sampel memiliki nilai keausan yang lebih rendah dari pasaran tetapi hanya sampe l4 dengan komposisi 15% serbuk tempurung kemiri,30% serat bambu,15% serbuka luminium dan 40% polyesterresin yang direkomendasikan sebagai bahanal ternatif kampas rem sebab kekerasannya mendekati kekerasan bahan kampas rem pasaran yaitu 13,5 BHN dan keausannya yaitu 2,96x10-6mm2/kg

    Chronicles of Oklahoma

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    Article describes pioneer woman Annette Blackburn Ehler and her contributions to Oklahoma history through the Oklahoma Historical Society and Oklahoma Memorial Association. Athie Sale Davis discusses her work creating the Pat Hennessey Memorial Garden and the contents of her writings

    Gallstone Ileus: Clinical Presentation of a Benign Mechanical Intestinal Obstruction

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    Gallstone ileus is a rare cause of small bowel obstruction which usually presents in elderly female patients and which has been associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. We present the case of a 63-year-old man who presented at our institution with symptoms of bowel obstruction. Abdominal X-ray and exploratory laparotomy revealed a large gallstone in the terminal ileus

    Moda, sustentabilidade e economia circular: um plano de ação no âmbito do “Blue Circular Post branding Project”

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    O presente trabalho de pesquisa tem como propósito, o desenvolvimento de um projeto de comunicação visual, visando a criação de etiquetas rastreáveis para a indústria da moda, que ofereçam ao consumidor informações como, composição do produto e sua percentagem de incorporação de plásticos retirados do oceano, origem geográfica desse material e ainda, a data de retirada do ambiente marítimo, para além do mapeamento dos processos pelos quais o artigo foi sujeito. Este trabalho, pressupõe contribuir para um outro projeto de I&D em curso na UNIDCOM/IADE – Unidade de Investigação em Design e Comunicação, denominado por “Blue Circular Post Branding Project”, que visa a partir da recolha de lixo marinho (plásticos e redes de pesca), reincorporar esses materiais na indústria transformadora e poder produzir novos artigos com impacto ambiental, social, visual e de consumo consciente. O trabalho enquadra teorias da economia circular relacionada ao design, explora questões da sustentabilidade ambiental, social e econômica, também com intenção de, a partir desses conceitos, identificar cenários de greenwashing que sejam mais transparentes, através da sua rastreabilidade.The present research work has as purpose, the development of a visual communication project, aiming the creation of traceable labels for the fashion industry, which offer the consumer information such as, product composition and its percentage of incorporation of plastics taken from the ocean, geographical origin of this material and also, the date of withdrawal from the maritime environment, in addition to the mapping of the processes by which the article was subjected. This work, assumes to contribute to another ongoing R&D project at UNIDCOM/IADE - Research Unit in Design and Communication, called "Blue Circular Post Branding Project", which aims from the collection of marine debris (plastics and fishing nets), reincorporate these materials in the manufacturing industry and be able to produce new articles with environmental impact, social, visual and conscious consumption. The work frames theories of circular economy related to design, explores issues of environmental, social and economic sustainability, also with the intention of, from these concepts, identify greenwashing scenarios that are more transparent, through their traceability


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    Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência da discente durante o período enquanto monitora da disciplina de Bioestatística I, para o curso de Saúde Coletiva. Neste sentido, a monitoria acadêmica apresenta diversos benefícios aos alunos, visto que é um instrumento para a melhoria do ensino. Trata-se de um relato de experiência da vivência discente como monitora. Contatou-se que houve uma pequena procura dos alunos às atividades de monitoria, o que pode ter influenciado no baixo desempenho dos alunos na disciplina, apesar de tal rendimento depender de fatores como a consolidação de conceitos anteriores à disciplina, o gerenciamento do tempo de dedicação do aluno à disciplina, facilidade com os tópicos abordados, dentre outros. Ainda assim, a monitoria se mostra importante no aprendizado de bioestatística, já que possibilita uma ferramenta complementar ao aprendizado do aluno, pois se tratando de disciplina com ampla carga horária e conteúdo, ainda exige conhecimento prévio de fundamentos de matemática e compreensão textual, que podem ser aprimorados durante as atividades de monitoria, otimizando-se os horários de aula para apresentação dos conteúdos específicos da disciplina

    La Bajenu Gox actrice de mobilisation sociale et de transformation des normes sociales d’inégalités de genre pour une utilisation des services de santé maternelle, infantile et des adolescent-es au Sénégal

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    La mortalité maternelle et néonatale reste la plus grande disparité en matière de santé entre les pays à faible revenu et ceux à revenu élevé. Pour parvenir à améliorer la santé maternelle et infantile, il est important de prendre en compte les dimensions culturelles et de genre. Nous avons étudié le rôle des Bajenu Gox (BGs) dans la réduction de la mortalité maternelle et infantile par la mobilisation sociale et la transformation sociale au Sénégal. Des données quantitatives et qualitatives sur le genre et la santé ont été collectées à Dakar, Louga, Fatick et Kaolack, aux niveaux individuel, familial, communautaire et institutionnel selon une approche participative et inclusive. Les données ont été collectées auprès des autorités et des professionnels de santé (infirmiers en chef, sages-femmes), des familles et de la communauté (femmes enceintes, femmes allaitantes, enfants et adolescents, beaux-pères et belles-mères, maris, imams, prêtres,). Les résultats ont montré que les BG interviennent à trois niveaux : les bénéficiaires, les gardiens des us et coutumes ou des décisions, et les gardiens des obligations morales ou des décisions. Les BG ont amélioré les indicateurs de santé. De nombreux femmes, enfants et jeunes filles sont maintenant référés aux structures appropriées pour les soins prénataux et postnataux, le planning familial, la vaccination. En conclusion, les BG ont développé des méthodes efficaces de mobilisation sociale pour promouvoir la SMNI. Les BG sont des agents potentiels de transformation des normes sociales et de genre.   Maternal and new-born mortality remains the greatest existing disparity in health between low-income and high-income countries. To achieve improvement in maternal and child health, it is important to consider cultural and gender dimensions. We studied the role of Bajenu Gox women (BGs) in reducing maternal and child mortality through social mobilization and social transformation in Senegal. Quantitative and qualitative data on gender and health were collected in Dakar, Louga, Fatick and Kaolack, at the individual, family, community and institutional levels using semi-structured interviews, focus groups and community dialogues based on a participatory and inclusive approach. Data were collected from authorities and professionals working in the health sector (head nurses, midwives, Health Committee (CS), and family and community members who are directly concerned or have authority on the patient (pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children and adolescents, mothers and father’s in-law, husbands, imams, priests). Results of our research showed that BGs intervene at three levels - beneficiaries, custodians of habits and customs or decisions, and custodians of moral obligations or decisions. The BGs contribute in the improvement of the main health outcomes, in particular: antenatal care, postnatal care for mothers and their children. Plus, many women and girls are now being referred to the appropriate structures for ante-and post-natal visits, family planning, etc. In conclusion, BGs have developed efficient methods of social mobilization to promote MCH, and BGs’are potential social and gender norms’ transforming agent

    Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Blood-based Liquid Biopsies to Inform Clinical Decision-making in Prostate Cancer

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    ADN tumoral circulant; Medicina de precisió; Càncer de pròstataADN tumoral circulante; Medicina de precisión; Cáncer de próstataCirculating tumor DNA; Precision medicine; Prostate cancerContext Genomic stratification can impact prostate cancer (PC) care through diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive biomarkers that aid in clinical decision-making. The temporal and spatial genomic heterogeneity of PC together with the challenges of acquiring metastatic tissue biopsies hinder implementation of tissue-based molecular profiling in routine clinical practice. Blood-based liquid biopsies are an attractive, minimally invasive alternative. Objective To review the clinical value of blood-based liquid biopsy assays in PC and identify potential applications to accelerate the development of precision medicine. Evidence acquisition A systematic review of PubMed/MEDLINE was performed to identify relevant literature on blood-based circulating tumor cells (CTCs), circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), and extracellular vesicles (EVs) in PC. Evidence synthesis Liquid biopsy has emerged as a practical tool to profile tumor dynamics over time, elucidating features that evolve (genome, epigenome, transcriptome, and proteome) with tumor progression. Liquid biopsy tests encompass analysis of DNA, RNA, and proteins that can be detected in CTCs, ctDNA, or EVs. Blood-based liquid biopsies have demonstrated promise in the context of localized tumors (diagnostic signatures, risk stratification, and disease monitoring) and advanced disease (response/resistance biomarkers and prognostic markers). Conclusions Liquid biopsies have value as a source of prognostic, predictive, and response biomarkers in PC. Most clinical applications have been developed in the advanced metastatic setting, where CTC and ctDNA yields are significantly higher. However, standardization of assays and analytical/clinical validation is necessary prior to clinical implementation