1,158 research outputs found

    Original Effective, Safe Technique of Obtaining Platelet Rich Plasma by Centrifugation of the Blood Plasma in Modified Syringe Containers

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    The aim: to develop, substantiate an effective and safe technology for producing PRP (platelet rich plasma). To quantify the substrate based on the recommended centrifugation protocols.Materials and methods: the effectiveness of the original harvesting protocol was evaluated by quantifying the number of platelets. The proposed technique is formed basing on the basic principles of double centrifugation of whole blood in test tubes with anticoagulant, separation with the release of a plasma layer with a high content of platelets.The centrifuging mode for quantifying the effectiveness of the substrate was selected according to recommendations based on a study confirming maximum efficiency (160g×10min + 250g×15min).For quantitative evaluation, blood was collected from 10 healthy volunteers (7 men, 3 women) with an average age of 26.0±2.6, and centrifuged in standard mode. Quantitative evaluation of platelets of whole blood and the obtained PRP substrate was carried out with a semi-automatic analyzer.Results: the proposed technique is based on the use as a container for centrifuging a syringe with a LuerLock design, which is hermetically sealed with a congruent plug, adapted by the external size of the centrifuge rotor bowl. Phase selection after centrifugation was performed by aspiration of the syringe contents after centrifugation is performed through a three-way valve. The substrate was obtained by repeated centrifugation of the contents, which allows obtaining a variable volume and platelet concentration in PRP. The amount of platelets (PLT) of whole blood is 227.0±57.0 thousand per ml. PLT PRP 945.0±279.0 thousand per ml.Conclusions: the proposed method of separation of whole blood with the release of the platelet rich plasma demonstrates high efficiency, which corresponds to the level of increasing the number of platelets in reducing the volume at the level of the best ready-made solutions.The equipment is economical and does not require highly specialized equipment and consumables. The proposed technique provides a wide choice to the performer in the received volume of the substrate

    Precision mass measurements for studies of nucleosynthesis via the rapid neutron-capture process

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    Although the theory for the rapid neutron-capture process (r-process) was developed more than 55 years ago, the astrophysical site is still under a debate. Theoretical studies predict that the r-process path proceeds through very neutron-rich nuclei with very asymmetric protonto-neutron ratios. Knowledge about the properties of neutron-rich isotopes found in similarregions of the nuclear chart and furthermore suitable for r-process studies is still little or evennot existing. The basic nuclear properties such as binding energies, half-lives, neutron-inducedor neutron-capture reaction cross-sections, play an important role in theoretical simulations andcan vary or even drastically alternate results of these studies. Therefore, a considerable effortwas put forward to access neutron-rich isotopes at radioactive ion-beam facilities like ISOLDE at CERN. The goal of this PhD thesis is to describe the experimental work done for the precision mass measurements of neutron-rich cadmium (129-131Cd) and caesium (132,146-148Cs) isotopes. Measurements were done at the on-line radioactive ion-beam facility ISOLDE by using the fourtrap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The cadmium isotopes are key nuclides for the synthesis of stable isotopes around the mass peak A = 130 in the Solar System abundance

    Use of platelets rich plasma as a factor of the reduction of the risk of early postoperative complications in patients with postoperative ventral hernias

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    Non-tensioned allohernioplasty with a polypropylene mesh implant has several disadvantages associated with the local occurrence of non-specifc long-lasting inflammatory reactions in response to a foreign body. Excessive exudation in the implantation zone leads to the formation of seromas, requiring puncture aspiration, which signifcantly increases the treatment time. In the longterm, chronic prolonged inflammatory process leads to the formation of coarse connective tissue, which explains the development of biomechanical complications. Growth factors, introduced by platelet rich plasma (PRP), stimulate the release of regenerative cytokines, reduce local inflammatory manifestations in the integration of homoplastic grafts and reduce the incidence of postoperative complications. Aim: through the use of plasma enriched with platelets reduce the severity of early postoperative complications in patients with postoperative ventral hernias. A clinical study was performed in the surgical department of the center for reconstructive and restorative medicine (university clinic) of the Odessa National Medical University (ONMedU) in the period from 2013 to 2019: 84 patients were operated because of postoperative ventral hernia. The average age of patients was 60.1±7.6 years. The size of hernial defects was on average 8.2 cm. The average BMI was 31.8 kg/m2. According to indications, patients underwent a standard surgical extent of intervention: hernia repair, allohernioplasty of the anterior abdominal wall with a lightweight (80 g/m2) polypropylene implant. After the plastics of the main group, a prosthesis implantation zone was infltrated with activated autologous PRP, which was prepared by double centrifugation, in a volume of 14–38 ml. There was a control group in which PRP infltration was not performed. The cavity above the mesh implant was actively drained by Redon for 2–4 days. An ultrasound examination was performed and, if necessary, fne needle aspiration of serous fluid over the mesh was done. The evaluation of the postoperative period (up to 28 days) in patients of both groups. In none of the cases were manifestations of allergic, pyrogenic, local inflammatory or infectious complications. According to the quantitative assessment of early postoperative complications as well as the assessment of the degree of pain syndrome subjectively, according to VAS, the postoperative period in the main and control study groups was almost identical. The need for puncture aspirations and the total volume of discharge was signifcantly less in the main study group. The dependence of the severity of the effect of the proposed technology on such factors as the size of the hernial defect, the nature of plastics, and body mass index was noted. The greatest effcacy was demonstrated in the group of patients undergoing plastic surgery with the placement of a mesh implant in direct contact with subcutaneous fatty tissue for large-sized hernias (W2+) in the presence of concomitant obesity

    Estimation of the effect of platelet rich plasma products in the integration of polypropylene mesh implant in biological tissues. experimental model in rats

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    The aim of the research is to determine morphological changes in the area of implantation of the polypropylene mesh implant and to determine the effect on the integration of the prosthesis of locally introduced adipose tissue and platelet rich plasma. The experiment was performed on 36 sexually mature males of the Wistar line rats. The experiment simulated, studied and quantifed local morphological responses and changes in developing in biological tissues that are in contact with implanted highly porous lightweight (80 g/m2) mesh implant in isolation and also in conditions of local administration of fatty graft and platelet rich plasma. Assuming introduction of adipose tissue and platelet rich plasma in the zone of integration of mesh alloprosthesis under the influence of introduced regenerative cytokines as well as stromal stem cells activated by them there is an earlier activation of regenerative processes, enhanced angiogenesis which determines the optimal nature of the integration of the prosthesis with the formation of thin collagen fbers in more early terms minimizing excess peri-prosthetic fbrosis. Isolated introduction into the implantation zone of fatty suspension determines similar changes that have a slightly less pronounced character. These changes are quantitatively studied and the results obtained are statistically signifcant. Applying a fatty graft together with platelet rich plasma in the area of implantation of the lung polypropylene prosthesis, there was an accelerated tissue reaction from the integration of the prosthesis. Mesenchymal stem cells of adipose tissue that is a target for plasma cytokines enriched with thrombocytes have a more pronounced effect in stimulating reparative processes provided that they are simultaneously administered with PRP compared with isolated administration without PRP. The use of platelet rich plasma and adipose tissue design has a signifcant positive effect on local angiogenesis. Under conditions of improved angiogenesis and other stimulating factors in the conditions of introduction of adipose tissue and PRP, the integration of the prosthesis occurs with signifcantly lower peri-prosthetic fbrosis


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    Evaluation of centrifuging regimes for the purpose of optimizing the platelet rich plasma harvesting protocol

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    Aim: Based on the classical principles, to determine the optimal conditions for centrifugation, PRP harvesing (platelet-rich plasma). To conduct a quantitative assessment of the substrate obtained under different conditions of centrifugation. Based on the basic principles of obtaining platelet-rich plasma (PRP) by centrifuging in containers with an anticoagulant followed by phase separation to obtain the fnal substrate, the effciency of the technique under the conditions of single and double centrifugation as well as under different conditions of acceleration and centrifugation was evaluated. Blood for follow-up was collected from 20 healthy volunteers (11 men, 9 women) average 25.3±4.1 in syringes of LuerLock design with ACD-A anticoagulant solution, and centrifuged. Centrifugation was carried out under controlled conditions using a centrifuge with rotating bowls of the rotor. Centrifugation was performed at an acceleration of 100–400 g in time intervals up to 20 minutes. Activation of the substrate was performed with calcium chloride solution. Quantitative evaluation of platelets of whole blood and the fnal substrate of PRP was carried out with a semi-automatic analyzer. The obtained results demonstrate the maximum level of harvesting effciency when performing double centrifugation in the 150g × 15 min+250g × 10 min mode. Subject to this centrifugation protocol, it is possible to obtain a substrate that complies with the standardized requirements for PRP. The maximum level of an increase in the number of platelets in the substrate in comparison with whole blood is determined at the level of ×4.36 with concentration (volume reduction) ×5 in comparison with the volume of whole blood. This study demonstrated the advantage of double centrifuging modes over single modes. According to the results of the study, it was possible to determine the conditions for an optimal double-centrifugation mode (acceleration and duration), which allows us to achieve the most effcient concentration of the substrate

    Risk Factors of Central Venous Catheter Related Infections in Intensive Care Patients

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    2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62P10.This study investigates the incidence of and risk factors for Central Venous Catheter (CVC) infection in intensive care patients of Military Medical Academy in Sofia. CVCs were prospectively studied in patients who had lines inserted in general or neurosurgical intensive care and were expected to have the line in situ for at least 7 days. Catheters were cultured for CVC related infections and blood culture done when indicated. In 29% there is a CVC related infection and in 24.26% - a CVC related sepsis. After adjustment of duration of catheterization, independent predictors of CVC related infections were type of catheter, insertion site, sex, and Acute Physiology Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE). Multivariate discriminant analysis was used in order to find out significantly important factors for CVC infection an sepsis. The variables entered into the model were those found to be statistically significant (p ¡ 0.005) on multivariate analysis. The criterion for entering a variable into the model was the values of Mahalanobis statistics and the corresponding values of F-statistics [11]. The software package use for statistical analysis was STATISTIKA 5.0.Partially supported by Mathind IST-2000-26015 and by Pro-enbis GTC1-2001-43031

    Memory Augmented Control Networks

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    Planning problems in partially observable environments cannot be solved directly with convolutional networks and require some form of memory. But, even memory networks with sophisticated addressing schemes are unable to learn intelligent reasoning satisfactorily due to the complexity of simultaneously learning to access memory and plan. To mitigate these challenges we introduce the Memory Augmented Control Network (MACN). The proposed network architecture consists of three main parts. The first part uses convolutions to extract features and the second part uses a neural network-based planning module to pre-plan in the environment. The third part uses a network controller that learns to store those specific instances of past information that are necessary for planning. The performance of the network is evaluated in discrete grid world environments for path planning in the presence of simple and complex obstacles. We show that our network learns to plan and can generalize to new environments

    End-to-End Navigation in Unknown Environments using Neural Networks

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    We investigate how a neural network can learn perception actions loops for navigation in unknown environments. Specifically, we consider how to learn to navigate in environments populated with cul-de-sacs that represent convex local minima that the robot could fall into instead of finding a set of feasible actions that take it to the goal. Traditional methods rely on maintaining a global map to solve the problem of over coming a long cul-de-sac. However, due to errors induced from local and global drift, it is highly challenging to maintain such a map for long periods of time. One way to mitigate this problem is by using learning techniques that do not rely on hand engineered map representations and instead output appropriate control policies directly from their sensory input. We first demonstrate that such a problem cannot be solved directly by deep reinforcement learning due to the sparse reward structure of the environment. Further, we demonstrate that deep supervised learning also cannot be used directly to solve this problem. We then investigate network models that offer a combination of reinforcement learning and supervised learning and highlight the significance of adding fully differentiable memory units to such networks. We evaluate our networks on their ability to generalize to new environments and show that adding memory to such networks offers huge jumps in performanceComment: Workshop on Learning Perception and Control for Autonomous Flight: Safety, Memory and Efficiency, Robotics Science and Systems 201
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